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Posts posted by Dwalker45

  1. Ok first I said that we MAY not even be aware,since no where does it say an international treaty will be signed or any other event that will signify the onset of the final "week". Also I did not say it would be shortened to 3 and 1/2 years but that the final half would be shotened just as Christ said "for the Elect's sake,those days will be shortened." All that I really implied was that since Noah was in the ark for the one year period that maybe the final wrath judgements would be shortened to that time frame. My own personal opinion is that the total length will be about 5 years since 5 is the number of Biblical number for "Grace" and i've always been fascinated as why David picked up those 5 smooth stones and what they represented. Of course he only needed one to kill Goliath. Also there were only 2 churches in Revelation that had no fault/sin and 5 that did. I could probably dig up some other examples but don't have any other specific scriptures to back up these theories. Maybe something else will come to me later as it often the case...go figure.  Anyway sorry for any confusion.

  2. I think to better understand end times prophecy you often have to connect passages,which means going back to the Old Testament. There are probably many places you can find relevant prophecy scriptures but the account of Noah is very significant since Jesus said the end times would be "as in the days(plural) of Noah." There will be a period of time leading up to the main event that begins the great tribulation. Once Noah entered the ark then it all began,and I believe the ark represents that same protection God will provide for His Elect,in what way or means is yet to be seen. But Noah was in the ark for a total of one year and 10 days,and I personally believe that is significant as well given that the time of GREAT tribulation will be shortened from the final 3 1/2 years. Also there was a 150 day period until the waters started to finally recede. Also a 5 month period mentioned in Revelation where those with the "mark" are tormented,probably near the very end of that period.

    I guess the main thing to remember is that it may all play out a lot different than we expect,since the book of Daniel doesn't in any way imply that we will know when that first half of the 70th week(7 years) will begin or even that we will be aware once it has. Other than when the Anti-Christ will "confirm the covenant" and then break it in the midst of that period. And by "covenant" it most likely means he will side with Israel over Palestine but this is not necessarily a peace deal,and even could be done in secret. We may not even be aware that the first 3 1/2 years has even begun.  But speaking of the "Day of the Lord" remember that a day with the Lord is as 1,000 years and vice-versa. And technically we have been experiencing over 1,000 years of "tribulation" given all the wars and destruction and the Christian martyrs,especially in the 20th century alone. Which in my opinion shoots down those reasons for a pre-trib. Rapture,since no one else has "escaped" there own horrible deaths. But I do believe again we will have God's protection and even if we are killed by these same judgements on the wicked it will be instantaneous by God's mercy on us. 

    But speaking of that specific "day" that comes as a thief in the night, I think it's stated that way since you couldn't word it as the 1,260 days of the Lord which would lose the meaning of what scripture is trying to teach. And what comes as a "thief" in the night is obviously the beginning of it all since the very final end would not be a surprise at all and even may be expected by those still alive and aware of the prophetic timetable. But anyway just how I see things possibly taking place and sorry for maybe being a bit "wordy" but just had a lot of thoughts I wanted to express at one time.


  3. Well basically how it works is that the "Wicked" one as stated in 2nd Thessalonians-2:8 will be let loose and his coming will be with "signs and wonders". And then for this reason God Himself will send them "strong delusion"(Verse 11) simply because they are headed in that direction anyway and have pretty much already made up their minds. So I see this as God just speeding along the process,probably in disgust over having to see it prolonged any more than necessary. So then the question of won't ALL be deceived was answered in Revelation-13. But the "all" in this sense is referring to the peoples of the world,or in the world system at that time. And I believe by that time God's Elect will have come out of Babylon,just as Moses brought the people out of Egypt. So to I personally believe there may even be some kind of "petition" made by a large group of believers in various nations to there own Governments,such as Moses made to Pharoah..."Let my people go." This could occur just before or in response to the appearing of Antichrist. Since they can see what is coming and don't want any part of it. Of course there will also be a large number of probably mainline Christians who see them as extremists and that they/we don't have to do anything special to prepare other than simply believe God will provide for all our needs. It would be interesting to sit back and see how it all plays out but by that time you will likely have chosen which side you are on,maybe without being even fully aware of the consequences,and the BROAD way is always the wrong path. Just how I see happening from what we have to go on so far.



  4. The original topic was concerning number of the beast,and how it is calculated. Well since there are 66 books in the Bible one might conclude that this is in some way related to it. Maybe the ANTI-Christ will come in as another kind of "Messiah" and even use the Word of God to promote or confirm his own agenda and message. Who really knows for sure,except "ALL" will be deceived,(Rev.-13:16),unless you are one of God's very Elect. And if by chance you think you got this down with no problem,well as the old slang goes..."YOU just don't know..."!  

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