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Posts posted by Praise2God4ever

  1. Just earlier today, i was struggling with temptation. Normally when this happens, i struggle for a while and then give up. However, today, something very different happened... i fought it off! this is one of the few, if not only time i can remember doing this. i did it through prayer. normally i would just ask GOD to help me fight it once and probably not actually ment it, but this time i prayed for GOD to help me fight it, and also to help me walk after the spirit and not the flesh in the first place. So, when any of you are faced with temptation, prayed to GOD to help you fight and mean it. don't think you are going to pray and then givein. Don't plan to give in, pray and fight. Thank you for reading this, our GOD is great.

  2. i have seen (a) certain user(s) on here spreading beliefs that seem to line up with new-age teachings on here (not naming names). If you can give me evidence this is actually biblical (other than the whole "ye are gods" thing, that's already been solved/disproved if you look at it contextually) than i will be happy to talk to you about it, but otherwise, please refrain from spreading it here. i do not think compassion and love are bad things, of course, they are great! But new age beliefs simply do not line up with biblical teachings as far as i can see. To warn those of you who do not know what "new age" beliefs are, it's basically the belief that we are gods and can create anything with our minds. This is,of course, an absurd claim, disproved simply by the fact that we don't know everything. "new age" can also describe any spiritual acts that do not line up with Jesus/GOD'S teachings (spiritual meditation and the like). So overall i guess this is just a warning and a reminder that we are NOT gods, but we ARE GOD'S (as in we belong to him). Bless you all and thank you.

  3. 3 minutes ago, ravindran said:

    It is actually not our job to convert others. Our job is to proclaim Gospel (good news). It is Holy Spirit which will minister to the soul and draw the person to Lord. We cannot win over people with our intellect or wisdom.

    i know only GOD saves, but if i just go up to someone and  ask them to talk with me about Jesus i  think they will probably just label me as preachy and ignore me

  4. So, i feel like an idiot (i think). i post alot here it seems, as you may have noticed, sorry for that i guess. Anyway, in my post about the cat

    i asked if i should get a cat, and in the end we got one. i will admit that i still live with my parents and we got i mostly for my mother, who really wanted one. in the previously mentioned post, i asked about a "condition" which i now know is toxoplasmosis. i was adviced that i shouldn't worry about it, but after looking at it some more now i'm really scared.  i have heard it increases risktaking and ristaking, to me at least, seems to lead to sin usually. i know toxoplasmosis can generally be avoid by good hygiene, but a website i have seen seems to say it is "unlikely" to be spread through physical contact. As long as it's "unlikely" and not "impossible", i don't think i'm willing to take the risk (ironically). This means i generally try to avoid touching the cat, but because i am a pathetic individual and he has been so unbelievably well mannered and quiet, it breaks my heart not to love him. There are two solutions i can think of straight away.  The first is to just avoid physical contact as previously mentioned, and second is to return him to the rescue place we got him from. This could happen as my earthly father is allergic to cats, and the cat has taken a liking to him, it seems. But the issue with this is that if my dad does start to feel sick, he probably won't admit it as he thinks this will make both me and my mother very sad.

    sorry for this being so "vent-like", any advice? i'm pretty sure this is stupid, hence the title, but i just don't know what to do.

  5. One argument i commonly use as an example is that that even if i'm wrong and GOD doesn't exist, i will have wasted nothing because if i'm wrong everything is meaningless (bleak outlook, i know). But if i'm right, then i'll go to heaven and be happy forever, etc. The bible says faith is important and if you serve GOD for this reason alone, i do not think this would count as having faith, but if you want i have plenty of other pieces of "evidence" i can give you (mostly historical). Well, either way, hi, and i hope you feel welcome here :)

  6. 6 minutes ago, simplejeff said:

    From a few of your posts, I think you've read enough SCRIPTURE to know better than this.

    Y'SHUA MESSIAH planned before creating the universe, the earth, and all things, and all life,

    to die for mankind.  Not for ants.  Not even for angels ! 

    HIS PRECIOUSNESS was payed for the atonement of men who would believe in HIM and come to HIM.

    That is the greatest price ever payed for anything , or even for everything, all together, ever.

    So those who are atoned for , purchased by HIS REDEEMING BLOOD,

    are HIS,  with HIM in heavenly places, (already according to HIS WORD),

    and HE perfectly nurtures and cares, and provided all things even before we could think to ask,  having made

    provision for all things needed and for everything concerning salvation in this world and in the life to come;


    And see HIS DESCRIPTION of the ecclesia in the NEW TESTAMENT.  (not on youtube, nor in church(es), not online).

    "Blameless".   "Redeemed".   "Set Apart (HOLY) ".  "IN UNION" (with Y'SHUA)(now, already, no earth).

    YHWH even said the battle is HIS (to HIS PEOPLE long before Y'SHUA MESSIAH was born a man on earth).

    YHWH fights for us.

    YHWH cares for us.

    Y'SHUA draws us under HIS WINGS (tzitzits), HEALS US, and SAVES US , as written in HIS WORD.

    Oh no, i didn't mean GOD doesn't care about us, of course he does! i meant we are nowhere close to him in terms of power or wisdom.

  7. Have you ever tryed about GOD'S infinte grace, forgiveness and power? If you are a christian, the answer is probably yes. Of course, we cannout grasp GOD'S infinite power with our fleshly minds,  but have you ever considered this?

    Many nonbelievrs say that GOD is cruel, using examples such as "if GOD is kind, why does he not stop (insert war here)?". Well, i am not going to list all the many examples which show GOD'S love and kindness here (and when i say many, i mean MANY), but i will say this. GOD is an infinitely, eternally perfect being. He knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happen. He can do ANYTHING, at any time he wants. ANYTHING.

    And he chooses to talk with, guide and listen to us.


    we are pathetic, less then ants, less than atoms to GOD.

    but he still cares about each and every one of us.

    Luke 15:7: Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

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