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Posts posted by jashley

  1. This guy friend at my bible study while we were walking out ran into these ladies sitting in a circle and he started talking to his mom while I was standing there but didn't introduce me or the guy standing next to me to her. (I know it's his mom because I have a vauge memory of meeting her at church like 10 years ago and her saying "Hi I'm so and sos mom" and I've seen pictures of him with her on his Facebook profile where he mentions her being his mom, like for mother's day). I'm only 99% sure the lady from last night was her though. So what do I do? Do you think I should ask him if that was his mom? If it was his mom, I'm kind of hurt that he wouldn't introduce me or the guy standing next to me to her. Also when I asked if he knew these people once we left the room he said yeah I go to church here, but still didnt say anything about his mom. I thought I was his friend.

  2. There's this guy that I have known for 16 years since middle school and we have been in different church groups together and recently I had some dreams about being with him romantically. I haven't had dreams like that about him until a month ago. Over the last seven months I have been involved in 2 different church groups with him where we see each other twice a week, and before that we hadn't seen each other in years since I went to his Baptist Church in high school. I'm starting to kind of have feelings for him which is weird to me because I have never felt that way about him before. But alot of the time he doesn't show much interest in talking to me and a lot of times says hi in a short tone or barely at all and hardly talks to me, whereas he talks a lot to the other girls. So I don't know if he likes me or what the deal is, why he acts like this towards me.
    Last night I tried to say hi to him several times and all he did was glance at me and wave, didnt say hi back. And kept ignoring me, while he was talking to the other girls. And I overheard him making plans with a girl to go out and giving her his number! Omg and then he and a friend were talking and he mentioned this guy who hasnt been in awhile and so I asked where has he been why isnt he here tonight and he said you seem very interested in him, do you like him? I said no, and he said is there anyone you like and I said yes, and he asked who, do I know him?. Um what? I didnt know what to say so I said maybe, and he said does he know you like him and I said I doubt it so he said you should tell him. Why would I do that when he doesnt even say hi and barely acknowledges me and makes plans to go out with another girl? And then when he was leaving I said bye and he said bye in a short tone and I said it was nice to see you, and he just looked down with a weirded out look on his face. why?

  3. 4 hours ago, GoldenEagle said:

    @jashley would you give us more information? Why were you kicked out? Are they open to bringing you back? Why would you want to go back? Why not find another church?

    God bless,


     it was because of me venting online and talking about her and other people at the church excluding me and continuing to do so after being asked to stop.

  4. I really, really want to go back to my church I was kicked out of. I cant stop thinking about it all the time and want to know if theres anything I can do to be accepted back into that church. It was like a family to me and a home and now I just feel so empty and incomplete without being a part of that church. Do you think theres anything I can do or any chance of being accepted back into that church?

  5. 6 minutes ago, The_Patriot2016 said:

    So...she's offended because you vent about her online, and your answer is to continue venting about her online?

    I'm not venting about her online I'm seeking advice and owning up to messing up and seeking forgiveness

  6. She just blocked me on Facebook without talking to me about it, first she unfriended me and when I asked if I had done anything to offend her she said yes, when I asked what it was she said to leave her alone then blocked me. I found out later from my pastor that it was because I had vented about her excluding and disliking me online, and continued to do so after she asked me to stop, but I was only trying to get advice and needed someone to talk to, but I can see why that would upset her and I am very sorry and don't know if she will ever forgive me. But we are Christians and she had said before this happened that she would always love me no matter what, although after what I did I certainly don't deserve it and now I don't know if she is still sticking to what she said. I was also kicked out of my church for this, which is also understandable. I just want a chance to apologize and to seek forgiveness, I can't do that if they won't even talk to me. I feel like such a horrible person. Do you think there is a chance of them ever forgiving me and letting me back in the church?

  7. Omg my friend hid yet another status from me!I looked on my other old FB account and saw this: Thank you SO much to my amazing church family for helping me move today! I love you guys so much! You are such a blessing in my life! and she tagged like 5 people from my church
    But it did not show up on my current account! Why would she hide that status from me??
    And Facebook locked me out of the account I could see her status on by demanding I submit an id. Now I wont be able to see if shes hiding any more statuses from me!

  8. I was sitting with my small group and the girl from my church who hid her Facebook post about moving from me showed some people her phone and was talking about a Facebook post she saw. When I asked about it, she just said I was just sharing something I saw on Facebook with them. When I asked what it was she wouldn't say and said it doesnt matter its not a big deal. I said I was just trying to be part of the conversation and she said it just didn't pertain to you and wouldn't make sense to you, and I have a different relationship with them. What is that supposed to mean? Why would she share it with them and not show me??
    And also, I talked to her and apologized if I came off as being needy or making her feel scared to be herself around me for fear of hurting my feelings or offending me and making it hard to love me and said I felt like she didnt like me anymore and she said you are loved God is good, but wouldnt say whether she loved me because I was lovable and she loved me herself or if she was just trying to love me because God says to love me. When I tried to get her to say what she thinks of me and if she loved me like she did her other friends she kept turning it around to God loves you, yes I know but do you love me and do you want to be my friend. I feel like she doesnt even though she said she did because she said God is helping me love you and you have done nothing to make me love you, it is because I love God and am called by God to love you. So it feels like she is skirting around the issue and not actually saying she doesnt want to be friends with me or doesnt love me because it shouldnt matter because God does. Well I want to know what she thinks of me and whether she honestly loves me because she wants to and thinks Im likable and not out of some obligation from God.
  9.  I am so upset this girl who I thought was my friend hugged everyone in my church group goodbye last night except me. She just looked at me and walked past me out he door. Why would she do this?? I feel like she doesn’t like me and wanted to hug everyone except me. Also, when I messaged her and a group of girls from our small group to hang outshe just said No I am busy, sorry! and immediately left the conversation.

  10. I am so upset, my friend from church made a FB post about moving to my town from her neighboring town and closer to my church and where I live, and that she was looking for a roomate. I got a notification that she posted this, looked at it but later saw that the status was gone. I asked another mutual friend if she could still see the status and she said yes. And a few days earlier she had posted pretty much the same thing about wanting to move to my town only it sounded less definite. The status she posted then hid from me said she was excited to be able to move to my town and closer to my church and that she was looking for a good roomate and not just anyone. Why would she hide that status from me??

  11. I am so upset, I feel like my friend and pastor dislike me and want me to stay away from them because my friend said she needed space and was yelling at me for feeling excluded bc Im not invited places and thinking Im being rejected when that is supposedly not true. 

    My pastor messaged me telling me I need to stop being offended when I don't get invited to things after he overheard me asking someone at church about a get together they had. And he said if I wanted to stay part of the group I need to stop asking people questions about their events that Im not invited to because it makes it look like Im upset that I wasn't invited. Ok I understand that but why is he making me out to be this horrible bad person and threatening to kick me out for simply asking what someone did when for clarification when I overhear them talking about a get together.




  12. Last week she ended up cancelling because she said everyone who said they could make it cancelled at the last minute, and that she would reschedule for the next week, and today she messaged me saying she forgot she had an appointment to get her phone fixed (on Friday night) Does this seem weird to anyone? First of all, you need to make an appointment to get a phone fixed, and they do it on a Friday night? And she forgot? Sounds like an excuse to brush me off. She said we would have to plan for another time, and I asked when and she said I don't know, Im really busy the next few weeks.

  13. I am so upset, this girl from my church who I thought was my friend had a ladies night get together and posted pictures on FB, and when I asked what it was for and if it was dress shopping she said "No. We were hanging out. And you dont need to be at every social thing I do, ok? Im sorry, but no." What the heck? She hasnt ever invited me to a single social thing shes done, ever. And then I said well sorry for asking I just felt excluded. She said theres no reason you should have felt excluded. But isnt that what you just did? And then to follow it up with an exclusive remark of I dont need to be at every social event you do. Wth?

  14. I am so upset this friend from church just sent me a message after I responded to her post asking if anyone wants to get sushi and she asked if I liked sushi. When I responded that I thought it was ok, she said "thats not what you told me the other day, Im pretty sure you told me you dont like sushi" and I said I didnt say that, I said it was ok but not my favorite, and she said "I dont believe thats what you said the other day, I specifically remember you saying you dont like sushi and you are being dishonest with me, I dont want you to come if youre going to lie to me, I dont even know why you want to come since you dont like sushi" after I repeatedly told her no thats not what I said she still kept calling me a liar and wouldnt believe me. I know I didnt lie about not liking sushi and dont know how to get her to believe me, and am so upset she probably hates me now and thinks Im a liar and doesnt want to believe me I dont know what to doI feel like she never wanted me there in the first place and was making an excuse. Do you think I should ask her if she ever wanted me there in the first place? It was posted on my church groups FB group that she knows I am a part of. And after I apologized and explained myself she said ok I guess I misunderstood and I asked if I could still come she said yes but then an hour later messaged me saying everyone who was going cancelled so she wasnt going to do it and that she would reschedule for next week. 

  15. I am so upset, this friend from church is leaving and applying for a religious ministry school out of state in the fall and then right after that is moving out of state to be with her boyfriend who is in the military and is stationed there next. Like forever. On top of that, she hasnt been going to small group and wont be going for the next month because shes in a play, and then she has a wedding to go to this summer that she is going to instead of going on this church road trip. Apparently the dates have already been set so she knows she wont be able to go on the trip. So I will never be able to see her ever again after this summer and on top of that she wont even be going on the church road trip which will be the last opportunity to go on the road trip with her ever! She said she wished she could go but had a close childhood friends wedding that same weekend.When I asked if she would ever be going on the trip again or if I would ever see her again she said ehh probably, we will see, I mean Im going to be so busy with my boyfriend aka future husband and we cant go on trips with the church or see each other forever. Like it was no big deal! Omg! I am so upset and she doesnt even care that she wont ever see me again. 
    I was just wondering if it would be unreasonable to ask the pastor to change the date of the trip (in August) so that she can go since this is the last chance I have at going on a trip with her and I wont ever see her again. And I cant drive so its not like I can just go visit her either.
    Do you think I could ask her if we could plan a road trip of our own? 

  16. I just asked the leader at church who blocked me if I had done anything to offend him because I noticed he blocked me and he said no so I was like why did you block me and he said some of my comments were unnecessary and said dont worry about it when I started to ask what comments. Then this girl I was talking to about it said you need to not be offended or upset that he tagged everyone but you or that he blocked you and maybe thats the reason people dont tag me or include me because I get upset when they exclude me and they are tired of me acting like I think they are rejecting and excluding me , well maybe if you didnt reject and exclude me all the time I wouldn't be upset or think youre excluding me

  17. I am so upset, a friend from church blocked me and I don't know why. All I know is it happened after he tagged everyone that was at this church event I went to except me saying if youre not here youre missing out, to which I commented I was there and the next thing I know he blocked me wth?? And this is a leader in my small group too!

  18. People at my church seem to dislike, ignore and try to get away from me, especially this one girl who was about to leave on a trip so this was her last week at church for a while, so at the end of the service she went around to everyone in the room and hugged and said goodbye to them. She did this with everyone except me. Why is that? Why would she just completely pass over me.. And when I walked out to say bye she just ignored me. I have asked in the past if I did or said anything to upset or offended her but she said no everything is fine. Then why does she just ignore and try to get away from me?
    The Starbucks near me was closed on Thanksgiving, so I walked three miles to another coffee shop I go to because they had posted about having a coupon deal there like last year only to find out they RAISED the price of the deal from last year, and they couldn't tell me why!

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