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Posts posted by Tolken

  1. "...Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program..."


    Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the nuclear deal...just with the America, which one can understand. It really is simple as concerns the nuclear deal they defy or violate then sanctions are back in place. Also, consider our relationship with China 50 years ago...and even after Nixon.

  2. shiloh357 - How much of Iran's conventional weaponry comes from Russia?


    Iran's weaponry is quite diverse with some from the US, France, China, and Russia. Their military capability to directly attack the US, or even Israel, is not at all formidable. For the most part "We will trample on America" is simply rhetoric, the belief is that the US and Israel will simply politically rot...Israel because they won't address the Palestinian issue. (and now would be the perfect time )

  3. shiloh357 - The more I read about this "deal"  the worse it gets.


    Depends on what one chooses to read. First let us not forget who initiated the nuclear program in Iran, and also many experts have claimed that Iran could have produced nuclear weapon material for years. And let us not distort the facts 24/7 IAEA oversight at nuclear facilities, it is military sites that require notice. Again, many experts claim how virtually impossible it would be to "hide" nuclear endeavors in such a short time frame.  It really is difficult to be objective ... and given that the general consensus here is that our administration can't be trusted than why should Iran?  or is that IAEA can't be trusted also?

  4. Morning Glory wrote - I've heard all of the above before but, before you go blaming the conditon of the world on the U.S., YOU need to reread history. 
    My points and info were quite specific to the Middle East, please point out to me the information asserted that was factually and historically incorrect? When I criticized my children’s behavior or decision making it was not out of hate...I can criticize the SJC overstepping it’s bounds with both abortion, citizens united, and ss marriage without hating all judiciary. I can support certain of Obama's policies and criticize others... and I don't need to use pejorative labels.
    oldzimm – haven’t had kool-aid in 50 years...should probably try it again for old time sake. To the point to a degree I do defend some of the particulars with Obama only because it is so very tiring listening to the ill-informed blame most everything on this current administration.
    shiloh357 wrote - can't really defend Obama so his only recourse is to try to shame former presidents, as if that somehow justifies Obama.   I am not going to baited into a such a ridiculous line of argumentation.
    Yes, I very well am able to defend Obama on particular issues, and you weren’t “baited” you could have responded to the information as opposed to simply name calling Obama. “Trying to shame former presidents” really? My point again and again is that our current situation is the culmination of past ill advised actions so no intent to “shame” simply asserting the facts. I notice that nobody questioned the info by asserting opposing information.
    It is interesting does anyone actually read other people’s posts? Also, “All Obama wanted was a deal”...you do realize that there were 5 other countries involved, don’t you. In fact somewhere I had read that France was pushing Iran hard on a particular part ... so characterize or mischaracterize it as you want. Further, there are innumerable experts that think it is a good deal, ...and it was to deal with nuclear issues nothing else. I would think Christians would pray and be hopeful that this new direction could work and that over time things might change. And Major Garrett asked a stupid question...the negotiations concerned nuclear restraints, anyone who can’t understand or comprehend that fact, and beyond that this is a possible first step that could resolve other issues such as hostages.
    So I guess I’m pro-Muslim because I firmly believe it is time we looked to other solutions other than aggression.
  5. oldzimm and shiloh357 – Let me me be very clear as I do not consider Obama a “saint” or a great president, I do however think much of the criticism is simply unwarranted. The specific point is the Nuclear “deal” with Iran, the opposition to this is either through hatred of Obama or simply hatred of Iran...the details and merits of the deal are inconsequential. Most won’t admit to the fact that few will hold an objective view.
    As to your list oldzimm it can be easily turned around:  How many unborn babies did Reagan or either Bush save? (Obviously I’m opposed to abortion but there were more abortions under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and GW Bush than Obama’s – meaningless but a point nonetheless)  Healthcare has been out of control for years and doubling as a percent of GDP (and a continuing higher percent of personal income), so I believe ACA is a great first step and if reasoned non-partisan minds would work together the system could be made better.
    Yes, WMDs were found, and known about because they were old chemical weapons stores from the 80’s which the UN inspectors knew about all along. It was covered up because a) it didn’t amount to a justification for war/occupation, and b) the weapons were built in collaboration with the US.  If one chooses to fact check they will find the Obama administration to be no more “scandal ridden” than previous administrations, which in the overall says much about our dysfunctional government .
    One should also consider that as shiloh357 and others promote as the appropriate view on economics to be “People don't go into business to make peanuts and if folks don't like what they are getting paid, then go work somewhere else.  No one has a gun to their head and telling them to stay.” therefore shiloh357 should give credit to Obama for the all time high wealth and corporate profits...the top 1% is growing exponentially, a good thing.
    As I have noted time and again we have 50 plus years of failed policy and misguided intervention in the Middle East. Call it “pro-muslim” if you like but I think a worthwhile tact is to pursue diplomatic solutions rather than aggressive reactions. The viewpoint from any side is decidedly skewed. We only view the radicals and terrorists and government rhetoric but the everyday people have little interest in war, hate, confrontation, and really only seek to “live life” in peace. (In Russia even in unbelievably difficult economic times Putin is able to cast the blame elsewhere, promote nationalism, and gain high approval ratings) We are inculcated by our various governments to believe what they want us to believe, unfortunately like sheep - but following the wrong Shepherd.  As for our leadership I prefer objective evaluations, and prayer to vitriol.
    I think from all that I have read it is a good deal, and the alternatives portend much worse outcomes. We either turn the page to a cautious change in policy direction or use the same manual that has led us nowhere.
  6. shiloh357 wrote - We don't have a failed military.  We have a leftist and a failure in the White House.  Stuff like this is a good example as to why we don't need another socialist, pro-Muslim, pro-gay liberal in charge.


    Obama didn't support the repressive regime of the Pahlavi, Obama didn't supply the materials for chemical weapons to Iraq to use on Iran, Obama wasn't involved with Iran/Contra, Obama didn't start the Iraq war on false premises and then turn the country to chaos, ...so tell us about the republican failures that started this mess. Tell me too why Iran should have any trust in the United States that supplied the material and supported the use of nerve and toxic gases that took the lives of tens of thousands of Iranians?  Of course everyone, mostly repubs, were  eager to bomb Syria for using chemical weapons ... such hypocrites. I appreciate the myopia and extreme bias that causes one to neglect history and heap all of the ills domestically and in the world on the current administration but some rational people are capable of a more objective view.

  7. oldzimm - Failed military??? If there is a failure in any war we were involved in it would be because politicians thought they knew more about war than the warriors.


    So true, wasn't that the case with Vietnam.  Our involvement in the ME whether by conflict or support of repressive regimes has prompted the chaos we see today. The initial "wars" were a success but in the long term they were decidedly a failure. Our support of repressive regimes gave rise to the extremists first as a local issue but because of the US support there rose strong hatred towards America.  The roots of ISIS originated in 2004, and even had  the US committed to an endless occupation I doubt things would turn out much different. You so accurately state  that the politicians stay out of it ...  but their politicians, they know best!

  8. shiloh357 - A reasonable alternative would have been to give them NO nuclear capacity at all and simply turn the sanction screws even harder on them.


    Yes, and then in all likelihood many countries will simply lift sanctions on their own. They were persuaded to abide by the sanctions as a diplomatic solution was sought...a rejection will have countries lifting sanctions, and "turning the sanction screws" will have the same effect of countries dropping out.


  9. oldzimm - you could say I slept with one eye open. Now you may be thinking Oldzimm you are paranoid and you are right in a way, though I wouldn't call it being paranoid, I call it being cautious.


    Fair enough, it is also true that Iran has little reason to trust the US.  The deal isn't built on trust but verification...again, I should think we would be tired of failed military and at least attempt another approach. 

  10. shiloh357 wrote - Chamberlain all over again.






    Onelight wrote - This only pushed the seriousness to another president and off Obama's back.  Time will tell how Iran will move on this peaceful mission.


    Yes, exactly what Presidents have been doing for 50 plus years with their failed Middle East policies. I agree time will tell whether there is any gain from this, but certainly we should realize how military intervention has failed in the past...and miserably.

  11. One will find various views on the "Deal", setting aside the political over tones many experts believe it to be a "good" deal. And as always few really confront the alternatives.



    “Kingston Reif, the director for disarmament and threat reduction policy at the Arms Control Association, said that the deal is an “historic” achievement that could, if properly put into practice, ensure that Iran does not attain a nuclear weapon.“If successfully implemented it would be a historic non-proliferation and national security breakthrough,” he told Anadolu Agency. He said that despite compromises made to broker the accord, it is “overall a very strong, effective, and verifiable agreement.”

  12. I rarely post about politics, but this needs to be said about the Iran nukes deal, and Elie Weisel said it best: "When someone says they want to kill you ... believe them."


    How about those that don't tell you? Were not 15 of the 19 hijackers/terrorists of Sept. 11 citizens of Saudi Arabia, our ally?

  13. Well if it is rejected then it is quite possible that other countries will decide to lift sanctions believing the US negotiated in bad faith. Some have suggested that the deal could be still in place absent the US. The slow lifting of sanctions doesn't begin for 6 months as the verification process is in place, I would think that is reasonable and those opposed will most assuredly keep a watchful eye. Again, what are the options?  

  14. shiloh357 wrote - Yeah, but THIS time our ME policy will suddenly work???


    Perhaps not, then again perhaps it will change the dynamic to some degree.  Our constant intervention, support of oppressive regimes, and other failed objectives have only succeeded in more and more turmoil.  It would seem beneficial to take a different tact and policy, and also there is always the preferred method of many to just use the military, always an option and typically the first to many.

  15. Opinions vary as to whether it is a "good" deal or a "bad" deal...and many reject it without any critical thought - perhaps the typical "Obama is the devil, hates America,etc" routine. What one should also consider are the alternatives. If for example the US rejects the deal, that does not obligate other countries to reject the deal. It would be quite possible for Iran to hold to the deal then any number of countries to simply lift sanctions and continue without US involvement.


    The deal eliminates 2/3 of Iran's centrifuges, the centrifuges left in place are not efficient for enrichment. There is 24/7 verification at the nuclear sites, and it is the military sites that require 14 day notice. If at any time Iran is legitimately suspected of "cheating" the sanctions can be put immediately back in place, and without Russia or China able to block such. After the "life" of this deal it is not that Iran could immediately proceed to create nuclear weapons but rather UN sanctions would come in place.


    It just seems that the deal should be given a fair hearing rather than the typical knee-jerk rejection without considering all sides and potential consequences.

  16. Just as a point of interest, it might be that same sex marriage is not at all what the LGBTQ-ETC community is actually striving to gain. It may be simply a step towards homosexuality being considered (inculcated?) as normative.  If one references those countries where ss marriage is legal one finds the percent of "marriages" to be insignificant. Even in US states that had some legal union mandated the numbers are extremely low...as in single digits.

  17. There were several studies that something like 70% to 80% of young people (under 18) will simply grow out of this.  Also, the suicide rate for those after "transition" is very high.  Of course now with Bruce Jenner receiving all sorts of positive "press" I'm sure a certain number of people will quickly give "positive" reinforcement at the least suggestion ..."my little boy played with make-up so now he's a transgender" - "...so now we dress he/she in dresses and bows, aren't we enlightened parents.". On the radio I actually heard a commentator use the term "gender fluidity", difficult to keep up with all the terminology ...

  18. Thats not true jeff. Yes, the Bible says not to serve two masters-and to give unto ceasar what is ceasar. But, it also says we are to respect the authority put over us-which means to follow the rules and guidelines, and "codes" (Laws) that they lay out. 


    As far as patriotism, without patriotism, Israel would, in itself not be a country today. The Bible does teach loyalty, and theres nothing in there that says you can't be patriotic as long as it doesnt come between you and God-God is number one, no matter what. Keep in mind, the founding fathers cited 27 biblical reasons for splitting from england in their declaration of independence, and that entire regiments in the revolutionary war were churches whose pastor stood up and said were fighting and the men of the church followed. A pastor can indeed be patriotic-patriotism, to a point, is actually biblical, and part of following God. You serve God through serving your country, then you are not in the wrong.

    the_patriot2015 - Very well put!!

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