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Posts posted by de1929

  1. On 1/19/2016 at 8:52 AM, warriorbride said:

    Do babies and unborn children go to heaven when they die? considering they were born and will be born sinners, does God gave an exception to them?


    because for me it will be unfair(on my own judgement) to let them be in hell without giving them chance to know the Lord Jesus Christ, to accept Him as their saviour and be with Him. 

    Yes. No worries, JESUS loves children. 

  2. 1 minute ago, other one said:

    you need the Bible to make sure that the entity you have a relationship with is really the Lord.....    i have had others and it is not that easy to tell the difference if you are not very immersed in the word.


    you worried too much bro :D ... GOD is more concern then your concern about your wellbeing. well being means: your physical, emotional, discernment, knowledge, etc.

    I have kids and they don't even read english yet... but i already told then... JESUS loves you, HE is our friends, go talk anything you want... I don't push doctrine to kids lol.. 

  3. 21 hours ago, post said:

    i've always wondered about how people refer to the "process of sanctification" -- because in light of this

    When he said above, “You have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings” (these are offered according to the law), then he added, “Behold, I have come to do your will.” He does away with the first in order to establish the second. And by that will we
    have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
    (Hebrews 10:8-10)

    it seems to me that we are already sanctified - and that our goodness now, from the point of believing the gospel onward, is a thing that should be in keeping with the reality of the righteousness that God has already declared us to have, and clothed us with, not a means by which to effect a state of "more sanctified sanctification"  
    i guess i just have a hard time seeing how something that has been declared holy already can be continually made more and more holy - but more as Paul put it to the Corinthians, we are "truly unleavened" already, therefore we ought to "purge out the old leaven" - because we no longer have any part with the old things of the world, being set apart already by the redemption and atonement of Christ's work for us and in us. 
    probably there is a failure of language in here somewhere. 



    if you follow joseph prince teachings, pretty much like below:

    1. Only JESUS can give passport to heaven. Not by hard work, not by anything else. We call it by grace. The work in calvary is mentiond as only 1 way to go to heaven. Hebrew 10:8-10
    2. Relationship between redeemed and redeemer is paramount. That's why bible say work on your salvation. Not work to get passport, but work to build relationship.
    3. Joseph Prince believes in OSAS. Once saved always saved. But saved does not mean you have a big house in heaven. Big house in heaven is depend on reward based on relationship value.

  4. 2 minutes ago, other one said:


    hi bro... so pretty much if GOD's already gives the answers to you... then surely it's a real treasure... but pitty those ppl that think they need bible to have relationship with CHRIST lol... 

  5. On 1/17/2016 at 6:16 PM, post said:

    the scripture above is one answer to the question - 'what does growth look like for us as believers?' 

    what more can you add? 
    when we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, what should we see as positive examples of growing in the faith? 
    how can we foster it - or prevent it? 
    what should we do, and what should we be seeing in ourselves as becoming mature and complete in Christ? 

    i would like to get many perspectives from all of you, because i believe that the gifts of God for us are for our mutual edification - so i know that you all have things in you from God to help build us up. i think this question is a good one for us to have in mind, even if you don't have a reply to post. thanks for sharing :) 

    CHRIST is the author and finisher of our faith. So the benchmark is from CHRIST. 

    Most employee has annual review and performance. The questions, when did you have your last annual review with CHRIST ?

  6. On 1/16/2016 at 1:48 AM, Pamelasv said:

    'Do not forsake your own friend, or your father's friend, and do not go to your brother's house in the day of your calamity; better is a neighbor who is near, than a brother who is far away.'

    So why is it better to go to a neighbor who is near than a sibling far away? 



    Many ppl have given their exposition. Btw: have you ask GOD directly why ?

  7. 20 hours ago, OakWood said:

    I have a serious question to ask.

    Can anybody tell me (from scripture) - is the End Times victory going to come purely from the hand of God or are Christians involved too?

    We know from the Bible that sometimes God carries out justice by himself, but sometimes he likes his people to do it on his behalf (when the Jews were asked to carry out the slaughter of the Canaanites for example).

    Will there be a Christian revival? Are we supposed to get involved and fight back? Will the final victory come from Jesus and the angels alone or will there be a similar parallel victory here on Earth where armies of Christian warriors fight the anti-Christ and all those who serve him? I mean, a real physical war.

    And please don't answer with "oh no, everything comes from God. God knows everything. We do nothing. Without him we are hopeless" because that's not very helpful and will not be answering my question. Is there anywhere in scripture that suggests that it is our duty to be involved in the final battle?

    Will there be a revival of the Church? Will Christian nations rise to the glory days of yesteryear? Can we expect to see the saints battling the forces of darkness?

    You might think that I should know the answer to this question already but the Book of Revelation especially is full of symbolism and analogies and I'm beginning to look at it in a different light.


    Short answer for Q1: it's collaboration. 

    Q: Will there be a Christian revival?
    A: Yes, Habakuk saying the knowledge of glory of GOD will fill the earth.

    Q: Are we supposed to get involved and fight back?
    A: yes, but follow GOD's detailed instruction. Maybe with armed forces, maybe media influence, maybe evangelism, maybe combinations ? only GOD knows all detail for incoming events.

    Q: Will the final victory come from Jesus and the angels alone or will there be a similar parallel victory here on Earth where armies of Christian warriors fight the anti-Christ and all those who serve him? I mean, a real physical war.
    A: I don't know. 

    -- My comments --

    you need to get involved more with Holy Spirit. instead of doing analysis study. take a look at below website


  8. 10 hours ago, Willa said:

    Romans 4:3  For what does does the Scripture says?  Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. 

    Romans 4:23-25  NKJV Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but also for us.  It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses,, and was raised because of our justification.

    Romans 5:1  NKJV Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

    Galatians 3:3  ESV Are you so foolish?  Having begun by the Spirit are you now being perfected by the flesh? 

    Habakkuk 2:4b But the righteous shall live by his faith.

    Galatians 5:16,18  But I say ," walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh--18 But if your are led by the Spirit you are not under the law.

    Eph. 2:8-10  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

    Selah!  We were created in Jesus for good works.  We will not feel fulfilled unles we walk in them.  It is for that purpose that we were saved!  But they are accomplished as we walk by faith following the Holy Spirit's direction as confirmed in God's Word.  



    are you from word-of-faith movements ? i remembered Kenneth Copeland when i saw some of your verses.... 

  9. 1 hour ago, Kan said:

    That's pretty much it, and by the way, I don't have that luxury of 'church' building, congregation or otherwise.

    fine, let me answer from my perspective, pentecostal perspective. 

    you wrote:   It is an approach, unknown to them, which leads to the summoning of the occult /demons

    my saying: you worried too much. GOD is more concern about your faith, your approach, their unknown approach, then your awareness to defend yourself.

    GOD loves you so much. HE will protect you. If suddenly you see demon then what ? just tell the demon you are out of this place :D ... i mean even the most traditional christian teach you how to rebuke the devil ... lol... use JESUS name, standard practice.

    Think yourself in demon shoes. how to convince Mr A that speaking in tongue is wrong ? very simply: during Mr A your worship session, just let the demon appear, so Mr A think he summons demons.

    did bible say devil is deceptive ?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Kan said:

    These are terms of observation, as per theologians and clergy, who also have their own definitions of what spiritual gifts are. I don't agree with either of their concocted labels, or on their ideas of what constitutes a spiritual gift, simply because they like to be able to define, observe and control spiritual matters. It is an approach, unknown to them, which leads to the summoning of the occult /demons, which especially occurs in sessions involving the said "gift of tongues." Their need to have a divisive handling of spiritual influences disqualifies them from any genuine Gifts of God by the Holy Spirit, and they are actually following and worshiping Satan, in the name of Christ.

    There is one Gift of the Spirit which gives sound evidence and distinction to the people of God. It is wrapped up in what is called the "testimony of Jesus." See Rev 19:10, 14:12 and 12:17. But this gift is only associated with the mystery of God, so you cannot know one without the other.

    Peter sums it up in I Peter chapters 1 to 5. note the connecting clue to Revelation in I Peter 1:13.

    if you follow cessasionism, your following GOD is defined by bible teachers, who always beat you down on lexicon and moody bible interpretation aka exegesis. If bible teacher said you are wrong, backed up with scripture... you are doomed.

    if you follow continualism, you have another options to ask Holy spirit (HS) directly and learn to focus more on relationship at expense of exegesis bible scholar opinion. The fruit of relationship with HS is RHEMA. 

    that's why i need to know your background :D... btw what is your background ? 0r in simple english, what is your church ?

  11. On 1/13/2016 at 6:28 AM, Saved.One.by.Grace said:

    I believe in God's sovereignty ... that He is outside of the dimension of time that He created.  I also believe in the power of prayer, especially as Jesus taught it ... that is, prayer is not to be a meaningless repetition of words or phrases, but a heartfelt conversation with our Father in Heaven.  So I'm throwing this question out to get input from mature Christians as to how they see prayer.  Let's say I pray for someone.  God is outside of time.  So God knows that I will pray for someone.  Does God set in motion the answer to my prayer ahead of time because He is sovereign, or does God wait until the actual prayer takes place before answering?  Or does it even matter?  As a former Calvinist, this question was much easier to answer.

    in other thread i answered questions about predestination and free will, imo this part i will use the same essence :D

    GOD predestines you for every combination of webster dictionary verbs you can imange, and not yet defined. Like you said, GOD is sovereign. You are predestined to be father, fireman, president, lawyet, pastor, etc..etc and anything GOD has predestined for.

    Now comes the "limit" that what we called free will. When you were in your mother womb, your mother has a plan. Let's simplify by saying: She planned you to born in USA. Not Australia. Therefore your free will to born in australia is not happened, because your mother had a plan to deliver in USA.

    Because you were born in USA, GOD's predestined you to be under doctor's care in australia hospital, were simply not happening because of your mother's free will.

    so with this mindset, i hope you understand GOD has everything calculated, whether you pray or not praying.

    now back to you, if you want to life to your fullest destiny, you have to yield your free will and ask GOD which part of HIS plan you can execute to bring you to your fullest destiny.


  12. 3 minutes ago, thereselittleflower said:

      Projection is a subconscious psychological defense mechanism designed to keep someone from needing to deal with a hard-to-accept negative truth about themselves.   In this defense mechanism, they "project" the hard-to-accept negative truth about themselves onto someone else and then accuse the other person of being guilty of what they themselves are guilty of.  

    You are the one pushing definitions onto other people.   


    being cessasionist / continualist does not have to do with right / wrong. it's a choice. every choice has consequences, be it cessasionist / continualist. cessasionist ministry cannot be acceted into continualist ministry and vice versa.

    john mc arthur will not accepts words such as cessasionist / continualist. 

    cessasionist / continualist are new keyword defined by pentecostal movements, to distinguished john and pentecostal movements. as simple as that


  13. 1 minute ago, thereselittleflower said:

    Yet here you are, wrong again.

    As I said, I'm not trying to define you.

    I am exposing that what you call Rhema is not rhema, and if you really think someone is telling you these things, then you are believing a lying spirit.



    again, a cessasionist, you, trying to push your definition on me. 

    you are exposing me because i am not following your definition.

  14. Just now, thereselittleflower said:

    I'm not interested in defining you.

    You have demonstrated that your "rhema" is simply of your own imagining, or worse, from some diabolic source.


    you have demonstrated you are exegesis minded bible scholar, without any tolerance to eisegesis. 

  15. 1 minute ago, thereselittleflower said:

    Now you're fishing.

    What you call Rhema is not Rhema.    You've deluded yourself into believing you are hearing God speak things to you about other people.   You are not the oracle of God and you don't know what you think you know.


    i don't think cessasionist like you can define me.

  16. Just now, thereselittleflower said:

    What have I taught?

    I have shown you what the verses actually say in the Greek.  

    By doing so I have shown you have taken them beyond their meaning.


    I am not denying God existed before all else, but that your use of these verses does not prove that.  Proof for that must come from elsewhere.



    are you sure ? check your heart thoroughly... check with your spouse .. are you in divorce status... what kind of fruit is that ? 

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