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Posts posted by lnknprkn

  1. 1. A king gave his wife a bottomless jar, filled with flesh, blood, and bone. What is it?

    hitler's mass grave of Jews

    2. Think of a world where all colors are opposite. Here are the colors:

    Grass is black.

    Tires are green.

    Blood is white

    Snow is red

    If the dirt is blue, then what color is the sky?

    this must be brown because lets substitute the items with their colors

    green = black

    black = green

    red = white

    white = red

    brown = blue

    blue = ?

    the inequalities match, so assuming that the sky is blue, then in your case it must also be brown. either that, or its "sky blue"

    3. A baby was behind bars, his mom wasn't there, he was crying because he was thirsty, and he was trying to reach for something and he can't get out. What is the baby trying to reach?

    yea we got this one already

    4. A man and his wife were going on a ski trip for vacation. The man led his wife to a cliff and he pushed her off. He skied down the hill as fast as he could and went to the ski instructor and said, "Help! Help! My wife fell off of a cliff!" A detective was sent up there to investigate. The man was on an airplane home by this time. The detective found one clue that told him that it was the husband who killed his wife, what was it?

    He skied down on his wife's body

    5. I was walking down the street and I met a man, he tipped his hat, and drew his cane, and in this riddle I told his name. What's the man's name?

    his name is "a man"

  2. raising minimum wage also has bad effects

    - if wages are raised, companies' costs increase

    - to compensate for increase costs, they need to increase revenue

    - to increase revenue, they would have to raise prices

    so if you make that extra few cents an hour, it'll cost your company, and in turn cost you more when you go to buy products

  3. okay so i want to start reading the bible. im pretty young and naive so it takes a while for me to comprehend abstract things :wub: (im almost 15). anyways, my youth group leader suggested starting on Mark or John

    any ideas which book i should start in? and could you also tell me what the book you suggest talks about? thanks :emot-hug:

  4. in one of the christmas carolling songs, it says something about shephards watching their flocks by night, while Jesus was being born in his manger, or something like that

    well what the heck would shephards be doing outside in december? :emot-hug:

    so if shephards were outside while Jesus was being born, when was he really born? :wub:

  5. if one of my close family members went to hell, how could i spend my afterlife happily? i would be so torn up with compassion for the family member in hell, that there is no way i could be happy in heaven, knowing that someone i loved ever so dearly would be away from God and be tortured forever and ever

  6. You guys are spinning around the question... You all say God exists because of a Bible! Who wrote it? God? Jesus... What of other religions? Allah? Boudha? It's all the same stuff!

    well this is the first time ive (tried) to help someone, because most of the time i find myself asking the questions :emot-hug:

    - Muslim (allah)

    - Buddhism (buddha)

    - Christianity (Jesus)

    what do these religions have in common? they were both seem to be taught by an important person, where they show you how to reach nirvana, heaven, enlightenment, and such

    but all the religious dudes only tell you how to achieve that state of mind. they dont help you, but you have to do all the hard dirty work on your own, which is impossible

    whats different about christianity is that God knows we cant get into heaven alone without his help, because sin was passed down to us, and only the righteous could be in the presence of God. So instead of just saying how to get into heaven and leaving us on our own, God shows us how to get there, and opens up his arms to you with his assistance.

    salvation is in your grasp. all you need to do is reach for it. its just your choice to take it or not

    so to sum it up, God helps you, no other gods do

    God bless,

    Lnk :thumbsup:

  7. :) the unpardonable sin is speaking illy against the holy spirit...

    what if you ACCIDENTLY just think of something bad about the holy spirit, and you never really meant it...

    would u still be eternally damned? :)

    also, how do i actually commit this sin... please tell me so i know not to do it :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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