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  1. How long will you be waiting for the fulfillment of this word? If 10 years from now this has not happened, will you still hang on to his prophecy? As for, "wait on the Lord" and the rest - what does this mean in light of the impending doom? Doom is coming, wait and be patient. What is the Holy Spirit telling you through this? As long as it takes. This is happening during the time of the great 7 year tribulation. The Bible says it starts when the antichrist brokers a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the surrounding nations and only God knows when that is. The Lord says in the Bible no one knows the day or the hour but he says we will know the season even when it's knocking on the door. I hear the knocking so I know it is close. Impending doom? Yes, for the world and for the sinners, but not for Gods people, we are not destined for doom. And even though this world will be purged by fire, it will be restored to like it was in the garden of eden when our Lord Jesus returns. The Holy Spirit is telling me to trust in the Lord with all my heart and all my mind and with all my strength and he will never forsake me.
  2. "Behold! The anger of The Lord shall increase by measure, until every foundation is broken up from beneath!... Until the face of the earth is once again without form! For I shall level the hills and cast down every tall mountain! Yea, I shall burn the cities with fire! Even the elements shall melt with fervent heat! Behold! Even the heavens shall be dissolved, when the fierceness of My wrath has come to the full!... When the heat of My countenance sets the whole world ablaze!" If this word was spoken/written 100 years ago, it would be fitting for what Europe experienced in WW I. If it were given in the early 1940's, it would be fitting to what happened to Hiroshema and Nagasake. What does it mean today? Should we expect the Yellowstone cauldera to erupt? An asteroid or comet to hit our planet? An atomic war? But even if the manifestation matters, what is one supposed to do with this word? "Therefore thus says The Lord, to all those who have heard with their ears and have seen with their eyes, who have understood with their hearts, who have recognized those I have sent and the Word given them: Wait upon Me, with all trust and fear. Stand steadfast and be patient, accepting My words as I have spoken them and as they are written. Do not add to My words, nor take from them; neither form for yourselves any private interpretation... Only give heed to My words, and also do them, and prepare. I am The Lord." OK, I can pull these words out of the Bible myself. If I had 10-15 minutes, I could actually type out the direct Scripture quotes each sentence proclaims or paraphrases. What makes this Rhema? "the whole world ablaze!" None of the first 2 examples fit because as bad as they were they were localized. What does it mean? It means what it says. The whole world will be set ablaze, so I imagine it could be a combination of all of what you mentioned. So if you can pull these words out of the Bible yourself then that is confirmation these are the words of the Lord, for if they weren't they wouldn't match. What is one to do with this word? The answer is in front of you in the paragraph you posted after your question.
  3. Does he encourage you to test His words against Scripture, to seek confirmation for the words? Is he open to rebuke without proclaiming judment or claiming something is wrong with the rebuker? The Lord in the Letters commands us to measure his word only with the Bible and not with other non biblical books as the doctrines of men have slipped in to them. From what I understand Timothy lives in Nebraska and I have never met or talked to him. When I read them I don't hear the man talking, I hear what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me though God's word. Home > Volume 7 > The Word of My Mouth Listen: 11/3/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Craig Called Daniel, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Thus says The Lord God: There are those who have come and endeavor to seat themselves at My table, who resist My word in The Volumes, wanting to hear My Word but at the same time refusing My Word spoken to this generation... My people shall live by faith and walk in that which was given them already; and pay close attention to, giving ear and obeying, that which I also speak presently, even that which is at hand and given for this generation. For that spoken, at present, shall be put first; and that which is contained in The Letters of Truth shall be foremost and brought to the front, for all to behold. Not that this Word is at all superior; neither shall it be considered inferior to My Word found in The Scriptures of Truth. My Word is My Word... Both are Scriptures and Truth. And that, spoken in the hearing of My prophets, was written and spoken to the generation in which it was received, for all to hear... Whether they would hear or whether they would forebear. And as it was in all times past, where I had spoken to My servants, the prophets, and they in turn both wrote and spoke aloud, saying, “Thus says The Lord”, so it is at this time... Even at the end of this age, which has come upon you. That, which is put forth of My mouth, is foremost, and shall not be put second to My Word spoken aforetime; neither is one made a foundation for the other, as though the Word proceeding from My own mouth was in need of anything to uphold it; nor is any other witness required to prove My Word as My own, when I, Myself, have spoken it... My Word stands... And is known of those who are Mine and among those in whom I dwell. Therefore, let My present Word be shown to be in full agreement with My former Word. For it is in perfect agreement with My Word as it was... Yet runs straight in comparison to that which men have made crooked. Here is wisdom few have come to consider, nor have they understood: If one who confesses Me, yet remains dull in hearing and lacking in discernment, for his eyes remain dim and hard of seeing, let him test My Word by My Word only... For any test done outside My Word, or done according to the word of men, shall fail and be found as contempt before The Lord, for I sit as judge. For you have failed to see that My Word in The Volumes, also being called The Letters, is also a rod by which the translations of men are to be tested, and a light which shines on the doctrines of men to expose them, revealing them to be blasphemies and heresies before God... Which shall burn in the Day, when the fire comes to test the quality of each man’s works. Therefore, if one professing faith be wise, He shall humble himself before Me and call upon The Holy One for knowledge, In where all understanding flows to the truly contrite and penitent, Flowing in pure testimony, without any shadow of turning or corruption... And by this only can one be wise in the reading... Comparing that which was given with that which is put forth once again, Discerning The Source and The Author to be the same... One Word, One Book, One On-going Testament to My Glory... By no means should it be divided into three, says The Lord. Behold... My Words shall never pass away... For as I am, so also is My Word, for it proceeds from Me, Being manifest by He who is True, also being called The Word... Living... Always feeding His flock the Word, which is written for their nourishment, Which is to be received through that part of Himself, which is also in Me... The Spirit called Holy, which speaks to the truth of who I am, Glorifying He who I sent to you, who bears My name and reveals My glory in Himself, Even as I am glorified through Him... His glory being the same I own... For We are One from the beginning, yet manifest as two in the earth... So those, whom I have chosen, may know Me and come to Me and receive life... Returning to, and being fulfilled in, the paradise of God, which is in His Kingdom and His Son. I am The Lord... And those, who have received of Me, Testify that The Holy One, called Christ and Jesus, is The Lord of Heaven and earth... ADONAI YahuShua HaMashiach is He to whom all the peoples of the earth shall bow... Even all things shall give Him glory, calling Him Lord... The only Faithful and True Witness... The One Eternal King, who is and was, and is to come... The Almighty... Give Him all glory. Therefore Craig, Daniel, you shall teach this Sabbath, and the next, and a third time as I command you: You shall pray and make for yourself an outline, and follow it... Not according to the hearers, but according to the Head, which I am. You shall prepare three studies in one accord, three studies containing My Word in The Letters only. And from the Volumes only shall you gather knowledge with which you shall feed this flock, who have come to sit at My table on The Lord’s day. For I have spoken to this generation, and that which I have uttered shall be brought to the head of the table and distributed... Even as I am the Head of My own table. And all good things both come from, and are distributed through Me... The Faithful and True Witness. I am The Lord and I change not. Therefore, I will do nothing until I have made My plans known to all My servants, the prophets, where then I shall also call them My friends... The very same whom I have set up, who have become My beacons at the end of this age, who also will be MY shepherds in the Day of darkness and heavy sorrows. They will endure and can not be turned aside, for they will continue until their days are fulfilled... Then I shall come upon the clouds, with great power and glory. In that day, the whole earth shall tremble at My presence And be shaken by the word of My mouth... Behold, even the rocks shall cry out, And every living creature shall break out with a great noise and give Me glory... Even the mountains and all high places shall be brought down And bow before The King who has come... He has returned to judge in righteousness... And to restore His Kingdom by the power and majesty of His vesture... For I am The King of Glory... The Righteous One of God! The time has come!... Prepare and watch. The Holy One shall shout and reap His harvest, He shall also return in all His glory... And by His authority He shall make an end. Behold a new day... His rest... One thousand years.
  4. that is always a good thing, bro, and I celebrate with you! But again I point out that this is such a generic message that people will get whatever they want to see from it. I can make vague statements like that as easily, for example, but don't claim to be a prophet or speaking some hidden knowledge. No, it was the Holy Spirit who confirmed something in you, not a prophet who gave you a word personally. I chose that letter to show you for the no private interpretation part and the only reason I posted the whole thing was so you can see it in context. Your comment on that one letter being generic doesn't make sense to me. If the word lines up with that written already does it does it matter if it's generic? And yes, I agree, it was the Holy Spirit who confirmed the word and not a prophet who gave me a word personally, It's the Holy Spirit who speaks to me from his word. One thing that my wife and I have noticed is that different Letters pop for different people, one might speak to me but another will speak to my wife. We shared these Letters from God and His Christ with our daughter and she found the same thing. For instance , she was convicted to take out her piercings and her hair extensions when the Lord told her that her body was the temple in which he dwelled. She was a lukewarm Christian and now she's living for God once again. Praise the Lord! Every single person we have shared these with has been profoundly changed for the better and have been brought closer to God by them if the sat down and started reading them from the beginning asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.
  5. Timothy was chosen because he was a "spiritual virgin" having never known anything about the church or the word of God before being called. Neither did Paul know anything about the "Church" (ever), nor did the Apostles excel in theological pursuits. They were mostly unlearned hillbillies from the Galilee. So what? Friend, I see that you are infected with the 2-house and sacred name nonsense. It may seem like a small thing to accept their re-definition of the words used in the scriptures, but it will eventually lead you far astray from the simplicity of the gospel if you don't turn away. . He picked Timothy for the same reason, he was an unlearned hillbilly as you put it. None of those people had any preconceived ideas. I've been a Christian for over 30 yrs and have never heard anything about these groups or their teachings. These Letters were an answer to my prayers to God. I prayed to the Lord at 3am and by 8am the next morning I clicked on a link when I was looking at other things and Bang, all of these popped up. I started reading them and the very first one was the answer to my prayers and I kept reading and the Lord started talking to me. I've returned to my first love, Jesus Christ and am now on fire for God once again! KJ, I know you mean well. I used to follow someone who spoke with this kind of confidence, boldness, and authority, declaring the word of the Lord, the only one proclaiming the true heart of the Father, while the rest of the Church is in deception. I found out the hard way the leader was of a cult spirit. Question: Do you believe that falling out of favor with "Timothy" is to fall out of favor with God? That's dangerous. No man should be placed on this kind of pedestal. I seek no favour from him, he is just a man.
  6. Timothy was chosen because he was a "spiritual virgin" having never known anything about the church or the word of God before being called.
  7. It means exactly what it says for "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 What I think is of no importance, our opinions do not matter. "Appearing of the glory" is not "the appearing of Jesus in the sky." Who is Timothy? And where do these letters come from? KJ, I am wel acquainted with prophetic words, and that "word" is about as generic as you can get. What is it supposed to prove? Oh,a nd in case you are against my questioning, remember the verse about testing the spirits to see if they are of God? Here is a letter explaining Timothy's calling Home > Volume 1 > My Calling Listen: My friends, I do not wish to replace, or take away from, or add to the Holy Bible! Rather, these words and this understanding was given to Me by The Lord, and is for all those who have ears to hear. He, alone, may add to His Word for our benefit and to give us greater understanding. I have not accepted even one penny for the Letters, nor do I plan to... The Word of God is free to all! I do not have any previous learning in Scripture, no degrees of any kind, nor have I attended seminary, nor have I received any teaching from any pastor, minister, etc., nor have I been to church... I must remain separate from those whom God wishes me to give His message to, lest I become biased toward a certain denomination. I do, however, gather together with others for Bible Study, several times a week and every Sabbath. I belong to My Lord Jesus Christ... And together, with all those who are His, is the church in which I dwell. The first time I embraced the Truth, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord, was when I heard the voice of The Lord. He has asked me to serve Him, and I have accepted His calling... I am The Lord’s servant, His prophet. And to this end am I called: 1) To trumpet the coming of Christ to every corner of the world, in all manner of speaking and devices (internet, etc). 2) To write God’s Word, which is a Final Testament to His glory, so those who have not heard might hear; and so those who have heard might come into a greater understanding of His will, set forth in the Scriptures of Truth, the Bible; and so those, who have not and will not read the Bible, might be saved by His Word given to an average, modern man of this day, in the hope of them returning to the Bible, for the Letters from God and His Christ and the Bible are in perfect agreement and carry The Lord’s same life-giving Word and Spirit. 3) To give this Word to the churches, so they might receive correction and make themselves ready, a beautiful Bride dressed in white, ready for her Husband... A clean, loving, humble Bride who walks in Christ’s very footsteps, obeying His Word and the Moral Law (not the law found in ordinances, but the Law of Liberty, in number, Ten)... That She might become a shining example, a bright beacon of hope to those who stumble in the dark, that they might be gathered with her, and be, once again, grafted in. 4) To be a watchman, that I might sound the warning, the blowing of the Trumpet, to warn all those who abide on the earth that the redemption of God’s children from the world draws very near, and God’s judgement must immediately follow!... For the Day of The Lord is upon us, and who shall stand?!... Those who call on the name of The Lord, in all truth and supplication, Humble and penitent, calling on Him by the only name Under Heaven by which you must be saved... Jesus Christ The Lord... YahuShua HaMashiach! As I am God’s servant, so also have I become a servant to all those who diligently seek Him. Remember: What The Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what The Lord has spoken, STANDS. Yours in Christ’s service and love, Timothy And at midnight a cry was heard: 'Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him!' ~ Matthew 25:6
  8. It means exactly what it says for "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 What I think is of no importance, our opinions do not matter. "Appearing of the glory" is not "the appearing of Jesus in the sky." Who is Timothy? And where do these letters come from? KJ, I am wel acquainted with prophetic words, and that "word" is about as generic as you can get. What is it supposed to prove? Oh,a nd in case you are against my questioning, remember the verse about testing the spirits to see if they are of God? But does it line up with scripture? I posted it because it confirms "no private interpretation" in the Bible. I'm not against your questioning nebula but hear what the Lord has to say. Home > Volume 7 > To All Those Who Speak Against The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy Listen: 5/21/07 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Thus says The Lord to all those who reject My words and persecute My prophets, and then in turn have the gall to call themselves My servants, for you do betray Me in open and in secret: You have ALL gone out of the way, thinking you stand!... You do NOT stand! For you have stood against Me and My Word, sent forth through MY prophets!... This is not to stand! Lo, you shall be brought very low, you shall not be gathered! Neither will I hear you, for you have forsaken your Lord for your OWN way!... Such arrogant, high-minded children have come to live amongst the churches, continually misleading themselves and all those they speak to, in My own name, yet never hearing the voice of The Lord their God. Sons and daughters of men, did you think I would stay silent?! Did you think that I, even I, would not Blow the trumpet and alert the watchmen?! Therefore, it is fulfilled and shall come to pass: Even all these who call of themselves by My own name, the name I have given My Son, The Holy One, yes even these shall come, saying, “Lord, Lord, have we not done all these things in Your name?” And it shall come to pass in that day, which is upon you, that The Son of Man, your Redeemer, shall in turn answer them, saying, “I never knew you”. For if you truly knew Him and He lived in you, then you would recognize those sent and the Word given them. Yet you forbear, resting in beds of false doctrine, even the doctrines of men. Therefore, you shall not be gathered, for I do not see of Myself in you. And though you speak My words instant in and out of season, you speak them seasoned with the salt I, Myself, have NOT given you! This you have received in vain, at the hands of men... Know you not, that which is of God has salt in itself, and in no wise needs seasoning? Get wisdom and receive understanding, and repent, and give heed to those I send, and I shall yet gather you and you shall escape all these things. Forbear, and you shall endure refinement in the Day of The Lord... And by great tribulation shall you come into glory. For I am The Lord, and I shall surely correct and discipline even ALL those I love... Yes, all those who have been led astray and teach others in like manner... A leading away from the Truth, as I Myself had spoken it and how it was meant to be received. Behold! The kingdoms of men are finished!... And not one church, built by human hands, shall endure!... ALL shall crumble and fall to pieces before the glory of God, Wrought in His Only Begotten, who is The Truth Absolute! You know not the mind of God, neither have you heard His voice, therefore be separate, says The Lord, and joined unto Me! Look past My prophets, and see with greater eyes! For your ego has crippled you, and your knowledge has caused you to blaspheme My words... Repent, O sons and daughters of men, for you have become so very poor, thinking you are rich. Repent, and call on Me in truth, with all humility, in The Christ’s name... Yes Jesus, Yeshua The Gift, YahuShua is His name!... And you shall receive true understanding. Depart from these vanities built up in the hearts of men! Stop desecrating My Word in the Scriptures of Truth, for your own glory! For humility and faith is what I require of all My servants. You can not serve both God and men, for men in authority, even in all these churches of men, are perverse in their segregation of My Word and in the corrupt musings of their hearts. You have divided My Word, yes you have divided it, and it shall slay you... Even in your heart! For the day is coming when you shall be pricked in your heart and you shall wail, when again this same one, whom you have brought against a false accusation, comes once again in the Day of Sorrows, saying, “Thus says The Lord”, and you realize all you have done has been found wanting. You shall not tempt The Lord your God! For My prophets are sent out, they prepare the way of The Holy One... And behold, He shall surely return and gather, and come in great glory! Yea these men, even 144,000, are sent out, and are already in the earth blowing the trumpet. Yet you cover your ears, saying within yourself, “I already hear and will not heed any trumpet, other than that which I have made or was put in my hand by man and not God. For I alone am righteous, and these with me know God’s will, and we shall teach others. And we will, by no means, listen to these sent. We shall stone them in word and deed, and cast ALL their cords from us, saying, ‘You shall no more speak in The Lord’s name’”... Sons and daughters of men, who call of themselves by Christ’s own name, you shall not be gathered! You are abased, because you are found to be exalted among your fellows. The Lord has spoken, and says, REPENT!... And I Myself shall place your feet, once again, on the path of truth, Where all understanding comes from God and is given through Christ, To all those who truly abide in Him, and He in them... THE LORD DOES NOT CHANGE!
  9. I just wasn't sure what you meant by that. Some people are held in fear that God is going to zap them for any little thing or that our good works must be constantly maintained to get Yeshua's approval. Though I do believe we will be rewarded in the age to come according to our faithfulness in whatever place we are, and that faithfulness even now yields more authority, that isn't the same thing as being in fear of punishment for not "doing enough". Many cultic groups hold their adherents with fear like that, and since I don't know you very well I was just checking what you thought "fear of the Lord" meant. Often the Holy Spirit will speak to me through a person as I'm going but I don't go seeking "a word" from anyone. If God were to hit me in the head with that book, I might read it. Otherwise the scriptures are plenty for me to know His will....and I trust they are actually written by Him (as opposed to someone presuming to speak for Him) I belong to no church named of men. I belong to My Lord Jesus Christ, and together with all those who are His, is the Church in which I dwell. And I side with you on the meaning, yod.
  10. Well, that begs the question of what "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus," means. I've encountered the glory of the Lord many times in many ways throughout my Christian walk. Have you? Yes I have, my wife was instantly, miraculously healed 10 yrs ago, and she shone with the glory of the Lord for months afterward, people were drawn to her continence like a magnet. Cool! Would you not consider this an "appearing of the glory . . . "? It was but a dim reflection of the Lord's glory. Moses shone with the glory so much that he had to veil his face and that pales to the Lord's glory. So back to the question - What does "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus," mean? It means exactly what it says for "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 What I think is of no importance, our opinions do not matter. And here it is again in the Letters from God and His Christ- 11/9/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Thus says The Lord: I have called the winds of heaven to blow upon the earth; I have stirred them up, that they may go forth and gnarl the branches, that they may blow hard against the multitude and break down the walls... Let every tree topple and break upon the necks of the wicked! Let every wall come down with a great crash, upon the heads of evil men in authority! Behold! The anger of The Lord shall increase by measure, until every foundation is broken up from beneath!... Until the face of the earth is once again without form! For I shall level the hills and cast down every tall mountain! Yea, I shall burn the cities with fire! Even the elements shall melt with fervent heat! Behold! Even the heavens shall be dissolved, when the fierceness of My wrath has come to the full!... When the heat of My countenance sets the whole world ablaze! Thus I have spoken... And who is able to restrain themselves from repeating My every word? Who will not prophesy, when the voice of The Almighty has entered into his ear? For I tell you plainly... The day is coming, and is already here, When I shall speak into the air... And the voice of YaHuWaH shall thunder in every corner... Even to the ends of the earth! Yet I ask you, how does a prophet hear and by what means is he revealed? Remember My words: If there be a prophet among you, I, The Lord, shall make Myself known to him in a vision; I shall speak to him in a dream. Even plainly I shall speak with him, not in mysterious sayings. For he has seen the form of The Lord, and has sat in My presence, and knows that which is beyond words... And before him men shall fear! Therefore thus says The Lord, to all those who have heard with their ears and have seen with their eyes, who have understood with their hearts, who have recognized those I have sent and the Word given them: Wait upon Me, with all trust and fear. Stand steadfast and be patient, accepting My words as I have spoken them and as they are written. Do not add to My words, nor take from them; neither form for yourselves any private interpretation... Only give heed to My words, and also do them, and prepare. I am The Lord. For My words are indeed that light, Which shines in a dark place... A loud trumpet, an alarm, A call and a shout preparing My way before Me, Making all crooked paths straight... Until the day dawns and The Morning Star rises, Filling the hearts of My chosen as they enter in... PEACE.
  11. Well, that begs the question of what "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus," means. I've encountered the glory of the Lord many times in many ways throughout my Christian walk. Have you? Yes I have, my wife was instantly, miraculously healed 10 yrs ago, and she shone with the glory of the Lord for months afterward, people were drawn to her continence like a magnet. Cool! Would you not consider this an "appearing of the glory . . . "? It was but a dim reflection of the Lord's glory. Moses shone with the glory so much that he had to veil his face and that pales to the Lord's glory.
  12. Well, that begs the question of what "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus," means. I've encountered the glory of the Lord many times in many ways throughout my Christian walk. Have you? Yes I have, my wife was instantly, miraculously healed 10 yrs ago, and she shone with the glory of the Lord for months afterward, people were drawn to her continence like a magnet.
  13. I agree on the meaning of fear the Lord, but where did you get the quote "be afraid of"? I am not afraid of the Lord, I said the thought of going through the tribulation scared me. I didn't realize we were arguing the rapture scenario and I'm glad I'm not your enemy :-) Have you read any of the letters yet yod? 1 John 4:1 commands us to test the spirit.
  14. No but he does tell us to fear the Lord. Exodus 9:30, Deuteronomy 6:2, 6:13, 6:24, 10:12, 10:20, 14:23, 17:19, 31:12, 31:13, Joshua 4:24, 24:14, 1 Samuel 12:14,12:24, 1 Kings 18:12, 2 Kings 4:1, 17:28, Psalms 15:4, 22:23, 27:1, 33:8, 34:9, 115:11, 13, 118:4, 135:20, Proverbs 3:7, Jeremiah 5:24, 28:19, Hosea 3:5, Amos 3:8, Jonah 1:9 My faith is in my Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ! Am I hearing this correctly - that our focus is supposed to be on an event rather than on Jesus Himself? That's like a bride looking for the wedding rather than for the groom. My focus is on Jesus and I'm looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13 You'd better be looking for his appearing as one of our crowns depends on it. :-)
  15. Hi Yod, yes he does, and it was set up for him by one of his prophets, and yes, they have Facebook and twitter feeds. I forgive you, I probably would have said the same before reading them! They have sown dramatically in my life. I've been saved since about 1980 and have always had an interest in Bible prophecy. I've always been interested in world events from a Biblical perspective, so much so that I know it was too much. The Letters convicted me in that they said that I was focused downward on all these worldly things, and that anyone who was looking down and not upward waiting for the rapture would not be taken but left for refinement, yet still saved as by fire. That threw a scare into me because that has always been my blessed hope that I would be taken before the Tribulation. I went from being a "lukewarm" Christian to being on fire for God once again. How can that be bad?
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