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Wolf Bridges

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Posts posted by Wolf Bridges

  1. Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the “DNC emails” Wikileaker: Confirmed

    New electronic evidence confirms Seth Rich had contact with Wikileaks before his death


    WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — It’s really no secret why Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered almost a year ago, nor has it been, considering how Hillary Clinton’s Fmr. campaign adviser John Podesta, along with his fellow campaign manager Robbie Mook, and a gentleman by the name of Joel Benson were found to have plotted to ‘make an example’ of the “suspected leaker” for interacting with Wikileaks, the organization that ultimately released the damning “DNC emails” which cost Rich his life last June.

    It’s also apparent that law enforcement investigators were told to stand down and to portray Rich’s murder as a botched robbery and it’s apparent that the cover-up orders came from above. Read more @ Intelihub


    How can police call this a robbery? When nothing was taken from the body of the young man that was shot in the back? 


  2. 58 minutes ago, GoldenEagle said:

    Oh I'm not trying to defend the Meme itself but to engage others in how we view so-called "evidence" of Christ-like living.

    So let me rephrase my question.

    8. Are fruits of the Spirit what we do (of our own will) or what God does through us (of His own will).

    God bless,


    I'd think the two should be indistinguishable when we're to live like Christ. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Davida said:

    Sorry Wolf, long day....so that is your claim that it was just for the church of Corinth. I disagree.  Imo,  Paul saying the faithful in Christ is not male or female - has absolutely Nothing to do with Paul saying women can not be Pastors and does in no way contradict what he said in 1Tim2.   - as I said before Paul anchored his statement to Genesis to scripture making it a doctrinal statement.  By choosing to ignore or discount what Paul says as applying to the present , you must also ignore what Titus says , "An elder must be the husband of one wife"  Where does the disavowing scripture  & reinterpreting it to suit contemporary desires end?

    Titus 1:5-9 " 5For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, 6namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. 7For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, 8but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, 9holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.

    Believe it, I know long day. Phew. Thank God it is almost over and we can both relax. :)

    I don't think we'll agree on this issue so I'm going to let it drop. I respect anyone's right to believe God doesn't call women to deliver the good news of his son to the world. I happen to disagree. When we are all one in Christ there's no addendum that makes exception to the "all".  

    Blessings. Have a peaceful evening. :)

  4. 2 minutes ago, GoldenEagle said:

    Hiya Willa :) 

    Please explain further the concept of majoring on minors?

    I agree there can be great wounds that need healing. What do you mean by this though?

    What about external scales? Can you speak to that?


    Hiya Wolf :)

    True enough! So how do these fit in with our walk with Christ? 

    "attendance, tithing, hemline attention, easy-listening music, passivity, and denial; volunteerism, dressing up on Sundays, and superiority"

    God bless,

    Hiya Golden, :) 

    Do you have scriptures to support those? "attendance, tithing, hemline attention, easy-listening music, passivity, and denial; volunteerism, dressing up on Sundays, and superiority"


    What Are the Epistles?

    The New Testament Epistles Are Letters to the Early Churches and Believers

    • 1 Timothy (Pastoral Epistle) - The book of 1 Timothy describes Christ-centered living in the Christian church, both for leaders and members.
    • 2 Timothy (Pastoral Epistle) - Written by Paul just before his death, 2 Timothy is a moving letter, teaching us how we can be confident even during hardship.
  6. 4 hours ago, Davida said:

    Does whether or not people obey the Word of God validate it's Truth?

    You seem to be saying yes in matters concerning women pastors. Or is it just a selective article in scripture that you're adamant about? Even going so far as to imply people aren't really in Christ when they disagree with your perspective on the issue. 

    While ignoring what has been said about Paul's letter to the church in Corinth. That that edict was for the church in Corinth and does not apply today. Namely because, as should be obvious, Paul said of the faithful in Christ that there is no male or female. Which would revoke the gender roles being argued in this thread today as it did when Paul first gave the word of the Lord to the readers. And that would mean that God calls whom he will in service to him. 

    Ignoring those scriptures in favor of one that was exclusive to a church in Corinth , as the Timothy Epistles were, isn't actually validating the truth. It's obscuring the facts in favor of a certain prejudice against women. 


  7. Just now, OneLight said:

    And you missed my explanation that I was speaking of this thread, not other threads. 

    Then you must have missed the beginning of that discourse on first page with Running Gator in this thread. 

  8. 40 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    My word are "None of these posts says women cannot work in ministry.  Some say they cannot hold specific offices, but never a blanket statement like you claim.".  Notice very carefully that I did not refer to threads, but posts, meaning posts within this thread.

    Then you missed the thread titles that said , ShouldWomen Be In Leadership Positions in Church? and "Women"Pastors, .... you say?

    Two examples of thread titles that contain posts that argue women cannot be in leadership positions in church. And that includes the pastoral . 

  9. 1 hour ago, Riccardo said:

    Thats correct brother Wolf Bridges, it is a personal decision, if you look at the 4th commandment it says nothing at all about fasting. 

    That is correct. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. If someone chooses to fast in taking that day to celebrate the Sabbath that is their right. Jesus fasted. The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, other one said:

    I think that other than saying that we shouldn't be judging their eternal status was the reasons why people kill themselves.   Three of the people I spoke of were very close to me and i had lengthy discussions with them during their lives....   one a very close niece that broke my heart, the second was a work person who I had spent years discussing just about every facet of life there is.   The third was a gentleman that I had coffee with almost every morning since I retired in 2009.   The other three I really shouldn't discuss for their situations were rather private and i don't know if they would want to be discussed.

    I cared a lot about all six of them and two of them literally broke my heart.

    But reasons why people kill themselves should be discussed so others can understand, and I personally take offense of putting things in the perspective that they had faulty brains and was the cause of their demise.  That simply was not the case in these that I am aware of....   and all the secular scientists in the world can't know unless they know the people personally and with them shortly before they die.

    If you know or hear of someone who is thinking of taking their own lives the worst thing you can think is that they have a brain chemistry problem, and the worst thing that one can tell them.  And I will spend my life telling people such.

    We have people that come here that are suicidal, and if I hear anyone telling them they have a brain chemistry problem I'll do everything in my power to get them permanently banned.  It would be my personal preference that this whole thread be deleted.

    While I find that deeply offensive and insensitive, I'll simply say that learning chemical neurotransmitters have everything to do with people living their lives understanding their place in this world. Being intolerant of that fact to the point of wanting to get people banned for discussing those facts is something very wrong. And in my opinion deeply selfish. 

    It is an inextricable fact that brain chemistry and chemical neurotransmitters are all factors that activate the brain that tells the individual what life is. And chemical imbalance makes for an imbalance in that personal identity and world view. You don't have to agree with that. However, I think that your opinion being as strongly opposed to that fact so much so that you would seek to get people banned for discussing what science has discovered is not fair to people who may seek to understand themselves better happening into a Christian community where suicide is being discussed. 

    The Brain and Mental Illness

  11. 29 minutes ago, Spock said:

    Good stuff wolf. Thanks.

    i have a lot of respect for davida, because she tries to follow the words of the Bible exactly as they are written.  That is a beautiful thing, someone with that much commitment to the word.

    however, is that the best and correct way to interpret the Bible?  Some may say yes, but some may say no. I don't think most people would agree that every word should be taken literally from Genesis to Revelation, or even from Matthew to Revelation if you believe the OT is only for Jews and not for the church. 

    Do you consider culture?  Does this even matter?  If women were not allowed an education back then, does that matter?  Should we transpose that culture bias to ours today? 

    How about the intent of the book? Does it matter if it is in a letter form addressed to one person? One particular church? 

    The deeper you get into this, the more challenging it becomes.

    or.......you could just say, "this is too hard to figure out, so I will just apply the words as they are written back then to today without any other factors to consider."  This way may be the easiest, but is it the best way?  Is it the correct way? 

    To be or not to be.....that is the question! Lol

    Food for thought perhaps? 


    Yes, culture is certainly part of the times Paul was speaking of. And the ancient Jews in his time were very strict in the roles of women being just so. 

    Paul was a Pharisee. He knew the law and he knew how the law was applied to men and women. 

    I believe that is what makes Paul's declaration about our being one in Christ so outstanding. Because of the culture of the time being one that communicated just the opposite when it came to women and their place. And also as pertained to other cultures and intercourse with them. 

    Paul's declaring there are no divides between the Greek culture and the Jew, or men and women, was radical in those times. Only God could make such a decree as that. Man's laws divide. God's covenant unites. 

  12. 43 minutes ago, Willa said:

    Giving honor and deference to my husband is a way of honoring God and His words.  Just because woman are not to lead in the organized church doesn't mean that we can't be in charge of other parachurch organizations.  Our pastor's wife is the acting principal of our Christian school.  She stepped into the role when no man could be found.  Likewise women may be in management roles in evangelical groups like Youth for Christ, hospitals or orphanages.

    We are not to be head pastors.  But our head pastor claims that the secretaries run the church.  They were in charge of decorating the sanctuary, choosing carpet etc.  Much can be delagated to women, but we should not be in charge of men or of teaching men.  It sounds like women can prophecy under the authority of her husband.

    1Co 14:3  On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.

    1Co 11:5  but every wife who prays or prophesies........

    This is differentiated from teaching and is allowed of women under authority to speak inspired words to encourage and console the church, or to pray.  

    Women desiring to be in authority over men in the church is like the apple in the garden.  It is the one thing we are denied so some women pout, throw tantrums or rebel to our shame.  Contentment is much better and brings so much peace.

    You're suppose to honor your husband. And he you. You're united as one in marriage. 

    The scriptures don't say God said to the whole world of the faithful who are one in Christ that one gender is not able to preach. Saying that and arguing that is first moving from an ideal that is being argued. That which in this case says, God will not call women into his service to deliver the good news. 


  13. How does ABC swing in its politics? 

    Old act bands boycotted a state to make their political statement. 
    We're a nation where the first right is the freedom to speak your mind and as such hold an opinion.  Now, that right is still exercised. Because there is no constitutional right to not be persecuted for what you say.

    It's like we're evolving the McCarthy era black list.  Keyword then? Communist. 

    But we've moved from that any number of keywords that will trigger punishment against those thought worthy. 

    Meanwhile, America has come a long way. Now we trade with Communists, and send them our jobs.

  14. 3 hours ago, other one said:

    I did and am not impressed.  The information has been around for a long time and has done no good in helping people with the problem........  But I can tell you from experience if you want to stop a suicide make them understand that they matter greatly to the people close to them.  The other reason I have heard a few talk about but not experienced is revenge.  A few people kill themselves to hurt someone around them.

    Seeing all our thoughts are chemical and electrical reactions, they are basically the same. If one takes the spiritual realm out of our lives our whole existence is chemical and electrical reactions.....  life itself.....  so it's no wonder that the general thought would be that these things just went astray.  But the same electrical and chemical process causes people to lie, cheat, murder and all kinds of sin, so if you are going to say killing yourself should not keep you from heaven, then neither should murder, rape or hating your neighbor.

    Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying all who kill themselves will go to hell; I'm saying we don't have the authority to make that decision one way or another.  I would think that there would not be any single answer that would be right.  It is not a yes or no question. 

    I've decided to chime in because of the two of you going back and forth for awhile. Please understand this is in love. 

    Wouldn't the best answer be, it is God's domain and mercy  that awaits the suicide. 

    And leave it at that. Showing compassion for the issue itself being personal experience of any kind speaking on the subject of self-murder is personal and emotionally connected to that speaker. That too is nothing we are fit to judge because we do not live the life that knows those who want to suicide. Or, have. Nor do we know those lives that live in a dark place where killing self to escape self suffering is considered an option. 

    Our opinion of suicide is our own. Just as the pain of those in any way associated with the topic on a personal level whatever is their own. 

    How are we fit to judge that , a mere opinion on the subject of suicide, personal or impersonal, when we're saying behind that or in defense of that opinion that we're not fit to judge what happens to the soul of a person who takes their own life? 

    We can't judge the dead? But we can judge the living? 

    In all things show love, compassion. How do we argue someone's personal opinion about suicide at all? When that very act is a personal effort to change their mind to fit to our way of thinking them approved . 

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