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Arthur Durnan

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Posts posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. Israel, by no means, is the only MidEast country that should be considered re housing the new state. Check the 22 Arab entities surrounding Israel. With respect to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan & the "West Bank", The UN designated biblical lands of Judea and Samaria as Arab lands, not giving them to Jordan or Israel.....and Israel SHOULD have got them, not only because of Israeli history but because Israel received LESS THAN 50% of the land it HAD BEEN PROMISED in the original British declaration. When Jordan formally annexed the "West Bank", it was entirely resented by Arab states as well as Israel. The "Territories" are NOT "Palestine" OR Israeli, but DISPUTED Territories, nothing more, nothing less, nothing other.

    Arab entities must show THEIR abiding love for THEIR VERY OWN brethren living in squalor in Gaza, etc. and extend the hand of welcome to a fair share of them without delay or dispute. And certainly the 22 Arab entities must also extend to Jewish people the same right Israel extends to its Arab citizens, representation in Arab parliaments or what passes as such.


  2. Socialist Sweden's jaundiced "exhibit" glorifying the massacre of Jewish people disguised as "art" fully deserves the waste-basket category hesto-presto. The Israeli Ambassador to Sweden, Zvi Mazel, in our books, stands alone without competition for receiving the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize in that his action will probably contribute more to challenging the pro-Adolph Hitler mind-set which automatically accepts brain-washed Muslim homicide-bombers than all the hebetudinous seaside photo-op political junkets world-wide.

    The pro-Adolph Hitler mind-set tends to be alive and "well" today throughout Islamic regimes as "holy warriors" fall over each other attempting to emulate in some small way the depraved methodology of the Wehrmacht. The goal of Islamic Jihad is still world conquest. Simply pause long enuf to check out Islam's 13-century record of plunder, rape and genocide which surely discredits that particular religion outright.

    Perhaps Serge Triekovic said it best in "Sword of The Prophet": "Islam is a collective psychosis seeking to become global, and any attempt to compromise with such madness is to become part of the madness oneself." And one of the world's greatest Orientalists, Sir. William Muir, wrote: "The sword of Muhammad & the Qur'an are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty and truth which the world has yet known."

    Congrats are in order for Israeli Ambassador Zvi Mazel!

    God bless America.


  3. It';s certainly as clear as the nose on the face of Pinocchio that one can be saved only as many times as Jesus Christ died on the cross. If a person ciould be lost again after he's saved, he coukld never be saved again unless Jesus would return and die a second time, or a third time, or a fourth time in that the FIRST crucifixion of the saviour was totally IN SUFFICENT to guarantee everlasting salvation.

    It's school-obvious that "becoming saved again & again" is not possible in view of Hebrews 6:4-6 which plainly states it's "IMPOSSIBLE to be renewed again unto repentance." IMPOSSIBLE means IMPOSSIBLE. THINK: NO renewal! NO "re-salvation"! NO "getting back on the road to Heaven"! What a horrendoius state of affairs! Those who teach a "O.S.T.R.T.R.T.R." philosophy (ie, "Once Saved, Then Re-Lost, Then Re-Saved, Then Re-lost") had better not become "UN-saved" OR hell will be their jaundiced lot!

    It's IMPOSSIBLE to be "saved twice" because one's very "loss of salvation" the first time would mean that the precise moment the Christian sins (James 2:10) after he has been converted, he could never be "re-saved" and he'd be hopeless. This would constitute no Gospel at all. This would in reality be a "Gospel of Myself Keeping Myself Saved!" I praise God that "He is able to keep me from falling". Thank You, Lord Jesus! All glory to the Lamb!

    I HAVE passed (PAST tense) from (eternal) death to (eternal) life. Not "will", but "HAVE". I AM "born of the Spirit", not WILL BE, but AM. I AM a "NEW creation (2 Cor. 5:17), with NEW life from above, a NEW name, a NEW nature with NEW desires. As for my daily walk: "Shall I continue in sin, that grace may abound? GOD FORBID! How shall we that ARE DEAD to sin, live any longer therein?" Here, then, is the precise biblical answer to the "Jimmy Swaggarts" & "Jim & Tammy Bakker's" who "hope" in themselves to "keep from being re-lost." Not US - but HIM! AMEN & All Glory to the Lord Jesus!


  4. Don't be led astray by the "Jehovah's False Witnesses" of Charles Taze Russell's & Joseph Franklin Rutherford's infamy. Their plan of salvation is essentially a plan of damnation which rests upon horrendous misinterpretations of Holy Writ coupled with a long, long list of contradictions. They deny the essential Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ......also the Holy Trinity......also a literal heaven and hell - re the former, it's "filled already with 144,000"; re the latter, it's but the grave itself, although the word for grave, ie queber, is very different from sheol, hades, genenna!......even their very name, ie, "Jehovah's Witnesses" was plagiarized from Isaiah 43:verses 1 & 10 - these two words, "Jehoivah's Witnesses" not appearing anywhere TOGETHER in Holy Writ! Jesus Christ himself told us to be witnesses OF HIM in Acts Chapter 1. In view of that, "Jesus' Witnesses" would be much more appropriate AND BIBLICAL for all who believe & teach what the Bible says - and, of course, that DOESN'T include "Jehovah's False Witnesses."

    When they come to your door, get their names, addresses & phone numbers and send them carefully-selected Bible tracts on the new birth of God in Christ Jesus. They will not want to give this info to you, BUT INSIST ON IT in view of the fact that they know where YOU live, and will probably also know your name within the first few minutes. ONWARD FOR JESUS! "Go you into all the world and preach the Gospel...." AMEN INDEED! And Thank You, Lord Jesus!


  5. Sorry, but I don't read ANYWHERE in Holy Writ of a person being "born THRICE" or "born again, and again, and again, ad infinitum, which would have to be the case if one could be saved, re-lost, re-saved, re-lost on into the night." When The Lord Jesus Christ says, "I give unto them eternal life and they shall never (Greek, comay - a TRIPLE NEGATIVE!) perish," I tend to think He really means it! Some kinbd folk have a knack, I fear, for pure imagination.

    Thank You, Lord Jesus, for everlasting salvation so full & free, wrought by Your precious blood! I will never cease to thank You!


  6. ALL the lands mentioned by one who goes by the moniker of "IdolSmasher" (and sounds a lot like Canadian socialist Jean Chretien) are certainly NOT friends of the Jewish people. Twenty-two States joined together by their hatred of Israel and carrying the designation of The Arab League. SOME "Arab League" indeed! All of them in cahoots with Mohammad's Qur'an and its continual call for the ELIMINATION of "infidels" and "renegades." There is NO doubt about it..."IdolSmasher" has yet to peruse the Qur'an and its seventy-six "holy wars" re non-Muslims. One supposes (and rightly so?) that he his theme song is la illaha illa allah, Mohammad rasul allah? Allahu Akbar! Now back to StarBucks of America for one expresso and a small rice cake.

    God bless America!

    President Bush in a BLOW-OUT in 04!


  7. Well spoken, my pro-Palestinian & pro-Muslim observer! If you're neither, you certainly came from THEIR side of the tracks on this presentation. Israelis are not into terrorism by any stretch of anyone's very vivid imagination. Israeli defence operations are precisely that: defence operations against murderous Islamic jihadists bent on the total destruction of the Israeli State. Israelis RETALIATE, you'll take care to carefully notice, after Muslim murderers blow up innocent Jewish women and children. "Holy warriors" are the offspring of one, warrior-general Mohammad of Yathrib & his mental meanderings in his Qur'an calling for the extermination of "infidels" and "renegades," meaning, of course, non-Muslims. Islamic mujahedeen all! Take time to mull over the fact that the Islamic code-book underscores seventy-five terrorist raids starting in 628 A.D. And why not spend half a shake anyways with a beautiful Surah entitled, "The Spoils Of War"? And Surah 530b is also marvellous beyond words: re how to deal with all "infidels". Verrry interesting and verrry instructive, no? God bless all the "peace-loving" Mullahs and their nukes (or attempts at such)! Hmmm....spend time in the hottest hell! Very uplifting indeed. And God bless the tiny Nation of Israel - the size of Rhode Island - in a sea of hostile invaders!

    Halt your homicide bombings....call off your brain-washed stooges hoping for an early - and quite imaginary - "70-virgins paradise"....destroy all your anti-Semitic, pro-Hitler educational literature in Palestinian institutions....and publicly denounce all of Mohammad's Medina Surahs for starters, and maybe, just maybe a light will appear at the end of the Mid-East tunnel. Twenty-two Arab nations - and NOT ONE willing to accommodate their own people! Yet the Jewish State opens its doors to Muslim representation in its Knesset! Drop us a line when Saudi Arabia, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Northern Nigeria, Syria on into the nite dares open THEIR doors to Jewish (or Christian, or Buddist, or Hindu) representation in any measure.

    And when you get time from your "Down with World Jewry!" schedule, pick up a copy of the very latest volume by one, Craig Wynn, "Prophet Of Doom," about the nefarious ways of the very founder of Islam, warrior-general Mohammad of Yathrib. It'll knock your socks off.

    Have a great & relaxing evening!

    God bless America!


  8. If ANY of these Democratic candidates for President ever win their party's nomination - and certainly one of them will - President George W. Bush is guaranteed a smashing re-election come November 04. The leading Democratic candidate now, Howard Dean of UltraLib Vermont, will guarantee president Bush EVERY U.S. State except perhaps the Clown Prince of Chappaquiddick's bailiewick of Massachusetts. Dean is a ruthless political buccaneer and if one doesn't like what he says, should simply wait a while. He would be all things to all people more so than any other candidate.

    Dean is a nineteenth-century man fighting wars long decided by the American electorate. Socialism is his particular gospel; Unitarianism would be an ideal religion for him; and rank agnosticism could ID him quite correctly. I mean, what essential difference could there possibly be between Howard Dean and the far-left ACLU? To ask is to answer.

    Kerry is a born-loser. Gephardt the hand-maiden of Big Unionism. Sharpton's a laugh. The rest can be bundled up and entered into a Democratic Party yard-sale. They would bring in much return, in our books. Over and out for the Far-Left in 04.

    God bless America indeed!


  9. Please permit me to join in the celebration as well. Indeed a Blessed Christ-centered Christmas to one and all, PLUS a Christ-centered New Year 2004.

    And, yes, I most certainly agree wholeheartedly that the Manger and the Cross are but a short step from each other. Further, the very death of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary was a once-is-forever event according to Hebrews 10:14. No need now for any additional sacrifices by Jesus Christ on the cross, including, of course, sacrifices re the Mass. If the Lord Jesus Christ died ONCE for ALL sins for ALL TIME, what need is there for additional Calvarys? Excellent query. Give a moment to Hebrews 10:14-22. AMEN!

    Run with it!

    God bless America!


  10. Quite straightforward, my Dear Watson....In order for a self-styled "atheist" to say "There is no God!" must, of course, mean that he/she has personally visited EVERY planet and, indeed, every galaxy including undiscovered ones yet, in order to know whether or not God exists on a particular one! "Atheists" never cease to amaze me with their outstanding naivete and schlock. One more "no God" bluff from the inert, blind & mindless god Chance people and who knows, maybe schadenfreude will become the order of the day? I hope not.

    Hey, Darwin Kiddo, where exactly are you now that they REALLY need you?

    And certainly Happy New Year indeed!

    God bless America!


  11. And so the OSTRTRTR crowd continues to drone on about what? - the "joy" of losing, then re-gaining, then re-losing and then re-gaining their "everlasting" salvation, not quite realizing that even ONE sin will keep them out of Heaven! Hmmm. No, of course not, everlasting salvation is NOT a "licence to sin" at all -check out the Apostle Paul in Romans 6:1,2, "God FORBID." The person who truly loves the Lord Jesus Christ will not walk like a devil nor live like one (Romans 12:1,2; 1 Corinthians 15:34. AMEN!

    And, oh, the frustration on the part of the OSTRTRTR crowd who cannot be absolutely certain that at any given moment they are certain of Heaven. It must pick at their craw to "keep up" their everlasting salvation in order to hope that the eternal home may indeed be theirs. Sorry, friends, but I much prefer to live for Jesus Christ and to actually BELIEVE His momentous assurance that "no man shall pluck me out of His hands" and that I "shall never, never, never (comay, in the Greek, a triple negative!) perish." Please be sure to take THAT precious promise to the altar the next time you come wondering whether or not you're truly saved. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for your glorious, blood-bought salvation which, if it's anything less than everlasting, isn't Your salvation at all!

    It is impossible according to Holy Writ to be saved TWICE. Our friends conveniently overlook this fact. If you can be lost after you are saved and can never be saved again, this would mean, of course, that the very moment the Christian sins after he has been converted, he could never be saved again and he'd be absolutely hopeless. That would be no Gospel at all.

    And too, our friends who refuse to believe in everlasting salvation - the ONLY type offered by Jesus Christ - by force of logic, have to acceed to the fact that they believe that a person MUST DIE PERFECT to go to Heaven!! May I enquire: Are you PERFECT right now? Check first 1 John 1:8 before you answer.

    One must never confuse the "works' salvation & paradise" offered by Muslims, Buddhists and Roman Catholics with the Bible's "For by grace are you saved thru faith.....not of works...." of Ephesians 2:8,9. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for your EVERLASTING salvation thru the blood of the cross!


  12. And so, after all the OSTRTRTR crowd have made their distracting gestures......... oh, that's the ONCE SAVED, THEN RE-LOST, THEN RE-SAVED, THEN RE-LOST........there still remains the incense to their own conclusions rather than to the very warning of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:23, "And then I will profess unto them, I NEVER knew you; depart from Me, you that work iniquity." When do you suppose the Saviour will consider revising His striking words to read, "And then I will profess unto them, I USED TO KNOW YOU ONCE, BUT ALAS, I DON'T KNOW YOU NOW!" Let me hear as soon as Jesus revises it!

    It's as dumb as a box of hammers to suggest that a man can be saved (from what?), then "re-lost" (by committing ONE sin!), then become "re-saved" (for how long this time?!), then "re-lost" (by committing ONE sin again!), then "re-saved"...........pray tell, what heinous type of "salvation" is THAT? Are you saved, brother, or are you lost - or don't you know? What a vainglorious predicament to be in!

    I praise the Lord for the glorious fact that "no one can pluck them out of My hand," and "they shall NEVER, NEVER, NEVER (in Greek, comay, a double negative!) perish!" HALLELUJAH! Thank You, Jesus!


  13. Pray tell, has Shaman merged with Elizabeth Arden? Judging by the beautiful cosmetic job he has performed on the striking warnings of the Lord Jesus Christ re the Saviour as the only Door, as the Way being located in only one Person, and as the Apostle Peter put it quite succinctly in Acts 4:12, ie, "no other name" re being "saved," it would surely appear so.

    Siddhautha Gautama, Warrior Mohammad and Brahma & friends, MORE ways thru the Pearly Gates? That's as dumb as a box of hammers. The height of all grotesque absurdity indeed! As I've said somewhere before, it's like putting lipstick on a pig to make it look attractive. Straighten up and fly right!


  14. Uh-huh, I get it now....one can be saved, re-lost, re-saved, re-lost, re-saved. re-lost until, I guess, the cows come back home. One can be born again, and then again, and then again, on into the nite until one doesn't really know (or care perhaps?) WHAT one truly is. All verrry interesting to say the least. So might there be EVEN ONE SMALL EXAMPLE of someone in the Holy Bible who was saved, then re-lost, then re-saved EXPLICITLY SO STATED? That dog can't hunt, friendlies! It's as colorful, I believe, as a box of crayolas.

    1 John 5:13, of course, is what we all really should spend a moment with!

    Thank you, Jesus, for Your gift of everlasting life thru the blood of Your cross!


  15. For all that oine can say and deeply appreciate re President George Bush, the undeniable FACT remains that he is still a POLITICIAN, and politicians get elected by appealing (1) to their own special interest group, and (2) to the general voters at large. On the issue of Islamic terrorism, President Bush has chosen the path of expediency rather than the high road of principle. Perhaps he has never perused the Qur'an, all 114 Surahs, or he would not think for a split second that Allah, the pre-Mohammad Sun God of the Northern Arabian Pensinsula is in all actuality Jehovah God of Israel and the Creator God of the universe.

    I chalk it up to the FACT that the President is playing to the general voting public, including Muslims, when he thinks both are the same.

    God Bless America!


  16. The so-called "middle way" is quite understandle and attested to by Islamic warriors wherever they're in the MAJORITY position in any nation. It simply means DESTRUCTION of Israel & her compatriots especially The United States of America, and the establishment of a Qur'an-based philosophy at pain of death. Mujahedeen and their nukes, all!

    Take Northern Nigeria, take Sudan, take Somalia, trake Iran, take Libya, take Mindanao, take Batalan or Jolo, take Syria & the Hassad regime, take Saudi Arabia, take the mullahs & compatriots of Iraq - and what one is taking is essentially the OBLITERATION of non-Muslims. Holy kismat indeed!

    Those associates of Mohammad and his nefarious tenets of conquering via bloodshed are truly a mite unhinged if they wish level-headed folk to join their Terror Crusades.

    In the MINORITY position, Islam preaches "peace, equality & tolerance." In the MAJORITY position, lo and behold, Islam takes on a new, deadly face of Kill, Kill, and Kill again! Allah Akbar indeed - Mohammad Atta's murderous shout as he plunged 2500 innocents into eternity - but NOT the god of Mohammad to be sure.

    God bless America!


  17. Let's ditch that old Muslim cry of "peace verses" in the Qur'an. It's but a cunning attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of interested observers. The FACT of those "peace verses" is precisely THIS - all of them occur in the Islamic Al-Madinah Surahs, and represent thos which were "given to Mohammad" AFTER he had firmly established himself as the supreme and paramount warrior-general ruler, and was in the beautiful position to SHARPLY DICTATE ALL TERMS to enemies! This FACT, of course, makes all the difference when discussing "peace verses" in the Qur'an versus Mohammad's call to bloody battle. There are none so blind as those who.........

    Mohammad: man of violence; Jesus Christ, Man of peace.

    God bless America!


  18. I totally agree without the minutest of reservations. Palestinians exist for the complete obliteration of the State of Israel lock, stock & barrel. It picks my craw, I can tell you, that they and their Muslim compatriots have hated Jewish people & everything they represent since the later stages of Mohammad of Yathrib's very life. Why do we fail to read and understand the Muslim founder, Mohammad himself and his jaundiced mind on this strategic matter?Unvarnished, full-blown Anti-Semitism still rules the Islamic roost. It is nothing less than HITLER II.

    Islamic mujahedeen all!

    Down with all would-be Saladins!

    God bless America!


  19. You must be R.C. or a cult member to think that twice-born individuals die as dogs or pussy cats......relegated to nothingness until Jehovah God makes up His mind re our eternal destiny. What do you do with "IS passed from death unto life"? The PRESENT tense is quite succinct.

    And further, of course one can move elsewhere, but he can't be an American residing in America, move to Australia and then assert that he was never an American and an American resident at any time! Your "everlasting" leaves much to be desired. I'm glad it's not mine.

    I'm also fairly sorry that you chose not to apply yourself to the pertinent points raised. Whatever.........

    Have a GREAT Lord's Day!

    God bless America!


  20. Unless words don't mean what they say, EVERLASTING salvation must indeed refer to the LENGTH of one's salvation thru the blood of the cross. If one can lose EVERLASTING salvation, one never possessed it in the first place! If an individual is an AMERICAN, how can that individual NOT be an American AT THE SAME TIME?

    And, of course, if one can indeed lose EVERLASTING salvation (which is the ONLY kind offered by Jehovah God), then the Lord Jesus Christ will have to CHANGE what He said re NEVER having known us......IE, "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity, I NEVER knew you" - which would have to be radically altered to read, "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity. I ONCE KNEW YOU, but I don't know you now!" Hmm.

    And, then, too, if one was saved, then lost again, wouldn't THAT involve being born THRICE, rather than the twice of John Chapter 3? Yup. So where in all the Holy Bible do we have ONE example of anyone at any time being saved, then re-lost, then re-saved? Verrry interesting, no? Yes, quite poignant to say the least.

    The Apostle Paul does tell us in his epistle to the Romans that because the Lord has saved us DOESN'T mean we can return to living a life of sin in order to "better" prove God's tremendous grace over & over again.

    Have a GREAT Sunday in the House of the Lord! Thank You, Jesus!

    A BLESSED Christmas to one and all.....thru our matchless Saviour!

    God bless America!


    P.S. Now off to Starbucks for an expresso & a small rice biscuit. Say it isn't so.

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