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Rose petal

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Everything posted by Rose petal

  1. I found this article helpful about handling disappointment: http://christianity.about.com/od/singlesresources/a/disappointment.htm
  2. I have discovered that discussing my situation with strangers to whom I cannot possibly explain the situation in its complexity, has only brought me pain and stirred up more upset. I have considered removing the entire thread but it may bless someone else sometime so I won't. You cannot possibly know the painful events I have experienced in my life over the past year and a half. I am greatly saddened that the body of Christ is so abrupt and unkind to its fellow members. Whatever happened to believing the best of people? Why automatically assume I am some sort of covetous ungrateful, spoiled child who is unwilling to work hard to make my way in the world? It seems that in this age of internet, people feel they can say things they would never say to someone in person that they did not know. We are all accountable to God for every word, written or spoken. I pray that you would think carefully about whether your words are said in haste or in love in the future. It could be enough to push a hurting soul over the edge. I for one am reluctant to use this avenue for advice in the future. To others reading, don't be too offended by others on this forum. Who knows how mature in the faith they are? I say, go to God with your issue. Unlike people, he doesn't jump to conclusions based on limited experience and is loving, compassionate and understanding. 1 Corinthians 13 for forum advisers: If I have the best advise in the world, but don't have Christ's love, I am a noisy gong or clashing cymbal and will only harm the receiver.
  3. I feel like a lot of you are pretty down on me for feeling a bit upset. I wonder how many of you plan to give away most of your assets before you die? Israel was founded on the principle of assets being handed down through the generations. Proverb talks about a godly man handing an inheritance to his children's children. Pro 13:22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children Pro 19:14 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers Obviously I can't control the actions of my parents but I don't think I'm entirely wrong for being concerned either.
  4. Sure. In reality, most of this stuff won't be sorted til heaven and I have come to accept that.
  5. Actually, I'm not angry, just a bit disturbed is how I would put it. I don't put my trust in anything they say anymore. I am wondering how I'm going to explain it to my kids, who don't have a very high opinion of them already due to many things that they have done in the past. I am thinking I will not really go into it with them since it would do more harm than good. I am just trying to process the situation in a godly way. I think frustrated and lied to is how I feel. To be honest I am past all the anger stuff. It has been a process of many years learning to get out from under their control and I don't hold on to anger anymore.
  6. One thing that concerned me is that my mother believes that by doing this it might be credited to my grandfather's account by God since he was only saved on his death bed and never gave anything to the church. She then said that if I and the kids prayed for the bibles to reach their destination that we could be rewarded in heaven too. We will certainly pray! But I don't think it works that way ...with direct "brownie points" achieved per dollar given. I believe God would reward us for faithfulness in praying but not in the way she is perceiving. Anyway, I guess it doesn't really matter since it is a done deal.
  7. I am "dealing with it". Just trying to process it with other Christians.
  8. I agree that at the end of the day true wealth comes from God and should not be counted on as a right. I have learned the hard way not to trust on any money coming my way. Any is a bonus and a blessing from God. I look to him as my provider. I guess the whole situation is teaching me what not to do with my own kids.
  9. Thanks, that is helpful. I just give the situation to God moment by moment and choose to stay in joy.
  10. I think for the most part I am content. I do not trust in riches nor desire to be rich. I have learned from her past lies not to trust her or count on any money from her at all. I guess this has just thrown me for a loop. My mother has been very controlling and manipulative so it is difficult for me to not see her decisions in that light. At the end of the day what is done is done. My husband is struggling more than I. I'm not game to tell my kids, although she showed me the receipt and wanted me to show them. That freaked me out a bit since giving is supposed to be secret. Then I figured perhaps she wanted justification.
  11. Hi, my mother recently sold her parent's house and donated most of the money to bibles. She claims God told her to do it. Trouble is that is her answer for most things which means there is never any legitimate come back. It has taken generations to acquire that money. All my growing up years we lived on the bread line so that other Christians in ministry could have better than us. ( I never want my children to feel deprived in this way. It feels like every cause besides her own children is more worthy.) Previously she had agreed to give us a substantial amount of the money and only gave us a small amount instead. We are not well off, have a large family to support and have always lived very frugally. I feel like she couldn't trust us to seek Gods will for the money ourselves. At the end of the day, I'm not wanting that money for now. Rather am concerned for the future, my sister's future, our retirement for which we have no savings, and the 11 grandchildren who will miss out. Am I right to be upset or should I just be happy that many souls will come to The Lord through her generosity?
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