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Posts posted by JacquelineDeane55

  1. Yeah I think that as well. Sad that not a whole lot of people will agree with that though, they might say that science has never proven GOD, yadda yadda yadda.

    Actually, I think that science points to GOD, not away from HIM.

    For instance, you will notice that this planet is specially tailored for life to appear and live upon it. This planet is special. Even the secular authorities have said they've noticed that.

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  2. I mean, who in their right and sane mind would honestly believe anything like that? It betrays basic common sense and rational thought to say that the universe we live in is millions or billions of years old.

    Besides, I thought that radio-carbon dating had been refuted as not a reliable dating method anyway.

    My father is a proponent of Intelligent Design. I am not surprised that both of my parents are, they are born-again Bible-thumping saints in Christ. Dad says that the complexity of DNA proves that an intelligent mind created all life on this planet. Things did not happen by random chance. I think this as well.

    I say that intelligent design is far more likely than evolution is.  I never really did believe in evolution or believe in the sciences. Lack of interest I believe. Also science is not infallible like GOD is. Scientific papers have shown to disagree with one another, its hard to tell which ones are a lie.

    What are some of the things that you guys believe?

    • Thanks 1
  3. Every single day, we look around us and something bad or wrong goes on in the world, like a terrorist attack or somebody killing someone else. Also our politicians are corrupt and they just want power.

    I have recently learned how to fear GOD. I wonder what HE thinks about how some of us are behaving down here, maybe he has judged some of us already...

    I mean, think about it. The media reports on all the evil happening in this world, I mean, its their job to tell the truth in their reporting, but still, it only gets worse.

    I mean you guys are essentially all saints, right? You believe in GOD and Christ like me and stuff, but its not like I haven't noticed that there is something wrong with the world we live in. Its not perfect. Its sinful. We are all sinners too.

    I think we are the problem here. If we were all perfect like Christ we would never do things like try to kill each other.

    I pledged loyalty to Christ the other day, because he is the GREAT KING and in my logical thinking I thought that what I was doing was rational...

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  4. So today I heard GOD speaking to me and HE said, "I hate it that she doesn't have any friends."

    So now I have took that as a commandment to seek out new people to talk to.

    So come here if you want to be friends.

    What is your favorite animal and why?

    I like an exotic animal called the Provosts' Squirrel, picture here: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=prevost%27s+squirrel&t=lm&iax=images&ia=images

  5. And yet despite all of the suffering I have gone through at the hands of the enemy for the past dew days, I feel that one day GOD will give him his due, that everything wrong he has ever done to me GOD will pay him back in full. That, my friends, is called justice.

    So I told on them to GOD but they don't seem to be scared that I did...you see? They don't fear GOD. They don't care that they can get into trouble with the JUDGE for the crimes they committed against me.

    They don't care. That's sad. It's rather...sadistic, if I must say.

    • Praying! 2
  6. To the moderator: If you are a considerate and caring person you will not delete this post like you have done in the past, you will try to help me with my rather serious problem. The impression I have gotten from the moderators on this forum is that they sometimes delete posts whenever someone is having a legitimate problem and it has given me the impression that they are unkind people who don't care about others. I'm sorry, it just has. (If I could I would help people more, if I even knew how to that is.)

    I am having unfriendly supernatural experiences in my own home which started happening the instant I tried to draw closer to GOD and love HIM and give my heart to HIM, and prayer is not getting rid of them, so GOD is not doing anything about the threat.

    Yes, I am being threatened. I believe that my life may be in danger and if this were not as serious as I feel it is I would not be telling you all this.

    This morning I was just walking around my table for exercise (like I do every day because I know it is good for me) and our paper shredder began shredding paper out of the blue for no reason and it scared me really bad and I jumped back and almost screamed. I think it may have been temporarily possessed by an evil spirit or something.

    Other such things have been happening in my home too as well that I cannot explain to natural phenomenon, like my house is genuinely being haunted...

    I have a very serious problem here at home and it is not being solved. These ghosts have already committed several crimes against me: They have abused, raped, harassed, tortured (I can feel the torture all over my body and it is not pleasant to say the least, it feels really bad) tried to kill me, and other atrocities I won't mention. They have lied to me about myself and they have tried to deceive me before too, things that I know GOD would never do to me. Maybe what I am mentioning sounds a little bit like demonic possession. Yes, I did tell GOD all about what they have done to me, how they have treated me in a cowardly and abusive fashion, but HE did not do anything about it at all, HE just let it happen (I don't know why, I have asked myself that, I mean who in their right mind would want to hurt a lady like me?). If my assailants were human I would just simply call the police and have them arrested for bothering me in my own home, but I can't do that because they are not human at all, they are some other creatures entirely, and if I were to tell the cops that I think I have been tortured and raped by evil spirits, they would think I was crazy or insane or something. They would probably tell me that evil spirits do not exist, but I know better than that. They do and I have felt their ill intentions towards me firsthand.

    To make matters even worse, I can hear them laughing and making fun of me, like they think hurting me is funny or something. I have even heard evil laughter like chortling and loud laughter and other ungodly-sounding noises coming from them. It's sicking. It has made me think that they are mentally insane or very sadistic and they don't care how they treat others. Yes, I can actually hear them and feel their presence in my room with me even though I cannot see them. They've tried to talk to me before but I don't reply. They say bad things about me and they tell me how horrible they think I am to my face.

    So I am 100% sure that my house is being haunted by the wrong kind of ghosts, whom I don't want them to be here any more because I just want to live my life in peace and be left alone and they are not letting that happen. I want to get rid of them for good permanently and never see from them or hear from them again but I don't know how.

    If I just get up and move to a new house they might follow me there and harass me all over again. I mean how does one get away from the presence of the Devil for good? These things know where I live and then seem to know a great deal about me and just how to hurt me and afflict me, and if the enemy knows THIS much about me, then he probably knows how to kill me too, a thought that is frightening and scary.

    How do I make the evil spirits leave my house and never come back?


    • Praying! 2
  7. I am not an atheist, I am a christian who thinks and believes that GOD exists. I came to this conclusion on my own through intelligence and rational thought that the universe was perfectly ordered and thus evidence of a Great Designer/Intelligent Design.

    I have never debated an atheist before in my life and I was wondering how you guys would go about it. I mean, you guys have faith too, right? We are all Christians here...I would hope.

    I am not an expert debater, I have never debated anyone before in my life. But I trust that some like-minded believers like you have before and that you have a very good reason (like me) to think that GOD is actually real.

  8. Ever since I have been attempting to love GOD and change for the better (become a better person) I have been experiencing some spiritual attacks from I think you-know-who. Not all of them feel really good.

    I actually don't know much about fighting demons. So I guess I have no way to defend myself. I have no idea how to cast one out. I have prayed to GOD asking HIM to take the demons away from me, but He lets them continue to attack me and I don't know why. Prayer doesn't seem to be working.

    How would you guys address the issue of Satan attacking and trying to kill you? I do think he is trying to kill me. Sometimes I hear him speaking to me, but I don't listen.

    Whenever I show GOD any love or loyalty (I gave my soul to Him), that is when the attacks get the worst. I don't think Satan likes me loving GOD at all.

  9. Why I believe in GOD and Jesus in the first place is a complicated story. You see, I have a lot of free time on my hands and one day I just got to start thinking, "Where did the world come from?" And I started to think logically and rationally about things, and I came to the conclusion that there must be a GOD who made the world that I live in, and then I started to believe in His existence...

    Supernatural things have been happening to me in my life that I cannot explain since I started to believe what my Bible was actually saying...

  10. You know I have wondered about this too, whether or not the coronavirus (or tornadoes for that matter) was due to GOD's divine judgment and punishment upon us for being a sinful and selfish nation, I mean, we have gay people here and a democratic party that believes in abortion (when GOD said that killing is wrong, and I would especially believe that killing unborn innocent babies is very wrong) and by reading the Bible on my own I know that GOD does not like the gay lifestyle.

  11. Been having stomach and digestion problems for two years straight, but nothing the doctors seems to be doing is actuality helping, so now I am worrying that I have something really serious or life-threateningly wrong with me. I ate a strawberry this morning and almost threw it up I felt so bad like I had already died and gone to hell for eternity. What I am saying is serious, its not funny at all. I don't have a very good life at all. Please pray for me that I feel a lot better and that I finally get cured of whatever it is that I have! No one knows what I have, but I really want to find out what it is, I don't know myself...

    • Praying! 6
  12. I don't feel good. For the past two years or so I have been having severe digestion problems and I keep going back to the doctors to try and get treated but no one seems to be helping me. Nothing they do seems to be actually working, the problem still seems to be there. I am afraid I have a serious medical condition and something is very wrong with me, like something life-threatening and I am scared it might be something really bad.

    Living with this is making my life a living hell. It doesn't feel very good at all. Every time I eat I feel really, really awful inside and all strange in my body. I feel nausea, upset stomach, and like I want to vomit, just to name a few symptoms.

    My dad has theorized that I may have ulcers, but he is not a doctor (none of us are) and he might be way off base for all we know.

    Please pray I will feel better.

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  13. What is Shamanism? Answer:


    I don't mean to be rude, but there is no logical, rational, factual, or any other evidence (whether archaeological or scientific) to prove that shamanism actually works.

    These people trade logical and rational thinking for a superstitious practice that may not actually work, and in my opinion, that is mental insanity.

    So why do I actually believe the Bible then? Because there is archaeological evidence to back up the Bible account. Therefore, I don't believe that believing the Bible means someone is insane.

    But there is no evidence to support shamanism in any shape, manner, or form. I have actually mocked and made fun of these people for thinking they have the power to drive out evil spirits.

    Let's think rationally here. There is only one guy I know who can actually do that. His name is Jesus Christ. No one else, dead or alive, has that kind of power without Jesus' aid to drive out evil spirits. These guys need to be careful. They could be demon possessed and not actually be able to do anything about it because they are not saved and they don't have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of them. So sad. It's dangerous for an unsaved person to take on the Devil. Please don't do it if you are not a born-again child of GOD. You don't have Jesus's protection on you to keep you safe from that monster. Just some advice if you please.

  14. I don't know where this topic goes, so I am sticking it here.

    I am angry and upset with my little sister because when she got married and she moved away she took ALL of the video games we had with her. You guys might accuse her of stealing, but she claims that she bought most of the games with her own money, so that makes them rightfully hers. I don't know if what she is saying is horsecrap or not, I don't ever remember her buying every single one of our games. She could be lying about the whole thing, which makes me even more upset. She could by lying and actually committed the crime of theft against us.

    These games I grew up playing as kid and now I feel like I have lost a part of my own history. What bothers me even more is that if I want any video games now, I am going to have to buy them WITH MY OWN MONEY which makes me even more upset with her. I did buy two more video games the other day, but I spent some cash on them, and it makes me angry.

    I talked to her about this, but she doesn't want to give us any of the games back. I think it's not fair and it makes me even more livid with her.

    Thanks for listening to me vent. Having someone to be able to talk to about these things makes me feel better.

    Any advice on how to deal with an uncooperative family member would be well appreciated. I'll take all the help I can get at this point.

  15. :D

    I'm 33 years old now.

    I am glad GOD let me live to be this old. I may live to be even older yet, but you may never know.

    For my birthday I got two books I have been wanting for some time now; my mom bought them off of amazon.com for me and I love to read so it makes sense that I got books for my birthday.

    Some people have parties to celebrate their birthday but this year I wanted to keep things low-key and simple. I will just be celebrating at home today and eating some special food mom is making for me. I am going to eat strawberry cake. I have not eaten that in years. I may have forgotten what it tastes like. :wacko:


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