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Everything posted by ThomasRoane

  1. Exactly. We must always remember to view the world as Peter did - upside down. What is right in God's eyes is wrong in the eyes of the world. What is good is bad. What is just is unjust. Look at our own country. You have white professors clamoring for white genocide! You have a generation of our young adults who are brainwashed into tolerating everything that is not moral or just. The love of many has waxed cold...
  2. But God does not need the US to help Israel. The way I read Ezekiel God wants the glory for Himself. And rightfully so. He will demonstrate His great power by delivering Israel supernaturally. Which will anger the world (and Satan) all the more. Somehow or some way the US is out of the picture.
  3. Agreed. And then what? What comes next is what is most interesting as pertains to Biblical prophesy. I've often wondered how the prophecy of Ezekiel would play out. Why would the US sit on the sidelines and allow Israel to be attacked? And make no mistake, muslim nations are itching for an excuse to come after Israel. The US under Trump would most certainly attempt to intervene. But will it be able to? If New York (Babylon?) is taken out (dirty bomb or something similar) then that would mean chaos here. For quite a while anyway. Or, it could be a nuclear attack from NK or even China. It is public knowledge now that our own nuclear capabilities are quite diminished as is our nuclear defense system. Heck, some of the systems depend on floppy disk!!!
  4. Do you think the sponsors of the PLO (Hamas) will care what we think about the resolution? This edict has given the Palestinians international rights to reclaim the land that they lost because Arabs were dumb enough to try to mess with Israel twice; (67' and Yom Kippur). Now, they have the legal rights (as far as the corrupt UN is concerned) to start evicting Israeli settlers. You don't think that Hamas would jump at that chance? And they want Israel to retaliate. So they can appeal to other corrupt nations in the UN and have them to help enforce their claim. So, look for the situation to get very dicey. As for Trump and the US they won't be able to pass a resolution to rescind this one. It would never make it through and Kerry knows it. If we want to help Israel we would have to do so without the support of the rest of the world. Whatever we do would be in violation of the UN. Not that I care but that would leave us as the lone nation to defend Israel at a time when we need to get our own house straight. Not even Russia is in favor of this. They don't want the region to be any more destabilized than it already is. The problem will have to be dealt with. The situation in Israel will pull Trump away from his agenda to make America great again. (That needs to happen after the 8 years of wandering in the desert.) In other words, Trump is about to run a marathon and Obama (sly as the devil) just burdened him with a 100 pound backpack. More importantly, dominoes are lined up and could fall soon just as the Bible predicted.
  5. Thanks Marilyn. LOL I have to ask. Is " The first cab off the rank" an Aussie expression? I'm at a loss as to what that means (ignorant Yank here). I'm guessing it means first things first? By unity of the faith I think you mean all Christians putting aside their dogma and becoming as one? I think that would happen after much persecution. There must be a shaking of the Church and separation of wheat and tares so that we are left with the faithful remnant. So no argument here. I'm aware of Antiochus Epiphanes and his desecration. I'm also familiar with the historical theory that Daniel's 70th week was most likely when Rome under Titus destroyed the Temple and most of the Jews suffered the judgment they deserved at the time - they did say that Jesus blood should be upon themselves and their children. Hence the reason Jesus lamented over Jerusalem as a mother hen. I also believe in a literal millennium but not one with a temple that would revert to old mosaic sacrifices. Christ took care of that and He will be (in fact He is) our temple. Even though one could argue that most of the prophecies for the end times have occurred, I hesitate to put God in a box. For example, Isaiah 7 was fulfilled by the wife of Isaiah and his son and yet was also fulfilled with the birth of Christ. So, I wouldn't want to say for certain a Temple must be built or cannot be built. The truth is I don't know for sure but I have eyes that see and ears that hear. I will pay very close attention to the signs so I am not surprised as the foolish virgins. I've been reading a very interesting book entitled "Interpreting the Prophetic Word" and the theory of progressive fulfillment really struck a chord with me. See the definition below.
  6. Obama's time is short so there very well could be some military action. A scuffle between the Israeli settlers and Muslims trying to claim territory would be just the excuse needed to escalate the situation militarily.
  7. Is anyone else curious about what kind dominoes may begin to fall as a result of this cowardly act by the Obama administration against Israel? With the latest UN resolution we may be able to see the prophecies of Ezekiel come into play (and some of Daniel's). I could see Russia, Turkey, Syria, and Iran all mobilizing to enforce the resolution and only God is able to intervene. Especially if this were to happen before Jan 20th. The only way to appease Israel and make them revert to 1967 boundaries would be to let them rebuild the temple. So the false prophet and antichrist would both be on the scene very soon. I'd be very reluctant to forecast specifics. God has His own way of doing things and His own timing. I will definitely be keeping a watchful eye on events in Israel.
  8. I believe in a literal 1,000 year Millennium as well but would love to read the opinions of the early church. Can you post a link to a source please?
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