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Posts posted by PatrolMan

  1. On 7/28/2013 at 8:22 AM, Tinky said:

    I'm not a big fan of them, but many of my Christian friends are. To me, most horror/scary movies coming out these days are simply too demonic - they really disturb my spirit.



    Also, I've never seen a born again believer battling evil forces in these movies. It always seems to be a Catholic Priest - and that really bothers me as well.





    I agree that Christians should and can make better choices in what they or their families watch. I Agree not to watch them also.

  2. The wife and I will not go where there are a lot of people and or friends when one of us have a cold or just don't feel up to par. People should respect others and stay away even if it means missing a Sunday. If I could see that someone was ill, I or my wife would not take part in  communion . If asked why I would tell the truth.

  3. As crazy as it sounds I believe you did the right thing being that you were alone. It's the times we live in and don't be ashamed for making good decisions about health, safety and your well being. I support what you had to do. Have a nice one.

  4. I agree that we are in times of trouble, However, one must realize that there is an ending too this world as we know it. Are we that generation? The bible teaches that in the last days things are going to get pretty bad and there is going to be a time period that we can do nothing about. Please do not misunderstand me I pray every day that things will get better. We just have too accept the fact that there is going to be an end. I never pray for peace because there will never be peace until we are with our Lord. Have a nice one.

  5. 3 hours ago, hmbld said:

    There is evidence that a great many of the people who set up our government were indeed, christian.  Its been acknowledged, not all of them were.  I think, though I do not know, that a great majority of Americans from the beginning of our country, right up until recently, have considered this nation as christian, and also considered themselves christian, whether they were indeed saved or not, still it is a great majority that felt this way.  I'd also say, that I believe I can point out a characteristic, or action, in every single christian I've ever met, that appears to be not Christ-like.  Sinners are saved by Christ's work at the cross, and I've not yet met one who has been perfected in this life.  Does that make them non-christian, or the U.S a non-christian nation?  At the present time, I would agree that our government perhaps may have very few christians in it, though that too is hard to tell, as I think those with real power in the government are few in number.  And in general, in my community, people seem to have completely lost fear or reverence for God, especially in the last 10-15 years.  


  6. 25 minutes ago, RobertS said:

    I was responding to your comment. As for the US: much like Israel had done, the US is straying away from the Lord at an ever increasing rate.

    BTW: it's called conversation. If that upsets you, you may want to stay in the debate forums.

    That does not up set me. I am just saying that the USA has never been nor will ever be a Christian nation. This is my opinion that I stated on a post. I believe that I have a right to do so. I have not started a debate. Those who said that I am wrong about what I said are starting a debate. No one had to respond to my reply to the post about America being or not being a Christian nation. Have a nice day.

  7. 13 hours ago, Ezra said:

    That's completely false. Here's the truth from one of the Founding Fathers.


    I'm sorry but all that you have quoted did not or does not make America a Christian nation. I said nothing about who found this great country when we all know that most not all were God loving and God fearing Christians. If this was a Christian nation think of all the things that would NOT be happening today. We as a nation are turning our backs on God and a Christian nation would not do that. We have a president and administration that is against Israel. Read Genesis chapter twelve, that far back God warns us about what we are doing and the consequences for doing so. I would like to hear from you, but instead of quoting other peoples work say something of your self. This is where we get to know each others opinions which I respect. Have a good day.

  8. 9 hours ago, Ariel16 said:

    Love your neighbor is part of the law. "Do not muzzle an ox," which Paul quoted was part of the law. What does it mean to be under grace if these things are still binding? I am not saying that all of the law is binding. There is certainly things that have continuity but, in general, we just appear as cherry pickers when it comes down to it. You easily believe its okay because theology of this matter is of no importance to you. I mean, if it's not an issue with you, well that is fine for you. However, merely replying "Yes its okay to eat pork...We are under grace" is the most unhelpful response. Of course we are under grace! I am pretty certain he understands that too. But, that does no explain why or how somethings that were at one point, sin, are now not sin. He is being noble and is not convinced for Gods' sake. That is very pleasing if anything to God. It is like when Ezekiel would not do as God had said because of his conviction of something God said previously,


    [Eze 4:12-14 ESV] 12 And you shall eat it as a barley cake, baking it in their sight on human dung." 13 And the LORD said, "Thus shall the people of Israel eat their bread unclean, among the nations where I will drive them." 14 Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, I have never defiled myself. From my youth up till now I have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts, nor has tainted meat come into my mouth."

    This is kind of what the OP is struggling with. He knows what is in the NT but cannot understand it.

    If you want to obey the old contract rather than the new contract that's your right. Can you find the ten commandments in the new testament that says that we have to worship on Saturday?  No. Most of if not all of the old testament was to and for the Jews. Have a nice day.

  9. On 3/30/2013 at 5:39 PM, SonofLight said:

    The Truth is there is no Trinity; this has been a doctrine that has infiltrated the church since 325 AD in the Council of Nicea. Some of the church fathers of old like Tertullian brought this heresy into the church till they had to have a council of the bishops to discuss the creed. Which was later indoctrinated into the Apostles Creed. God is Spirit and not flesh however he dwelt in the fullness of Christ bodily making Jesus Emanuelle God with us. Jesus is his one and only begotten Son not adopted like we are. Jesus is the only person in the Godhead and the Holy Spirit is God He is Spirit and He is holy, the only eternal being. With no beginning and no end. Its obvious that Jesus had a beginning and that was his bodily appearance almost 2000 years ago. However he existed in the bosom of God or Spirit of God from all eternity but was spoken into being at his advent. Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was the spoken word manifested unto us as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. Hallelujah. Any further explanation can be made if needed...

    You can explain all you want. There is a trinity and you are in deep trouble if you don't believe that. I'll pray for you>

  10. On 7/27/2016 at 0:45 PM, missmuffet said:

    Yes, everyone who is truly saved and is a born again believer will inherit the Kingdom of God. Each and everyone of us are sinners even though we are believers. We are human and we are not perfect. We will not be perfect until we get to heaven. But as born again believers we do our best to walk a path that God wants us to walk. The Holy Spirit guides our steps. We do our best to be obedient to God. The Holy Bible tells us how we should live. The only unforgiven sin is unbelief in Jesus Christ.

    Or blaspheme against the Holy Spirit or Ghost which ever you prefer.

  11. 2 hours ago, Jayne said:

    Where did I give my "interpretation" or state any political correctness?

    I simply cited what Paul said about silence.  Good day.

    Show me in my message where I said "YOU" when came to interpretation. Can you read the message again. I was using and indicating people in general. Plus I thought that we were talking about scripture, of course women can talk in church but they can not have authority over a man when it comes to the word of God. This is why women can not preach.

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