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Posts posted by LoveGeneration

  1. What do you think God is looking for to see us as holy and pure?  this is what i think he is searching the earth for- A person of love not a love of human perspective but an unusual love, a type of love that has not existed on earth for a very long time.

    i blelieve he is searching for a people who have the heart of david a people who see themselves as the least in both this world and the kingdom of God. A people who value others more than themselves and are willing to sacrifice everything for others sake and the Lords.


    I think these ppl see what others cannot, they have the ability to peek into the heart of God to not just know who he is but can see what he desires. they can see what God sees and desire what he desires and because of this they have an unbelievable love and care for his children. These ppl do not see with thier eyes they see with the eyes of their hearts.


    They are not an ordinary ppl and are not who you expect them to be they do not seek glory or honor and they do the fathers will in the shadows where only God knows of their doing.  These ppl are a rare sort they take faith far beyond most of us do.

    I believe these ppl are out there I think some are even here in worthy but we do not know who some of them are because they blend in with us but secretly in the shadows they are doing glorious things for the Lord


    I feel like you're talking about a prophet. Problem is that there are many false prophets, but true prophets that were appointed by God himself fit your description. That's not say that God is only looking for prophets; I think that God wants his children to follow his commandments and do His work. As simple as that. If you start thinking about holiness and purity, you're only setting yourself up for failure. Love and preach the gospel and everything else will fall into line. 

  2. Repentance, in my understanding, is a changing of the mind, which in effect will alter a person's behavior. Correct?  


    In other words, when a person repents, would it be appropriate to ask this question....."Do I now hate the sins I used to commit and do I now love the God I once ignored?"


    I'm asking these questions because I find myself in somewhat of a dilemma...


    The Bible says in James 4:17, "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."


    So here I sit, knowing that the right thing to do would be not to light up a cigarette.  But time after time I continue to do so.  If I run to God after smoking a cigarette and ask His forgiveness, will He forgive me?  Does God's forgiveness hinge upon repentance?  Must I put down the cigarettes for good before God will forgive me?  There have been times when I quit smoking and asked God to forgive me, but those times did not last very long...I went back to smoking, the addiction just keeps overpowering me. So after smoking I run back to God to ask for His forgiveness again.  Will God continue to forgive me...even though I haven't been able to quit smoking...not that I want to smoke or want to continue in sin. 


    Would my dilemma be what the writer of Heb. 10:26 speaks of? , "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins..."


    Repentance involves not repeating the sin again. You have not repented, you have simply asked for forgiveness. God will continue to forgive you, but you need to ask Him for guidance and help to quench your addiction before you attempt to repent. Nicotine is an addictive drug, so through your own strength you will not be able to overcome your addiction, you need to pray and ask God for help. 

  3. I've wondered a long time now about the difference between forgiving, and just letting it go, not letting it bug me.

    My pastor told me that forgiving someone is truly a spiritual experience. One that God has a hand in. It is not something we do on our own.

    Talk shows say forgiving let's you move on, that the anger you feel toward the person doesn't eat at you any longer.

    I wonder if I have forgiven, or if I only stuff it all waaaayyyy down. I certainly don't feel like I've had a spiritual experience, but I don't feel angry either. Maybe I'm just burnt out from caring so much. Because really, I just. Don't. Care.


    Very good question.


    In my opinion, forgiveness is when you forget. If you wake up every morning thinking about what that person did to you, you haven't forgiven them. You need to no longer holding a grudge against that person, and you need let it go. Not just consciously, but in your heart as well. For instance, you may think you have forgiven someone because you made a conscious effort to forgive them in your mind, but whenever you see that person, you feel a tiny bit of loathing in your heart, which means you have not forgiven them yet. Now, as for how to know whether you have forgiven someone or not... I would say that you need to talk to that person and ask God for guidance as well. My dad always tells me to apologize to the person, regardless of who hurt who, and that's one way to show forgiveness. Also, if you practice agape love, forgiveness should be second nature to you. If you're still struggling with forgiving and letting go, then you need to not focus on building your forgiving nature, but building your "love nature". As soon as you learn to love, you'll learn to forgive. 



    And here is a harder one, (I think). If someone hurts your child, how much is yours to forgive? I wasn't hurt directly, I suppose the trust was destroyed, the family destroyed, but what am I forgiving exactly? I can't forgive the real sin, it wasn't committed against me. And btw if anyone has any idea how to explain this to others, particularly non-Christians, I'd love to hear it.


    If you are personally affected by the event, and feel any kind of hatred or loathing to the person, then you also need to forgive them. Forgiveness is not only when someone does something wrong to you directly, but if they hurt you in any way (even through your child) and you are no longer able to love them, you need to forgive them. In addition, trying to explain this to non-Christians will be very difficult, because they have not inherited God's love, therefore they are more likely to hold grudges and not let go. If I were you, I would preach salvation to them first before trying to teach them how to forgive, otherwise you're fighting a losing battle. 

  4. Just found a German word that suits so many of us - fernweh : felling homesick for a place you have never been. Does that not suit every Christian? Homesick for Heaven and Jesus!!

    Now when someone asks you why you sit and gaze dreamily into space you can tell them you are just feeling fernweh!


    Well, I have much work to do here in Earth, saving souls and whatnot, so I have no time to feel fernweh for Heaven when so many people are going to Hell. But that's just me...

  5. Putting The Lord before everyone and everything else.

    This is one thing I' m not even sure I understand, let alone think I'm capable of doing. I want to, I know that is how it is supposed to be but I've never figured out what that would look like.


    I understand your anxiety, putting God before anything or anyone else in your life takes serious dedication and sacrifice, especially if you have a family of your own, as you mentioned. My advice to you is to follow God's commandments and do His work. What are his commandments? See Mark 12:29-30 and John 13:34. What is His work exactly? See Mark 16:15-16. I want to put extra emphasis on doing His work, because a lot of people think it's enough to go to church and read the Bible once in a while, but it isn't. You're supposed to take what you've learned and teach others, that's the only way to save souls. Do not be ashamed of His word but go forth and declare His name to all who are willing to hear. As Apostle Paul beautifully declared, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16 NKJV). Be blessed!

  6. I try to follow allot of gods ten comments and be nice to people as i live with my parent still and i don't smoke or drink as am catholic christian.

    as many big tv shows books people start making a catholic christian look bad or stupid but this scare me so what is lie or true about bible and not bible related?


    The 10 commandments are associated with the Old Testament; when Jesus came onto this Earth, He gave us two new commandments to follow:


    1. Jesus answered him, "The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. (Mark 12:29-30 NKJV)


    2. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (John 13:34 NKJV)


    I'm not entirely sure what you're asking clarification for, but what I'm going to tell you is to look only at God. Forget what TV shows or books or anyone says about your denomination, just focus on doing God's work, which is preaching the gospel to every nation. Not smoking or not drinking means nothing if you are not doing the work of Christ, so just focus on that. Be blessed!

  7. There was an annual Q & A at my church a few weeks ago, which I find very unique & helpful (depending on questions asked :grin: ).  

    I was the last one to ask one, and I asked this question.

    Prayers range from praying for others, protection, wisdom, God's will to be done, to questions & requests for reasonable things like healing.

    God's response to the latter two may be: yes, no, or wait.  But it can be hard to tell.

    We read His Word, seek godly counsel & use our own minds, but can still be stumped on something for years, and don't hear from God.  Maybe that's a "wait".  Thanks for reading!


    Or it could be a "no". You need to ask yourself whether what you are asking for is what you really need. Sometimes we want certain things, but don't really need them. Furthermore, God has a plan for each and every one of us, and if we ask for something that could interfere with that plan, there is no reason for Him to give it to us. Sometimes, it is really hard to tell, as you said... but you have to take a realistic look at your life and decide whether what you asked for would help you preach the gospel, which is our main duty as children of God. 


    For example, I wanted to attend this university in the US but my application was rejected, despite spending countless nights praying to get in. At the time, I was bummed out but through that rejection, I discovered another amazing school that both me and my parents liked, and that's where I'm going in a couple of months. So, sometimes God says "no" because He knows it will lead to something better for us.


    Smoking a sin?  That is a good question, but is it worse than getting enraged when one is cut off in traffic.  Man sometimes can become obsessed in looking for sin.  Joyce Myers even said she was personally bringing more people to Christ when she was a smoker.  Has this become a plank and splinter issue?  Have we become a sect of stone throwers.  I say instead of focusing on whether or not smoking is a sin, I say focus on looking at the heart.  The heart is where the answer.  Jesus is Love and its home is in our hearts.

    That doesn't really apply here.  And I would not trust anything Joyce Meyers has to say.  She is a false teacher and a false prophet. 


    How is Joyce Meyers a false teacher and false prophet? Also, I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of your point.

  9. I find it difficult to accept. Could it be true that most Christians  are not really Christians? Is there really so few hearts that are full of love and truly seek the Lords heart exhaustively? It cant be true right?



    1 John 4:1 (NKJV)

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


    Yes, there are people who put a pretense of being Christian when in reality their behaviour proves otherwise. In my opinion, there are two types of Christians who fit this category:


    1. The first kind honestly just do not know the meaning of being a child of God. They may or may not be saved, but they seem to believe that it doesn't matter what they do or how they act because God will "always" forgive them. They are still too attached to worldly pleasures and cannot take a step in trying to seek Christ; they are on the wrong path and just do not know it. I do not think that these kind of people are actively trying to act against what the word of God says, but rather they are unknowledgeable about who a Christian is and how he or she should act.


    2. The second kind are more of what I associate as "false prophets". They pretend to be holy and full of love on the outside, but on the inside they are wicked people. They consciously sin and do wrong because they want to, and could care less about seeking the Lord. I know so many of these people, and it saddens me. They preach about love, forgiveness, faith, etc and yet they themselves do not practice what they teach. These are the kinds of people who give Christians a bad name, because they are often as wicked and as filthy as people of the world.


    My advice is to forget about people like this. Your job is to preach the gospel to every nation, so do just that. Do not bother yourself with hypocritical Christians, because they'll just bring you down. Take heed that you do not judge someone based on their outward appearance, but based on what's on the inside (1 Samuel 16:7). That way you will avoid false prophets and find the right kind of Christians to seek Christ with.

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