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Posts posted by markdohle

  1. Pray what you are

    When I pray and am disturbed, I gather that disturbance and offer it up as my gift to the Lord.  All that is good and loving in me is from graces giftedness, all I have to offer is what is still in distress and rebellion against God's loving intent for my life.  In prayer we become transformed into Christ Jesus......it is a true wonder, though I am still very much on the way.  Now if only I could allow Christ to work in me in such a way that others see Him when they encounter me.  Even in failure I trust in God's mercy and love not only for me but for all. Yet in spite of myself, God will have His way with me. I pray that is true for all.

  2. The meeting of a wise gentle man

    I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.  As I was sitting in the office reading, a man walked in, I guess he was a little younger than me, but in his 60’s.  He seemed weary and brought in with him a cup of coffee.   After a while we started talking to pass the time, for the Doctor was running late.  He was a man who for the past ten years has had many serious, chronic, medical conditions that he has had to endure.  Yet as he continued speaking he brought up his faith.  He spoke in simple terms about how he has never lost trust in God even in the worst of times.  As he talked he brought up ‘trust’ and how it is never too late to begin again, even after a life that has been wasted on activities that have been self destructive.  He spoke with such gentle compassion that I felt in some way he was revealing some of his past to me.  Yet in all the time he did not feel the need to quote scripture.  He just talked about his personal experience of the love and mercy of God.  I found it very powerful and when I got up to go to the back office, I shook his hand and told him that he has given me quite a bit to meditate over.   He seemed surprised, for I suppose he was not telling me anything new, since for him that was the world he lived in.  In such a quite gentle way he touched me at such a depth that I will never forget him. 

    The way to touch another heart is to be gentle, loving and respectful.  This man was all that, though I doubt he was conscious of the fact.  Perhaps it was because of that childlike unconsciousness that allowed me to listen so freely and openly.  My only regret is that we did not have more time to share.  However, I think I needed to be ministered to by him.  People don’t understand the power of their personal experiences when spoken in simply loving language.  We each have a way with words, just as this beautiful soul did…he showed me how to embrace my own life on a deeper level and taught me the power of gentle speech.

    In all of my years, when someone talks to me about their faith, when they start coming from "I am Infallible in my own private interpretation of scripture"  and then starts preaching or talking down, he or she has little or any impact on me.  Scripture can be used to back up pretty much any position.  I think it has got to the point that everything is really an opinion.  So many disagreements and each feels that the Holy Spirit is enlightening them. 


  3. I had a friend who said he was an atheist.  Then he read "The great late planet earth" and became a fundamentalist christian out of fear.  When he came here he tried to make us fearful as well, even though we were Christians (yes I know some here don't believe that).  Then as time went on, there was less fear and now he is back to being an atheist, or so he says.  Perhaps he would rather there be nothing, rather than the God of Johnathon Edwards.

    However people need to know how important our lives are and that if we choose 'sin' we become spiritual monsters for eternity, separated from what we made for, union with God in Christ Jesus. 



  4. Full moon and clouds above
    (the beauty in the world)

    I like to get up early.  I have a routine that I do just about everyday.  I go to the retreat-house kitchen and turn on the back porch light.  I also shake the door before I open it because the light switch (chain) is on the outside.  I shake the door to warn any critters who might be hanging out there….possums, cats, and who knows even an inquisitive coyote or raccoon.  So I rattle the door twice and then go out.  This morning as I was about to turn on the light on the back porch, I was taken by the absolute beauty of the sky with a full moon; though I know it is really on the 18th.  Still full enough.  It was the clouds that really got my attention.  I wish I had a camera; it was so beautiful and crystal clear.  Then I make coffee for the guest.

    I have always loved clouds and for me each day is an art show if the sky is cloudy.  I like all kinds of clouds.  Yesterday I drove three of out guest to the airport in the late morning hours.  On the way back I could not get over the beauty of the “heap clouds”.  I never tire of them, my spirits are lifted and sometimes I see some cool shapes that no artist could replicate.   I can’t stay down when I am looking at these clouds.  As I was driving down I-75 towards my exit, it seemed as if the road was going up into the clouds…..I was so happy.

    I also love dark storm clouds.  I find them also beautiful but in a different sort of way.  They seem to ground me to the here and now and my soul becomes quiet and reflective.  I love to walk under such clouds, because I really don’t like the Sun all that much.  All I do is burn and peel, and can’t see well in the bright light.

    Sometimes the beauty in this world is overwhelming and to tell you the truth I often take it in small doses because I seem to get overwhelmed.  I think this is true because I am a very primitive sort of person and am often affected more profoundly than I understand or wish to be.

    When I go for walks out in nature I find myself shutting down a bit.  Sort of like when I go to the airport and there so many beautiful people everywhere, I tend to put up some sort of barrier, which I am sure is understood by many people.  I will often take a book with me, or pray with a finger rosary or my cord wrist rosary and focus on the bead and pray slowly.  It keeps me present and I don’t get all scattered.  Sometimes if I don’t do this when I am at the airport I can get very exhausted. I really don’t understand why this happens.  It has always been a problem with me.

    In beauty and terror of the storm

    O Lord how much I rejoice
    in the drama of the sky above,
    in the beauty of the firmament
    and the joy of clouds
    floating by and changing shapes
    yet for the moments seeming to be solid,
    then they change and become something else,
    sort of like all the world, yet in your clouds
    this truth presented in beauty
    and the terror of the storm.—Br.MD

  5. 7 hours ago, Yowm said:


    I hope that's not the reason you skipped over my question. Actually it wasn't mine but my wife was genuinely interested. But never mind, perhaps it is of a too personal nature or would be seized by others to do some bashing.

    Sorry, I was tired when I responded.....I felt a strong call when I was 15 and never lost it.  When I was 18 I joined the Navy because I knew 18 was too young to enter any community.  My relationship with God has always been important to me, I have always felt his pull through grace and so it has been a slow growth towards trust.   Monastic life is for me, I am called to it, though many don't understand it.  I have also had a strong understanding of how fleeting life is, how important love is, and how we are all connected to Christ Jesus.  In the Body of Christ we all of our place, this is mine.  When I pray I feel a connection with all mean and woman, no matter who they are and lift them up to God's mercy.  I believe many monks pray this way.


  6. 4 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

    Hi markdohle,

    I have really enjoyed reading your thread & what you & others have said. So uplifting to hear of someone`s journey in the Lord. And we are all closer to glory now than before, as we all know & look expectantly.

    I have a friend who goes to the Catholic church. When we are together we try to find common ground in our Lord. She was a former Pentecostal with me, so this is a challenge to me, not to argue but come before the Lord together.

    regards, Marilyn.

    I am used to catholic bashing, it does not bother me.  Those who do it here I just don't respond, really too old and tired to do that nonsense anymore.  I am very happy that your friend focus on the Lord and seek his Face together.  We are all one in Jesus, even if some judge that not to be true......that is on them, not me.....they are still my bothers and sister in Christ Jesus. 

  7. 6 hours ago, RustyAngeL said:

    Amen brother I have the same problem  I"m  63 and it's seems the whole world is younger then I am.  There a man living across the street.  I care for his dog during the day when he working 10 hours.  He was a Marine and is now a Conversation Officer on the 29 Palms Marine Base that is about 30 miles from me.  I could be his mom.  In fact I think I"m older then his mom.  OY VEY!

    Blessings, RustyAngeL

    Yeah, people come here who are 50 years old, and I remember that they were only five when I came here....time flies. 



  8. 6 hours ago, Wayne222 said:

    Hi Mark I agree Elizabeth theology of the Trinity is deeply profound. Trinity who I adore which she wrote opens a lot of light on her theology. She has change my views on the Catholic church. I have three books on her life and letters. I think she also was influence by St Threse. She had a copy of a story of a soul. I did read that book too. Two different ways but very close. I think Elizabeth was more influence by the Apostle Paul. She took a lot out of the book of Ephesians. To be a praise of his glory was her chief aim. I do really think she has helped me to come out of myself and to cling to God . Someday in the future it would be my delight to visit and worship with you there. God Bless

    Thank for your beautiful response.  It would wonderful meeting you one day my friend.


  9. 6 minutes ago, PatrolMan said:

    Where is purgatory ? Is it in the new compartment that the Adventist say God moved too when their prediction didn't come true?

    It resides in inner conflict and the need of the healing of grace.  It is not a place but a condition, of which the Grace of Christ Jesus heals with his Precious Blood. 




  10. I do think as we mature our ideas of God deepen as well as our trust.  As we look back on our lives and see how the Lord was with us at the worst of times, it allows our compassion for others to grow as well.  The deeper our-experience of God's mercy and grace, its giftedness, the more we understand that grace is also at work in others.   I think when we get to the point where 'Love cast our fear" is then when we truly learn to love ourselves and others in Him.  It is the that the prayer the Our Father takes on a new and deeper dimension. 

    We are called to a relationship with Infinite love, all that impedes that must be healed by the fire of the Holy Trinity....that would include our images of God.



  11. 3 hours ago, Wayne222 said:

    Mark I saw some video. Very nice. Maybe someday in the future I can pay a visit. I think if I was a young man and feel like I do now, that would be a fine way to worship and serve God. When I was reading a book about a young lady by the name Elizabeth the trinity I was drawn to that way of living. But for me I work and serve God where I live. It seems like it could be a lonely life. But I would think your time is pretty busy. I will be praying for you Mark. 

    Elizabeth of the Trinity is a very deep mystic.  Her insights into the Trinity are profound.  Here is a quote that sort of sums up my life and I guess the inner life of many of the men in my community:

    “Here in Carmel, there is nothing, nothing but God. He is all, He suffices, and one lives for Him alone and for His glory… this life of prayer and contemplation, interceding always for His people before the Face of God…”

    Below is a quote that brings out the Catholic understanding of how those who have gone before us who now have the heart and mind of Christ intercede for us:

    “My mission in heaven will be to draw souls, helping them to go out of themselves to cling to God, with a spontaneous, love-filled action, and to keep them in that great interior silence which enables God to make his mark on them, to transform them into himself.”

    She is well worth reading.

    Yes the life here is busy, yet we have time everyday for prayer and study.  Though as you know we are all unique in how we live out our Christian faith.  Some need more prayer, others study and still others manual labor.  In community we tend to balance each other out.  I was really busy when I worked in our Infirmary, now as retreat master still busy, yet in a different sort of way. 

    If you ever want to come and visit that would be great.





  12. 2 hours ago, Wayne222 said:

    That was a really good post markdohle I like what you said. What kind of monk are you if you don't mind. I been reading books on Catholic sisters and monks. But I know what you mean I thought I had a lot of time but now I am 62 .Learning to trust the Lord is most important. Blessings to you.

    I am a Cistercian Monk, the order was founded in 1098.  I have been here for 45 years.  It is a life of prayer, work and study.  We have a retreat house which is quite busy.  I give some retreats as well as other monks.  Here is our website if you are interested:  http://www.trappist.net/


  13. Thank you for this wise and Spirit filled post.    We can't change anyone, nor are we called to do so.  Nor are called to get angry when others do not do what we want.  True there are times to confront, but with love and not out of repressed rage.  To truly loved as Jesus calls us to takes a level of self knowledge.  Using Scripture to control others usually backfires, for what is needed is to show others the love of Christ Jesus, to be gentle and respectful.  Then, when they understand that what we say to them can be taken in because of the Spirit is is given.  I believe the 'will to power' is our greatest temptation. 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. Experiences as a young monk that helped me stay in community
    (The gift of community and the struggle)


    People who live in community and by that I am not talking about a religious community but about any gathering or grouping that seeks to live together over the long haul, no matter what the interior struggle or outer chaos is.  The giftedness that flows from community includes the struggle, perhaps the most important one.  When people separate themselves from their family or larger community because of human weakness and failure, in the long haul miss out on quite a bit.  It is when we struggle that the ego is displaced from being the only arbiter of reality.  As long as we are by ourselves we are actually infallible, that is until we talk to someone else.  Hence the personal need for community of some sort, though it will of course vary from person to person. 

    I tend to isolate, so in community life I struggle with that and am not always successful.  However what if I did not belong to any kind of community?  I would be the poorer for it, less developed and numb to the reality and needs of others.  I would read and pray, I suppose, but I would miss out on the input and richness of others.  The years that I spent taking care of our infirm and now working in our retreat house allows me to stay connected with others.  I shudder to think what I would have been like if I allowed my desire to isolate to supersede Christ Jesus call for me to love and serve others.

    When I came here for the first time in 1968 I met a brother by the name of Victor.  To tell you the truth I had never met anyone like him.  Of course being so young, I was about to turn 20, my experience of certain types of adults were limited…..not so anymore, thanks to living with this grouping of men.  He was an Air Force pilate in the 2nd World War and was there when we dropped the atomic bomb on
    Nagasaki.  He did not release the bomb, but he was flying a few miles off and saw the explosion.  He never talked about it, but the first time he told me, he looked down ashamed.  So he carried that event with him everyday.  He was a man who liked everything just so.  He had a routine, so when working with him I had to bite my tongue and follow orders.  Just like in the Navy.  It was not that bad, he had a good sense of humor and he would tell me jokes about himself and his need to be neat, clean and orderly in all things.  He was also kind but could be blunt when he needed to be. 

    During my last week of my month visit there I was working once again with Victor.  Suddenly I felt closed in and trapped and wanted to get out immediately.  It was quite overwhelming.  All the while Victor was talking to me, smiling and helping me fold sheets in the laundry.  It got worse and just when it became unbearable there was a sudden change in Victor’s face.  For just a second I saw the face of Jesus Christ superimposed over his countenance.  Then the feeling left me as fast as it had come.  I then understood that Christ Jesus is to be seen in the monks here; perhaps it was a temptation. When I went back to the Navy, my experience with Victor stayed with me when I also related to others.  I am not saying it was a mystical experience, but it was something I needed at the time.  So my struggle with Victor at that time and my wanting to flee, allowed me to enter into a wider understanding of the world.  Within that struggle there was also grace and healing.

    About ten years later, the community was having our 4th of Judy celebration.  I was talking to one of the brothers, with whom I did not have any deep connection or friendship.  As we were talking I suddenly had the ‘knowing’ that because of our vows and living in community, we were to be connected in a special way for eternity.  The suddenness of this experience surprised me, yet again it made me understand the importance of community and how deep the connection is. 

    There is always more to life.  As we grow and mature hopefully we will understand that about our faith as well.  Who is Christ Jesus, what is He to us?   He truly manifests Himself to us in our neighbors if only we had the eyes to see.  I guess I from time to time have these experiences because I am so easily led astray and forget what is most important in life.  Being in community, learning to love those I am with, to embrace all experiences as gifts, is an important lesson for me to learn.  To withdraw would only imprison me in my own subjective self.  As I age, I am learning that all belong to my community, but I need a seed community to teach me that.

    All those who persevere have their stories; I hope that they are not undervalued for the gift that they all are to others.  Parents, teachers, friends, police, ministers, priest/brothers and women religious, doctors and nurses and all who keep on the path no matter the cost, yet in the process grow in compassion and love…a long and difficult journey.  I think those who or in the service industry are the most often overlooked, yet their contribution is also deeply important.  I am speaking of C N A’s, waiters/waitresses, janitors, those who do blue color jobs, truck drivers etc.  We are all needed, it is in community that we express the gifts God have given us to serve and love others. —Br.MD

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