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Posts posted by HeartSearcher

  1. 12 hours ago, cherubim said:

    I underwent a medical procedure and was damaged and am now disabled. I have been at home and forgotten. So I am looking for advice. My sister never had a family and I had given her my adult children's cell phone #'s.  She abused it and invited them someplace where an unsafe individual was that I did not want them around. We had a blowout over it where she lied and blamed me for HER mistakes.  She caused unbearable trouble in my family, so I told her to leave my family alone.  Unbelievably, she completely ignored my request and is contacting my children.  It is causing unbearable harm in my family and she refuses to butt out - my husband called her a bully.  She is an unbeliever. I prayed but think satan is using her. I'm getting attacked in my mind because I worry she will lure them - I think she wants to make my family hers. I told her she needs psychological help but she blocked my emails yet contacts my children. My husband says to ignore her but I think she's a threat - and I don't like her pushing her way into our family causing trouble. She and her husband are worldly.  I so regret giving her their contact info that she has abused. What would others do?

    This right here (I underwent a medical procedure and was damaged and am now disabled. I have been at home and forgotten.) I know this very well as I have been there. As for you and your family issue the enemy wants you to be stressed and worried about this you must go to that still quite place with God to regain a sense of peace serenity and comfort that he is holding your hand, nothing happens without reason especially when it comes to God you have to run into fathers arms and be embraced with his love and his comfort give it all to him let him carry your heavy cross don't be afraid to cry out in the tears and the worry to him.


    never forget even Jesus himself needed help to carry his cross

  2. 30 minutes ago, BacKaran said:

    Hi, I asked sister once how her life was going. She replied.. Living the dream!

    I thought deeply about how sad that is. She's living for herself and family, not for God.

    In my family instead of compassion or empathy, they respond with sarcastic jokes. Ha that's just karan... Or well, you chose the path your on....a dig at my past sins they can't forget..

    My family is very selfish. Self centered and worldly as they pretend to do church.

    I'm deeply saddened they have hard hearts and they think I'm the weird lost one because I told them all I'm living my life for Christ.

    They ostracize me which is fine since they are toxic to me but I still pray they will turn to Jesus, that's all I can do.

    You only live once should remind the saved there is a job to do, to get the Gospel message out, then we're step back and let the Holy Spirit water the seeds were planted.

    Everyday I'm living in joy no matter how bad my health is, or im poor as i am compared to anyone else financially yet I'm am very blessed as I turn to Jesus as I go about my day.

    Maranantha, come Lord Jesus!

    Blessings karan.?

    I am in the same boat. I am the only Christian in my family and my house is a very unchrist like environment there is all kinds of cussing all kinds of disgusting vulger sexual jokes that makes your stomach turn and no one understands me  but take heart karan for the light Shines the brightest in the dark

  3. God spoke to me of a storm coming our way the likes of which this world has never seen and if our hearts are not prepared none of us will stand and I always add that how we prepare our hearts is to continuously seek to deepen the bond love and the relationship with God because only then will our heart be able to stand when no one else can.

    Your post reminded me of this and makes me think he has spoken the same thing to you

  4. I think as a believer I lived yolo in the sense that When I made a promise to God to give it all i have and to be reckless and abandon in seeking him in knowing him in loving him and in turn love others the same way he has helped me to keep that promise.

    I am not out on the streets preaching the gospel or out doing great and powerful miracles or moving huge crowds of peoples to follow God but I am here doing whatever I can however I can always being willing for him to use me however he can I search his word I ponder upon the things of God and my entire thought process my every day of my life revolves around him and about him and for him.

    For me this is my living out yolo in my faith and as Yowm pointed out the world wouldn't consider this as yolo, we live by this motto by living for God everyday however we can because faith is a way of living for some but for others it's a passion that burns with fierce love.

  5. You only live once that's the motto- or at least it is for those who live by it. Many people say yolo but don't live by yolo however there are those who do people who go all out in life they literally live everyday as if it's there last day many are not even Christians but they do everything they can they experience everything they can and they give it their all they live by yolo.

    The reason this is what they is because many people are content to sit around and do nothing all day they are alive but they don't live but for these few who live by yolo being still and not living life is worse than death.

    Yolo is something we as Christians more than anyone must learn to understand for after all the spirit moves it does not sit still and do nothing. Just something to ponder:)

  6. 8 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

    Hi HeartSearcher,

    That did my heart so good to read your post. Oh to have that expectant heart that looks for Him everyday in everyway. And to think that one day, yes actually, (blows the mind) we will see Him face to face, -

    `Glory for me, glory for me, that will be glory for me,

    When by His grace I will look on His face....

    That will be glory,.... be glory for me.`

    Just an old chorus, but one I often sing as it helps me to go down deep within my spirit & rejoice & amid anything, for this (our time here) will soon pass & we will be...in glory with Him, together.

    Blessings, Marilyn.


    There is a reason Jesus said blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled:)

  7. I have experienced this as well. Sometimes we get distracted by life and by things that cause us worry and stress and sometimes we just don't spend much  time with him but after I go through this and I spend to much time away from him I feel my soul missing him I miss being with him I miss having that life in me that I only find when I am when with him.

    a plant if not watered will dry up and become brittle and our tongues when they become dry need water in the same way our hearts need him daily

  8. 56 minutes ago, RustyAngeL said:

    Most of us including me need to carve out more time with Him.

    Time with him does wonders, I can have the worst day possible where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong yet if at the end of the day if i can have only ten minutes in communion with him relishing in his love and his presence that entire day was worth it:)

    i truly treasure the time I spend with him

  9. I have never heard of Christology before but I guess I have been in Christology for quite a while now. Just from spending time with him just by seeking him out everyday in any way I can I became fascinated by who he is as he began to reveal more and more of himself to me. His traits his nature his way of seeing his way of thinking the mysterious light his heart shines that draws you toward it.

    I want to know much more of him I want to know everything about him even the smallest of details if everyday I could learn a bit more about him then I truly have the richest life I could imagine. In becoming a Christian I didn't expect to be so amazed and fascinated by him

  10. America is not named in the bible by name but it is hinted and spoken of in great detail. Babylon was a spoiled rich city they had more than they needed yet were ungrateful we in america have far more than we need we have more than most countries and yet at least 62% of all Americans deal with a type of depression and life is never good enough in most of americas eyes we want more we want now not later we don't even like getting off the couch to get the remote to change the t.v.

    Babylon was full of all kinds disgusting immorality in all kinds of forms, in america one the most common things about America is the sexual immorality we are the leading producers of porn you see naked women and naked guys on all kinds of movies little seven year olds speak of disgusting vile sexual things that even I have never heard of we live in the generation of pervertness

    babylon was also corrupt and full of deceit in America everyone is extremely deceitful and money is normally the cause of it,babylon was also very prideful and self centered in America all you here about is self and boasting  all the selfies all the I am better than this guy I am better looking than this person ect.


    If America is not bablyon I don't know who is

  11. I wanted to make an encouraging reminder as to how absolutely vital it is to spend personal quality communion with God and note the definition of communion the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level Communion with God is not just when we are done with everything and relaxing it's something we can do all day every day. We sometimes forget to spend time with God and we sometimes tend to think we just don't have time but this is not so if you love something enough you always find time.

    God wants something more than strong faith more than vast wisdom more than the adept in his word he wants a deep and personal relationship with us he wants to talk with us as much as possibly possibly he gets such great joy in hearing from his children even if it's a short thank you Lord his heart leaps within his chest when his children hunger to know him more intimately his hearts melts when he hears his children express how they love him. More than glory and praise more than his own throne his heart craves communion with his children he relishes and cherishes every second we spend with him and in return he gives us deeper insight and greater faith stronger love and he shows and teaches the deep and hidden secrets of his heart and of his kingdom.

    I also have myself found how good it is for our health to spend time with him or even just talk with him when I didn't feel good and was physically exhausted to the point I was going to pass out which happens often when I am on cc conversing with others and resting in his presence I can feel my body gain life my worries and doubts disappear peace and love flow in my heart and soul. Resting and relishing in communion with him is a lost art it seems we often times are to busy with the stress and worries of life itself that we forget to be still and know God.

    I would make this thread a sticky if I could because of the vast importance of spending time with God and communion with him is done in so many ways l, listening to music listening or reading his word or an author that you like to read and listen to that helps you grow in Christ going on your morning jogs and listening to these or just simply talk with him being at work and talking with him throughout the day going on walks and pondering the deeper things of God even drawing is a way I have found communion with him.

    Because everyone is different and unique we all have different ways of communion with him

  12. In the quite of the day is the best place to connect to the serene and calm of the Lord and is the best place to ponder to sit back and take everything in and is also the best place to look back on memories. Memories to some are just things they remember happened but to some they are treasures that held dear to their hearts. I do not know you or your husband but I imagine as you look back on all the times with him God is greatly at work in your heart. Remembering all the times when you and him were just relaxing being together remembering if you have had children the birth of those children and the journey you and him had with raising those children the stress the mess the happy the sad the confusion and yet you wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

    the times when you and him laughing and being happy together remembering the silly moments remembering the sad times remembering the stressful times and remembering the moments when all you two could was cling to the Lord. I do not speak as if these are your memories but as you remember your times with your husband and it fills you with comfort and warmth know that this is God's voice saying that you will have this again only on a much higher level.

    treasure your memories with him thank God for every minute and every second you had with him in this way you carry your husbands torch and the light he shined on this earth will shine still even in death.


  13. 19 hours ago, RustyAngeL said:

    Yes it says in Psalms 14:1 The fool has said in his heart there is no God.  I don't think there is much more to say.

    Though the reason for one being an atheist varies, in all honesty it does kind of make sense I mean an invisible all seeing all knowing all powerful being that you cannot see or even prove exists with facts seems out there, we humans mainly rely on what we can see in every day life much of what we do could not do if we couldn't see and to prove something facts are needed actual physical proof is required or else all we have is words. Dinosaurs are not known to exist because we saw them but because the evidence of them is here, if I said to a person I own a mansion and have 7.9 trillion dollars and am loaded with all kinds of stuff but I was dressed in causal grubby clothes didn't have any kind of features that I lived such a life clothes haircut just things are noticed that show a higher level of living one could easily deduct I was lying.


    Honestly I only believed God existed because I raised to believe it and was prone to believing in things that are out there anyways but honestly proving God is real to a person who doesn't believe and isn't willing to in the least bit is the issue and even then simply believing he is real isn't enough to be a Christian I learned this the hard way. I have seen some Christians say athiests are lunatics for not believing in him but I have seen some athiests who show more fruits of the spirit than that of those who claim the title Christian. the issue is being a good person doesn't grant one heaven

  14. I apologize if this is not the correct forum to post this but I couldn't find where else to post it.

    This is a poem I just wrote and I believe it was God inspired and I hope it will encourage others and also allow them to consider the beauty of a fragile flower:)

    upon the blooming daisies I gaze amongst the blossoming roses in a field of deep green a sense of wonder and awe washes over my heart, as I ponder the fragility yet the utter beauty of the flowers so short lived yet shows such beauty I begin to realize how fragile yet how beautiful the human life is.

    If love has shown anything in history it is that love hurts for the deeper the love the deeper the cut of a lost one, the inner wounds and scars that never truly heal hidden from plain view yet fully visable in the eyes of a mourning soul. To understand true love is to understand true pain to have known true love and loss is to know true sorrow.


    The tears of a mourning heart sting the eyes the cries of anguish fills the sky, for who can understand the depth of such pain if they never experienced it? Just as the flowers in the field of green fade away and their fragility is made evident so is the life of a loved one, yet consider how the flower even having a such a short life span and knowing it's fragility shines it's beauty with it's full strength.


    Once a flower had shriveled and winter take home in the field of green replacing it with a field of pure white it's no longer visible and yet notice when spring comes again the flowers arise again.  As I begin to leave and head back to where I came I turn to the field with the flowers and the deep green blades hope arises in my heart  for even though for a short time winter has taken the place of my love spring will come again


  15. I am sure the op has more than received her answer but for the sake of other new believers who might come upon this thread i want to give my input.

    No baptism does not change someone at least not water baptism. What changes a person is not baptism nor is it how well they go to church or know the scriptures it isn't about how often or how well they pray it isn't about how well they serve nor is it as to how they praise God. Anyone can do all of this but you see there is a difference between a Christian by title and a Christian by heart, Notice how i said a Christian by heart.

    The heart has everything to do with a person what is in the heart decides on what they believe what what lens they see through it decides who they are not just as a believer but as a person. Only a heart that is influenced by God can change, true enough the human will enables us as people to change and mature to change our view and understanding but to change in a Christ like way only God can do this.

    I was baptized I was dunked in the water but it had no effect on me however the more time I spent with God actively seeking him out in any situation however I could as i grew closer to him as i began to develop a deeper bond and relationship with him this is what changed me this is how my thoughts slowly yet surely became his thoughts his way of seeing slowly yet surely became my way of seeing his heart slowly yet surely and even now is slowly yet surely becoming my own.

    If the issue at hand is that one has a very hard time resisting the worldly temptations and they continue to keep falling over and over and over again then i have some experience in this. there was a time when I stole money constantly to feed my addiction, even though I was a christian I was too weak to overcome my addiction I cried out to God I begged him to help me I felt i was going to go to hell but I feared the most i would lose him.


    In my mind I saw a mental image of me falling down over and over and over again, I felt that I deserved his judgement and that it might come at any second and I would not disagree with it. But in that mental image as i saw myself falling down over and over what I saw wasn't his judgement it wasn't a lightning bolt striking an already down and beaten sinner what I saw instead surprised me I saw him lifting my face with caring eyes I heard him whisper in my heart get back up and keep fighting keep your hearts eyes on me.


    Such words were filled with life, instead of condemning me he encouraged me instead of tearing and cutting me down he built me up he upheld me when I myself couldn't stand. No matter how many times I fell I refused to stay down, true enough my addiction was strong and caused me to sin but desire for him to know him more to have a deeper and closer bond and love with him was stronger and because I kept my hearts eyes on him eventually we made it through that storm.


    A persons heart is not based on how much they don't fall down it is based on if they refuse to stay down or not and who their hearts eyes are set on. It's so very easy to keep our eyes focused on us on our weakness our sins our flaws our screw ups it's so easy to keep our eyes focused on the storm but if instead look past ourselves look past the storm and keep our eyes locked on him the impossible is then made possible

  16. 4 minutes ago, Joline said:

    Some sites do have forums for these kinds of issues. Having such a forum allows others to minister to this in a less disruptive way I think. At least his "grudge" would be acknowledged by all parties, and not merely assumed. As the person with such grudge may not see themselves in that manner. 

    Sadly the only place this forum I speak to him on that he ever speaks on is the bible discussion forum which in that place is known as the war zone the blood field as is it more of a place where people love to go into heated debates rather than actually discuss the bible.

    His grudge is acknowledge by everyone and many attempt to help him but he seems to be blind to the issue we are trying to help him with. in his own eyes he is unaware of how he is poisoning his faith and relationship with God and maybe he knows deep down what I speak of to him is true and perhaps that is why retaliates in such a angry form. many times it takes an outsiders view of ourselves to see things we ourselves are blind to

  17. Something i noticed about online discussions is that often times people speak what is truly on their hearts they show what they really think and believe mainly because unlike being face to face with a person we are behind a screen and so feel safer express our deepest thoughts.

    of course there is the fact that sense their is sound no audible tone it may hard for some to be able to detect the true nature of a persons words. But even so more often than not a persons true nature and intent even in a non audible post is often times hinted in the words they used how they used it and the clear meaning of their entire post and after speaking with a person for a while you gain an understanding of their pattern of behavior via posts, you recognize the majority of the kind of things they post about how they do it and why even if they try to hide it.


    I know a man who has been hurt by the church by the pastors and their greed of money, he refuses to let go of his grudge and bitterness for their hurting him and classifies every pastor every person of position within the body of Christ and most if not all church as greedy self righteous pompous wolves in sheep clothing it's literally all he ever posts or talks about.


    I have tried many many times to explain to him how this bitterness he refuses to let go is a poison to his faith how he says he preaches the gospel but all he is doing is venting his hurt. he does like not correction and becomes inflamed with anger at me he often times will receive the same kind of correction from many others and so he tries to post threads that seem to be about God and about the bible but always has the core of his grudge against the pastors and church. Even trying to hide it behind scriptures and supposed topic of the bible he cannot stop venting his grudge.

    it is true that without sound it may be harder to know a persons true nature and intent but also sometimes online discussions is the best way to know a persons heart

  18. Well spidey interestingly enough this is one of the very few scriptures that show evidence of Ghosts and the fact that apparently witchcraft has the ability to raise the dead all of which is often times questions many Christians ask about but hardly ever given enough scriptural evidence for it.

    In the scriptures the dead are often times refer to as sleeping, now if you think about about when you sleep you eventually wake up and get up yes? So say sleeping was a term used for the dead because eventually they would once again wake up perhaps being the reason it was prophesied the dead in christ will rise first and us who remain and are alive will join them in heavenly glory.

    I can say from personal experience that the spiritual realm is in fact real and there is places there where the dead go but aside from that I am not comfortable speaking in deeper detail in public, however as to the subject at hand i think this goes deeper than the world of the dead and it may very well tie into not just heaven and hell but the ties between the dead and the living.

  19. I am not sure if smilely will be back or not But i have some experience in this situation. I am not one to easily be swept into love my heart does not simply fall for any girl I have been with very few girls in my life not just because in my past girls were not into me because of my looks but even as I got older and girls seemed to be more interested in me I intentionally turned several down because they wanted to date me just to date me but if I was to date anyone I wanted the real thing I didn't want a girl to have one I wanted true love and so for many years I was single. i did not fret if I would ever meet the right girl or if I would be single for the rest of my life because I just had a sense of knowing that if the right girl for me is indeed out there God would eventually bring her and I together so i simply set my hearts focus on seeking him out desiring with every fiber of my being a much deeper bond and connection and relationship with him.


    in time as i was doing on a Christian forum I go to I met a girl who went by artsy steph, she and I had a lot of fun chatting both about God and about our geeky things we enjoy as well. even though we had never been able to meet face to face as she is in arizona and I Oklahoma I began to develop feelings for her and apparently she as well in all honesty shye was the one to make the first move and I gladly accepted. usually the knight in shining armor as she calls me is the one to ask the girl out but it was the opposite however regardless we were officially dating. as time went by both she and I began have deeper feelings for each other, i found myself beginning to truly fall in love with this girl and such feelings were new to me and she expressed to me how she felt the same way. Both of us who have never truly been in love began to feel true love for the first time.


    I made sure the entire relationship was based and founded on God he had to come first her second me last and Stephanie not only agreed this is how it should be but would often tell me how much she has grown and become closer to God from being with me. now about a year later I find myself fantasizing having a life together with her marrying her having a place together maybe even at one point when we are financially stable and know for sure we can afford it and if it is God's will raising a family together and I told her of this only to find how she was shocked because she had been doing the very same thing.


    never would ever consider making a life together with just any girl but with her I find myself doing it without meaning to. I do not expect there to be no fights or arguements between us we may even butt heads in anger sometimes I know it is not going to be like a lot of relationships in which people imagine a lovey dovey love and relationship and life with no strife anger or arguments troubles or even times when in which our relationship is truly strained and tested in fact I expect all of this.


    if and when we ever are able to have a life together such as this in those times our relationship may bend but will not break not just because it is true love but because our love is based and founded on God. in the hard times when life is tough and she is feeling tired and sad and life is beginning to break her even if she takes her frustrations out on me my arms will always be there for her i want to not only help her get through the storms of life but I intend to uphold her to encourage her to make her stronger bit by bit

    and there will be times in which I too lose all strength and will need her to help me to stand as well. she and i both have spoken about all of this and we both agree. sadly we have never been able to meet physically we have spoken on skype we text and talk often on the forums but for now we have neither the money or a way to be together but we trust God and are living prove that long distance relationships can in fact work although there will come a time in which actually being together face to face is needed but it will have to be on his time not ours

  20. Ezra as for your question my answer is how much nonsense did Jesus put up with just to save us?

    Think about this from the very beginning God had to put up with man kinds nonsense, not only did we disobey him we often times rejected him spit in his face cursed his name while shaking our fists to the heavens we did horrible and shameful things despite all he did for us we killed gave into lust in ways that are absolutely disgusting we stole and lied we raped and plundered giving into our lustful greedy and hungry desires but yet even with all of this he went to extreme lengths to save us to give us redemption no matter what we have done who we were no matter how dark our hearts or how blood stained our souls he gave his son to give us a clean slate.


    I have never lost a child as I have never had one but I know that losing a child even for humans is one of the most painful things you will ever experience imagine how much more severe the first parent must have felt to willing allow his son to be slaughtered and mocked beaten and spit upon.

    if we get this upset because of people trolling or mocking or simply because we just don't like each other or have vastly different doctrines then whose heart is shining at that moment his or our human nature? the fruits of the spirit are love patience wisdom peace one who bears this fruit is like still waters and no matter how much chaos comes to that person or how often they are spit upon or are attacked they remain as still waters because the love and the peace and patience of God is deeply enriched in their souls and hearts.

  21. To look back at the journey you have walked relishing in those memories even the bad ones seeing what you went through what yiu overcome what you had to do in order to keep moving forward in life this is something that I think all of us should do every now and then. It's normally the aged ones who do this but I actually even though I am still young do this often.

    there is wisdom in gleaning from looking back at your life but say it's a world and a time that no longer exists isn't true because our hearts remember it and so it's existence is proven, I am actually looking forward to becoming old although I do know that becoming old causes a whole of complications and as I have many medical issues I am sure when I am old they will have become much worse and I will gain other problems as well but I still look forward to it because I want to look back at the very long path I walked not just in life but as a believer.


    The only thing I want to know in my heart of hearts when this time comes is that I gave it my all that God and I went all the way that we were reckless and abandon and that we never gave up even in the harshest of storms. Many people my age look down on the elderly being young we have that fire but we also lack many of the gifts the elderly have experience wisdom patience but also at the same time I think the fire we youngsters have is also something that the elderly could use too.

  22. 2 hours ago, LuftWaffle said:

    I'm not sure what is meant to be achieved by insulting atheists on the apologetics forum. What is the goal here?

    To show that apologetics is useless because atheists don't really exist?

    To annoy and insult unbelievers to the point where they agree with you and convert?

    To get an "amen" from the Christians, promoting a kind of "us versus them" mentality?


    There are some of us who are serious about apologetics, who really care about unbelievers, and reading this kind of thing presents a smug, elitist kind of Christianity which is off-putting and unedifying. Precisely the kind of thing that drives many believers away from the truth in the first place. Sure you can claim you're only quoting the word of God, but you're not doing so in a spirit of genuine care and concern, but in a spirit of condescension. In a section of the forum which is meant to be a place where atheists can ask questions and discuss our beliefs with us.

    I believe the op had good intentions for the thread I am not sure exactly how well versed the op is in what he posted though

  23. Not exactly, the bible does speak of unbelievers men and women who say there is no God and that is what an atheist is. The bible does not speak of the word atheist because that is a word we who speak English use to describe a person who say in their hearts there is no God, the hebrew language as far as I know was never written with the word atheist to describe such a person. The word asteroid is not in the bible either but that is an actual thing the word cell phone isn't in there but it is real

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