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Posts posted by bestrfcplayer

  1. I am a theistic evolutionist, believing that God created us through evolution.

    What proof do you have for your assertion, seeing that you do not believe in the bible?


    How can you believe in God if you do not believe in the bible?

    Uh.. I can. I believe in God through my life experiences, and don't believe the Bible because well, there's not a lot of evidence supporting the Bible is right and well, wholly good (I.e the Flood, creation account, the numerous genocides in the OT, Paul and Revolution are major factors). Though I do believe in the Gospels, which is why I too believe in Christ, and I believe the only requirement to be a Christian is believing in Christ as your personal savior.

  2. People who have done countless evil deeds deserve only the fires of hell. The only way that they can be saved is if they sacrifice themselves for the peace of mankind, like in a heroic event.

     You obviously don't know anything at all about Jesus or the Gospel he brought us.....    and that's a shame....    for your sake I pray that the Lord would open your eyes to his truths.
    Christ told us that we should help,our fellow man, thus good works. If one is evil, he can be redeemed by sacrificing himself for the good of mankind, which is the ultimate Christ like action one can do to obtain the Kingdom of God.
     ~ Our Righteousness But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Isaiah 64:1 His  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Matthew 23:27 Righteousness For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17
    I mean filthy!You can smell a self righteous person anywhere... :red_smile:

    I am not self righteous if that's what your implying. I know that I am a sinner according to God, and sin and make mistakes every single day. Though it is through Christ Jesus that I am saved.

  3. People who have done countless evil deeds deserve only the fires of hell. The only way that they can be saved is if they sacrifice themselves for the peace of mankind, like in a heroic event.


    You obviously don't know anything at all about Jesus or the Gospel he brought us.....    and that's a shame....    for your sake I pray that the Lord would open your eyes to his truths.

    Christ told us that we should help,our fellow man, thus good works. If one is evil, he can be redeemed by sacrificing himself for the good of mankind, which is the ultimate Christ like action one can do to obtain the Kingdom of God.

  4. The Gospel is the same for all.

    We are all sinners.

    Christ paid for our sins on the cross.

    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

    Are you implying that I am not saved? I believe in Christ, that is enough for me, or anyone to be saved.

    Not really.   Salvation is not based on accepting a set of propositional truths from the Bible.   Salvation begins with understanding that you are a sinner in God's eyes.  It means accepting God's definition of sin.  Salvation means repenting and forsaking your sin and making Jesus both Lord and Savior.   As it stands, you appear to assent to believing in Jesus, as if that is all there is. 


    Salvation affects a total change a transformation of the heart.  Without that transformation having taken place, you are still in your sins.  You may have religion, but you have not made a genuine decision to accept Jesus as Lord.

    Well, I should have said earlier that I do know that I am a sinner. We all are sinners. But, by the grace of God we are saved, even when we do sin after attaining salvation.

  5. Evolution has never been intuitively observed or empircally proven.  It has never been tested in any way shape or form.  You are simply gullible.

    Evolution has been known to take place in viruses. This is how they can combat our antibiotics. And yes, adaptation is apart of evolution.






    Evolution has been known to take place in viruses. This is how they can combat our antibiotics. And yes, adaptation is apart of evolution.


    I think I've already told you this a number of times.....


    Viruses aren't even classified as life, they need host DNA.  And you don't "Combat" Viruses with Antibiotics :huh:   Antibiotics only work on BACTERIA.

    Whoops. Really can't believe that I just forgot that. Sometimes I just say before I speak, and it really makes me a fool like it did here. Though there is a debate going on if viruses are classified as a life form. Me? I'm somewhere in the middle of that debate.

  6. The Gospel is the same for all.

    We are all sinners.

    Christ paid for our sins on the cross.

    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

    Are you implying that I am not saved? I believe in Christ, that is enough for me, or anyone to be saved.

  7. Actually "judging" (as a sin) is concluding that something bad about someone is so without sufficient evidence; or assuming what is in the heart which only the Lord knows.


    If you know someone is is having sex with someone else of the same sex, by their own admission, then pointing out it is sin is not judging because the evidence has already been supplied.  And that isn't even what we are talking about.  No one is being judged in the thread.  Jerry doesn't think gay sex is a sin.

    But what if homosexuality is not a sin? A sin should be something that is known to have a negative effect on the person and the community, and homosexuality does neither of those.

  8. Creationism is not science, so therefore no.

    Evolution isn't science, either.  it is a philosophy and an untested hypothesis at the very best.

    Evolution is science. There's a mountain load of evolution, and God could have easily created us using this process. Why do you dispute science?

    You are the hapless victim of a grand lie.  God did not use evolution.  God created man apart from the created order.  The Bible makes it clear that man has no physical relationship with the animall kingdom. 


    I don't dispute science.  I dispute the lie of evolution.

    Evolution is not a lie, it is fact. I don't see why you guys can't accept evolution as a fact. I can, and it doesn't interfere with my Christian faith.

    Evolution has never been intuitively observed or empircally proven.  It has never been tested in any way shape or form.  You are simply gullible.

    Evolution has been known to take place in viruses. This is how they can combat our antibiotics. And yes, adaptation is apart of evolution.

  9. Creationism is not science, so therefore no.

    Evolution isn't science, either.  it is a philosophy and an untested hypothesis at the very best.

    Evolution is science. There's a mountain load of evolution, and God could have easily created us using this process. Why do you dispute science?

    You are the hapless victim of a grand lie.  God did not use evolution.  God created man apart from the created order.  The Bible makes it clear that man has no physical relationship with the animall kingdom. 


    I don't dispute science.  I dispute the lie of evolution.

    Evolution is not a lie, it is fact. I don't see why you guys can't accept evolution as a fact. I can, and it doesn't interfere with my Christian faith.

  10. and ultimately all of Christianity (especially my Roman Catholic faith) a bad name.


    That's your first mistake, getting involved with the Catholic faith. Not good.

    Why? We too are Christians living the Gospels. In fact, I may as to be so bold I saying that all who have accepted Christ are Christians, even Mormons or the Westboro Baptist Church, though some are misguided by their own self righteousness, which we find in each denomination, including my own.

  11. What strife are we causing?  We are trying not to normalize something that's a sin.  And yes, it's considered a sin and an abomination in both the Old and New Testaments.  You'd set me straight if you saw me sinning, but not a homosexual?  We should constantly be at war with all sin in the world and with the enemy who tries to sucker people into buying his lies that it's okay.  Sins are born in our hearts...not just when they're carried out.  The person who lusts after a married person has already committed adultery even if there was no act of adultery.

    But what is the real sin? Homosexuality, or the homophobia?

    The Bible is unmistakably clear that homosexuality is a genuine sin and that God hates it.  God judges it.    Homophobia is a myth.  It is a fake term used by people like you to demonize others who don't accept homosexuality.      A phobia is an irrational fear.   We are not afraid of gay people.  We simply reflect what the Bible says about that lifestyle.


    Yes the real sin here, homosexuality and I would add, advocating for homosexuality, defending it.


    There is much hatred shown from the evangelical community towards the gay community on what, that they are different. We should not discriminate at all.

    That isn't really true.  The hatred is actually coming from the gay community toward those who don't accept their lifestyle as good or normal.  Gay organizations have shown a high degree of hostility and militancy towards anyone that doesn't accept their lifestyle.  


    Most Christians don't hate gays or anyone else.   There a may be a few who do, but it is unfair of you and others to hold up the few who do hate gays as representative of the rest of us.

    Well if it were true that the hatred is from the homosexual community, then how do,you explain gay people committing suicide out of being bullied, more often than not in the Bible Belt, and being bullied by people who would generally call themselves Christians?

  12. Blessings bestrfc!

          I am sorry that you &/or your friend have experienced "hatred' from the evangelical community (I assume in your area?)I can only speak for myself & my church & all our "sister churches" in my own community & we all open our doors & or arms to anyone who comes hungry & thirsty........it's not our job to judge anyone but it is our job not to lie to anyone just to make them comfortable(no matter what sinful lifestyle we are talking about)

          Our main concern is introducing the sinner to Jesus,standing by their side as they get to know Him & hopefully to rejoice with them in the joy of their Salvation    If any sinner(gay or whatever)truly comes to Christ with a repentant heart & asks him to be"Lord " of their life then the Holy Spirit will do all the convicting & all the renewing & transforming

           Sin is sin,its not a matter of discrimmination....its a matter of being truthful & honest

                                                                                                With love-in Christ,Kwik

    While I myself have not experienced hatred from the evangelical community (and I myself am straight), I do have several friends who I have met online who have felt strife from their areas evangelical community, one for being gay, the other being atheist. And I know that all evangelical churches are not like that, it's just the loudest ones who give you guys, and ultimately all of Christianity (especially my Roman Catholic faith) a bad name. And here's another thing. Is homosexuality really a sin when compared to the likes of murder? One has proof that the action negatively affects the parties involved, and the community as a whole (murder) but the other (in which is not a sin) is not (homosexuality). And besides, is gay marriage really affecting heterosexual couples marriages? That so called theory makes no sense to me and holds no logic.

  13. What strife are we causing?  We are trying not to normalize something that's a sin.  And yes, it's considered a sin and an abomination in both the Old and New Testaments.  You'd set me straight if you saw me sinning, but not a homosexual?  We should constantly be at war with all sin in the world and with the enemy who tries to sucker people into buying his lies that it's okay.  Sins are born in our hearts...not just when they're carried out.  The person who lusts after a married person has already committed adultery even if there was no act of adultery.

    But what is the real sin? Homosexuality, or the homophobia? There is much hatred shown from the evangelical community towards the gay community on what, that they are different. We should not discriminate at all.

  14. What I don't get is the evangelical/fundamentalist obsession over homosexuality, and sex in general. Homosexuality is mentioned what, twice, maybe three times in the Bible? And why are you following the Leviticus scripture that calls it an abomination, when most of is eat meat, shrimp and don't have anymore animal sacrifices? When Christ said He fulfilled the law, he meant all of it. I feel like the church should move into the direction of being concerned mostly about the social outcasts, the poor finically and stop all of,this hate towards homosexuals. What you are saying to them is not love, it is hate. Do not be scared of them because they are different. Love them for who they are. Or, as I like to say 'love a person because he is different than yourself, not because he is the same.'



    Why is it hatred to say something is a sin?  Am I screaming at the top of my lungs saying, "I Hate you!  You're going to hell!"  No.  If you saw me sin, you would hopefully say something to me about it.  But homosexuality is different.  We want to normalize it.  You say it's not love, but I think trying to warn someone out sin is love.  Ignoring the problem and letting them burn in hell for their sins is not love.  Jesus told the woman at the well who had sex with five different men to stop sinning.  Was that not love?  Or was He shelling out hate?  The problem is people like you who say that every time we mention homosexuality in a negative light is hatred and bigotry.  I didn't make the rules and say it's an abomination.  God did.  So why are you shooting the messenger?

    While yes, if I saw you sinning, I'd set you straight, but I do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. It becomes a sin when people of the same sex have sex. Though my main problem is seeing how much strife and suffering that the gay community goes through, more often than not at the hands of us Christians.

  15. What I don't get is the evangelical/fundamentalist obsession over homosexuality, and sex in general. Homosexuality is mentioned what, twice, maybe three times in the Bible? And why are you following the Leviticus scripture that calls it an abomination, when most of is eat meat, shrimp and don't have anymore animal sacrifices? When Christ said He fulfilled the law, he meant all of it. I feel like the church should move into the direction of being concerned mostly about the social outcasts, the poor finically and stop all of,this hate towards homosexuals. What you are saying to them is not love, it is hate. Do not be scared of them because they are different. Love them for who they are. Or, as I like to say 'love a person because he is different than yourself, not because he is the same.'

  16. Science doesn't need to be made religious. I myself am a Christian and take evolution for what it is: fact. Likewise with the Big Bang. While yes with the Big Bang we weren't around to see it, that is the most accurate theory that scientists have put forth. And who knows? God could have created the universe with a Big Bang. It is quite possible that He did.



    I myself am a Christian and take evolution for what it is: fact. Likewise with the Big Bang.


    Go ahead and start a new topic with "Evolution and Big Bang, Fact"....see what kind of response you get.

    As I have been saying, you can be a Christian and believe that evolution is fact. Just because the Bible doesn't specifically mention it, does not make it false. Besides, how do we have new viruses? They evolve to combat our antibiotics.

    That's not evolution.  That is simply adaptation.   Evolution is not fact.  Evolution is an untested hypthesis.  That is all it is.

    May i point you in the direction of Darwin's Finches? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin's_finches

    I believe as a Christian, I while not only be searching for the Truth that is God, but also be searching for the truth of how our world works and how He made our world. And I do believe that evolution was apart of it.

  17. Science doesn't need to be made religious. I myself am a Christian and take evolution for what it is: fact. Likewise with the Big Bang. While yes with the Big Bang we weren't around to see it, that is the most accurate theory that scientists have put forth. And who knows? God could have created the universe with a Big Bang. It is quite possible that He did.



    I myself am a Christian and take evolution for what it is: fact. Likewise with the Big Bang.


    Go ahead and start a new topic with "Evolution and Big Bang, Fact"....see what kind of response you get.

    As I have been saying, you can be a Christian and believe that evolution is fact. Just because the Bible doesn't specifically mention it, does not make it false. Besides, how do we have new viruses? They evolve to combat our antibiotics.

  18. Science doesn't need to be made religious. I myself am a Christian and take evolution for what it is: fact. Likewise with the Big Bang. While yes with the Big Bang we weren't around to see it, that is the most accurate theory that scientists have put forth. And who knows? God could have created the universe with a Big Bang. It is quite possible that He did.

  19. I don't think you can be a gay Christian but isn't God forgiving?

    only if you stop the action that he would forgive you for.

    But then technically, that's not an all loving God. I thought that God forgave even if you still repeated the same mistake over and over again.

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