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Your closest friendnt

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Everything posted by Your closest friendnt

  1. When anyone believes and for clarity he believes that Jesus died on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins his sins are not counted against him. Jesus knows everything about him but also knows that he believes in Him that it is a big compliment to Him because He did not died for nothing or the very few. He knows that He is calling also afflicted people to believe in him and hatred is stronger affliction than anyother affliction but He still is calling all people as they are to believe in Him. And not only for eternal Life in the Heavenly but He also wants to help them in this life and if they want to or as much as they want to. And He has given them one less burden not to worry about Hell because no one of anyone who believes in Him is going there and no one to be tormented with these kind of thoughts. But to be happy in this matter and to be happy that the people close to them if they believe that they are people of Jesus Christ. No matter what, our faith in Jesus Christ saves us. Jesus work of redemption through His death on the Cross, and our faith in Him saves us. We need both Jesus Christ dead on the Cross and our faith in Him our faith in Jesus the Son of God who dued for the forgiveness of our sins and whom God raised Him from the dead. God wants us to be happy and to give him Thanksgiving to him for Jesus Christ, and give thanks to Jesus Christ. And He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us in this life to be overcomers, in all things. And He also imputes his righteousness upon us so if anyone even our self looks in our own righteousness and thoughts comes that he is not saved or he can not be saved for the things he does then the believer must remind himself that by his own righteousness he is saved from the things of this world that can afflict the people, but he is saved from the Judgement because he is cloth in the imputed righteousness, of Jesus Christ by faith alone. You are not going to be Lost if you smoke or because you drink actually you should drink a little bit and a little bit more. Or if you die from drug overdose or suicide as a believer in the merciful Jesus Christ.
  2. .... On the evening of the resurrection day Jesus appeared to his disciples but Thomas who had gone fishing and the first thing he said: The amazing "PEACE BE WITH YOU" John 20:19. Jesus never said anything else to them in reference how they thought and what they said about him after his death on the Cross, and they were waiting for Jesus to scold them as he had done at times. Instead Jesus said nothing he had consider but only as a learning experience. Imediatly Jesus showed them his hands and his side and they were full of Joy. Then Jesus began to talked to them about their future mission and again said: PEACE BE WITH YOU", because he said that he will send them on their mission, including that he will not be with them that they will be without him as each one of them will go on his own mission. And then Jesus did something to let them know that He will be with them and each one of them in Spirit and He breathed on them to let them know that He will be with them in the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus let them know that they were in Him and He in them by breathing in them that they were the New Creation of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus to let them know that all is well with him and the Heavenly Father He breathed on them and He said to them that He is a Holy Spirit that's why He said to them PEACE BE WITH YOU because there is also PEACE WITH ME AND THE HEAVENLY FATHER and that's why He said to them "AS THE FATHER SENT ME SO I SENT YOU, that He obeyed the Father who sent Him all the way to the Cross having in his mind a lot of things and also the way how they will die.
  3. Acts 2:38 - And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. I have found this in Acts 2:38 which it says that are sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus shed the blood for the forgiveness of our sins and we are under his blood. When we sin we are still under his blood. I think this is what you meant to say. We believe in Jesus Christ and we have the forgiveness of our sins in Him. We are in Him and we are accepted by the Heavenly Father who is the Father of Jesus and for that reason we are accepted by Him as His children. The Heavenly Father is now our Father in Jesus Christ. We are the children of Jesus but we do not call him Father we call Him Lord. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. The one who Saved us, who died for our sins and we own our Life to Him is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the one who take care for us while we live out our lives not Mary and not anyone else. How he does it it is another question all together.
  4. I am wondering why do you have to say that? What do need and you have to say by that? What are your thoughts, the context, the group of your thoughts considered when you said that?
  5. Garlic and leaks on one hand and pita patty on the other.
  6. No according to the scriptures, this is impossible. This is copy from your post (to make things clear, I am referring to Jesus after He died and rose again) When Jesus died he descended to the underworld and he was raised from the place of the dead. And it was after three-days. And his body was not burned or mutilated in other words he was raised from the dead as he was exactly when he died. And his body was not earthly anymore. For that reason he could not continue to live an earthly life as he was before as his body was not subject to corruption like anyother earthly body and the prophetic was fulfilled that his body will never see corruption it did not see corruption from his death to his resurrection when it was subject to corruption because Jesus was raised from the dead before his body began to decay and after his resurrection his body was not earthly anymore and for that reason and Jesus will live forever in a body that is not earthly and can never be subjected to the earthly death to physical death and he can live forever and never grow old. All the time he will have the marks on his body to prove that it is him and not some imposter. He is for that reason in Heaven, as He is Heavenly and having an Heavenly Inheritance and He has to be all the time with his Heavenly Father and minding the Heavenly things and the things of the Lord of Lords as He also is the Judge of all. Every will appear before him at the time of their death to be Judged and know their eternal destination and that will never end.
  7. In sort to the answer to your question is Yes Jesus may decide not to indwel in them anymore according to what we have in scripture. But they are not anymore at that time indwel but they are still in Christ born from above and under the blood of Jesus Christ. Still sealed by his Spirit. No one can forbid them to believe.
  8. (Where He pulls his indwelling Spirit from a person who is joint to Him as a born-again child of God.) Your statement who is joint to Him, (this is about Jesus), as a Born-again child of God suggests that God has other children that are not indwel by Jesus. And that only the Born-Again believers are dwell by Jesus. That they are other believers who are in Jesus Christ sealed by the Holy Spirit as being in Jesus Christ but are not indwel by Jesus Christ Spirit because they are not born-again and to be indwel by Christ they need to be born again. It seems that you make the distinction between the children of God between the born from above but not born-again and those who are born-from above and are born again. If you please say something about what the born-again is within the context of your post only. Please with your own words. And also scripture if you have one at hand.
  9. What do you mean by he leaves us as it pertains the New Covenant. Do you want to say that He left them in the Old but that does not happen in the New? Or that He is all the time with us. He can be with us in the Holy Spirit any time He wants. No one can stop him. This does not say that he is all the time in our hearts. He leaves us, this is pertaining to Jesus Christ. The scriptures say that we are in him because we believe in him and we are in the Heavenly Father because we are in Him and He is with the Heavenly Father. It does not mean that because we are in him He has come to make His abode in our hearts. And that also when and if the time comes. In the mean time he has given us the Holy Spirit and He can minister to us through the Holy Spirit. And not only in the Holy Spirit but also with the Angels because they are for his ministry towards us. We have a lot examples of Jesus sending Angels to guide the disciples. And stay with them till their specific mission was accomplished. Also He guides us through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are different than the Holy Spirit it self they remain in the believer. They are gifts deposited in the heart of the believers and that's why it says that God will teach everyone to know God. Jesus puts seeds in the heart of the believers and their from their heart are communicating with the believers that's how we say that we come in the knowledge of him from within our heart. Jesus said to his disciples abide in me and if you keep my commandments then me and the Heavenly Father will come and make our abode in you. That sounds conditional and I will live it like that because it is a very sensitive matter and we also abide in his grace and I do not want to judge anyone. It was not the same with the disciples right after the Cross and till the time of the ascension because they did not have the Holy Spirit as it first came on the Day of Pentecost because they had Jesus Christ and Jesus had to ascend first to the Heavenly Father but that's when the Heavenly Father gave him the Holy Spirit to represent him because he was ascended to Heaven. Studying the New Testament none of the disciples ever said that Jesus talked to them and asked them to do something. All the time they said the Holy Spirit and or an Angel asked them to do something or send them on a mission. Besides Paul when Jesus appeared to him on the way to Damascus and Paul did not show Him the way John did in Patmos but Paul as soon he was exposed to his Light his eyes were burn they were cooked in the way they did or Jesus did something to protect his eyes and cover them with those scales and that how he wanted Paul to be helpless and not to depend on himself because he had proposed to himself to be his guiding light from that time on. He wanted Paul to understand that He was the LIGHT OF THE WORLD the Light that will shine to the Gentiles and that his mission was to bring that Light to the Gentiles Nations. Jesus appeared for the first time to John in the island of Patmos and He sent a message to the churches those gold stands who walked amongs them. He did it through John and He made us understand that not all of them will open the door of their heart to let him in, and what does that mean about those believers of the seven Gold Lambstands. His communicated his instructions to them through John and not through the Holy Spirit so I noticed and why? If He was in their hearts why would He knock on them and He would not force his way in. Many are called but not all are chosen. And he said to those who will do what I have asked them to them I will come in them and have supper with them and do many wonderful things. It is not a blanket upon all who believe, that's why He is asking us to prepare our selves for him to come in our hearts.
  10. This is what Paul said at that specific time and I cannot agree with that because of what Jesus had said and the way he had said it he meant it. Paul had his own experiences and he knows how it happened on the road to Damascus and how at a later time Ananias intercede for him according to the instructions from Jesus Christ to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And how later on he met believers in Jesus Christ and he prayed for them to recieve the Holy Spirit. About Christ in us, is not the same as living in us and staying 24/7/365 this cannot be supported by the scriptures, this is in question by a lot of scriptures. Having received from his Spirit when we first believed and we believe in Jesus Christ. To define "received of his Spirit ", as to whose Spirit we received. To know that Jesus Christ is from God and that he has received from his Spirit from the beginning because he was never from Man that He never had the Spirit of Man and He is still Live in Him, God the Heavenly Father and because of him we are also the Children of the Heavenly Father is not the same as saying that we have the Spirit of God or that The Heavenly Father is in us. To say that we are in the Spirit of his Son Jesus Christ and we are shield with his Spirit and in Him we are also in God through Him because He is with God Is not the same as saying that the Heavenly Father leaves in us. Or Jesus Christ lives in us or even the Holy Spirit. To make his abode in us is not the same as Jesus repeatedly let us know. Look that everything we do and say and the way we pray it does not justifies that Jesus lives in us 24/7/365 or the Holy Spirit which is our Inheritance. As about the Heavenly Father He has given us Jesus Christ as our Lord and He will supply all our needs according to His richness in His Glory. Jesus Christ said call upon my name. There He is teaching us how to pray.
  11. This is also not specific, as what born of the Spirit, as whose Spirit. And we are joint to him as in Jesus Christ as we are partakers of his Spirit, Jesus Spirit this I understand. But to say that bond is not broken as long as we believe is not the same as the Holy Spirit living in us 24/7/365, is it?
  12. You said God without being specific to whom you are referring to and you said living in us without being specific as to who are the us. And what living in us is comprised from.
  13. God and within the minute of the Heavenly Father does not live in us. He does have his own place in Heaven and He is not homeless. He never lived in anymore and he never will. The Heavenly Father neither di Ge lived in Jesus but according to Jesus, Jesus had to ascend to Heaven to be with the Heavenly Father. No that the Heavenly Father had to come down here but Jesus had to go to Him in Heaven. Jesus was led by the Heavenly Father's Spirit from within and Jesus was hearing the voice of the Heavenly Father from within. Which is not the same as the Heavenly Father living in him.
  14. I thank you for your friendly way you discussing. And yes my my question was very serious. I think it would be better if when we say God to make ourselves understood by others with clarity, like exactly to whom we are referring to. Like if you are saying the Heavenly Father I will never get confused as to whom you are referring to. Moses never called God the Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit did not talked to Moses at the burning bush and at the dessert at the mountain and the Holy Spirit was not in the cloud by day and in the Pilar of Fire by night. There is no mention of the Holy Spirit just those words THE HOLY SPIRIT. Only the Holy Spirit of the Lord God who was the Lord God of the Nation of Israel only. The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the sons of Jacob. About the Holy Spirit living in us 24/7/365 or continually no one has ever have claimed that. And I cannot find a scripture to support that. And it is not truth. About Jesus Christ, I am not sure what you said about Jesus Christ. But this is about God living in us and the OP has not defined it.
  15. What did you say? Can God live in us? Is this a straight forwards question? Did God lived in Moses?
  16. This is not truth and the Jews knew about that and they never claimed that. And Moses never claimed that. Do you mean something else?.
  17. I absolutely agree with you in that specific matter. This is a heretic statement if you are not afraid to identify it. To say that for them the only way it would have been that Jesus had to die again. We never write off the people in that and other situations but to the contrary we try to win them back to Jesus Christ and tell them that Jesus Christ is waiting for them and that always will accept them back. That he is waiting for them to come back. That He died for all sins including all sins. In the Old there was not forgiveness for a list of sins. But in the New Testament Jesus Christ died for all sins. Including the sins that were not forgiven in the Sinai Covenant. When I first read this I freaked out and that was enough to understand that Paul has nothing to do with that statement. Scaring the people in that manner. Are you working for Jesus or the Devil. Telling people in their situation not to bother to repent because Jesus will not accept their repentance. That they are lost while they are still alive. This is a sign that He has not understand the Gospel of Grace. Thank you for bringing this up.
  18. @Daniel Marsh At the time of Jesus and long time ago going back to Egypt people had flat breads with olive oil and herbs and garlic and zucchini types of vegetables.
  19. Thank you, the word should have been "equation".
  20. @Vine Abider You are indeed a good brother and you are not prejudice.
  21. I try to bring clarity to the issues at hand and I put the emphasis according to the introductions in Leviticus. And you also brought my attention there about the day starting at twilight time which the time of the sunset at that time of the at about seven o'clock. What they were following that specific time is important and we should start that they were Celebrating according to the book of Leviticus for it was a big thing that they all do the same thing on the first day of the Unleavened Bread which the 15th and which is distinguish from the 14th and the 16 but not the 21st the seven day of the Unleavened Bread. The 15th and the 21st were High Holidays even though they were treated the same as the Sabath Day in that no work was done and Holy unto the Lord but it has its special propose as those two days were two of the four High Holidays in the Calendar the other two were in Autumn. This is the question we are looking from what we gave in the scriptures on what day of the week was the first day of the Unleavened Bread. Can we find this out from what we have in the scriptures. Because there is a lot of arguments about the specific year and the day of the week because every year the day of the week is different the day of the month it is always the fifteen but not the day of the week. To say Sabbath it has the meaning a day dedicated to the Lord, no work and for the specific propose for that day as it is written in the book of Leviticus. Jesus celebrated the Passover do we have any reason to say that this was not the set day for the Passover and perhaps we can begin to look as if the Passover supper was eaten at what time of the 14th of Nissan or Abib. That day the 14th it started at the beginning of the twilight for that day at sunset but still there wa light for about half hour as usual after sunset and before sunrise. What do you think when the people were looking forwards to the Passover supper would they have a regular dinner before sunset on the 13th or looking forwards to the Passover supper they would wait to have the Passover supper after a few hours of the sunset..and it seems that what Jesus and the disciples did because later on the took a walk they sang hymns on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was praying and the disciples fall asleep. It was night at that time within the twilight and Judas went out to meet them before the end of the twilight or before the sunrise. They aproch Jesus and the disciples carrying torches and lanterns for light. A lot earlier than than the time when the rooster crow at the time Peter denied that he was the disciple of Jesus Christ, just before the Sunrise. On the same day Jesus ate the Passover with his disciples and Peter looked at Jesus when the rooster crow. This is the same day Jesus was Crucified.
  22. Jesus teach people from the things around them as the things around fishermen and around Shepherds and agriculture. And their customs in their Nation. I do not think that Jesus would object to other nations culture to be used for Symbolic use they way he did. Because he knew that the Gospel will be preached in deferent cultures and people having their culture they will be invited to believe. As they are saturated with their culture because that's what they know. And everything takes time and Paul knew that very well.
  23. Hello @Jedi4Yahweh I have come to understand that we need to established a common platform before we begin to discuss, we should agree on the basic information from the book of Leviticus. From the book of Leviticus the Passover is on the 14th day of the first month of the Jewish religious Calendar which begins at the end of March or at the beginning of April. Spring in the Northern Emespher of the earth, and Cannan was located in the Northern Emespher and it was the beginning of Spring. Passover is on the 14th of Nissan the first month of the Leviticus Calendar. But not always on the same day of the week. And following the Passover is the first day of the Celebration of the Unleavened Bread which last seven days. The first day of the Unleavened Bread Holidays is the day after the Passover Holiday the 15th day of the first month Nisan or Abib. While the 14th the Passover day is not a HIGH HOLIDAY THE FIRST DAY THE OF THE UNLEAVENED BREAD HOLIDAY IS 15TH IS A HIGH HOLIDAY. In the book of Leviticus the 1st and the last day of the Unleavened Bread Holidays are HIGH HOLIDAYS. THEY ARE THE TWO HIGH HOLIDAYS in spring and the other two HIGH HOLIDAYS are in the Fall. The First Day of the feast of Unleavened Bread the 15th of Nissan is a High HOLIDAY and is treated like any Sabbath like no work or anything else was allowed to be done. From the book of Leviticus we can know what was the special things that took place on that day that they did not take on the weekly Sabbath day.
  24. It not about me that matter, and because I am thick skin it does not mean that I should remain silent on this matter. There a lot of Christians even dedicated ones who allowed their children to participate in the kind of activities many Christians do not approve but that does not mean there is no value and room for teaching within those customs. Some believers participate and see something they can be communicated about Jesus relevant to our faith. And others who are not in the Christian faith participate with their children with their reasons and some they participate just for the fun of it, as they are inosent and outdoors activities, spring activities when earth is rejuvenate in the North part but in the South part they are getting ready to welcome the Autum. How strange it is that all the people even in the south part of the Earth they are getting ready to celebrate the Christian Passover. That has nothing to do with the Spring in the south Emespher of the earth waiting for the Fall when everything is changing in the opposite way as in the North. There Symbolic equations that can be made the subject of discussion among the people who participate in those activities and many can benefit to understand about what Jesus has accomplished in his mission and many can become interested to look into that later and accept an invitation to visit a church. Christians should be encouraged to participate because it is an opportunity for a gentle way to reach others even others from other countries about the good news. Like brother @backontrack said; there are a lot opportunities to introduce others to the Gospel as things happen around us. Somethings we may do not like, may also be doors open for evangelism.
  25. Thank you for the post. I have to study it. Earlier I spoke about something and later was seeking to corect my thinking. Now I need to carefully study.
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