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Mea kakau

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Posts posted by Mea kakau

  1. I wanted this in a separate prayer request.

    My husband has a history of committing egregious sins. That's all the detail I'll share. Please pray that he repents of his evil behavior and turns back to God. Although he's had the opportunity to tell a therapist about these behaviors, he has told me it's none of anybody's business but his own. He's never even brought it before God or a priest or a pastor. He's kept it hidden, revealing only pieces of his history to me. He's blamed the victims, taking no responsibility himself.

    I've reported these incidents to my therapist who is reporting it to the proper authorities.

    Please pray that this egregious history will be exposed fully and that he will be repentant.

    Thank you.

    • Praying! 3
  2. Haven't been here in awhile. Hello all prayer warriors.

    Please pray for my therapist as she requires foot surgery after breaking several bones and severing ligaments in her foot. Surgery is today, Wednesday 12 June 2019.

    She is a Christian and an amazing woman and therapist. I thank God everyday that I found her at this time in my life.

    Thank you!

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  3. I haven't been on here in a long time. So many things going on in my life; good, bad, and ugly.

    1. My husband has been in a skilled nursing facility for the past plus four weeks. He'll stay there until Christmas Eve Day for a total of six weeks! This is all because he requires daily antibiotic infusions which Medicare won't cover for in-home care. My husband has Rheumatoid Arthritis. A bone in his right foot deformed and caused a hole in the bottom of it. This resulted in an infection in the bone thus the need for six weeks of antibiotics. He required surgery to fix the bone deformity. In addition the bone deformity resulted in an amputation of the toe which caused the problem. The good news about all of this is my husband's severely deformed remaining toes got corrected by the surgeon. So it was the good, the bad, and the ugly for his right foot.

    2. Now he risks a secondary infection in the bowel caused by long term antibiotic infusions. Please pray that he makes it through the whole six weeks and then for several weeks beyond that without the possibility of the bowel infection (which I will not give power to by naming it).

    3. My husband retired from work yet didn't retire. He kept accepting jobs in his sign business even though he needed to stop. So please pray for him to completely let go of doing any business in signs. Retirement has been difficult for him. He likes to be doing something with his free time as he has ADHD so he can't sit still and be idle. Believe me there is so much which needs to be done around our home.

    4. Due to an error in measuring on a support post in our kitchen island, the kitchen is still not finished. This project started in 2017! Please pray that when my husband comes home that he completes the job he began far too long ago. My husband taking on new sign jobs also interfered with completing the kitchen renovation.

    5. One thing which has occurred since my husband's ordeal with the RA, bone deformity, subsequent surgery, and antibiotic therapy is that his priorities have drastically changed. He finally let go of his contractor and business licenses. These are huge steps in letting go and moving on with his life.

    6. In the meantime, I discovered an allergic reaction to all laundry soaps even a homemade one which I liked a lot. It contained borax and washing soda both of which I'm now allergic to. So I need prayer for these allergies to completely subside. I am on the mend...finally...after itching like crazy all over my back, arms, and legs. I now use only baking soda for washing my clothes with an occasional use of white vinegar in the rinse cycle.

    7. And last for me: I found an excellent therapist who is a Christian. She's helping me more than I could have asked for, and I'm starting to see changes. Now Medicare has considered changing how much therapy they'll pay for, going down from 55 to only 45 minutes. My therapist has told me this isn't enough time for dealing with extreme traumas like I've been through. Please pray that Medicare doesn't change this.

    Thank you all for reading this long post.

    • Praying! 4
  4. Thank you everyone for your prayers.

    I've finally found the therapist who I can pour out my problems with and who cares deeply about me getting better. She's a woman of God and it shows. I working on some tough issues with her. First time to share it with a therapist for some of these things.

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  5. Thank you for asking @KPaulG !

    It's tough going and Jesus is bringing me through some of worst memories. Going to a Christian therapist since the end of June has helped considerably.

    Realizing and learning that my father was into some evil practices was hard to deal with at first. Now much better. Though still on my mind sometimes. I keep giving it to Jesus.

    • Praying! 1
  6. A relative who has no children or spouse accumulated wealth through simply saving her money. Now an investigator with some lawyer group is trying to claim that the conservatorship, one of my brothers, is not competent enough (A lie as he has accounted for every dime spent on behalf of the relative and kept meticulous records.) to be the conservatorship. This is a common ploy by certain groups of lawyers to take over conservatorship and milk every last dime from an estate by charging ridiculous fees for their services. It's quite common in Michigan and California. Possibly other states as well.

    Please pray for this situation.

    And pray for strength for my brother as he's dealing with our father's death and living trust situation at the same time he's dealing with this.

    I've been praying about it for several months.

    Thank you.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 4/29/2018 at 2:26 AM, Mea kakau said:

    As well I need prayer to find a Christian therapist.

    This prayer has been answered. I spoke with the Christian therapist today! So excited to see someone who's a Christian. She's got a Master of Divinity and told me she doesn't bring it into therapy sessions unless a client requests it. That's the way it's supposed to be.


    My first appointment won't be for another month.

  8. I finally found what I've been looking for...a Christian therapist! I spoke with her on the phone and won't see her for several more weeks. I'm looking forward to that first appointment. It's been a long time since I've seen a therapist who is a Christian too.


    I'm so excited. Thank you God!

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    • Praise God! 2
  9. Husband finished the island and prepping it for the installation of the countertop.

    The master bathroom is ready for the reinstalling of the toilet. My husband finished everything and needs help with setting the toilet in place and hooking it up to the water. The seal on the toilet leaked and made a huge mess. My husband replaced the soaked flooring, removed carpeting, made a raised platform (tall people here with long legs), vented it (was no vent), installed new arm for the toilet flange, etc. Afterward he said, "I'm glad I'm not a plumber. I'd hate to do this type of work day in and day out."

    The guy from the flooring company took a look at the dishwasher and determined it the leak has to do with the motor. So this is not covered under their installing of it. Now we'll need to contact our extended warranty insurer for the dishwasher.

  10. The insulation and rat barrier have been installed in the crawl space! Finally!!!

    The guest toilet has been installed. The sink and bidet need to be installed.

    The dishwasher is leaking! UGH! I called our plumber and he has yet to respond to my phone call.

    The master bath toilet was leaking and so it's been dismantled. My husband is correcting the problem which turned out to be more involved than he thought it would be. He had to cut out the soaked flooring. Now he's going to rebuild it and put in extra bracing between the joists.

    The shower drain had a major problem and my husband fixed it.

    The kitchen island is stalled because my husband's swollen, painful foot. He has to take many breaks to keep his foot elevated as much as possible.

  11. It appears, through many tests, that my husband has a condition called Neuropathic arthropathy (or neuropathic osteoarthropathy), also known as Charcot joint (often "Charcot foot"). It's a progressive degenerative condition which anyone with neuropathy can get. It's more common with those who have diabetes. He's in a lot of pain and his foot is swollen.

    My husband's been fortunate that he found an excellent foot and ankle doctor. This guy is a diagnostician with incredible bedside manner. The two don't usually go together.

    • Praying! 1
  12. We're going through ups and downs which are of course worse than most marriages because I have PTSD and my husband has ADHD and TBI. We recently figured out that we handle stress similarly which makes it more difficult. And that our level of stress is about the same until a stressor occurs and plummets us into even more difficult times. Understanding this has helped tremendously. We've found throughout our marriage that humor helps us both to deal with the stresses of life. Also both of us being believers keeps us bound together for life.

    I'm having to reframe my life with my husband because I based much of it on believing he was abusing me and trying to make my life a living hell. In fact his behaviors/attitudes stemmed from ADHD and TBI. So this is where I need prayer in this marriage.

    As well I need prayer to find a Christian therapist. I think I might have found one who is currently on maternity leave. She becomes available next month. My current therapist's group practice is breaking up on April 30th. I thought this would be a great time to make a transition to another therapist. Even though I like my current therapist there are some huge differences which I think cannot be addressed and number one is religion/spirituality.

    • Praying! 1
  13. Tomorrow morning bright and early our bathroom floor is getting installed...finally!

    Today my husband opted to have the flooring company install extra flooring in the bathroom. He was going to do this himself. However due to his foot and calf problems he decided to have them do it. That's such a relief all the way around. I'm so thankful.

    The only thing remaining after that is the pedestals need to be sanded and painted with waterproofing. Then the fixtures can be installed on them. We've figured out the painting and decorating scheme for the bathroom. That will follow installation of the fixtures.


    The island cabinets all are lined up and needing to be heightened in order to make room for the depth of the induction cooktop. Next will be the installation of the soapstone counter and with that the induction cooktop.

    An added counter which houses the grain grinder and the mixer is still undecided for the substrate. Though tonight we moved closer to using a composite which the flooring company carries. I'm looking for something for rolling out pie dough.

    The vent hoods and beam are ready to be installed along with the lights for down the island.

    Our son is scheduled to finish his electrical installation this weekend as next week the insulation in the crawl space under the floor needs to be installed.

    Here are some pictures of our progression, i.e.; where we started from, the next remodel, and then the partial remodel in progress of the kitchen.

    The first one is the original kitchen when we purchased the house.

    The second one is our first remodel where we added a pot rack to the island. That's one of pooches with his "don't touch it" gear on.

    The last one is our current remodel.




    • Praise God! 1
  14. My husband found a great therapist who is in the process of testing him for several different conditions. Three things the therapist suspects are depression, ADHD, and of course TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). The therapist said the TBI along with the ADHD could indeed cause many of the problems my husband exhibits in our marriage.

    I've prayed for our marriage to be restored and I now believe Go is answering this prayer. It's been 27 years in the making since I first started pray for God's will to be done in it. It's proof that faith of things unseen is working in my life. I'm so thankful for the changes I've already seen in my husband since he realized how hurtful his words have been. Even though his attitude has actual medical causes, he's taking responsibility for himself for the first time in our marriage and watching the words he speaks to me.

    For the first time in our marriage, I see that we're drawing closer on deep levels. This is something I've wanted for years.

    Thank you God for answering my prayers. God indeed answers prayers in His time and in His way!

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  15. 8 hours ago, ForHisGlory37 said:

    Hi Mea,   I know I don't know all the details of your life and story, but from your prayer post, I don't think this person is qualified to even be your advocate or therapist.  I've known several therapists, and they all have issues with themselves and that's why they became a therapist because they were trying to figure out what was wrong with themselves.  I truly hope you don't see this woman ever again.  I don't think she has the best interest at heart for you.  I hope you will look for someone else.  

    I don't know if this would help you but here is a link...


    your sister in Christ,


    I'm a survivor of ritual abuse by my father who was a serial killer and pedophile. You missed the post where she apologized to me. My therapist has more than 25 years experience with ritual abuse.

    I've been through deliverance and my abuse is about that any more.

    Thank you for the information.

  16. I should probably put this under prayers answered. Yet I wanted continuity here in this topic.

    Praise God!!!

    I followed my intuition, my gut feeling, and I asked my husband if he ever had a concussion. Turns out he had a bad one wherein he was taken to a hospital and afterward his personality had changed. He told me about his family telling him they noticed the personality change. However his family chocked it up to marriage which had occurred months before the trauma brain injury (TBI).

    How I got to this place? My husband has told me he said something to me or denied saying the same thing to me. Usually the words are something he'd never say. He's always saying he'd never say something like that to me; that I must be making the whole thing up. And then I got proof. I got it right on my cellphone.

    The other day my husband needed to talk to our son. So I got out my cellphone and texted our son, speaking into it rather than typing. By the time I finished the sentence and had sent it, my husband was upset and telling me he didn't say that to me. Then I asked him what he thought he said. It was completely different. We were both dumbfounded.

    That's when I started putting two and two together. This is a huge revelation in our marriage and in my husband's life.

    And then my husband started to tell me about more incidences in his life where a similar things occurred.

    He has problems with both the written and the spoken word, plus a slew of other symptoms as well.

    I researched frontal lobe traumatic brain injury and then we sat down and discussed that. He had nearly every symptom.

    His behavior and the disconnect between that and what I really heard became the foundation for a divorce. I never wanted a divorce. My husband and I work will together. We'll find a way to work around or through or over this new hurdle.

    This morning my husband grasped my hand and thanked me, telling me if I hadn't told him he would've never known what was causing these bizarre disconnects in his brain. And we would've gotten a divorce over it. And all for something my husband cannot change.

    So now I'm sticking with my husband and his TBI and he's sticking with me and my PTSD.

    He didn't call the therapist's office on Monday because of our basically all day on and off conversation about the TBI. So tomorrow he'll call him.

    • Praise God! 1
  17. The free therapy appointment went well. My therapist apologized for what happened during the last appointment. Then she explained her professional obligations for when someone has threatened suicide. After everything was hashed out, she told me that something good has come from that appointment; my husband returning to therapy and understanding that he needs to work through childhood abuse issues. Some of them I mentioned and she told me those are quite damaging with lifetime problems.

    We also agreed on a time-out signal for when I still need to talk about something in a different direction than she had been going.

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  18. Oh forgot to add that I'm finally sleeping normal hours again. With PTSD this is important because sleep helps me stay more stable.

    Also I found what helps me sleep better hours when I can't seem to eat anything. I make myself a protein shake.

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