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Posts posted by Seemore


    I found this review and it seemed very thorough I hope it helps this is a snip.


    New Living Translation, second edition (2004)

    Mark R. Norton, ed., Holy Bible, New Living Translation. 2nd edition. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 2004.

    This is a revision of the New Living Translation that was published by Tyndale House in 1996. A "Note to Readers" in the second edition explains that the main purpose of the revision was "increasing the level of the NLT's precision." It claims that the revised NLT is now a "general-purpose text especially good for study":

    The Holy Bible New Living Translation, was first published in 1996. It quickly became one of the most popular Bibles in the English-speaking world. While the NLT's influence was rapidly growing, the NLT Bible Translation Committee determined that an additional investment in scholarly review and text refinement could make it even better. So shortly after its initial publication, the committee began an eight-year process with the purpose of increasing the level of the NLT's precision without sacrificing its easy-to-understand quality. This second generation text was completed in 2004 and is reflected in this edition of the New Living Translation.

    The goal of any Bible translation is to convey the meaning and content of the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts as accurately as possible to contemporary readers. The challenge for our translators was to create a text that would communicate as clearly and powerfully to today's readers as the original texts did to readers and listeners in the ancient biblical world. The resulting translation is easy to read and understand, while also accurately communicating the meaning and content of the original biblical texts. The NLT is a general-purpose text especially good for study, devotional reading and to be read aloud in public worship.

    Three years ago I published a review of the 1996 New Living Translation, in which I pointed out some of the more important inaccuracies of the version. The problems were considerable, even to the extent that one of the NLT's own translators had written, "I never recommend it to anyone except to supplement the reading of a more literal translation to generate freshness and new insights, unless they are kids or very poor adult readers." I am glad to report now that in the 2004 revision most of the problems I identified and discussed in my earlier review have been rectified. There is a substantial increase in accuracy throughout the version, and the version's "schmaltzy" quality has been toned down quite a bit also. The editors at Tyndale house are to be commended for this improvement, which will contribute to a more accurate knowledge of the Word of God among those who use the New Living Translation.

    However, it must also be said that the revised NLT continues to be much less accurate than other versions commonly used in American churches (including even the New International Version), and it does not rise to the level of accuracy that readers need for serious study or appreciation of the Bible's details. I can illustrate the shortcomings with randomly selected passages:

  2. 2 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

    Hi Seemore,

    That sounds better. And it seems it would be better to have the two separate - TV & Computer.

    Next thing I notice is this you said -

    `Now there was other things going wrong with my life at that time (this is what started the anger in my life) and I told the Lord that I wanted to die.

    When we want to opt out of life, it can often be because we are not taking responsibility for our actions. I still believe that you need to repent, (like all of us) for your anger, & any other thing the Lord reveals. That is the quickest way to get rid of stuff & to hear the Holy Spirit. If we have all our emotions & wants & cries, we are actually blocking out the Holy Spirit, like putting our hands over our ears. The Lord always, but always asks US to change & doesn`t go about fixing this & that to make us comfy.

    I know it is a hard journey, BUT we ALL have to do it. I`m praying for you, bro. Marilyn.

    Hi Marilyn.

    Thank you for the prayers they are needed.
    Repentance is a big part of my life and the Lord is good about telling me when I have done something wrong and should repent. The other things that started the anger are family. Our son and his wife had told us that if we could not stop talking about the BIBLE then they would have to tell the grand kid's that they could no longer see us. then they would stand there and listen to us to make sure that we did what we were told. Our son even told me one day he wished all christains would just keep our mouth's shut. This all happend a month after we moved to be near them. We had not seen them in almost 10 years and this was a big blow to us as he was raised to believe in Christ. When we moved we had to take a small apartment and that meant that my entire work shop had to go into his garage. He loved that because he had hardly any tools and I still have tools packed as they would not all fit so he was loving it but as time want on he started telling me what I could and could not do in the shop. All we could say is who is the parent here well it had reached a point that we decided to move out of town as soon as my wife got her degree and found a good job. Well that was 2 years ago and we are still here and the family problems are still there and no job. I am on disability and cant work so we cant seem to find away to escape before the family is divided and we don't want that.


  3. 1 hour ago, Marilyn C said:

    Hi Seemore,

    You did well to share your pain. Now my thoughts are concerning this part. (above) Why didn`t you just repent to the Lord for wasting time watching those movies & then set about being more proactive in your life? It sounded like you were blaming God for you having to watch all those movies?

    We all need to take responsibility for what we do, watch, speak, where we go etc.


    I was not watching them I was reading news on my computer but the tv and my computer are in the same room and I had reached the point where I could no longer ignore them. Also I was not blaming God I was privately blaming my wife and that was wrong as well. We all need to take responsibility for what we do, watch, speak, where we go etc. and I agree but this was after dinner and we were relaxing as was the same for most of the movies. Also I need to say that I have been trying to get rid of the tv for 5 years now because 90% of the stuff on tv are lies. however my wife wont let it go yet but I'm still trying. I told her not long ago if I had it my way it would be it the trash lol. But she lives here to and has freewill as well and sense I love her I just have to wait until the Lord tells her to get rid of it as he did me.   

  4. 4 hours ago, Lolly said:

    You said that you feel naked--we are all naked without the clothes of Christ, or His righteousness.


    Adam and Eve felt naked after eating from the wrong tree, and God clothed them with skins.


    The LORD also initiated a plan through Abraham by which would be born a Savior.


    Here, you see truth. This is the heart of God--redemption. I think your perception of your own identity changed during that moment of weakness, but your actions are not strong enough to change God's nature.


    Jesus tells us through Luke's Gospel what happens when we do foolish things like turning away from God's best. Indeed, the Father "is filled with compassion" and covers you with kisses (Luke 15:20). If you sincerely wish to walk towards God, He will always receive you. Blasphemers of the Holy Spirit never do that--they never go to Him. That's why they aren't forgiven.

    I felt naked at the time because I had just exposed what I did not like about my self to a bunch of people I don't know. I am an introvert and have a hard time sharing my feelings until I know you. Thank you for seeing the change I to noticed that and still do as there where many changes in me that day that I still cant answer. Also I was not trying to change Gods nature I was trying suicide by God. God says chose life not death and I knew that but my frame of mind at that time was out of control and after I said those words felt hollow that's why I felt like the Holy Spirit had left me. I used to talk to the Lord at any time and felt like the Holy Spirit was talking back. Now I still talk to the Lord all the time but I don't seem to hear the Holy Spirit any more maybe he is just quieter now I don't know and it has scared me. what I did not put in my post and I should have was at that same time I told the Lord that I was not going to ever stop believing in him or his mercy.

  5. On 1/30/2017 at 10:26 PM, Kevin_ said:


    My previous post (which was longer and more detailed) didn't seem to work for whatever reason so I'm just gonna cut right into the chase with this abridged version. I think my family is going to be left behind in the rapture. 

    My parents believe in God, they claim to be Christian, and were once dedicated servants to the Lord, but now they live a more sinful lifestyle of smoking, cursing, etc. My mom does drive my brother, sister and I to church on most Sundays and Wednesdays, but none of them go themselves. My brother and sister read the Bible and pray two to three times a day, but they do not dedicate their lives to the Lord as much as I try to. I've been praying to the Lord asking for help on this, but nothing seems to be happening. I'm a very introverted person and I stutter frequently whenever I talk about very serious matters with my parents. I just keep going through my mind, thinking about how awkward the situation would be, and how much I'll likely mess up while telling them what they need to do. I keep reading articles about how the Rapture can happen at any moment, and that just fuels my stress more. I'm very confident that, if I don't tell my family members before I run out of time, they will be left behind and they will suffer. This has completely ruined my image of what the Rapture would look like. The Rapture is always described as what should be the most happy point in a Christian's life. Getting to meet up with Jesus Christ himself, in the air, and be taken to live eternally in Heaven, when I think about this, it honestly sounds great, but then I remember that my family likely won't be there in the sky with me. I keep including the same phrase in my prayers every night, telling and asking the Lord to keep me focus on informing my parents about how their lives are on a train track, and the Rapture is the train. I want to enjoy the coming of Christ, and I want my family to enjoy it with me.

    Kevin I should have also said that I to smoke and I was a falling down drunk twice (I must have thought that I got it wrong the first time lol) and I cursed like a drunken sailor. Then before I started my last and final walk with the Lord, one day I said to myself why do I talk like this it doesn't make me sound better or smarter in fact it makes me look and sound like an idiot and I just quit talking that way (thank the Lord). Then after my wife told me she could not take my drinking anymore I turned to the lord and asked him for help, I said to him I don't want to lose my wife so please take the alcohol away that's all I said I didn't promises anything just take it away. The very next day the urge was gone no hang over no withdrawals nothing that was 18 years ago and I'm still OK (this is also when I started my current walk with the Lord). Now I still battle with smoking I have asked the Lord to please remove this as well more than once but for now that is a cross I must bear. So I guess what I'm saying is be patient the Lord is good and knows the best way and time to open there eyes to what needs to be changed. The heavenly Father did not forsake me when I was back sliding why would Father forsake them? 

    Be strong, stay the coarse and God Bless


  6. M wife and I were in her boat back in the early 00's when our ears and check book liked what we herd (meaning prosperity and feel good) then when we started finding holes in the boat that's when the Lord had me search out her life not her words and that showed us her fruits (actions speak louder than words) and you are judging fruit not the person directly. I should add that it is not just Joyce we also used the searching for other preachers on tv the same way and found more than one tickling ears.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Logan said:

    Yes sir. I don't want this to be seen as a defense of Nancy Pelosi or Elizabeth Warren because I completely disagree with everything they stand for. That being said...it appears that Warren never said this either. It was a meme on facebook that people just believed.

    Thank you for clearing that up it is getting harder to weed out the fake news but this is how we are forced to do it. Father in heaven forgive me for sharing the worlds lies I will try harder next time.


  8. 14 minutes ago, Logan said:

    Do you know when Pelosi said this because I've looked and can't find it? The closest thing I can find is her promoting Islam at a national prayer breakfast and saying at its heart Islam, Judaism,  and Christianity are the same thing.

    Thanks Logan for making me validate my statement as I was wrong it was Elizabeth Warren.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Logan said:

    Do you know when Pelosi said this because I've looked and can't find it? The closest thing I can find is her promoting Islam at a national prayer breakfast and saying at its heart Islam, Judaism,  and Christianity are the same thing.

    My wife is looking now I will let you know when she finds it. also read the end of my post as I added to it at the same time you were posting.

  10. My wife was telling me yesterday that Nancy Pelosi speaking of Islam said if women have to be raped to prove our tolerance then so be it. I can't believe what these people are saying any more they are embracing the religion of satan with open arms. I firmly believe that this is part of the great deception that our Father in heaven warned us about when he said even the elect could be deceived. I have tried to warn people I know and they look at me like I just kicked there dog and say but it's the religion of peace, they really don't understand and they don't want you to try and change there mind. As for follower's (and I use that term deliberately instead of believers because even satan believes) I have come to think that it is because of the preaching to itchy ears, it is easier to stick your head in the sand and say I see nothing wrong. I believe this the beginning of sorrows and if we as followers don't stand up and start showing our spiritual strength boldly then we will see the streets run with blood. I as one do not relish the thought of a physical battle but as Jesus said it is a great thing to lay down your life for your brother. I should add that you have herd that a divide will happen as in the separation of wheat and chaff well I believe that is taking place now you can see it in our politicians as they are being blown about by the wind (they follow every new change that comes like it was there idea)  


  11. This is very hard as it is not the same as telling a friend but instead your telling the whole world so here I go, first I must say that I have walked with the Lord off and on for over 30 years, I say off and on because off back sliding but it has been a steady walk for the last 18 years, OK close your eyes cause here I go.

    My current journey around this mountain started 3 years ago right after thanksgiving when all the Christmas movies started. Now my wife loves to watch these movies because it makes her feel good so I just grin and bear it but we do not celebrate Christmas as the Lord says in,
     Jer 10:2  Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
    Jer 10:3  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
    Jer 10:4  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
    Jer 10:5  They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.KJV

    Well I had become very angry (this was new for me) at the hole program of movies, commercials and news that is put on by the media and turning it into one big reason to buy now and show how much you love everyone, to me this is not love. After about what seemed like 30 movies in 1 week I was at my breaking point and I went outside and started telling the Lord that I could not handle this anymore. Now there was other things going wrong with my life at that time (this is what started the anger in my life) and I told the Lord that I wanted to die. Now I can’t take my own life so being smart I thought that I could use Gods word to die as in when Abraham gave up the ghost and died so I said with a strong voice father if this is what it takes to stop all my pain and anger then I to will give up the ghost and at that moment a very deep chill started at my lower back and ran up through my head and I suddenly felt very empty and hollow at that point I knew I had done something very wrong and asked for forgiveness but nothing changed and still hasn’t as of yet. Needless to say my life has never been the same. For the last 3 years I have felt like I gave up the holy spirit and I was taught that this was the only unforgiveable sin. So now in my mind I am lost forever. I still read his word every day even though I can read 1 verse over and over and I still can’t remember it 2 minutes later (this was not normal), I still pray every day and I still clam JESUS CHRIST AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR with my mouth every day I still tell other people that they need to know Jesus but I do not feel the same. This journey has taken me to a brother and sister in Christ to a pastor and even a rabbi I even tried to get in touch with Hal Linsday and still have not found an answer to my question (and I don’t think I ever will) am I lost forever and going to hell? Well when I think about it if someone came to me I don’t think I could tell them yes you’re going to hell as that would shatter there world. So I’m left with my faith only. Now I have to confess that yesterday when I asked the lord to confirm with his word that I should join this site and he told me to read Jer. 4:3 that was the first ray of hope I have had in 3 years. Now this lost feeling is only part of the problem the rest has to do with a new battle of call them demons that I had when I was younger such as snap anger over the smallest thing or gee I said something that made you mad so what or the way I seem to have less compassion now or the fact that I don’t want to leave my home to go anyplace. So my journey is around a very large mountain. At least now I have one ray of hope to start over with Praise the Lord for that. I’m going to go hide now as I feel pretty naked and bare. Forgive me.

  12. Welcome Kevin,
    Do not feel alone in this matter as I myself have battled that same question and still feel that I to may be left behind. I have learned that Jesus is in control and if my feelings come true then I know that I will be there for a reason. Think of the preacher that was left behind in the movie left behind he was there to lead a hole new group to Christ. This can be true for anyone of us, God uses all things for his glory. Be strong stay in the word and remain patient and remember our timing is always off lol.  

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