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Posts posted by Kevinb

  1. 7 hours ago, one.opinion said:

    I agree that intelligent design is rational. I firmly believe in God as the Intelligent Designer. I believe as the Bible says, that there is sufficient beauty and grandeur in nature to suggest a Creator. The difficulty is in conducting the science that would support such a position. How would one go about testing for the presence of a transcendent God?

     There is no way too test or demonstrate God involvement or causation. This is why its not rational to assert supernatural claims in anything till you can. The default is not to believe until you've evidential warrant. The default isn't to start believing in supernatural stuff then go looking at evidence.

  2. 7 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Intelligent design is rational.  But sure, the atheistic community isn't going to admit that it is science even if it is.  

    Rational and ID is science.  Well it may be rational if you start by presupposing natural law defying supernatural stuff you can't prove... this is also why it's not science and won't ever be till you can demonstrate God involvement...in this...or anything. You don't get to start by asserting God.. you must demonstrate his causational links. Sorry you can't see this. 

    7 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    They are sinners.  We all are

    Yes and to think that I must start by presupposing a God that can't be proven. Then I must pick a certain notion of a God... based upon where I happened to be born.. what religion I happened to be indoctrinated into and when in history I happened to be born.  Mmm not too compelling for me. 

  3. Yes I saw that... he was subsequently cited on that... he said I should have said mock the belief not the person. This is what he did the whole paragraph but said them. I saw this in convo chat with krauss.

    1 hour ago, shiloh357 said:

    Real biology supports the creation model.  Evolution isn't science and should not be treated at real science.   If Evolution had been first proposed today, it would have been laughed into the ground

    It does. By what measure. Even the judge in the dover trial laughed at the intelligent design idea as science. All you have is analogy. This isn't science. This is why evolution is taught as science and creation isn't and never will be.

    Scientically demonstrate ID.. 

    Seen bill maher interview ken ham..wow..boxed ham into he thinks scientists are sinners.

  4. 2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    He is hardly scientific.   Dawkins encourages his sheeple to mock Christians with derision.  He actually encouraged that specific thing.  Mocking those who believe the Bible derision.   It isn't a matter of a respectful disagreement.   He hates Christians and anyone who leans toward believing the Bible.   

    He should be written off as the fake intellectual that he is.   There is simply nothing about him to even respect.

    Highly respected evolutionary biologist... the field you'll see as the enemy as it contractions a presupposition bias you can't prove.

    Correction... he has said specifically to mock beliefs... not individual people. The same way people here I've seen mock Islam and Mormonism. He'll just do it to all religions. Also he's said many verses are beautifully written.. he reads them often. As well as Christian people aren't bad people and have done many good things. 

  5. 2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    You omitted the part where I said that the sin of homosexuality was  what Jesus died for and was punished for.   Of course it is a sin.   But you need to be a little more honest in how you handle my responses from here on out.

    I saw the Jesus part but you didn't explicitly say you thought it was a sin and still is one yourself... that's not dishonesty. Now you have more precisely clarrified your view... that's what I asked.

    3 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Dawkins knows just enough about the Bible to be dangerous.  My point is that love is not God's chief attribute.  God's chief attribute is holiness.  Dawkins is the one who is delusional.

    Dawkins speaks more scientifically than biblical refuting. People like Matt dillahunty are likely more dangerous having exclusively studied it for 25 plus years. Just started watching the atheist experience last couple of weeks...interesting.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    Macro evolution: i.e. changes in a species. Say bred for long hair vs short hair. That seems reasonable.

    This verse comes to mind: "He stretched the stars out in the heavens..". Could that easily be literal? Thus ages do no matter but the source does. If He decided to use planet earth to do this from, AU do not really matter much, nor Doppler, nor red-shift. However, we learned how to make radar from these benchmark ideas. So knowing about them is great for our creation of new things based on His ideas in the first place.

    Since I see literally that God made all that was made from nothing, it hold that He can have seven electrons zooming around one nucleus and it would work. I guess since He designed it all, and we are discovering His designs, it really does beg the question of His inclusion of our minds into the equation;  knowing that we could easily split the atom (BANG) or use nuclear isotopes medicinally.

    Evolution as my kids were force-fed in school is laughable - most of the proof texts were outdated and already debunked. Anyway, irreducible complexity seems to muddy the waters even for staunch evolutionists.

    Just a thought, but how do you evolve half and eye? Is not the organism quickly eaten whilst the other half evolves??

    Yes. There is a horrible amount of disinformation out there being fed to our children in schools... c'est la vie!


    Half an eye thing is an old and tired statement.

    Half an eye is useful for vision. Many organisms have eyes that lack some features of human eyes. Examples include the following:

    Dinoflagellates are single cells, but they have eyespots that allow them to orient toward light sources (Kreimer 1999).

    Starfish and flatworms have eyecups; clustering light-sensitive cells in a depression allows animals to more accurately detect the direction from which the light is coming from.

    Most mammals have only two kinds of color photoreceptors, allowing less color discrimination than most humans have. Some deep-sea fish can see only black and white.

    Visual prosthetics (bionic eyes) with as few as 16 pixels are found to be very useful by people who had become blind (Wickelgren 2006, Fildes 2007). 

    Humans themselves have far from perfect vision: 

    Humans see in only three colors. Some fish see five. (A very few women are tetrachromats; they have four types of color receptors; Zorpette 2000.)

    Humans cannot see into the ultraviolet, like bees.

    Humans cannot see infrared, like pit vipers and some fish.

    Humans cannot easily detect the polarization of light, like ants and bees.

    Humans can see only in front of themselves. Many other animals have far greater fields of view; examples are sandpipers and dragonflies.

    Human vision is poor in the dark; the vision of owls is 50 to 100 times more sensitive in darkness. Some deep-sea shrimp can detect light hundreds of times fainter still (Zimmer 1996).

    The range of distances on which one may focus is measured in diopters. A human's range is about fourteen diopters as children, dropping to about one diopter in old age. Some diving birds have a fifty-diopter range.

    The resolution of human vision is not as good as that of hawks. A hawk's vision is about 20/5; they can see an object from about four times the distance of a human with 20/20 vision.

    Humans have a blind spot caused by the wiring of their retinas; octopuses do not.

    The Four-eyed Fish (Anableps microlepis) has eyes divided in half horizontally, each eye with two separate optical systems for seeing in and out of the water simultaneously. Whirligig beetles (family Gyrinidae) also have divided compound eyes, so one pair of eyes sees underwater and a separate pair sees above.

    The vision of most humans is poor underwater. The penguin has a flat cornea, allowing it to see clearly underwater. Interestingly, the Moken (sea gypsies) from Southeast Asia have better underwater vision than other people (Gislén et al. 2003).

    Humans close their eyes to blink, unlike some snakes.

    Chameleons and seahorses can move each eye independent of the other.

    If you want to know what use is half an eye, ask yourself how you survive with much less than half of what eyes are capable of.


    Bahar, Sonya, 2002. Evolution of the eye: Lessons from freshman physics and Richard Dawkins. The Biological Physicist 2(2): 2-5.http://www.aps.org/units/dbp/newsletter/jun02.pdf


    Fildes, Jonathan. 2007. Trials for 'bionic' eye implants.BBC News, 2/16/2007.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6368089.stm

    Gislén, A. et al., 2003. Superior underwater vision in a human population of sea gypsies. Current Biology 13: 833-836. http://www.current-biology.com/content/article/abstract?uid=PIIS0960982203002902 See also Pilcher, Helen R., 2003. How to see shells on the sea floor,http://www.nature.com/nsu/030512/030512-14.html

    Kreimer, Georg, 1999. Reflective properties of different eyespot types in dinoflagellates. Protist 150: 311-323.http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/protist/content/issue3/Pro0021.pdf

    Wickelgren, Ingrid. 2006. A vision for the blind.Science 312: 1124-1126.

    Zimmer, Carl, 1996. The light at the bottom of the sea.Discover (Nov.): 62-66,71-73.

    Zorpette, Glenn, 2000. Looking for Madam Tetrachromat. Red Herring (4 Dec.),http://www.redherring.com/mag/issue86/mag-mutant-86.html (registration required)

    Unless you mean the eye is too complex to possibly evolve?

    This is the quintessential example of theargument from incredulity. The source making the claim usually quotes Darwinsaying that the evolution of the eye seems "absurd in the highest degree". However, Darwin follows that statement with a three-and-a-half-page proposal of intermediate stages through which eyes might have evolved via gradual steps (Darwin 1872). 

    photosensitive cell

    aggregates of pigment cells without a nerve

    an optic nerve surrounded by pigment cells and covered by translucent skin

    pigment cells forming a small depression

    pigment cells forming a deeper depression

    the skin over the depression taking a lens shape

    muscles allowing the lens to adjust

    All of these steps are known to be viable because all exist in animals living today. The increments between these steps are slight and may be broken down into even smaller increments. Natural selection should, under many circumstances, favor the increments. Since eyes do not fossilize well, we do not know that the development of the eye followed exactly that path, but we certainly cannot claim that no path exists. 

    Evidence for one step in the evolution of the vertebrate eye comes from comparative anatomy and genetics. The vertebrate βγ-crystallin genes, which code for several proteins crucial for the lens, are very similar to the Ciona βγ-crystallin gene. Ciona is an urochordate, a distant relative of vertebrates. Ciona's single βγ-crystallin gene is expressed in its otolith, a pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus. The origin of the lens appears to be based on co-optation of previously existing elements in a lensless system. 

    Nilsson and Pelger (1994) calculated that if each step were a 1 percent change, the evolution of the eye would take 1,829 steps, which could happen in 364,000 generations.


    Lindsay, Don, 1998. How long would the fish eye take to evolve? http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/creation/eye_time.html

    Ever seen the dover trial usa where the biologists debunk a bunk of irreducible complex arguements? Where Christians tried to stop evolution being taught? The bacterial flagellum most famously.

    In any case how do you demonstrate design and a designer demonstrably? Analogy...assertion... faith?  

    19 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    Since I see literally that God made all that was made from nothing

    You see that... can you demonstrate he did? In the universe big bang sense? 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Why don't we punish homosexuals with stoning?  Why don't we punish adulterers, and occultists, and false prophets and sabbath breakers with stoning to death as prescribed in Scripture?

    You kinda dodged? Do you think it a is sin? A leader of a main political party here in the uk said recently it was. Public backlash essentially forced him to resign. Not proving any point there..just out of interest. 

    2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    He is not a "loving" God;  He is a holy God who hates sin and punishes sin.

    I see. It's still moral relativism though. However I agree with you he's certainly not loving. Have you heard dawkins description of God based upon his biblical texts? Cited in the God delusion. Many christains say he is loving of course.. God not dawkins☺

    2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Yeah, anyone with a basic knowledge of nature knows that animals are not "homosexual."   What we often misinterpret as homosexual activity among animals is actually part of attempts to establish dominance, animals attempting to be the alpha male. 

    Absolutely agree but I wasn't talking about that. Studies of sheep for ex...some rams will not mate with females under any circumstances but readily do with males. Demostrated via a part of hypothalamus closer to female structure than male in males. Anyways probably sheep talk. 


  8. 1 hour ago, shiloh357 said:

    Torah observant Jews still follow those commandments, actually.   But they were not given to Christians to follow, only Israel.   It's not that they have been updated or abrogated.  It's simply the case that Christians are not oblgated to those commands, as they were never given to us to obey.

     I see.. thanks for the view. Seems a bizarre thing for a God to impose on section of the humanity. A holy book sanctioning owning people as property but don't eat shellfish.

    1 hour ago, shiloh357 said:

    When Israel was a theocracy, that was what they were told to do.  Christians are not commanded to do that and we don't do that.  We also don't kill homosexuals, or false prophets, or adulterers or Sabbath breakers.

    Ah moral relativism hey. Not a great argument for a loving God. Is homosexuality a sin? If it is why but not subject to a stoning.. how do you know?As a non believer ... non of this is moral under and circumstances. Not homosexual myself but I've no issue. Homosexuality occurs outside of us in other species..its natural and nature..google homosexuality in sheep for example. God made gay sheep... why? Those who think homosexuality is a sin...sheep are sinners? 

     They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. ... And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones.... And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses

  9. 15 hours ago, shiloh357 said:
    15 hours ago, Kevinb said:

    That's why its not rational to believe until you can. This applies to other scenarios and claims.

    No, it is rational believe with evidence.  If I could prove God's existence, it would no longer be a case of belief.

    So it's a good thing and better to sit in a position to prefer a belief that you can't prove. Ever been in a jury? Yikes.

    15 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Do you eat shellfish .. wear mixed fabrics? I suspect yes. If yes then you pick and choose what to take on board from the bible. 

    Not all commandments given in the Bible are for all people, for all time.   God gave Israel commandments, some of which were only for Israel and were not intended to be for all people.

    So later on its okay to eat shellfish and wear mixed fabrics? Has it been updated to say this...where? If not they still can't do this? 

    15 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Witches have no real power.  Wiccans are more of neo-pagan thing.  But there was a witch in the Bible, the Witch of Endor, who was just as fake as our witches of today.

    But we're instructed to kill them right?

  10. 11 hours ago, KiwiChristian said:
    15 hours ago, Enoch2021 said:

    1.  The key Problem for 'evolutionists' is defining what "evolution" IS.  

    2.  In the way they are Portrayed (In Secular Shangri La)...There are no: Galaxies, Stars, or Planets.

    So rejecting the secular... what are the stars then? Any evidence to corroberate?

    Quick search kiwi in big bang evidence lead to this link. Not pasting pages here as volume is massive as you'll see. Hope it helps.


    Incidentally if you think the big bang model is wrong. Doesnt ergo mean another is right. You still need to demonstrate evidence for some alternative or it's one big old arguement from incredulity and or ignorance fallacy.


    • Thumbs Up 1

    10 hours ago, Tristen said:

    I think this statement demonstrates a lack of objectivity on your behalf (which I hope you don’t take as a personal attack). In order for a claim to qualify as 'rational', it is only obligated to demonstrate logical consistency with its own premise. If you had considered the Biblical premise of a supernatural Creator of the entire universe, then it would have occurred to you that God is perfectly able to bring light into existence apart from the existence of stars. Furthermore, even today, mornings and evenings are first and foremost periods of time, which are subsequently marked by exposure to the sun (as the Bible states). So the current facts remain consistent with the Bible.

    I am not saying there defo is no God btw. Objectivity... not offended. It's only logical consistency that's needed? ..not enough..you must have evidence and God causation. This isn't demonstrated. You guys are Christian... every religious belief thinks they are right and have logical consistency. The brake discussion...i could just think it's wiring...cable..disks or pads or anything else but I'll not know the reason. It might seem logically consistent I think it's a brake cable but until I can demonstrate with evidence and cause it's not rational to assert the cause. 

    1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    This text sounds like day and night to me....prior to sun and stars text. 

    10 hours ago, Tristen said:

    there is always a gap between the observations, and our supernatural or historical claims – which can only be filled by faith. The exact same logical weakness applies to secular claims about the past; the same logical gap exists between the observations and the claims – meaning that confidence in these claims can only be filled by faith. In both cases, the faith is rational because the models can be supported by evidence (i.e. interpreted facts), but neither position can claim legitimate scientific confidence without appealing to fallacy (namely, Affirming the Consequent).

    If that's your view then your rational answer should be you have no explanation... you don't know...yet you assert a God did it. In your view gaps you perceive or issues with evolution.. big bang is just more work to be done.. more to learn.. that's a starting point.. adding another layer with God claims opens a whole load more issues on top that we can't even investigate.

    Evidence adds to theory...microwave background didn't have to be discovered it was a prediction that could have been falsified. If hubble had seen no red shift galaxies or opposite shift then that could have been a problem for big bang theory and could indicate a static universe.  Adding religious claims onto explanation has never helped our progress or understanding for centuries of science... in fact it's hindered it...less so now as it's forced to receed or accept. Thankfully people aren't executed for heresy in 2017 as they were..maybe Islam most covered.

    I'm just not getting the rational on presupposing a God then looking at evidence. Then presupposing one in particular... based on what? Seems kinda obvious it's based on culture... where you were born and what religion you were born into... and where in humanities history till this point you happened to be born. You disregard all the others bar one...i just go one further.... until demonstration and causational links otherwise based upon where and when I happened to be born I could easily be accepting any of them.

    11 hours ago, Tristen said:

    It therefore lacks objectivity to claim that only one model “conflicts with science”.

    If you mean I'm arguing against Christianity...i see them all the same for reasons I've said. 

  12. 5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    That would first require me to prove the existence of God, which I cannot.

    That's why its not rational to believe until you can. This applies to other scenarios and claims.

    To say you have evidence but not proof is contradictory.. the terms are essentially the same. 

    5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    faith yes. Faith needed in the absence of evidence.

    Faith never happens in the absence of evidence.  I have evidence for God's existence, but no proof. I don't ever claim to be able to "prove" anything.

    And again. What you have is observation and data then you assert God did it and does do things still but can't prove that as you've not demonstrated any mechanism or causation to God. 

    5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    I have provided evidence, which you have ignored.  I am not going to keep re-posting and re-posting only for you to brush it off.   I posted a link from Hugh Ross, an professional astronomer and you ignored that.  I have posted about the way nature reveals an intelligence behind it, and instead of inquiring further you, more or less, just laughed it off.   I have no evidence that you will accept.  And I think we both know that.   It's not that I don't have evidence, but you will not accept what can be provided.  I have no incentive to go deeper into the evidence I have if I believe you will just wave it off.

    I'll look again...ross the old earth creationist and supporter of the big bang as per creation site? Is his view supported in world astronomy and astrophysics? Beware of argument from authority fallacy.


    5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    That's not what I said.  I said your brakes worked fine 9 times out of 10.   But if you had reason to believe that 1 time out of 10 your brakes would fail, that alone would be enough to not operate the vehicle.   The point is that you don't have evidence the brakes would fail, you would have no qualms at all about getting in the car.  You wouldn't give it a thought.

    Well the evidence for brake issue initially is the brake fail 1 time out of 10... then further evidence could be break pads... This is all demonstrable and causation can be shown. This is nothing like faith in a supernatural being that's not demonstrable and causation can't be shown.. kinda false analogy.

    5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Just because you don't believe the Bible, that doesn't mean it's claims are false.

    Agreed. Doesn't mean they are true. Claims need to demonstrated to be true not asserted.

    5 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Eating, or not shell fish and wearing linen mixed with wool have nothing to do with the Bible's accuracy and truth claims.

    There are witches today.  Every heard of the Wiccans?  

    Yes Adam and Eve and a talking serpent... the Bible presents them as real characters/people.

    Do you eat shellfish .. wear mixed fabrics? I suspect yes. If yes then you pick and choose what to take on board from the bible. 

    What might the bible indicate what witches are? In terms of powers I mean? Do wiccans have powers too.. so this could be demonstrated as they are around in modern times?  If no powers we're just killing a portion of the population coz the bible says? Is this moral?

    We're a bit off thread aren't we. Hope others don't mind a little latitude.

    I appreciate the discussion Shiloh. I've never really heard the case of God like this. Most others just try to pick holes in current scientific understanding and offer little else.

  13. 51 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:
    1 hour ago, Kevinb said:

    And yet you can't demonstrate a link..ie no evidence leading to it but assertion and analogy. You have evidence but the conclusion is faith that can't be link demonstrated.

    No, I have evidence.  But I can tell that it would be a waste of time to present it, as you have already demonstrated that you will reject it out of hand any way.   I simply have no evidence that you would accept.

    You've only said stuff like God seems more likely..universe is intelligent... there has been no demonstrable link to God.. faith yes. Faith needed in the absence of evidence. Do you mean you have something else? I'll gladly read if you post. I don't dismiss stuff out of hand before reading it. 

    51 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    What I mean is this:   Would you drive or ride in a car if you had good reason to believe that the brakes of that car would work only 9 out of 10 times?  I don't think you would.  If, based on evidence, you had reason to believe that this car had brakes that would not work 100% of the time, you would not be in that car when it is moving.   

    Your car is serviced and you place faith in the technicians who work on it. 

    If I had evidence that my brakes were dodgy 9 times outta 10. That might be I hear noises when I applied the brake.. others in the car experienced this... seemingly the braking didn't slow me as before. This is demonstrable and we can look and find a causal link. Yes I'd take my car to the garage. I have confidence in people mending it..i can see the people working on it..i can see qualifications. If they mend my car and it stops failing in this way this increases my confidence in them. This is all demonstrated. It's not blind faith that I couldn't demonstrate. That's why I maintain its not the same faith as you indicate. I can experience my brakes failing...others can verify this...i can investigate a causal link like my brake pad wear for example being the cause of my brake issue. Also that this brake pad wear could be verified by others. Please demonstrate Enoch being 800 plus...please demonstrate virgin birth...please demonstrate God made the planets...please demonstrate any God involvement like i could demonstrate failing brake causation and confidence... not faith because it's demonstrable. Surely you see the difference. I'm sure what I've said on my car is the same thing you do and would agree on. I just conduct everything this way.. no doubt you do. You just have different criteria when it comes to our origins. 

    51 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    The Bible has an impeccable track record for being historically accurate and has never been proven wrong.  The Bible has not had to be updated to correct any error, because it possesses no error.   So I can fully trust based on the evidence that modern science and archeology keeps producing, that the Bible's account history and creation are true and accurate as written.

    No errors. Do you believe in witches?  Thou say not suffer a witch to live. Don't eat shell fish.  Don't wear 2 types of fabric. Anyways more on the thread... the bible creation story. Science supports Adam and eve..a talking snake? Please demonstrate this...Enochs age? 

  14. 12 hours ago, shiloh357 said:
    16 hours ago, Kevinb said:

    Faith based evidence?

    No, evidence-based faith.

    And yet you can't demonstrate a link..ie no evidence leading to it but assertion and analogy. You have evidence but the conclusion is faith that can't be link demonstrated.

    12 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    More accurately, I have no evidence you would accept.

    Seems that way. Leaps to faith only. 

    12 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    Faith is based on evidence in every context of our lives.  You exercise faith when you go to restaurant, drive a car, buy food at the grocery store.  We use faith all of the time, and all of it is based on evidence.

    Biblical faith is just as much based on evidence, as well. 

    Total Equivocation fallacy. 

    I have faith my car will work when I start it you mean? I have a level of confidence based on evidence. For one my car exists. Confidence it will start because it started the last thousand times. My car is serviced based upon a garage that I can see carrying out the work. People who's qualifications are on the wall ..via a college I have seen as have others. How do I need to invoke the supernatural..that I couldn't demonstrate that breaks laws of nature? 

  15. 1 hour ago, shiloh357 said:
    1 hour ago, Kevinb said:

    The burden of proof isn't for me to reject a claim that you can't investigate and demonstrate with imperial evidence...its on you to prove. Ergo the default not being until you prove invisible fairies don't exist in my garden it's true

    I didn't say you had any burden of proof, and I have not claimed to be able to prove God.   What I am saying is that you keep attempting to throw out my claims about God, but you so far, haven't offered any satisfactory reason why I shouldn't believe in God

      How do I falsify the unfalisifiable... something that can't be demonstrated. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. However yes this far I throw them out... You admit you can't prove them.. no one can so I can't throw them in. I don't conduct the rest of my life like this outside of God claims as I suspect you don't. If someone said to you... nothing to do with God here...accept claim x please...i can't prove it..throw out theory based on evidence and have faith... I'm sure you wouldn't. 

  16. 39 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:
    47 minutes ago, da_man1974 said:

    I kinda think a belief in God boils down to faith.  Either you have faith that He exists or you don't.  For me, I cannot foresee any situation that would make me believe that He doesn't exist.  There is just too much evidence in nature, peoples lives, etc.

    Yes, that is correct.  Biblical faith isn't a leap into the dark.  It is evidentiary by nature.  Faith always rests on a foundation of evidence.

    Faith based evidence? Essentially you assert a God involvement... You have no evidence. Statements based on faith and deny theories based on evidence because it conflicts positions based on faith...Mmmmm

  17. 45 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    I realize that you really want what I said be an argumentative fallacy, but it's not.

    Concluding that because you can't or refuse to believe something, it must not be true, improbable, or the argument must be flawed. https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/196/Argument-from-Incredulity

    If anyone is making the argument from incredulity is it you, not me.

    Nothing is about what I want...its about what can be demonstrated..or what has evidence to support the claim.  You are the one not accepting the evidence.. okay fine... now you assert God is most likely. Then admit you can't prove or demonstrate God.  what's your denominator for probability? Not having evidence or believing evidence and an explanation then asserting one anyway to which isn't demonstrable or investigatible is all kinds of fallacious..

    I'm not saying there is 100% no God I'm just not believing the claim that a supernatural being exists based on the evidence provided...not investigatible and not scientifically proven isn't then a good basis to reject evidence for an alternative then also I've got to add faith. Faith isn't a pathway to truth... faith is what you need in the absence of evidence to support the claim. What couldn't people believe on faith... fairies? Mohammeds winged horse? Enoch and others were hundreds of years old?  

    44 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    I don't think it proves God, but I think it proves that there is a designer or Creator behind it.   When you look closely at the absolutely incredible complexity of just a single cell, or a string DNA, it defies the notion that these things simply occurred on their own through wholly naturalistic processes. 

    I don't think it proves God either. Please demonstrate a designer... you're still in assertion ... analogy... faith. 

    42 minutes ago, da_man1974 said:

    I kinda think a belief in God boils down to faith.  Either you have faith that He exists or you don't.

    Thanks... that is more like something I can appreciate. This more sums it up for me. In the absence of evidence of involvement then it's faith. Faith isn't a good position to be in for me in this context as if anyone could prove involvement they would... and that would be evidence.

  18. 27 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    Despite this you keep saying the creation model provides evidence..last being that's why planets move the way they do. Again with a sigh what evidence of a God involvement? Assertion.. faith and anology as an answer?

    But you have not provided one satisfactory reason to reject the God of the Bible as the best explanation for the universe's existence and its ongoing processes that continue to pretty much work in order and overall uniformity. 

    The burden of proof isn't for me to reject a claim that you can't investigate and demonstrate with imperial evidence...its on you to prove. Ergo the default not being until you prove invisible fairies don't exist in my garden it's true

  19. 21 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    You see design because you recognise a perception of order and complexity.

    No, it's not a perception.  Biological systems really are very, very complex and yet very ordered.  And science depends on that.

    It's not your perception yet you offer nothing but analogy. You think complexity proves God?  Still gotta demonstrate that. 

    23 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    On Newton. He had a big God bias of course.. great in his day for sure..a valuable contribution. However his motion of planets wasn't complete.. Google Einstein's general relativity to predict the positions of mercury that Newton couldn't explain.

    Doesn't matter.  The point is that Newton and other scientists of his day many of whom formed the foundation of modern science and founded the Royal Society, had no problem accepting that God was the author of the wonders they were discovering.

    You mean presuppositions prior to darwin and further cosmological understanding. That doesn't help your case it harms it. Before we knew better people presupposed the earth was flat and was the centre of the universe to which everything went around. Let's not forget too what people were subjected to by religion back then when they had evidence which conflicted with doctrine 

  20. 5 hours ago, Kevinb said:

    It's a more rational explanation than anyone else can present.   The universe acts intelligently, and that is because there is an intelligence behind it that designed it and sustains it.   It is easier to believe that than to believe that it all happens by chance or happenstance.

    This statement culminating in the last sentence is a text book description of an argument from incredulity fallacy I'm afraid and this is where I cited it. Google the definition although I did provide it. Basically you don't see how the universe can be the way it is if it wasn't acting intelligently you will just dump in it is acting intelligently by means you admit can't be demonstrated or investigated to.. making it even worse. 

    Also that is an argument from ignorance fallacy...if you think science doesn't know more yet ...therefore God. Sorry you don't see that.  

  21. 2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:
    2 hours ago, Kevinb said:

    Yep I'm still not getting it's more rational to believe things you can't demonstrate or investigate. How does the universe act intelligently? Can you demonstrate that? We observe a universe so we should see the intelligence... please eloborate

    It's not that we cannot investigate God and the claims of the Bible.  The problem is that you have already shown that you are not willing to accept, as evidence, any evidence I can provide.  You are asking for a type of evidence that neither I, nor anyone else can provide, and I think you are well aware of that.   I think you know that you are asking for the impossible and that insulates you from having to do any serious consideration of the evidence that could be be presented to you.

    There is an intelligence, an order to the universe, right down to the smallest details, like how DNA strings contain information that is unique to each person as to what each person will look like.  The DNA strings are far too complex to leave to Evolution.

    Humanity is intelligent and that intelligence isn't the product of evolution.  Evolution cannot explain our ability to conceive and operate in the realm of the abstract, or in the area of morality.   The ability to understand self evident truths like freedom, equality, liberty are not the product of evolution.

    The order and uniformity of the universe is not only evidence of an intelligent Creator, but is needed to do  science.   Scientists must be able to make predictions and that is true in the field of astronomy.   The creation model provides evidence for why the stars and the planets move the way they do. 

    Newton said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but does not explain who put the planets in motion."


    2 hours ago, Kevinb said:

    That's a logical fallacy called an argument from incredulity btw.

    How is what I said a logical fallacy

    An arguement from incredulity:The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone decides that something did not happen, because they cannot personally understand how it could happen. Can overlap with an argument from ignorance fallacy too.

    There have been attempts to investigate scientifically...such as religious foundations funding research into prayer for the sick. Their own research showing its no better than chance or if there had been no prayer. 

    I'm honestly not being deliberately awkward here. You say we can investigate..i agree like the prayer study. I actually want to believe but I need good reasons to do it. You see design because you recognise a perception of order and complexity. Maybe like a car or computer program. However all I see is just analogy because of it. Course we've evidence of cars buildings being intelligently designed and made..factories..blueprints.. tooling marks..maybe we work in manufacture ourselves. Cars don't occur naturally as we can demonstrate... they don't reproduce etc. You think I'm not open to believe. However to acquire a good picture of reality we start with okay I don't know anything let's look at the evidence objectively based on solid reasoning and see where it goes.  I see religious people already asserting God or gods based on a book then go looking at reality and evidence. This leads to analogy ..bias and all sorts of things. We can't start our investigation with asserting God... which one... and for what reason? You dismiss the rest.. thousands that are now mythology same as I do..i just go one more until something demonstrable and credible has been put forward. 

    You say the kind of evidence is impossible yes very largely indeed it is...we agree the supernatural God claims can't be investigated so I'd need faith to some degree at least... the belief in the proposition in the absence of evidence.. This isn't how our understanding progresses. We can't go into a lab asserting faith into experiments or we'd be open to incorrect conclusions.

    Despite this you keep saying the creation model provides evidence..last being that's why planets move the way they do. Again with a sigh what evidence of a God involvement? Assertion.. faith and anology as an answer?

    On Newton. He had a big God bias of course.. great in his day for sure..a valuable contribution. However his motion of planets wasn't complete.. Google Einstein's general relativity to predict the positions of mercury that Newton couldn't explain.

  22. 2 hours ago, KiwiChristian said:

    Either God created everything, or NOTHING exploded and became SOMETHING.

    Why do you say nothing exploded..science doesn't say that. We're only able to investigate a split second afterwards and since.

    Nice copy and paste btw. There's a lot that's not supported here and fallacious. I'll deal with a couple..

    2 hours ago, KiwiChristian said:

    32. Uranus and Venus rotate backward compared to all the other planets. The other 7 rotate forward.

    The "backwards" planets and moons are in no way contrary to the nebular hypothesis. Part of the hypothesis is that the nebula of gas and dust would accrete into planetessimals. Catastrophic collisions between these would be part of planet building. Such collisions and other natural processes can account for the retrograde planets and moons. 

    The only moons that orbit retrograde are small asteroid-sized distant satellites of giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn, plus Triton (Neptune's large moon) and Charon (Pluto's satellite). The small retrograde satellites of Jupiter and Saturn were probably asteroids captured by the giant planets long after formation of the solar system. It is actually easier to be captured into a retrograde orbit. The Neptune system also contains one moon, Nereid, with a highly eccentric orbit. It appears that some sort of violent capture event may have taken place. The Pluto-Charon system is orbiting approximately "on its side," technically retrograde, with tidally locked rotation. As these are small bodies in the outer solar system, and binaries are likely to have been formed through collisions or gravitational capture, this does not violate the nebular hypothesis. 

    Uranus is rotating more or less perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. This may be the result of an off-center collision between two protoplanets during formation. Venus is rotating retrograde but extremely slowly, with its axis almost exactly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The rotation of this planet may well have started out prograde, but solar and planetary tides acting on its dense atmosphere have been shown to be a likely cause of the present state of affairs. It is probably not a coincidence that at every inferior conjunction, Venus turns the same side toward Earth, as Earth is the planet that contributes most to tidal forces on Venus. 

    Orbital motions account for 99.9% of the angular momentum of the solar system. A real evidential problem would be presented if some of the planets orbited the sun in the opposite direction to others, or in very different planes. However, all the planets orbit in the same direction, confirming the nebular hypothesis, and nearly in the same plane. 

    2 hours ago, KiwiChristian said:

    Enceladus has an extremely smooth surface, whereas other moons are much rougher.

    The moon's surface is ice and newer and more readily resurfaced than rock. Any impacts generate heat and would reform and refreeze.  Anyways here's one of many links. 


    There are answers and debunks all over the net go look. I'll not fill pages here. In any case if there are things we don't know... then we don't yet know... look how much has been learnt last 400 years. To say if there is something we don't yet  know therefore God did it is an argument from ignorance fallacy. 

    2 hours ago, KiwiChristian said:

    How did the gas push itself into solids?

    The sun?  You do understand the sun is a nuclear fusion pressure reactor essentially.. bigger stars forming heavier elements? I'll pay you the respect it's not a flat magic disk however some here do extrapolation from the bible indicting flat earth to think this



  23. 10 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:
    13 minutes ago, Kevinb said:

    Doesn't mean its not true I agree. Doesnt mean it is either. Why believe something you can't investigate or demonstrate. Yet you say it's more rational to believe in something you can't demonstrate or investigate..interesting.

    It's a more rational explanation than anyone else can present.   The universe acts intelligently, and that is because there is an intelligence behind it that designed it and sustains it.   It is easier to believe that than to believe that it all happens by chance or happenstance.

    Yep I'm still not getting it's more rational to believe things you can't demonstrate or investigate. How does the universe act intelligently? Can you demonstrate that? We observe a universe so we should see the intelligence... please eloborate

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