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Posts posted by JacquelineDeane55

  1. Please read this very carefully, as your eternal destiny hangs in the balance. Yes, Hell is a real place and yes, you do not want to go there.

    The following contains information that will save you out if it.

    Question: "What are the essentials of the gospel message?"

    The word gospel means “good news,” which is the message of forgiveness for sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. It is essentially God’s rescue plan of redemption for those who will trust in His divine Son in order to be reconciled to a just and holy God. The essential content of this saving message is clearly laid out for us in the Bible.

    In the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he lays out the content of the gospel message, “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:1–4).

    In this passage, we see three essential elements of the gospel message. First, the phrase “died for our sins” is very important. As Romans 3:23 tells us, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The reality of sin needs to be acknowledged by all who approach the throne of God for salvation. A sinner must acknowledge the hopelessness of his guilt before God in order for forgiveness to take place, and he must understand that the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Without this foundational truth, no gospel presentation is complete.

    Second, the person and work of Christ are indispensable components of the gospel. Jesus is both God (Colossians 2:9) and man (John 1:14). Jesus lived the sinless life that we could never live (1 Peter 2:22), and, because of that, He is the only one who could die a substitutionary death for the sinner. Sin against an infinite God requires an infinite sacrifice. Therefore, either man, who is finite, must pay the penalty for an infinite length of time in hell, or the infinite Christ must pay for it once. Jesus went to the cross to pay the debt we owe to God for our sin, and those who are covered by His sacrifice will inherit the kingdom of God as sons of the king (John 1:12).

    Third, the resurrection of Christ is an essential element of the gospel. The resurrection is the proof of the power of God. Only He who created life can resurrect it after death, only He can reverse the hideousness that is death itself, and only He can remove the sting that is death and the victory that is the grave’s (1 Corinthians 15:54–55). Further, unlike all other religions, Christianity alone possesses a Founder who transcends death and who promises that His followers will do the same. All other religions were founded by men and prophets whose end was the grave.

    Finally, Christ offers His salvation as a free gift (Romans 5:15; 6:23), that can only be received by faith, apart from any works or merit on our part (Ephesians 2:8–9). As the apostle Paul tells us, the gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16). The same inspired author tells us, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

    These, then, are the essential elements of the gospel: the sin of all men, the death of Christ on the cross to pay for those sins, the resurrection of Christ to provide life everlasting for those who follow Him, and the offer of the free gift of salvation to all.

  2. 9 hours ago, Gideon said:

    I live in East Tennessee, about 45 minutes from the Smoky Mountain National Park. The mountains start about 20 minutes from my house. When it gets cold in. winter, you can see clearly how tge temperature drops based upon elevation. 

    10,000 ft elevation drops the temperature probably 20 degrees. We are 93 million miles from the sun. if we were 92,999, oo5 miles away, we would die from the heat. If we were 93,000,005  away, we would all mom and pop cicles, lol. 

    It amazes me we can be so blind as  to think we could make living on Mars possible. We could 'exist' on Mars perhaps, but at what cost? Man is screwing up this amazing planet. If we would put the  money spent on weapons and space exploration into making this a sustainable place with no poverty,  we could do it.... if it were not for fallen natures whose favorite words are ME and MINE. 

    It should be easy for people to see this, but as the Word tells, "Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge...", the potential for greatness disappears in a flash. Thank God, He is going to fix this mess, but getting to that  point is going to bring many a tear. 



    Hey, Gideon. I live in Tenneessee too, there are some mountains in our backyard, I think they are the Ozarks but I don't know? I can't tell east from west, I am in the upper right hand corner of Tennessee on the map, if that helps at all. In a place called greeneville.

  3. I have two grandmothers, aunts, cousins, that I am sure none of them are Christians at all and are on their way to hell. All of them.

    My parents did witness to them a few years ago but my aunt was mean to my mom and she told her she didn't want to hear about Jesus. GOD is going to remember what she said on judgment day, a very scary thought indeed.

    GOD came to me the other day and he spoke to me and he said, "I called out to Brooke, but she didn't answer me." I heard his voice talking directly to me.

    He is talking about my cousin Brooke. She is a physician's assistant.

    So pray that my relatives get saved, eventually.

    • Praying! 2
  4. At first I thought it was demons, to be honest. I can actually hear a voice speaking to me but I don't see anyone.

    I was laying in my bed one night and I heard, "Jacqueline." But when I woke up and looked around I saw no one.

    It's been happening for a little while now, possibly for two weeks maybe? I don't know, I could be wrong about that.

    A lot of voices. Sometimes they teach me things, but they always tell the truth to me about myself. It's never wrong.

    • Praying! 1
  5. On 8/12/2020 at 4:25 AM, TheBaptist said:

    Thank you all, it is pretty scary. Got Hospital bill yesterday, was smaller then expected, thank you Lord. Difficulty swallowing and some choking and gagging. Eating is not too much fun. God Bless. Tony.

    Hi, Tony. You said that eating is not too much fun.

    I kind of have that problem too. Sometimes when I eat it hurts my stomach. I keep going back to the doctors to try to figure out what is going on. Nobody seems to be really helping me though. I think the wise thing to do is pray about it, lay the problem before GOD who knows everything and HE knows how to deal with problems.

  6. Your condition sounds serious.

    I did pray for you, just so you know. I don't know if GOD is going to help you or not.

    If I had any medical knowledge at all I would try to help you better but I am not a doctor.

    Be honest with me, do you really want to die? You act like its OK and everything. I exercise sometimes and I do sometimes try to eat healthy when I remember, but I am also ignorant and forgetful that a lot of times things go over my head. I guess I heard for years that exercise was good for the body, you know, to keep it nice and healthy. His advice is good. You should follow it.

  7. I will pray for you that you feel better.

    I actually know what it is like to feel very sick. I have gone through things in the past that I wish were never repeated ever again, like having atomic diarrhea when I was a teenager. Let me tell you it felt so bad I thought I was going to die, I look back on that now and I'm like, "Why did I never go to the doctor for this?"

    • Thanks 1
    • Praise God! 1
  8. I have not been back to church in months. My parents are still concerned about the coronavirus, so we haven't been back yet.

    Some of the people in the congregation have returned, and as a result, some people have contracted the coronavirus! I was sorry to hear that brother bill hall had come down with it. He's already kind of old, I was hoping that the elderly would stay way from church for awhile, for the sake of their own lives.

    It's just basic common sense really.

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