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    1bn 14th Inf 25th Inf Div (GoldenDragons)
  1. Hi Bendor Several days ago someone on another site asked me about the Maccabbe's. I added this as a short response.
  2. Not only has the Palestinian leadership encouraged their youth to take an active role in the violence, the Palestinian terrorists have purposely targeted Israeli children in their brutal attacks.
  3. History of the mid east in a nutshell.
  4. JohnS Yes, of course it is satan that is trying to destroy the Jews. Satan uses people and nations to do his evil work.
  5. Moderator: Could you please remove this accidental second title. Thanks, GoldenDragon
  6. There has never been a civilization or a nation referred to as "Palestine" and the very notion of a "Palestinian Arab nation" having ancient attachments to the Holy Land going back to time immemorial is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the world!
  7. Baghdad warns that a US strike will lead it to hit back at Israel By Paul Waugh, Deputy Political Editor 18 November 2002 Tariq Aziz, Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister, gave his clearest warning yet yesterday that Baghdad would launch strikes against Israel if it was attacked by Britain and America. Mr Aziz's threat came as he repeated his government's denial that it was developing weapons of mass destruction and said full access would be given to UN weapons inspectors. His remarks followed a prediction by Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that Saddam Hussein would be "making the mistake of his life" if he failed to comply with the latest UN resolution on disarmament. Interviewed on ITV1's Jonathan Dimbleby programme, Mr Aziz said that any military action against Iraq would endanger not just Britain and America but also their allies such as Israel. Asked what the Iraqi strategy might be if, as suspected, it is militarily weaker than it was in the 1991 Gulf War, Mr Aziz replied that his government was "capable of defending our nation". He added: "We are an old nation and we could survive. But I tell you, if the US and UK wage a war against Iraq, the consequences will be very bad to them and their friends in the region. "If they don't care about their friends, then that gives you an idea about their real intentions. This is going to be devastating, not only to Iraq, but to them also. The aggressors will also suffer a great deal of losses." Mr Aziz said he was not convinced the return of weapons inspectors would save Iraq from attack. "I have to be objective and honest in saying that we in Iraq do not feel that the possibility of the American aggression on Iraq has been totally removed," he said. He said that since the UN weapons inspectors left in 1998, Iraq had not resumed any military activity in the field of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. "We will provide immediate access [to the inspectors]," he said. "We have given instructions to all responsible people and many government areas to respond immediately to any request to enter their sites and inspect them." Iraq would also provide a full declaration of its dual-use chemical, biological and nuclear programmes, he said. In an interview with Sky's Sunday with Adam Boulton programme, Mr Straw said President Saddam had "one final chance", but refused to be drawn on the likelihood of military action. "The second paragraph of the resolution talks about a 'final opportunity'. So he mustn't believe, because he would be making the mistake of his life, that he can mess the international community about yet again," Mr Straw said.
  8. Islamic Nations Slaughter, Enslave Christians December 16, 2001 by Tom Barrett
  9. Kofi Annan is a vicious racist and the U.N. is ran by a bunch of despots from countries dominated by dictators where the U.N. Representative can't even vote or voice his opinion when he returns home. Yet they sit up there and tell democratic countries what to do. Screw'em. The United States needs to get out of the U.N. and get the U.N out of New York. Send them to Saudi Arabia or Eygpt and it will save postage for Kofi to get his instructions.
  10. The Bible says that during the three days that Jesus was in the grave He claimed the keys to death, hell and the grave. When He ascended He took those that had died with faith in God with Him. Eph:4 8
  11. Is it too late to point out that Muslims don't believe any such thing?
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