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Mars Hill
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  1. Behold's post in Questions about homosexuality was marked as the answer   
    We live in a country that is absolutely consumed this last 25 yrs with the idea of tolerating everything, as some sort of proof we are "good" if we allow everything.
    So......I have something for you to think about...... reader.
    1. ) Satan loves sexual perversion, as He happens to be one,  and...... any sex that Is outside of a man and a woman's marriage relationship is fornication, and any "marriage" or  sexuality that is outside of this, is sexual perversion.
    Bottom Line, period.
    Its not "gay love", its not "homosexual marriage rights", its not OK for Gays to Adopt.......all of this is twisted, immoral, harmful,  sinful, and perverse.
    Sodomy is not a "civil right", it is a perverted sex act between 2 sexually perverted people.
    Here is something else for you to think about.
    2.) Grace does not mean "acceptance'", it means "mercy".
    So, we are to have mercy on sinners, as God has mercy on us and them,  but we are not to accept their perverted sexual lifestyle sin, as He does not.
    If you need proof of this, regarding this Thread's topic, then go to the area in Israel that is referred to as "Sodom and Gomorrah".
    This is a literal place, I have been to this area,  its where the actual Genesis event occurred,  and you'll find the remains of the event that are a fact of God not accepting this lifestyle.
    Here is something else you can understand as a FACT about homosexuals...... They do not reproduce, they RECRUIT.
    And God does not make Homosexuals, and they are not "born this way".
    All of this is Media Driven Gay Agenda propaganda that is designed to influence your feelings, so that you are led by them instead of by Truth.
    So, let me assure any believer here who has been falsely led to feel guilty about the fact that gay sex, gay marriage, transgender, gay adoption, makes you feel not only uneasy in your spirit but sick to your stomach... this is exactly how you should FEEL about all of this, and never should you feel that its "ok to be gay".
    God hates it, Romans 1 exposes it and castigates it, and you should never feel anything but appalled by anything that has to do with Gay Rights or Gay Sexual Lifestyle.
    Now, having said all that, we must realize that we are Children of the Light and Jesus is the Light of the World and the Bible is Light for life, and the BLOOD of Jesus is shed for all, and the mercy of Jesus is extended to all.
    Homosexuals and similar are darkly deceived people who practice perverted sexuality, but they are also eternal beings whom Jesus loves so much that he bled and died to forgive them and help them change back to normal and live a life that is pleasing to God.
    So, love them, help them, and show them the mercy of the Cross and the Love of Jesus, but never give them the impression that you agree with their SEXUAL LIFESTYLE.
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