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Posts posted by thechurchlady


    What she said was foolish but I'm wondering if it was just an attempt to draw people into the church.

    That brings up another question.....


    If there is any possibility that the Holy Spirit is doing something we don't see with their ministry, it would behoove us to be careful of the things we say about what they are doing.


    "You will know them by their fruits"


    Frankly, the fruits i see looking @ Olsteen et al is that they are into being happy in THIS world, and the scary thing is that sometimes God allows people to go this route and be happy in this life because He knows they are not going to make it to Heaven. In other words, he gives them "heaven" here because it is the only one they will ever know. I am not judging, just saying what might be going on w/ some of these health-wealth-prosperity heretics





  2. Yes. It is not if but when. God is not willing that any should perish but unfortunately most don't even know what they need to repent of.




    not in this case


    the jihadists know how evil they are. They know the whole world looks down on what they are doing


    They just are full of that old human disease called pride. And also they are self destructive, which is so human. We are all just so "human" (sub human) without Jesus Christ in our lives and hearts





  3. this really has nothing to do with his being catholic, it's about naivete and liberal agendas. just a suggestion, you should take a look at the TOS here. debating catholics on their doctrine is one thing. making blanket statements like you just made about catholics is not permitted.



    i don't know what TOS is


    and what it has to do with is HYPOCRICY


    and i have no idea what you are saying about making blanket statements about Catholics. I did nothing of the sort. i was speaking of hypocritical Catholics in the public arena








  4. America is a hypocrite becasue we express moral indignation and horror and outrage when we hear about the terrorism of ISIS


    and yet


    Wht about the terror that happens EVERY DAY in this country (4000 times a day) in what should be the safest, most peaceful place in the world: the womb?


    Muslims don't believe in abortion (or adultery, or fornication). They are right on those topics and others. Why they think it is OK to murder adults and even themselves is beyond me... Such is the nature of false religion, to get some things right and other things horribly wrong.


    Jesus established his Church and his is the right one (kind of a duh thing there...) 


    anyway, i just wanted to say that some of the Muslim's criticisms of America are justified. But it is hard to take them seroiusly when they want to kill everyone in sight


    yeh, that kind of doesn't resonate with most foks..





  5. in part she says:


    When we obey God, we're not doing it for God...we're doing it for our self. Because God takes pleasure when we're happy. Do good 'cause God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God, really. You're doing it for yourself because that's what makes God happy.




    so did Cosby disagree w/ that?


    I have an issue when I hear or in this case read people quoting the verse regarding judge not lest you be judged. We have every right to judge. The thread is trying to determine if Joel is a false prophet. We can and should be judging actions. We judge murders, thieves, frauds etc etc. what we are not to do is judge someone's soul or salvation.

    Sorry for the rant. Just a bit of a pet peeve


    i agree. we're not to judge people self-righteously either... not just their salvation, but for instance, a person who is a slobbering drunk doesn't have any business passing judgement on someone who is smoking a joint. 


    but your basic point is right on target. we absolutely ARE called to judge... righteously. 


    That thing about "judge not" is misinterpreted a lot of the time. We are not supposed to say N is going to Hell and things like that, or that N, because s/he doesn't believe the way i do about, say infant baptism..is not a Christian


    But the Word tells us "By their fruits, you will know them"


    It would be absolutely absurd to look @ someone's fruits of evil and say, "Well, i can't judge..." The Word also says to expose the works of darkness and reprove them




  7. So what are your thoughts on Joel Osteen guys? Is he false? Misunderstood? Some even say hes the anti-Christ. What are your thoughts?



    He is not a true Christian. But then, there are many who are not. In fact, it seems to me, in my own experiences in life, that those who are most vocal about letting others "know" they are Christian, are the ones who are the least truthworthy.


    He couldn't have that million dollar mansion without FOLLOWERS, so a lot of people are being duped, and gyped out of $$.But they will learn. When they see tht they themselves do not grow rich (w/o actual work of some kind), they will stop sending him $$ but it won't matter because there will always be some other naive person around to rip off...  born every minute, ya know?






    But he will get his comeupance in the next life like all of us will 





  8.  inextricably linked. And that is profoundly why we must do this now. Because they are linked. Our fates are inextricably linked on any number of things







    to that i say YOUR fate Mr Kerry, may be linked with them because if you favor murder as a political endeavor, you are ONE OF THEM! But speak for yourself. My fate is not linked w/ theirs unless the wimpy powers that be in the US refuse to protect me and all other Americans





  9. I personally think it's way too late to stop.   They are already massing across the border from El Paso, and our border is so open there isn't enough people to stop many of them.



    I've had the same thought. If strangers can just walk across, why can't the even stranger ones from the Middle East do the same? AFter all, they are about the same skin color and etc


    It's time for the US to join with Israel and all the other Democracies and kick the devil and his followers back into Hell




  10. ISIS may well be the beginnings of Gog and Magog.



    yeh, i heard a long time ago that the End would begin in Syria. I didn't agree w/ that at the time, but looks like that person was right.


    Then again, some think that Bible prophecy about End times has been fulfilled (Nero, etc..) 


    God knows.. And even Jesus does not know when the End will come. Jesus tells us that.. although i can't recall where that is in the Bible





    Lakewood Church co-pastor Victoria Osteen received backlash from the Christian community after video footage of an August sermon surfaced showing Osteen encouraging congregants to "do good for your own self."





    As is usually the case, falsehood hides itself behind truth. IT is essentially true that worshiping God and serving him helps those who do so. Obviously, God is in his Heaven, all is right in HIS world... meaning that he is perfect, and needs nothing from us. But that said, he created us, presumably so as to have a relationship with us. 


    Actually, i am still not 100% convinced that God wants to have a relationship with the likes of ME, but... um... like, whatever... (just me??? just me on a not-so-great day??)


    Anyway, Joel Olsteen and wife do not teach the whole truth of Christ and God's Word. That health/wealth and prosperity stuff is NONSENSE. Jesus did not own a thing and he told us to walk in his footsteps. He told us to give all (virtually all) to the poor and come follow him...


    DALLAS (Worthy News)– Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.

    Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat. Specifically, the government sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago. Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. —

    View the full article


    it's time for all Americans to ARM themselves. Think how things could have been different if those REPORTERS taken by ISIS had been armed. These people are no longer human, in my opinion, but have turned into demons. "You will know them by their fruits"


    again, see the Old Testament. When people violated Gods laws back then, they were immediately zapped. God doesn't play around w/ evil. Why do humans?






    , but for some reason he refuses to go to war with people who are dedicated to our destruction.  


    perhaps because he is committed to our destruction.


    yeh, 4 sure, many of us have thought (still think) the same thing. It is just SO bizarre that someone like him got elected.. IT tells you something about our country, but i am not sure WHAT it tells us.. We are a bunch of idiots? LOL... Well, i don't think most americans are idiots, although there are some, those who vote "historically" for example... voting for someone just because of such unimportant criteria as race or sex. But most Americans are Right or Center Right, so it had to have been voter fraud that got t his virtual communist elected... Gee... so strange that the US would have such a problem with voter fraud that this could happen... 




  14. What do you all think he should have done?

    what he should do is attempt to kill every single ISIS member. Ever seen someone try to kill cockroaches in his home with just a few bits of poison placed here or there? might get rid of a couple of them, but you have to get rid of ALL of them, every single one or you are going to be infested forever





  15. Yeah, he refuses  to acknowledge that we are at war with ISIS.   He has no problem with being at war with the TEA Party and no problem being at war with conservatives, and is willing to go to war against Hobby Lobby and groups of elderly nuns, but for some reason he refuses to go to war with people who are dedicated to our destruction.  He has basically ignored the threat they pose and would prefer to dictate to us the health care we should get  and the kinds of light bulbs to buy and of course dictate to parents what they should feed their kids.

    LOL... love that photo/captions of Reagan


    yeh, Obama is such an amateur. How in the world did he get elected?? Do you think it was voter fraud? How could it be otherwise when most of the country is Right or Center Right? I have just never gotten this... seems unfathomable


    I had read books about him b4 his 1st election and tried to warn people he was a virtual communist but apparently not many were listening (True, i didn't get to address all 350 million Americans, but anyhow..)


    I hope obamacare gets overturned, assuming that is possible at this late date. I tend to think it is, but honestly, the topic rather overwhelms me and i don't know what the heck to think at htis point



    Ted Cruz!



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