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Posts posted by mawbear

  1. 19 hours ago, Templar337 said:

    "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."  Matthew 10:22

    The world will hate and you may loose many friends but it is worth it. 

    this is so true.....  I pray you are standing firm too!!!!

  2. thank you to everyone... prayer is majorly coveted. Thank you for the kind words too!  and wow, thanks for the Bible verses you brought up especially the ones in Matthew.  True so true.  I love yall fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!  God Bless!!!!

  3. I have been going through a tribulation period and dont wanna post details as that would be being puffed up but at the same time I wanna help others who may be going through similar things. Its all about helping you all out.  Me, I'm treading water just Believing with Pure Faith in Jesus's being stronger than anything in the world. :)  

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