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Posts posted by Rakael

  1. I have read and processed the informations. When I read all the comments, it helped me realize that my partner isn't at all as the comments might suggest. He is not an alcoholic and he actually have a correct 'relationship' to alcohol. He doesn't actually tend to have an addictive personality. Of course he tries to push a bit like "just one more and then we'll go" but he's been pretty good with listening to me and respecting my uneasiness and such. I think I overreacted a bit. I actually have a great boyfriend. I just need to accept as well that he is who he is and I shouldn't want to change him, otherwise I'm in the wrong relationship. I love him and I want to be with him. I can make this relationship work, I want to. He is the man I chose. Plus, with Jesus nothing's impossible, I hope I can have an impact on his spiritual thinking. He is pretty good with accepting my faith too.

  2. I would not pressure him with it because it will seriously annoy him and you might lose someone you really appreciate. I talk with experience because my mum is always going on and on about God and religion. I love God, but I cannot stand having these conversations with her because she is not a living example of what she preaches...so it just gets on my nerves.


    But then again I'm on the other side too because my boyfriend is an atheist. I often talk about God or share my point of view but then he states his too and I get hurt as well. BUT one day, I was able to make a prayer with him and I think we also prayed together with my family. I can't really explain why he got into it, maybe because he loves me and accept that that's who I am too.


    Maybe just pray. Don't get too pushy with your friend too. Maybe talk about God once a month or something rather than every week. Also act with lots of love towards him, like you are doing this for him not so you can share your view, or belief, or because you think God is so great, or because you want to 'convert' him. Always think of him first. That's how I've put it I think when I prayed with my boyfriend. I was leaving for the holidays and I wanted to have this moment with him and God to pray so God will keep us safe while we are apart.

  3. I really do feel for you Need2BeSaved! Everything you told is so heartbreaking. I wish I had the answer but I don't think I do. I hope these next few lines are gonna help you a little.


    Jesus has come down and died for everyone that believes in his glory, that believes that he is the son of God and that believe that he is our salvation. Jesus came down so he would take ALL our sins, each and every one of them and erase them so we wouldn't be sinful again, so we would be saved.

    He wants to relieve you of the heaviness of them, of the pain it causes you. I think that we are not perfect and that we cannot be, we want to be and we make little efforts everyday to be worthy of his love (although his love is unconditional and is given freely whether you want it or not) and I think just doing that everyday deserves acknowledgment and love.

    You are really sincere in all you say and you really touched me so imagine God looking at you, him whose love we cannot even comprehend, a love that is unconditional, unchanging and the purest of all. God is looking at you and he is saying "I love you my child! You are worthy of me, you will be with me when this world is over and your suffering will end and you will not suffer ever again. Be strong and believe in me always because the only thing I am waiting for is for you to stand before me so I can hold you and give you eternal joy and happiness."


    With what I leant from the bible I know that it repeats over and over again to walk away from our sins, to never do it again but there is also a very interesting moment in there too, when one of the disciples ask Jesus what he should do if somebody comes to them asking for forgiveness over and over again after having repeated the same sin. Jesus then says to forgive the person. No matter how many times people sin, how many times we sincerely ask for forgiveness, Jesus forgives us and that's what should always be with you. This world is hard, this world is tempting, this world will win at times but it will never win over Jesus and therefore over you. Be blessed!!!! With all my heart I hope I helped you ease a bit of the pain! God bless you in all your endeavors!!

  4. He isn't a Christian and he usually get together with his friends once each weekend to drink. I'm just a bit nervous about how he would react to me tell him how it bothered me. I talked to him a bit about it but not in detail...I'll see how I go in the future. I want to find the right words. Also I am really not used to the whole drinking gig thing even being with my friends or family who drink around me at parties, still feels weird for me cause I am so not used to it. Though I'm able to laugh more about their tipsy behaviors than when it comes to my bf. For me a night with my friends is usually a meal with them first, then we talk, watch a movie, play cards or have an activity planned but the get together they usually have my bf and them is just beer, cigarettes and music so I don't really know how to not feel a bit bored or out of it...I guess the more I will know them the more I'll feel comfortable.

  5. Hello,


    I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years but yesterday night was the first time I have even seen him drunk...He isn't extreme or anything but it truly disturbed me to see him drunk...


    I have been brought up in a family that doesn't drink or smoke and I don't either. I don't really get why people are attracted to alcohol. It never really interested me ever so it's really hard for me to be objective and let go of the fact that people take pleasure in drinking. So last night we went to his friends place, they all drank and I was the only one who didn't, so obviously I felt a bit uncomfortable. When people consume they get tipsy and change their personality a bit and everything might seem funnier or things like that but for me it was really hard to get into it as I couldn't relate at all to how they were feeling. I really felt alone. I kind of feel bad to feel that way, I want my bf to have a nice time and don't be worried about me but I can't deny the way I feel either...


    It was also really disturbing to see him change, he is usually more of an introvert and it was strange to see him dance and sing, he usually always just feel self conscious about ever getting himself out there so it felt like I was seeing a totally different person and also made me wonder why he didn't feel that safe with me to be able to do it without being drunk...Also a big thing was the way his eyes changed, you know like he wasn't really looking at me but past me...


    I'm just trying to figure out why I feel this way and if any of you ever been in that situation. And what advice could you give me. I feel a bit like a control freak...help me!! I love him so much and I want to accept that that's who he is too......

  6. I think my depression started when my parents got seperated. Well, a bit after really, when Is saw how things were evolving. How my mother isn't able to cope with the separation until now, how things have changed in my life. Depression came slowly and is still there every day. I think it's also because I always feel like and outcast...Depression is hard! I don't know how I can heal...

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