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Posts posted by InfoCentral

  1. Thats why I warned you, there have been some substantial corrections,,,er alterations...

    What they say is:

    The New King James Version, Reader's Edition, which represents a quantum leap in the development of the respected Scofield
  2. :brightidea: Funny thing. I am reading _The Zondervan Handbook to the Bible_ which contains a 100 page bible introduction. In the theology section they mention "Covenant interpretation" but nothing on dispensationalism.
  3. Well, I am very excited; I received my Scofield Study Bible Friday and it came with a CD. The CD resources utilize the Libronix (Logos) library system. Previously I had _The J. Vernon McGee Electronic Bible Study Library_ (best buy yet) which used the Logos library system so I was able to upgrade for free. This is really turning out great!

    Still awaiting arrival of my course material from Moody but I have started do a general bible study. I am currently reading the _Zondervan Handbook to the Bible_ which has a 100 page introduction to the bible and its assembly. All and all things are going along very well. Thanks to everyone and God bless...

  4. So.. I would go ahead with your studies because I think you will benefit from it.

    I am now very excited to get started. Everyday I check Amazon.Com and track my bible. Moody said I should expect the course material in a week or two. In the meantime I have started a general study on the bible itself. I have learned so much just in the past week. Thanks to all and God Bless... :blink:

  5. From my research, the general consensus is that the Scofield Study Bible contains a huge amount of reference/study notes making it one of the if not thee best study bibles available.

    I have tried to find out more about dispensationalism vs. covenant but while there is plenty of books written about dispensationalism I haven't found any for covenant theology except books that deal with theology in general.

  6. You will have to excuse my ignorance. I registered for a Certification course in the Scofield Reference Bible thru Moody Bible Institute. Awaiting arrival of my course materials and my Scofield Reference Bible III, Reader Edition thru Amazon.com, I decided it would be a good idea to read up on exactly what the Scofield Study plan was. In seeking research on this topic I found nothing explaining what the Scofield study plan consisted of or how it differed from other study plans but what I did find was a term - "dispensationalism."

    Well, at least this was a starting point in my education. In looking up this topic I found that while it is widely accepted it only began as a theology in the 1820's. Being an educated person my first question came to mind was what do everyone believe in before this? What was the accepted theology before dispensationalism? So where else to go for quick answers but to Worthy Boards!

  7. Scofield was a big promoter of dispensationalism, so his study notes are very biased that way. I suggest you study the issues regarding covenant theology and dispensationalism first, then read his notes.

    That's what I thought. I did some research on the internet. My bible study course material (Moody Bible Institute) hasn't arrived yet, neither has my Scofield Reference Bible, Readers Edition (Amazon.com) but it seems that my education has already taken off. Thanks eponine for the reference to "covenant theology." I think I need to go over to the theology forum now as I have a few questions regarding "dispensationalism."

    For more information on these topics see the links below.


    Covenant Theology

    God Bless...

  8. What's wrong with Scofield?

    Apparently he wasn't such a good guy. He abandoned his wife and children. Got divorced and remaried quickly. Then spend time in jail. I was very surprised to read this. But I guess God can use all kinds of people to fulfill His purpose. To read more about C.I. Scofield follow the link below.

    C.I. Scofield

  9. I am not a fan of this study Bible. I suggest getting a Thompsons Chain Reference.

    That's funny. I was doing some research on the Internet about study bibles and read several reviews. The Thompsons Chain Reference go poor marks. This is what one reviewer had to say, "Why this study Bible has sold so well over the years is a mystery to me. It has relatively little value as a study tool, it is not based on the original languages, and does not explain anything."

    Review of Thompsons Chain Reference Bible

  10. I'm just finishing book 5 now. The skys gone dark wreaking havoc on the global solar system and the beasts of the air have been set loose stinging all the unbelievers including Hattie. Everyones gone into hiding. No ones got a job anymore. And more is on the way...

  11. I'm not at home now so I can't give you specific information on its whereabouts but the place is called The Free Tract Society and is located in Los Angeles on York Bl. If you want I can get the address for you.

    Not wanting to repeat myself (see above message about the tree bearing fruit) I will just add one more to it. There are active and passive ministries as well as people. Some do no ministry at all yet say they are ministering by living their lives. Yeah, right! Whatever comforts you. I call it lukewarm. Passive ministry such as screensavers, t shirts, and bumper stickers all have their place. Then there is the other extreme, do nothing and say your ministering through living your life. This doesn't even qualify as passive ministry. Why not just say, "I don't want to get involved" and be done with it.

  12. I went over www.oneplace.com and sure enough after I did a search for Left Behind there was the entire series FREE for the listening. Thanks Joe! for the site. Yesterday my son wanted to see the movie so we watched it. Man, what a difference between the movie and the book. I never realized it before because I saw the movie (both 1 & 2) and then years later started reading the books. Now the movie makes a lot more sense to me.

  13. 44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. Luke 6:44

    You have convinced me brother. I am going out right now to the Free Tract Society and picking up some tracts for distribution. I believe this to be an easy ministry to pursue. God bless you for bringing this ministry to my attention again. My father was active in this ministry also. He used to purchase those Chick tracts and others and distribute them wherever he went. He used to tell me,

  14. I found that these books really gave me a boost in getting things in order. I guess it was because of the characters having a limited amount of time and them getting busy on the task that got me going as well. I'm glad I finally got started reading them for they have given me the push I needed. I have been developing a whole new christian outlook on things. It is easy to forget how a christian should act and view lifes problems. Reading about these characters problems with work and personal life has reawakened me to how I should respond as a christian and how I should be thinking. I don't know about pre-trib or post-trib but I have enjoyed reading the series so far and will probably finish it. The good thing is that it isn't that new anymore so the price of the books should be greatly reduced.

    I also have "Just As I Am" by Billy Graham and "Billy Graham God's Ambassador" by Time/Life Books. Perhaps I will read those after this series.

  15. I will admit that they do alot of summarizing what they said. They could eliminate a lot of pages by not covering the same material over and over again and get on with the story. All and all though I find it gripping.

  16. About every morning at 5 am I get up streach and start exercising on my stationary bicycle. I put on the tape and open the bible when I do this so I multitask. I exercise, read the bible and listen to the bible all at the same time. I an up to 30 minutes now but should be adding another 15 minutes next week and gradually increase to 1 hour. I don't exercise on Sundays and I don't use the stationary bicycle on Saturday ( I get out and use the real bicycle).

    With this schedule I am way ahead of my bible-in-a-year program. The easiest way to complete the bible I have found out is to use an audio bible and follow along. It goes much faster and keeps you on tract. I also use the dramatized version whenever possible. So how long is enough? It depends on your plan...

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