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Posts posted by F.R.O.G.

  1. Hello

    I think the Anti-Christ will be known when he signs (an already Peace Treaty in progress) with Israel. This is the warning shot across the bow! I believve the False Prophet will be the next Pope. With the huge push for Chrislam by the Catholic Church, and over 250 Prostant Churchs have also signed on to Chrislam. Chrislam is the marriage between Christianity and Islam....and it is spreading wide and far across the world. Idon't believe that the Anti-Christ will be a Muslim. I doubt that the Jews will trust a Muslim to care for their security. I believe He wil come out of Europe out of one of the 10 Nations. He will be looked upon as a Peace Maker to the world. Rome destroyed Israel after Jesus died, Rome will also try to destroy Israel during the Tribulation. When the Anti-Christ shows his true colors. That's what I think......but what the hey.......it's just my opinion.

    Take Care and God Bless <>< frog

  2. Hello....

    It seems to me, that a legalist is one who loves God, but is wrong by living our their life by the letter of the law and forcing it upon others rather than living by the spirit of the law in love. I am under Grace, not the law. My sins are forgiven, past, present and future when I believed upon Jesus Christ as the Son of God, that He paid the debt I could not pay. I am washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, made a new creation, having a new heart. That new heart should show "love of the bretheren"! If we disagree, we should agree to disagree in grace and love. If I love God, He will show me the errors of my ways. We can disagree on the "minors", but not on the "majors". By that I mean, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, not the Cosmic Christ, we are saved by Grace not by works, The Bible is the Living Word of God, not just another religious book. In the Body of Christ we have many demonations, all claiming to be the true way of worship and etc. I believe when one becomes legalistic, at some point thier opinion of what and how they believe, is superior to those around them. The Bible can be misquoted, twisted and taken out of context to prove one's view and when that happens the legalist will not back down, and your only option is to give them to God and pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to them. However, if one keeps hardening their heart to the truth, they will slide into " spiritual darkness" because they do not have a "love for the truth". Jesus says, " I am Truth." The question is: Do I want the "truth" or do I want to be "right" even if I am wrong. Pride is a wicked web we weave when we deceive oneself.

    Take Care and God Bless <>< frog

  3. Hello.....

    This FEMA thing started back with President Regan back in 1984........the code name was REX 84. It was to house dissentants that Regan was worried about. I learned about it, when I came back from Israel with my husband, and we were driving around in Seattle. As we were driving, I saw on a wall in an alley on the building, the phrase, "No Concentration Camps In The USA"....It was written in huge letters. They letters had to be at least 4 to 6 in length.....I was shocked and stunned, for we had also visited Germany, and went to the Dachu Constrantion Camp and had visited the Holocaust Musem in Jerusalem.. I knew this was serious! Sometimes when we are caught up in our own lives, we miss the bigger picture of things happening around us. So I contacted a few of my researcher friends and writers, and asked them what they knew about this, and that's when I leaned about REX 84. I slowly gathered up information the hard way, snail mail. I didn't have a computer at the time, and had no idea on how to use one. :help: These places have beds, food, coffee and etc. These places are near railway areas and airports and on US Bases. Makes you wonder why they are not used to help the victims of Sandy and the flooding??? If they were to be used for emergencies.......like Hurrican Katerina or Sandy........so it seems they have something else in mind. Today you have people who do not believe the Holocaust exsisted. Sad. On the doors leaving the Dachu Musem is written above the door, "If we fail to remember the past, we are dooomed to repeat." We we have learned anything,it is that mankind has learned nothing and will continue to repeat the Past. :hmmm:

    Take Care and God Bless <>< frog

  4. Hello....RunningGator

    I agree with you. The Church is without a compass. It has turned it's back on Jesus Christ by RE-IMAGING Him and the Word of God. God forbid that we should "offend" someone who's sinning and not show him the way. Do we really think that Jesus, the Apostles, or Paul would use politically correct words in order not to offend someone? I think not. I agree that Truth should be spoken in love, truth without love is harsh and cold, and often rejected. The Church is not to change for non-believers! It is for the non-believers to CHANGE. To be saved and have a "transformation of the heart". But, sadly today, the Church needs a TRANSFORMATION OF THE HEART!!!!!!!! When I go into a church it's hard to tell if I'm in a worship service. It's more like an entertainment center. The worshiping seems more like it is self centered than God centered. It's worldly! Are the doctrines taught, few if any nowadays. We fail to remember that we are not some organization or building! We are a living body of "believers in Jesus Christ" we are "part of the Body of Christ", who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not about buildings or denominations, it's about having a "relationship" with Jesus Christ. How do we do that? We read the Bible, the Living Word of Jesus Christ, and apply it to our lives,and then we live it out loud and we're not ashamed of that relationship.

    Take Care and God Bless <>< frog

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