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Posts posted by Mswright6488

  1. Blessings Worthy Fammily...

         Yes RANDOR,Let us Praise the Lord in ALL things,Amen & Welcome to Worthy,,,,,,,Logan,Your perseverance in prayer is deeply appreciated,God Bless you..........It is true,Atwood.....we are not guaranteed to have Godly children & we all have made many an error but our hope is in Christ Jesus,I thank you for your compassion & your prayers and I pray for you and your family as well................ Do not give up sweet sister. The enemy wants that. Take up those weapons that I have given unto you saith the Lord. A fresh strength I will give you My daughter! Come and receive strength from Me! Do not be tired precious one for I will help you saith the Lord. In ALL things.... I AM in ALL! For you faithful one. Do not turn aside to lies or give up on your child... I will help you my daughter for I love you.

        Mswright.....From your mouth to God's ears,,,,,,,,I am afraid I have given up ,dear Sister....but not in trusting the Lord,I have given up on putting forth any more of my own efforts & I just commit it all to my Heavenly Father..................For God has no boundaries,no limitations ,He can do anything,,,,so let His Will be done,in Jesus Precious Name

                                                                                                                                                      With love-in Christ,Kwik

  2. Their is yet another movie out focusing on God."Heaven is for Real".I understand it is a true story.Has anyone seen it yet?How many movies have been released now focusing on God and religion?

    To be honest bopeep, not enough good Christian movies are out. If you have not read the book yet, please get it... It is wonderful. And yes a true story about what he saw when Jesus took him to heaven.
  3. Love covers a multitude of sins! Your son will never forget your love for him as a mother. And trust me... he will come back and say thank you mom and offer his apologies for hurting your heart. Do not be weary in well doing. For in the end you shall reap that which the Lord has for you and all the seeds of love you have sown to your son. I feel if you do not give up... your victory is very close, even at the very door. Bless you my sister in Christ

    Blessings Worthy Family

             I sit here with a broken heart,more so because we wrestle not against flesh & blood and how clearly I can see the enemy that hides himself in the darkest corners of my very own childs mind.......my son has deaf ears,blind eyes & a hardened heart all because of his oppressors(which are many)the spirit of anger,bitterness,resentment,division,profanity,pride,arrogance,jealousy.....the list goes on & on and it seems like the more I love him & speak truth the angrier the enemy becomes & I know only the Holy Spirit can convict his heart & reveal Gods Timeless Truth to him.............

            We all make many mistakes in our lives and while on our path to destruction,we affected so many lives,though I do not sit in sin condemnation thanks to Jesus Who set me free.I cannot help but be accountable for my part in the hurt that was caused to others as reprocussions of my sins........so what,I should face condemnation,abuse & punishment for the rest of my days for things that happened over 20 years ago?Of course not,perhaps it is time for me to kick the dust off my feet & ask the Lord to fill my void...........I will never stop praying for my son & I will miss my little grand daughter very much but I am tired,so very tired and I can no longer be the subject of hostility........

       We have so many wonderful times together & then my son picks fights out of nowhere,brings up the past...spews out vile words & hatred & I make peace.....many of his twisted memories are not even reality but he takes no accountability for any of his own actions & blames anyone & anything to justify his behavior..............I always say its okay & I never rehash old news & have always accepted him when he comes around but now he informed me that in less than a month they are moving 300 miles away,I am dead to him and this means that I will no longer have my beautiful Hailie in my life....I need your prayers to carry on & not be overtaken by this pain in my heart.......I need to know Gods Will & direction............I am not really looking for advice because I have not even provided any of you with enough information to understand the situation but enough to pray with me that I be Gods living sacrifice to do as He would have me to do........I want to decrease,putting emotion,logic & all things of the flesh to the cross....let my Lord Jesus increase that I represent Him at all times & remain faithful & obedient to God through any situation,,,Praise & Glory to God,in Jesus Name

                                                                                                  With love-in Christ,Kwik


    I am having a challenging time at my new job at the daycare center. This is week #4. I am having a hard time catching on to the fast pace environment. The children are challenging to deal with. I am challenged with having classroom management with them. Some of my co-worker are becoming impatient with me. I need help. I need prayer. I need advice.


    Speak Gods word over the children everyday. Ask that the Lord would give them a spirit of obedience and understanding. You may be the only Jesus they ever see!

  5. I once had a great opportunity. I put in a proposal, prayed hard and waited for the response. I kept praying and praying but there was no response. The opportunity was lost. It was hard not to get frustrated at God! I asked myself, did God reject me?


    In Gen 4 we read the story of Cain and Abel. It is a story of the effects of sin upon Cain, who was the first person born under sin. Cain gives an offering, but it is just ‘some’ of what he can give.  We find in 4:5 that God had no regard for Cain’s offering and so Cain got angry.


    It is hard to strike out against God. So where did Cain strike? He struck out against his brother.  Sin wants to bring in division between people and the easiest target is the person with whom Cain is closest – his brother. The result is that the relationship is destroyed. Sin used Cain’s feeling of rejection from God left him isolated.


    It makes me wonder if I ever feel rejected by God. Perhaps it is when I pray for something and God doesn’t answer me in the way I want, in the time frame I want. Perhaps it is when I feel rejected by others who are part of God’s people.


    It also makes me wonder what I do with that rejection. Do I hit out at those who are close to me? Do I realise what is going on? Or do I resolve it and return to an inner state of peace?


    Taken by http://ontoxenos.wordpress.com/2014/04/16/rejected/ used with permission.

    NO.... God has not rejected you! He just has something far better for you. It is something right now you cannot see or understand. God promises to NEVER forsake us.. so how then can He reject you? Just pray and trust in the Lord. And also maybe He has not moved your position yet because He still has something for you to do there. Maybe someone in that department needs Jesus. Many blessings to you!

  6. So yesterday i had an interesting dream. honestly i wasnt even thinking about what i saw when i went to sleep or even during thd day because i was having fun at a friends house so this was out of the blue.

    in the dream i was being examined by a doctor apparently i had cancer it wasnt liver cancer bur the cancer was in an organ next to my livers but i dont remember what it was called.

    But then suddenly i had a view of earth from space and saw thousands of alien space ship invading earth i heard a narrator say something like they are heading towards earth like Gods angels to take his bride.

    then my view was back on earth and i was outside and i saw one land a short distance away like an explosion. i felt inside myself an urgancy of the rapture i expected it to happen that very moment.

    I dont believe in aliens but i do believe this was prophetic in some way. if i got cancer again it would not surprise me afterall it could come back at any time. but an alien invasion? i was hoping someone would have some insight on my dream

    Hello fireheart  I was wondering if something happened to you where you are holding unforgiveness toward someone? The spiritual root to cancer is unforgiveness. Cancer is a demon and God wants to set you free. I am here to help teach you what I have learned... if you like

  7. I understand that kind of hurt and disappointment only because it is directed at Jesus. I struggle everyday with the thought of how anyone could reject Gods own Son.... many blessings to you! Don't stop praying, God NEVER fails!

  8. I do not understand either how people cannot just truly love Jesus or how people can doubt Him. It is also things like this that prepare us for our persecution later on. It stretches our faith when God tells us to stay and the enemy says to run! You are strong in the Lord! Spit in the devils eye by going on with Jesus!!!! Its all about our obedience the he cannot stand!

  9. The harder it is to get close to God only means that He has a really great life in store for you! It is wonderful that you see your need for God all on your own. The enemy is very real and will try very hard to come in between us and Jesus. The enemy is the one that makes us doubt God and makes everything hard on us. I do promise you ONE thing. If you go forward with God in spite of how you feel... He will set you free. Don't give up... please don't give up. God just waits for us to come to the end of ourselves in order to see His goodness!! So hang on a little longer!

  10. Christ died for you... A HORRIBLE death to show His wonderful love for you. He does love you and He is with you and wants you to always trust that He knows best for your life. We all must have an attitude of gratitude during our trials and testing. TRUST in Him... that's all He asks of us. But for God to hate anyone would make His death and suffering a lie... and God is NOT a liar! Try very hard to see it in a different way. Negativity only holds us back from all that Jesus died to give us. Pray about it and let it go. Let God... no more worries duggar

  11. There may be something there that God needs you to do still. Some situations are used also to stretch our faith. Don't lose heart. Trust that God is working. He is the one able to move us forward and true promotion comes from Him. Thank Him everyday for where you are at... and before you know it, He will take care of the rest! Be blessed!

  12. True repentance comes only from God. To turn from our sins no matter what they are, is TRUE repentance. I do not really know what worldly repentance is. God is a faithful God... so when we humble ourselves wanting His way and trusting Him, then comes the healing He died to give us.

  13. I praise God for all He is going to do in this time and times to come. The Lord is moving in all the earth. Do we hear Him? Are we tuned in with what the spirit would say or have us do? Praise God in all the earth..lift up your voice unto the God of all creation. May every unbelieveing heart get a fresh revelation of how great and mighty Jesus is. Let all those call on His name that their lives shall be free from the pit and distruction.

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