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  1. He is my best friend. He is not a born again believer. Although he attends church, which I'm sure means nothing to anyone on here. I think I might have a conversation with him about it, see if he'll agree to attend church regularly and become a born again believer, if not I will end the relationship. He has agreed that we be monogamous and he said he would never be with a man again. It hurts, I'm in so much pain, so lost. I have prayed about it. I am a Christian. I just want to cry and wish I never had dated him. But I want to be with him. I can't see my life without him. This is so stressful. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to feel sad and depressed. I only have myself to blame. Seems like I like drama and complicating my life. How does one love themself? Maybe I don't love myself. I don't want to be alone. But I feel more alone now than ever.
  2. That's very true Other One, we go to church together. I don't think he's a born again believer. I should read the Bible with him. I've spoken to his doctor and she said we could have kids and I could take medicine so the baby wouldn't get HIV at birth. I feel like everything keeps saying, no, don't be with him
  3. I am a believer. It's hard because there's always been a special place in my heart for my boyfriend. Since the day I met him, I just wanted to be in his life. So I became his best friend, we get a long very well, we go out hike and do fun activities outdoors. His parents love me and think we are great together as a couple. I'm in love with him and that's why it's so hard for me. I can see myself marrying him and having his children and he's told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Back in 2010, I. Would ask my mother to have her bible group pray for him and I would ask for prayer at my church for him as well. Does that mean God put me in his life so I could pray for him only or maybe my boyfriend is going through all this so he could change his lifestyle and please God now. I love my family and it bothers me so much that they feel so strongly against my relationship.
  4. I need help. I've been very distraught today. Yesterday my father called me and begged me to end my relationship with my current boyfriend, who has been with men before and got HIV. He's currently on medication and makes it less likely that I get it. I love him. I've known him since 2010 and he makes me really happy. Should I listen to my parents? We are both 23. I'm sure my parents are praying about it and asking the church to pray. I just feel like they never let me do anything I want. I think it was wrong for my father to tell me to end the relationship. I feel so confused.
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