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Everything posted by Iam4rgiven

  1. I'm a mother of a 16 year old daughter and she just told me that she's gay. I'm devastated to a point where I cried every night, could'nt sleep or eat. I love my daughter very much but I have a hard time accepting this. My husband on the other hand is more accepting. I didn't get mad at her when she told me this. I was calm. She believes that she's born this way and that this is who she is. I, on the other hand believe that it's a choice. A lifestyle choice. I believe that nobody is born gay...just like nobody is born a murderer, a gambler, an adulterer. I explained to her that having sexual desires with the same sex is not a sin unless you act upon it. She then told me that she believes that being gay is not a sin. Her exact word is "How could God hate me if this is the way I was born? God supposed to love everyone". I'm really hurt by this and just today i caught myself questioning God. I even asked God that if this is something she's born with then I need help for him to change me...to make me accept my daughter unconditionally...but if this is something she is choosing to do, then please help my daughter to change, to guide her to the right path, to open her eyes to the truth before it's too late. She's a good daughter. She does good at school, she doesn't drink or do drugs, she's still a virgin ( she's not sexually active). I really don't believe that she's gay because she had one bf before and it lasted for almost 4 months. I'm just so confused right now. I need prayers...and I am asking God to guide her with the choices she'll make. Please I need help. I'm so depressed right now I don't know what to do or how to handle this situation. Please help.
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