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Arthur Durnan

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Posts posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. Three quik queries:

    1. Why don't "faith healers" hold their meetings in the C.N.I.B. hospitals, OR in I.C.U units, OR in AIDS wards, OR, forsooth, in the local cemeteries? Didn't Jesus & His apostles give sight to the congenitally blind and proceed to raise the dead? The answer is yes.

    2. Where in all the Holy Scriptures of Truth do we read about speaking in UNKNOWN languages (in the Greek)? Weren't all languages spoken in the classic Acts 2 passage KNOWN, UNDERSTOOD, NATIONAL, EARTHLY dialects - and NEVER a "heavenly gibberish" (Acts 2: 6-11)?

    3. Why are approx. ninety-five percent of charismatic conferences centered only on, or mainly on healing when it appears near the BOTTOM of the listed gifts - whereas the Bible also underscores administration, helps, pastoring/teaching, etc, etc. Why isn't the word "charismatic" associated to the same extent to all these other gifts? Excellent query.

    Thanx for your time. Blessings in Jesus' Holy Name!


  2. Anyone who has perused the Islamic Koran will know that the "Allah" of Mohammad has nothing whatever in common with the Judeo-Christian Lord God of heaven & earth. The Islamic moon-god "Allah" is presented in the Koran as an autocratic ruler who is aloof and arbitrary (Sura 5:40). He is unknowable whereas the Lord God of the Holy Bible is knowable (2 Timothy 1:12). The Muslim "Allah" is impersonal, unlike the personal Judeo-Christian Lord God (1 Peter 5:6,7). Mohammad's moon-god is unitarian (Sura 4:48) whereas the Lord God of the Holy Bible is trinitarian (2 Corinthians 13:14). Check too Sura 4:171.

    Mohammad's "Allah" is capricious (Sura 2:284), whereas the true Lord God is entirely trustworthy. And the Muslim "Allah" is never anywhere presented as a god of love - which is the very essence of the nature of the true Lord God of the Holy Bible. The differences are indeed gargantuan between Islam's moon-god and the Lord God of the Holy Bible.

    Mohammad & followers deny point-blank that the Lord Jesus Christ is the very Son of God (Sura 112:2,3), ie, the unique Lord God of history & eternity. Islam decries the atoning, sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ by claiming that He never died! (Sura 4:157). Incredible beyond words! The Lord Jesus Christ is shown in the Koran as but an apostle of the Islamic moon-god! Will wonders never cease in Muslim circles?

    In the Muslim world, man does not require redemption, only guidance so that he can essentially develop his own "pure" nature. Good works - not the grace of Almighty God as in Ephesians 2:8,9 - will ultimately usher him into the special Muslim "paradise" which appears to be nothing much short of a brothel with loads of virgins & endless sex orgies awaiting those who arrive! Check Suras 52:17-24; 55:54-56 and 78:32-34. Of course, one good way to reach this particular garden of delights is to die fighting for "Allah" the moon-god....as in homicide bombings? Certainly a type of Orwellian fraud, yes? Even a cursory reading of the Holy Bible will reveal precisely Who is the true Lord God of creation and His marvellous plan of free salvation through the life, death & glorious resurrection of the world's only God and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. One could begin with John 3:1-18 and John 5:24.

    One of the most informative web sites re seventh-century Islam & New Testament Christianity is at "The Dark Side Of Islam" at this address:


    Adios, and let the anthem swell!

    God bless America!


  3. This most recent "peace" accord - named "Road Map To Peace" - is simply a vehicle by which the followers of Mohammad can pause, re-group and re-commence their Hitler-like attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish State of Israel. America should not lessen its eternal vigilance.

    Islam was founded in violence, propagated by violence and still engages in suppression and (often) violence wherever it's in a majority position. In fact, it pursues violence even if in a minority position as well. Check Nigeria, Iran, Mindanao, Kashmir, The Sudan, Somalia, etc, etc.

    Please inform us as soon as Islam permits Christian churches, Jewish synagogues and Hindu temples to be built and publicly advertised throughout Muslim entities. It's simply another strong and unavoidable indicator that the religion of Mohammad stands for suppression supreme without apology.

    God bless America!


  4. The only sex which Jesus Christ ever approved of is male & female sexual relations within the bonds of holy matrimony. The Holy Bible is jam-packed with prohibitions against all homosexuality, and those who would elevate it to the status of the Holy Grail are identifying themselves as false prophets of the first magnitude.

    The abhorrent abnormality of homosexuality underscores what the Apostle Paul said about "without natural affection" in these times. Scientific research is quite clear on the fact that the delicate & absorptive lining of the rectum is not suited for homosexual use. So, what else is new, Gridley?

    Must the farce continue?


  5. God "doesn't exist". eh, what? Has our genteel Danish cleric visited Barnard's Star yet - or for the matter EVERY bit of universal creation - in order to know that Almighty God "doesn't" exist on one of those bits of created order?

    Verrry interesting, no? He has never been off Planet Earth, but he "knows" there is no existing God of creation! Apostate clerics' blunders never cease, do they, Gridley?

    Maybe Almighty God doesn't believe in our "atheist" cleric's existence!!!!


  6. "Allah" was one of the hundreds of ancient Arabian desert gods and that long before Mohammad came on the scene. One has a choice between Jehovah God of the Old and New Testaments OR the pagan god, Allah, resurrected by Islam as their particular deity, one who cannot be approached and must be feared rather than personally loved.

    The crux of the matter is why the world would need another deity after the very God of Creation - Whom the Holy Scriptures of Truth, The Holy Bible - has come down in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the entire world thereby making it eminently possible for every Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist,whatever, to receive everlasting life. The Islamic "Allah" didn't die for the sins of the world. Nor did Mohammad offer everlasting life to anyone. Abu Bakhir said that "Mohammad can not save anyone." Well spoken indeed. And quite timely too.

    The Lord God of creation has already revealed His poignant names to us: Jehovah, Elohim, Adonai, Jealous, etc. "Allah" is, of course, not one of them.

    "Neither is their salvation in any other" but the Name of Jesus Christ!


  7. The 19th-century religion known as "Jehovah's Witnesses" takes its title from Isaiah 43:1,10. The only problem is that that designation was never given to the followers of Charles Taze Russell but to LITERAL ISRAEL as shown in Isaiah 43:1! The "WAtchtower" PLAGIARIZED that very title and gave it to themselves! Wonders never cease!

    This nineteenth-century organization known by a whole variety of names since its inception by Charles Russell plods on today with their very own portrayal of a Christ whose body was "consumed into gasses" or "preserved for future generations by Jehovah" - WHAT A COLOSSAL CROCK INDEED!

    The "Jehovah's False Witnesses" are indeed hoist by their own petard. They urgently need everlasting salvation thru the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished cross-work on Mount Calvary. Check John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:8,9.


  8. The current "Road Map For Peace" will follow in the train of every other such "road map" - right into the proverbial waste-basket category! How can any "Road Map For Peace" produce peace if (A) the Palestinian terrorists wish only the total annihilation of the State of Israel; and (B) all the Holy Scriptures of God, ie, the Holy Bible, associate peace in Israel & elsewhere with the return of her Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ? Excellent question indeed and it will not curl up in the corner and stay curled.

    There will be peace in the valley ONLY WHEN the rightful world Ruler, the Lord Jesus Christ - Who is also Israel's Messiah & King - returns in power and glory to subdue all things unto Himself. This is so scripturally elementary that kids in Sunday School tend to understand such.

    KNOW God - KNOW peace. NO God - NO peace. When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, Israel & all nations, Muslim nations too, will be richly blessed thru Him. But only thru Him. The lion will lie down with the lamb, and "neither shall they learn war anymore."

    "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!"


  9. Neither "pillars" nor "cubes" - or SWORDS, for that matter! -offer everlasting salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty God enfleshed (John 1:1,14) did what Mohammad never did, or could ever have done: He purchased everlasting salvation for everyone - Muslims too - thru the blood of His cross.

    "Five pillars" are but works of the flesh. Check Ephesians 2:8,9. Diligence in one's religious activity does not produce everlasting salvation; only the Lord Jesus Christ Who died for our sins can do such. Check John 3:1-18. Mohammad died for no one. Mohammad lived for himself and a polygamous coterie of wives including some fairly young ones, yes?

    Mohammad was a WARRIOR-general with emphasis on WARRIOR. Read your own history. He came to Yathrib escorted by seventy WARRIORS. It's the day the Muslim calendar commences (September 20, AD 622). He CONQUERED Mecca with his ARMY of WARRIORS. Warfare & violence are at the very heart of Islam's founder. He had set a specific PATTERN for Muslims: violence & bloodshed unlimited.

    Muhammad VIOLENTLY DESTROYED his enemies. He conquered beyond Arabia's borders too. Always violence & bloodshed. By 636 AD, Jerusalem was violently overthrown, and by 715 AD his WARRIORS had conquered from the Chinese frontier westward to the Atlantic. Always violence and more bloodshed, the very continuing WATCHWORDS of Islam, the religion of the SWORD.

    Islam & its Wahhabi "reformists" kidnap, assault, bomb and murder. And why, of course, simply tip-toe around SAUDI reality also? Shias & Sunnis have been violently engaged ever since Mohammad expired. Why not face the facts? The TAKFIRI credo unmasks the true intent of Mohammad's followers too. When one says that Islam is "peaceful" or "tolerant" or "a believer in equality," one is simply pulling wool over the eyes of others. Islam is quite active in its campaign of VIOLENCE and BLOODSHED - ask those who are being attacked in Mindanao, Norther Nigeria, Somalia, Iran, you name them. And while you're asking about it, ask also whether a Jewish person, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Christian can build a synagogue, a temple, a pagoda or a church in Muslim lands and publicly worship there? To ask is to answer.

    Harassment, strong-armism, closure, imprisonment, and violence await. Mohammad's adherents are indeed walking in the pathway he laid down. Forget the "pillars," the "cubes" or the foot-washings: deal with the past & CURRENT record of Islam worldwide. It is hoist by its own petard.

    It is the height of wisdom to KNOW and UNDERSTAND this, and to be ever VIGILANT re the Muslim offensive.


  10. Cool your jets, weary Christian, Jew or Hindu adherent! The Islam of TODAY is a religion of violence and murder. Why all the romping round Robin Hood's Barn on the issues raised rather than dealing honestly with the very pertinent points enunciated? Both the Quran and the Hadith teach execution for opponents of Muhammad's seventh-century viewpoint. After the conquering of Mecca, OFFENSIVE warfare became the order of the Islamic day. How many declarations would you like to hear?

    Sura 9:1-6; Sura 9:11,12,14,15; Sura 9:16; Sura 9:19-32; Sura 9:25,26; Sura 9:28; Sura 9:29-31; Sura 9:123; etc, etc, on into the darkened Arabia wilderness night. There are none so blind as.......

    Why do you remain immune from CURRENT Muslim revolutions throughout the entire globe on behalf of Muhammad of Yathrib? Precisely WHO are kidnapping, pillaging & murdering in Mindanao, Northern Nigeria, Somalia, The Sudan, Iran, etc, at this very moment - HINDUS? SIKHS? ATHEISTS? DONALD DUCK? Take your blinkers off for a season. Your refusal to see Islam "on the march" with violence and murder as watchwords is akin to someone climbing trees to get to the moon.

    You also keep a blind eye to the political & social FACT that Muhammad's Islam underscores "Peace" and "tolerance" when in a MINORITY position in any country, but preaches & PRACTICES warfare & intolerance when in a MAJORITY position. Why do you prefer your own whim & nostrum to actual Islamic actions? Must the farce continue?

    You need to review both the Quran and the Hadith closely. You'll discover four specific stages to Islamic teaching. STAGE 1 (in Mecca) - no retaliation. STAGE 2 - First instruction in Medina - defensive warfare permitted. STAGE 3 - Revised instructions in Medina - defensive fighting commanded. STAGE 4 - After conquering Mecca - OFFENSIVE WARFARE THE ORDER OF THE DAY.....commanded to kill "pagans" & humble Christians & Jews. Not a very pretty picture. Won't somebody rise and tell?

    Practically ALL Islamic nations were the result of violent WARFARE. In fact, Islam was prevented from capturing Europe itself due to military defensive preparedness. Ever heard of Charles Martel of France? Islam certainly has! Islam & the sword go together like a horse and bridle.

    Please deal with political & historical FACTS raised as well as Islamic CURRENT practices worldwide. Asalam-alay-kum.


  11. Well, yes, of course, the specific reason for continuing terrorism in the Middle East centers on Islamic intentions to annihilate the State of Israel without fear or favor. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing other. Islam has always sought Middle East domination over the Jewish State whether via fair means or foul. Truth to tell, the overlying goal of militant Islam is essentially WORLD domination as evidenced, of course, by their continuing terrorism on a worldwide scale whether in Mindanao (north of Indonesia), Kashmir, Iran, Nigeria, Israel, you name it. If it's true that without geometry, life is pointless, then it's equally true that without an acute understanding of Islamic intentions, world politics is one huge vacuum.

    There can be no peace in the Middle East in the face of relentless Islamic violence & murder. Any attacked nation will understandably protect itself. One must go behind the violence there and come to grips with the Muslim determination to (a) annihilate the State of Israel, and (b) conquer the world in the name of their warrior-general Mohammad of Yathrib.

    Islam was born in violence, raised in violence and continues at this hour in bloodshed unlimited. ITEMS: Northern Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Mindanao, Saudi Arabia, Kashmir, Pakistan, The Sudan, Somalia - not to mention the World Trade Center - on into the night!


  12. Islam, far from being a religion of peace and equality, has shown itself to be a religion of terror and inequality. Simply consider the current world situation where Islam is (A) in the minority, and (B) in the majority. When Islam is in the minority, it appeals for peace, tolerance & equality. When Islam is in the majority, it practices quite the opposite - ITEMS: Northern Nigeria, The Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Somalia, Mindanao in The Philippines, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, whatever. Here is living proof that Mohammad's seventh-century religion practices & promotes violence, terror and inequality wherever it raises its head in a majority position.

    One must search long and hard to find any emphasis on peace in the Muslim Qu'ran. The emphasis, as any reader of the Muslim literature knows, is on "taking care of" the enemies of Mohammad, ie, "infidels," which does not add up to a very pretty picture. It is very interesting to consider the prohibition in Muslim-dominated countries re any Christian churches, Jewish synagogues or Buddhist temples, etc. This in direct opposition to Muslim freedom of worship and proselytizing in non-Muslim states. Quite a disparity to say the very least.

    Mohammad, of course, was himself a warrior-general bent on the destruction of all his enemies. Islam was born in violence, bred in violence and maintains itself wherever it can in a huge cesspool of bloodshed. Witness the Middle East at this very moment & the Islamic Platform of purposeful anti-Semitism, homicide bombings and slaughter of innocents.

    Just one of many, many declarations should suffice - Surah 8:39, "Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." Here is Mohammad's religion with the blinkers off. One also understands that an Arabic translation of Adolph Hitler's MEIN KAMPF is a runaway bestseller today in Palestinian territory. That should speak volumes, yes?

    Finally, the West Bank at best is DISPUTED territory, not "occupied" territory. Should we give Alaska back to the Russians, Prussia back to Germany, The Falklands back to Argentina, Guayana back to Venezuela, Bangladesh back to Pakistan, or Canada back to the Aboriginals & Eskimos? To ask is to answer.

    Let us beware the despicable Islamic TAKFIRI credo which exhorts its adherents to MASK their true purpose even if it means breaching strict Islamic rules! Like hiding the true nature of extreme beliefs....Like adopting Western ways the better to strike at ":infidels" - ie, US!.....Like drinking, even breaching all rules of purity to hide your true intent! Not a pretty picture.

    Sorry, but after much intense study and consideration of the Qu'ran, Mohammad & Islam, one can quite logically come to the earnest conclusion that Mohammad's religion tends to be quite regressive, fraudulent and extremely violent in its pursuit of world domination.


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