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Posts posted by Eoreris

  1. The called anti christ must full fill these things  - A- be so deceptive that the Church falls for him anyway as they see no hope of future for their family if things go on like they are..

    1 He must speak great things - Both Daniel and Revelation makes this clear several times..  - such as "Let,s make us great again" He might say something like that...

    2 He will be one who has never (Repented) But say's he will if he ever does something wrong  - Which is blasphemy as (Only) Jesus had no need to repent.. Thus with this alone he makes himself out as a messiah or god sitting in a temple of God- Which (by the way) he has already done with top name preachers praying over him on TV in a church and (Not) to get him to repent but instead to (Anoint him)

    3 His name must be a (Name of blashphemy)  He has this.. His first name by the dictionary means (World rule) Only Christ will be the World rule and wonderful counselor.  Thus this name technically full fills this by (Logic) and (It is what it is and means what it means)  -Note - The first beast first name is simular but starts with an (R) and he was the 2nd king and is the (one) who.s spirit (Comes up from the abyss) to enter into the 2nd beast..  His name adds up to 666 letters if you add (All) the kings of this nation's letters of their names together including adding any (Jr) letters (Full official names..  This 2nd king's blasphemy is to start the ball rolling with making it known that the World should unite in case of an alien threat invasion that the World would come together to overcome it..  His dead soul will enter into the 8th king and direct him like a puppet to make a 10 nation coalition to fight this coming threat.

    4 He will win his throne by a (Small) hardcore people that will put him over the top that never give up..  These are rugged individual people that most have never voted and they are types that never answer and participate in phone election polls

    5 He will be (NOT) receive the (HONOR) of this throne by his companions..  They will say he is not worthy of the position..  Some will make fools of themselves by not endorsing him, others will (Hold their nose) and vote for him but make a scene.

    6  He will be (Wondered) about..  This man will be the topic of wonder as the media has never seen anyone like this or can figure him out.  He will be the biggest reality show the World has ever seen.

    7  His (Seat) - his hometown (pad) you might say will be in the center of the Mystery babylon  (Greatest city on Earth) Economically and surrounded by water and large cargo ship traffic from all over the World without end . 

    8  And finally -  He will be an (Eighth king) after a succession of 7 blasphemous ones before him that (start) this blasphemous 7 head countdown..  And the (7th) one will only rule a (Short space) just before he (The eighth) takes the throne..  This 7th king (it says clearly) (Must) continue a short space.. Meaning he (must by duty) take over and continue the 6th king's term (The one who reigns now) and finish it out as the 6th king will not finish his term.   Each one of these 7 kings have blasphemed God in one way or another.. For instance the (5th one) celebrated a big war victory on a ship he landed on with a speech.. His last words at the end of his speech quoted Isaiah "The captives are set free"  -- Just so you understand what a blasphemy is in God's hearing is.. This 5th king ended his speech with that.. He did not mention that one day Jesus christ 2nd coming will full fill this scripture and this (his war victory) is an example ... NO!  - he made it sound like (HE) full filled this holy of holiest verses.  God (Will not stand) for these blasphemous kings that do not give him (By name) the glory  because of their political correctness.  There are also only 7 mountain ranges in this nation the woman sits on..


  2. Great finds

    And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things  and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months

    (This person to come will be speaking GREAT THINGS - like "let us be great again!") And he will not be given the (Honor) of the kingdom (By the establishment) But will win it by a hard core small group - He also is noted that it will be given to him to (Continue) for 42 months..  Thus he will rule for some time first.. be re-elected to (continue) for 42 months.  The 2 witnesses will prophecy for 3 years of this (continued) time but starting about 6 months earlier (Note- nowhere does it say the 2 witnesses 42 months are the same 42 months of the beast and FP).  Then begins the 5th angel trumpet for 5 months of the locust plague - his hometown seat is thrust into darkness.. then the 200 million destroying angels come in the sky,  He rallies 10 military nations to fight it.. His 42nd month is up, He and his coalition is destroyed by the coming of the son of man. The remaining surviving coalition turn on his nation and melee through part of it fleeing and pillaging and burning it until the Son of man destroys them cutting all things short.

    Next -  There is Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus as he glowed a bright light..  Being it does not say they were bowing to Jesus tells you they are equal in some sense.. Son's of God. While Jesus himself was not dead for 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday morning he was referring to when he will as (The sons of man) the 2 witnesses (will) be dead for a full 3 days and nights will pass and then rise again. Jesus- The lamb slain from the foundation of the World cannot be explained either unless you accept some things this way.  They.. God,s sons step into time anywhere they will. 

  3. The (Holy place) now is any Christian church altar where you can get a (continual sacrifice) -(Christ blood) forgiveness continually as you ask as you bow and pray silently at the altar at any time or as many times as you wish ..  To say it is otherwise such as some future temple in Israel that sacrifices lambs instead of claiming Jesus christ as the sacrifice is blasphemous after all he went through..   So - the altars of Christian churches are this prophecy  (Holy place) now and (Nowhere else)  Now- when you see an abomination (Stand) at one of these holy places you will know God.s wrath is near.  So what could possibly stand at a christian church altar, be accepted, even with possibly the president of the United states in attendance giving his blessings and have a happy honeymoon?  All on live TV so all will see it. Calling them "beautiful people whom we will protect their rights" Now you know what the coming soon abomination that crosses God,s line and causes him to start desolating the land.. There are 3 abominations against God told by Moses and they are all nearly the same thing and it (Has) to be one of these as God (himself voice) speaking has told not of any other. This (IS) the AOD soon to be seen

  4. 22 hours ago, Sister said:

     John 5:45   Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

      John 5:46   For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

      Luke 9:30   And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:

      Luke 9:33   And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.

     Malachi 4:5   Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

    Great finds..   Notice it says I will send you Elijah the prophet  - and not - I will send you Elijah and another flesh man with him.  The same as Jesus made it clear to the pharisees  that he was (2 witnesses)  as they accused him that one man,s word was not enough.  Jesus himself witnessed  and the father witness in him and of him making (One body) containing (2) that witness.  The 2 witnesses will be the same (one body)  It is Elijah as it clearly says he will be sent just before the (actual end)   John the baptist was the same as but was the for runner of the flesh bodied Christ. And the same the 2 witnesses (will not) be recognized because most of the church is looking for 2 bodied biblical looking men with beards in corn sacks and actual fire shooting out of their mouths at the wailing wall.  the 2 witnesses do not come to make some sort of reality movie. They will not be recognized nor appear in the place they think

  5. The two witnesses are clearly explained who they are.  They are the 2 sons of oil.   Which means the two sons of the holy spirit . Which means the two sons of God. Both will prophecy 3 and a half years.  The first one was sent and did so about 2000 years ago.  The 2nd is soon to come.  Both prophecy in the Holy city.  The 2nd one will walk the (New) Holy city over a period of 1260 days.  It is fully built (Now) on Earth and ready for him.  Both rise from the dead after 3 days and nights.. 3 and a half (For the actual  record)  Both will have a 3rd of the Sun, moon and stars dimmed a 3rd of a day.  When the 2nd one rises all daily sacrifice will be cut off. Any one who repents after that will not be heard.  The 2 witnesses are the (Only) witnesses of God in his full form.. That is what that means..  It does not mean that they witnessed Jesus or something - because- (One of them) - the 1st one sent - Was Jesus. No one.. not the Holy angels, or any other creation of God has the power to walk in through the doors of the secret room of God but his 2 sons.  They are his 2 witnesses to tell that (He is and exist)

  6. The false prophet 2nd beast (comes up) from the Earth  which also means the (abyss) the abode of the dead.  The 1st one from the sea- same thing.  They enter into men at any given time in history and do the will of the dragon.  Jesus also was the lamb (Slain before the foundation of the Earth)  which means he was crucified somewhere in a different existance before the Earth was even formed billions of years ago...  So with this as truths found in scripture - the mark of the beast could be formed and given out at any time in history.  Think about it..  There will be no (dictator) like character to come in the future taking over the World and by force stamping people with a mark- That would be too obvious..   Right now these spirits (Beast) tactics are simply to get the people (Christians) to follow and cheer for them so God himself will will do the killing work..  And from Revelation - He (God) does.   The World will not end like those Christian movies tell it or What all pastors preach..  There will be no monster antichrist be heading Christians or destroying Israel after a rapture..  Most will go through it without even recognizing it is it..   

  7. The mark of the beast has been here for many years but only in the US where all things will go down,  SSN number, Driver license no. Tax ID no. ..  You cannot buy a car, house, get a bank account, buy beer, drive a car, run for office, get a job, join the military,  even volenteer for some church events without one of these in your hand or memory.  It is the same as where God says that anyone that takes up the sword at a certain point in revelation (will only find themselves killed by the sword) because if you do it is an act of faithlessness that you believe there is (Years) more of Earth,s existance to fight for..  The mark of the beast has been slowly assigned (To own you)  to this nation..  it (Is not) an eternal damnation but is a test from God on whom will you belong to as you clearly see the signs of the return of Christ coming..  You can throw them away at anytime as you see and know the sign of the fig tree.... Most will not and will experience the wrath in the flesh..  Only a small few will risk- (Throwing these things away)  but their reward will be the without experiencing  death or the final horrors.  This end is like the (Crucible) in military boot camp.. except it is all volenteers to go for it   ..Those that make it will receive a great name. Those that do not will receive regular judgement.  

  8. The 2 witnesses come soon, and in a city that will not accept them,  They will walk this city underfoot 1260 days and yes with a rough poncho garment as a sign.  A sign of it,s coming doom will be on the garment. They will not be killed by any human when they finish as promised - no man can harm them even at the end... This mystery city is the hometown (seat) of the beast. It is all about taking it (away) from him by plagues sent by God..  very much the same way as Moses was the instrument of God that took it away from the Pharoah.  Their body will lie in it,s broad street square as the people will continue their celebrations and could care less.. After they arise the city will fall and never be able to recover.


  9. The (one who is) is Obama (Now)  - Something will happen to him before Jan 20th 2017 and someone (Biden) will be sworn in as president for a (short) time to continue out his term until Jan 20th 2017 for the (8th king) to be enthroned..  This eighth king,s first name by the dictionary means (World rule) and is the (Name of blasphemy) mentioned in revelation. World rule - the name can only belong to God,s Christ is why it is blasphemous..  This (man) also say,s he has never repented and that if he ever did something not right that he would consider it..He also just appeared on TV as a god..With a huge bright screen behind him he walked out in sillouette turning so his profile could be recognized as he walked out as a god.. He has most of the christian vote.. this is his plan   This is a blasphemy as only Jesus was the only man on Earth who needed no repentance. So this fully fills the prophecy that this man shall (sit) making himself out as as God,s Christ. (In Christian eyes seen as a rock star)  This man will also be eventually possessed by another man,s soul  (The one that comes up from the abyss)  His first name too means (World ruler)  and he was 2nd of the 7 heads and was wounded but lived..His name also adds up to six hundred and sixty six if you count all the letters of the names of every king of his nation up to his...  These 2 and Satan will gather a coalition of military to try and fight the coming invaders of Earth but they will be destroyed without even a hand command lifted by the one who (will) be the eternal World ruler...  When you see something happen to (Obama) and the (Short) term 7th king rules until this Eight king is enthroned you will know this is true. 

  10. Just to skip all the drama scenarios here is what is going to happen.

    New york city-namely the compact skyscraper Manhattan is this (Great mystery city) It is also called spiritually Jerusalem (Given to the nations) From God to see what they (The nations-Gentiles) can do with it. It - for a good while was a golden cup in God,s hands.. The Dutch established the church in it.. It grew, it did pleasing to God for many years. But just like Israel it gives up to idolotry eventually.. human idols all on screens in it's square.   To cut to it.s end..  The 2 witnesses walk it 1260 days... they leave... an Earthquake hits and kills 70,000 (Official greek is 7thousand,s - not 7 thousand)  thus ruining the city from any recovery.  A 10th of the cities skyscrapers fall..  Underground pipes explode deep and can never be repaired..Mid town is totally destroyed... The smoke is seen across the Atlantic as foreign container ship captains and crew (Know) this aint no 911 that can be recovered from.. So they stop their ships and sit still.. They wonder what to do.. Go to Mexico and try and sell their billion dollar cargo for a measly 100,000 dollars... No, that is not enough to even pay the fuel bill..  Instead they go crazy.. somehow they find dust to cast on their heads..  Soon after the destroying angels come.. 200 million of them..  interestingly enough there is exactly 200 million square miles on Earth..  one square mile for each destroying angel including every square mile of ocean and ice caps and wilderness areas without population..  These angels -seen as (UFO,s) by the World will kill one third of man by (Power) of fire and ordinance. (If you think this is 200 millon horesmen riding army tanks- like from China-then you do not need to read any further as your brain is the size of a grain of pepper)  The Super power of the Great city (The US) will initiate a coalition of nations that will join together as a common unity against an alien threat.  First introduced by the first beast who,s first name means (World ruler)   -  a blasphemous name...  Upon the 7 heads- the (Name of blasphemy) that was wounded but lived..  (But is in the abyss now) but will come up and live in the 2nd beast who's first name also means (World rule)  This man,s (Seat) is actually in the (Great city)  with a high skyskaper.. And he is about to reign

    Reagan---UN speech
    "... when you stop to think that we're all God's children, wherever we may live in the world, I couldn't help but say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together"

    "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"

    n 1988, President Ronald Reagan addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. The speech has become known as his famous Disarmament speech. 

    In this address, he postulated upon his "fantasy" of an alien species, from outside this world, invading Earth. Reagan thought that this would unite all humanity and tear down national borders. He also said that an alien force is already amongst us. Hear the audio portion of this speech above.

    If this were not remarkable itself, look at this. Before he gave the address, his speech writer, Rhett Dawson, removed his comments from Mr. Reagan's draft.
    Reagan insisted that he replace it.

    (THIS WILL HAPPEN)  First the destroying angels come 200 million..  Their attacks cause the last beast to form a coalition of 10 nations armies (that volenteer) to try and fight the (invaders from another planet)  Yes the people of Earth are so deceived they think this is what is happening too..  Then as these invaders (The 200 millon)  locate to a certain location the Beast and his coalition think (We got em")  They surround this area with the World,s armies, air forces, navy,s.. even packing nuclear cruise missiles..   But then Christ comes with his saints..(The rapture occurs at this exact moment)  He sends forth a fire without even moving..  The armies are being burned..  The rest that are afar off melee in anger..  They pass over the great city general area fleeing and taking anything in the path and killing anyone not of them in order to survive they loot and kill and flee as they go.  Some of them even make it to the Island areas of the Atlantic but God sends out destroying angels to vaporize them.    

    Christ now rules all nations of (This) Earth with a literal rod of iron.. He then permanently destroys this Earth and the Beast his false prophet beast, The devil and all not written in his book of life from the foundation of the World -- and moves all with him to the (New) Earth that is 7 times larger with no oceans..  Each person saved into it will receive a plot of land bigger than the size of Texas and will be free to do anything they want and use all resources to their joy to make things and build things for all eternity..  There will be a new type of time.. All of the new Earth will come together in once a year to Worship the Son..  It will be like going to your favorite concert..  And He will give the best show ever and he will be worshiped


  11. Revelation tells us that this great city will be divided into 3 part chunks by the final earthquake.  Number one- this means it must be an Island city surrounded by water because how can an inland city surrounded by land break up into 3 parts..  A study of Manhattan fault lines- there are 2.. 125th street fault directly under midtown and a lower fault near the financial district.. If they blow at (full) possibilities - a 10.0 plus Manhattan,s bedrock Island would break up into 3 huge bedrock chunks.. The search narrows..  

  12. [8] And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

    This verse (Alone) tells that (Jerusalem) was spiritually (Moved) to another location and built as a (New city on her base) --- Jerusalem was (Divorced) by God..  He had her-- the (Woman of wickedness) stuffed into a basket and had 2 women angels with stork wings to deliver her to a new land for a new birth.. given to the gentiles it becomes the (Great city)  This is the mystery.  The 2 witnesses will walk it (the Holy city) underfoot for 1260 days soon and give all man their last chance for redemption..  After that the continual sacrifice will cease.. Many will try and glorify God in that day but will (Not) be heard. The door will be shut..

  13. The great image Nebuchadnezzar seen was the end time (Superpower)  It,s foundation (Feet) was made up of things that God has never said in scripture such as "All men are created equal"  Sayings like this were (Made up) by founding fathers as they imported slaves without acts of war.. just grabbing them and chaining them and taking them..  This end time superpower will now have this saying held to account.  The statues feet and toes (It,s foundation) is holding up all of it,s weight of brass, gold and World power.  If this foundation (Mixed races- seed of men) gives away then the entire statue (Kingdom-Nation) will collapse.  This nation is (Here) today..  And is already having feet and toes collapsing.. (BUT)  It will not collapse yet until a (Stone) out of Heaven not cut with human hands comes down and (Strikes) it on it's feet..   This is the 2 witnesses to come soon with plagues.. They will walk it's greatest city underfoot for 42 months.. Then... The golden head, the arms, the legs, all of it will fall in God,s judgement. Blessed are those that receive this truth of interpretation.

  14. Yes there will be. However the rapture is reserved for a small (144,000) virgin elect not defiled with women .. These are a few bought to the Christ and all violence of the end will be cut short to save them in the flesh (if needed) If you are alive at this time you will be transformed with them and not die in the flesh.  The end called the tribulation will not last 3 and a half or seven years as most believe.. It all happens fast and in a few months if that.  The ministers of the churches has told itself a lie for so long that it has become a truth that there will be a rapture before tribulation.  This is mostly because of the increase in knowledge has made modern contentment. Families living in houses with all types of modern living and seeing your family at ease will make you believe these false pastors and not be burdened with it.  Just 100+ years ago there were different pastors..they are gone now... People lived hard and they did not teach such. It is Satan,s lying wonders.. He does (Not) want you prepared physically but to believe a lie so that if you are killed in it he can laugh.. The blood of those killed will be on the rapture preachers before tribulation.. You can know how to survive by following the 2 witnesses (soon to come) instructions

  15. Thanks guys and Jesus is Lord..  I have tons more to write and explain but I am a newbie here and cannot post nor reply in the prophecy forum.. would love to though but I think one has to make it to an upper level and I do not have the time, God bless you all, I really like this site.. BTW  I am a male.. sorry for the gender mistake

  16. 14 hours ago, RobertS said:

    Where in scripture does it say that "God cuts off forgiveness with the death and resurrection of the 2 witnesses to come"?  Scripture tells us after the 2 witnesses are taken to heaven:

    " And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, “Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.” " (Revelation 14: 6-7, NASB, emphasis mine)


    " Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud was one like a son of man, having a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. And another angel came out of the temple, crying out with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Then He who sat on the cloud swung His sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped." (Revelation 14: 165-16, NASB, emphasis mine)

    Were forgiveness cut off after the two witnesses, God wouldn't offer the gospel to the planet yet again, and there wouldn't be much o a harvest, seeing as the Antichrist by this point has overcome most of the saints.

    The book of Revelation is not at all times written in order. some chapters are different visions of different or same events.. however the flying angel never said to repent nor did he preach the gospel,, he said give glory to God for his judgement has come.. This is the angel sent to (force) everyone (The dammed) to bow and give glory to God.. and they will be forced physically.. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess - that he is Lord. God will not be mocked or humiliated anymore at this point.. The ceasing of the continual sacrifice will happen at the death and rise of the 2 witnesses.. The continual sacrifice is not lambs sacrificed over in Israel in some future event.. The continual sacrifice is anyone accepting Jesus from his resurrection to this day... it is automatic for anyone and no need to have a system with lambs.. Just the same when the 2 witnesses resurrect this continual sacrifice ends and the doors are closed and it is finished 

  17. Yes God forgives anyone who repents in truth..in private.  However God will cut off all forgiveness upon the death and resurrection of the 2 witnesses to come.. Many will give glory to God in that day when they see it but will not be heard.. only those who have their name in the Lamb's book of life will be heard, all else are (not) forgiven..  they will cry and try to repent and others will curse and spit and bite. It is a terrible day but blessed for the very few.

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