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Tiger Eye

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Posts posted by Tiger Eye

  1. 32 minutes ago, the_patriot2015 said:


    well, then if you have a problem with it, go to other threads where they are talking about Jesus and loving others. I mean, by posting in it, your only encouraging more people to post in it. just an observation.

    Thanks patriot.

    Next time I want your observation, I'll ask for it.

  2. 2 hours ago, other one said:

    Unfortunately this thread is very valid for the world we live in today...     it should be talked about so people can prepare themselves for the troubles that are coming...    and I don't mean the end of the world, but an enemy that is very viable to see approaching our doorsteps.

    Are you willing to sit by and watch the world be forced to submit to people who follow Allah?     Are you willing to watch your wife, kids and grandkids be hauled off into slavery and abused for most of thier lives...   that is happening right now in many places.      It doesn't matter how you feel about it to me, for you can accept them and their actions or not......   but people shouldn't wait to the last moment and then decide they are going to stand up for thier families and friends.   If we are going to survive the future we need to be planning today. 

    Do you have any Scripture to back that up?

    I won't discuss guns with you but I will discuss your interpretation of Scripture concerning Christians with guns.

  3. I just wrote a response to "Once saved always saved" and as I was doing a self-edit, my page disappeared and brought me to the thread "Vatican: Jews can be saved without Christ".

    I tried to get back but the post was gone.

    Now sometimes these things happen but I've only been here a little more than a week and I've heard several complaints about the same thing happening to others.

    If you can't get a handle on the forum than there's no reason to stay here.

  4. 40 minutes ago, exrockstar said:

    Just for the record, I believe in OSAS. I don't want to debate nor discuss this. I only mentioned this because if there is a reader wondering if he/she is alone in this matter. Now they know they are not. Not that it matters what I think.




    Standing up for the truth!

  5. Is believing in God what matters?

    Muslims believe in God. Hindus believe in God(s).

    I know people (yes) who think Ronald MacDonald is God.

    So what?

    It's people who have a personal loving relationship with Jesus Christ that makes a difference.

    I wouldn't know how to measure that.

    Do you?

    Have the fruits of the nation ever reflected that of Jesus Christ?

  6. On 12/11/2015, 7:27:36, Butero said:

    What does it mean when it says they said "Lord, Lord?"  Could they have prayed a sinner's prayer at an old fashioned alter and been baptized?  Then they got up and continued to live in sin?  They obviously thought they were saved, which shows you can be convinced you belong to Christ but not be.  I wonder how many of the OSAS people I encounter that attack those who reject their brand of OSAS are among those who said "Lord, Lord" that will be turned away?  Perhaps none, perhaps some, perhaps all of them.  Only God knows, but it is possible to be deceived. 

    I think the purpose of the passage is to get us to look at ourselves and our own relationship with Jesus rather than look at a group of Christians that believe in a doctrine differently than you.

  7. 1 minute ago, shiloh357 said:

    I haven't won anything.  I simply provided you with an intelligent response above and all you can do is make snarky responses to protect your wounded pride.   I am not going anywhere.  This is MY thread, I am the OP and if anyone needs to leave this thread, it's you.

    I'm new here but it sounds like you own threads.

    I didn't know you owned this place and you win no matter what.

    Sorry, I'll just try to avoid you the rest of my life.

  8. 1 minute ago, shiloh357 said:

    Translation:   "I can't refute Shioh's post because it provides me with facts I hadn't thought of, so I will just reiterate the same lame comments that Shiloh responded answered already.  That's easier than having to think."

    Let's see, 31,215 posts.

    Yes, I guess that would qualify you for having an answer for everything.

  9. 38 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    If the other person is armed, then yes you have to shoot first.   That's just common sense and I don't need the Bible to justify that, morally.   In that situation, you have to make life and death decisions and you need to act fast.  You have mere seconds to know what to do.

    The Bible doesn't tells us everything.   There are issues the Bible does address.  But there is no moral paradigm present in the Bible that makes self-defense or killing in self-defense a sin.

    Did you say the Bible doesn't tell us everything?

    Did God forget to tell us what to do in time of distress?

    Psalm 120:1; "In my trouble I cried to the Lord, and He answered me".

    The Apostle Paul tells us all through all of his letters as to how we should live our lives.

    If using weapons for self-defense is not addressed, then maybe there is a reason for it.

    Maybe he tells us to do other things instead.

    In my opinion, if a person says "the Bible doesn't tell us everything", then I believe that person should spend more time studying the Bible and less time expressing their opinions.

  10. 7 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    The problem is, in the heat of the moment you don't have time to ascertain his full intent.  You have to assume the worst about his intentions.   You have a matter of seconds to react in an emergency and you don't have time to ask him what he intends to do and then stand their and calculate your response.

    I am not being judgmental when I say he is a criminal.   If he breaks into your home, he is a criminal.    Yes, I can shoot and even kill a creation of God when he breaks into my home and has evil intentions against me.

    I am glad I am not a family member in your home depending on your protection.   You are failure in that area.

    That's it, shoot first and ask questions later.

    I know that's in my Bible somewhere.

    Or maybe my Bible doesn't have all the answers to life.....

  11. 1 hour ago, Ezra said:
    28 minutes ago, Ezra said:

    What I'm talking about is crazies, predators and rabid dogs.  How would you personally protect yourself?

    While I do not own a firearm, there is nothing in Scripture to prevent Christians from taking precautions to protect themselves from predators. In the old days it was American Indians (I believe the politically correct term now is *indigenous people*). Today we have Jihadists and other crazies.  

    I'm one of those rare idealistic Christians.

    I put my trust in Jesus.

    Funny thing.

    In doing so, God has kept violence away from me and my wife the whole time (30 years).

    You may ask, "what would you do if someone was trying to rape your wife and children and then cut their heads off?".

    My answer would be, "It's time to move to a new neighborhood".

    I'm serious, I cannot imagine myself being violent.

  12. Sometimes it's good to laugh at yourself.


    I have an all in one computer.

    I load Windows 10 on my computer.

    Two days later my cordless keyboard and mouse stop working.

    I blame it on Windows 10.

    I unload Windows 10 back to Windows 8.1.

    The mouse starts working but the keyboard still doesn't work.

    So with all the difficulty of the computer shutting itself off every time I touch the keyboard (because I keep forgetting to use the online keyboard), I am finally able to download a new driver.

    But it still doesn't work.

    So, as I sit here ready to have a breakdown because I don't want to take a xanax every hour of my life, I decide I have to take it back to Office Max to be fixed.


    Is it still under warranty I thought?

    I search my house and can't find my receipt.

    Another near mental breakdown.

    Finally, I find a phone book and call Office Max.

    I ask about my receipt.

    Oh, they don't keep receipts for more than 90 days.

    Does that mean their customer service is no good or does it mean they don't sell anything with a warranty longer than 90 days?

    Does it mean if I can't produce the receipt than I can't use my extended warranty (if I had one) because I can't find my copy of it?

    Great store, nobody working had an answer.

    "Call back tomorrow after 2 PM and someone will be here to answer that".

    So finally I decide to unplug the computer to take it to them when suddenly a thought came into my head.

    A thought you say?

    Yes, a thought (which is rare).

    It must have come from God.

    The thought was "did you check the batteries in the keyboard".

    My first response was "what do you think I'm stupid? Of course I checked the ..........batteries?".

    And of course I did not check the batteries.

    So I put two new batteries in and yes, every thing works perfectly.


    The first thing I type in is "Praise the Lord Jesus" and now I'm happy again.

    So, I hope I have taught you all a lesson.

    As Confucius once said, "You don't check batteries, you real dumb".




  13. 19 minutes ago, Ezra said:

    While I do not own a firearm, there is nothing in Scripture to prevent Christians from taking precautions to protect themselves from predators. In the old days it was American Indians (I believe the politically correct term now is *indigenous people*). Today we have Jihadists and other crazies.  

    Are you trying to say the American Indians needed weapons to protect themselves from the crazy war monger white people?

    Then yes, you are correct. 

    Otherwise, what are you talking about?

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