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Posts posted by HexHammer

  1. 1 minute ago, HisFirst said:

    Hmm, ok - I think the gist was, say on twitter for instance, anyone can tweet news(is that right?) not necessarily credited journos...

    It's like here were we can write anything we want, that be lies, truths or just mere assumptions, only if it's greatly offensive it will be moderated. 

    On social media it's harder to fact check, because what they say are what they might have seen when going for a walk, heard someone say, etc, contrary the word of the bible that is easily fact checked.

  2. 1 minute ago, HisFirst said:

    Hi HH,

    Im not on FB so I don't have a clue but I think this journo meant people are basically getting most of their up to date info only through their social media feeds - not deliberately seeking news sites outside of their social pages....

    does that make sense?

    No, sorry it doesn't make sense.

    I think 1 of the points vaguely made, was that on social media there are too much pollution of false information, if you only read BBC, The Times and CNN it would be pure info, but on social media people subscribes to less serious media thus they are polluted with lies and rumor mongering. 

  3. On 28/12/2016 at 10:02 PM, nebula said:

    Avoid Evil, not the Appearance of Evil

    The Bible doesn’t actually tell us to avoid every appearance of evil.


    First Thessalonians 5:22 says to avoid evil, not the stuff that looks like it might be evil. We avoid the evil itself. 


    Yeah, the translation from 400 years ago (King James) mis-translates yet another passage. The language today is different than it was in 1611; the words mean different things nowadays. (This is why I cannot trust any teaching that relies on the KJV to support it.) This is one place where that change makes a difference. 


    Four hundred years ago, “every appearance” was kind of like “every kind” of evil. Our instruction is to avoid evil stuff. Avoid evil when it appears: avoid the appearance of evil: avoid every appearance of the evil.


    And that’s how EVERY other major English translation of the Bible presents this: “Reject every kind of evil,” (NIV) or “Abstain from every form of evil” (NKJV and NASB). Even the King James usually translates this word “shape.” “Avoid every shape of evil.”




    Up till recently catholic churches and such made children live a solitary life inside the walls, teaching them only pure things, unfortunately that had that major side effect that they became very ignorant of how to handle evile in the society outside the walls, and they became easily scammed because they were so trusty and such.

    We must learn how to handle evil, we must know what lurks out there of dangers, so that we may protect ourselves the right way.

  4. 25 minutes ago, HisFirst said:

    He also said that folk are getting news direct from feeds via social media now, like twitter, facebook rather than legit news sites.

    Interesting, I thought The Times, BBC and CNN was reasonable serious news media on Facebook.

  5. 2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    No, too many people have heard Satan's voice, if you are a Christian and don't know the difference, something is wrong. Notice, who is disparaging who about their "beliefs" !! That shows an immature Christian. 

    Have you heard Satans or Lucifer's voice? Satan is the Accuser, and Lucifer is the Son of Dawn, the Light Bringer.

  6. 58 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

    Yes, I have only been preaching for 25 years......I don't get things in my head, and become stuck on them. On the OP, I stated that I wrote a blog about this, and stated that imho, Rome was the city Mentioned in Rev. 17:18. Then God did a funny thing He likes to do sometimes, He whispered in my ear, Psstt, you know that blog you just wrote ? Well you were WRONG !! And I said, OK, What is the truth Lord, and this is how the Holy Spirit works. Its not about me, my Blog was wrong, SO WHAT...........

    How do you know it was God himself and not Lucifer? 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

    Go read the Old Testament[..]

    You cherry pick, you exclude what I say following, about the Prophecy of the Popes and muslims "Breaking the Cross", so what you reply with doesn't fit anything.


    "The kings of the earth committed fornication with the Harlot both because of the allure of her harlotries, but also because she “reigns over the kings of the earth.” "
    This refers to 1 specific religion, not to many, and that suggest it would be the Catholic Church, that's the ONLY religion that are from the line of Jesus, that church that has killed about 50 mill people, that put false idols in the church, which Martin Luther removed. This church gives absolution which is only for god to give, they changed the 10 commandments, they have killed many martyrs and saints.

    The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.  
    Rome is the city of 7 Hills

    There are also seven kings. Five are fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.
    Mussolini gave the Vatican sovereignty in 1929,  thus the Vatican is technically a kingdom. Pope Benedict XVI rule was short, only 8 years 2005 - 2013.

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