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Posts posted by Swords99

  1. 13 hours ago, OneLight said:

    Come now, the Apostles themselves were messianic Jews.  All that means is that they believe that Jesus is the Messiah and their nationality is Jewish.  I could be called a Messianic Frenchman/Englishman/ Native American.  It means the same thing to me as being a Christian.  I believe Jesus is my savior.  Just because ones nationality is assigned to their theology does not mean they are not His.  One good person to ask is George, the owner, as he is a Messianic Jew himself.

    What do you think a Messianic Jew believes?


    Theology  varies widely among Messianic Jews, but some believe that the laws of the Torah, such as observing Shabbat, holidays, and circumcision must be obeyed today.

    If a Messianic Jew believes in Christ alone for salvation and not law keeping, great. However, we can't say this is true of all of them.



  2. 31 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

    Well you didn't hear me say that maybe. Maybe you need to pay attention better. When Israel REPENTS after the Rapture they still must accept the Messiah Jesus. So they must com back to God via the BLOOD.....So you heard wrong.

    Let's play nice. You said messianic Jews will be raptured. Can you show us chapter and verse of where the bible says this?

  3. 1 minute ago, Blueyedjewel said:

    Flesh nature vs [spiritual]nature after coming to Christ  or the moral law written in our hearts  would be terms I would use to alleviate confusion in this discussion.

    Idk, forgive me for saying but the "hardwired to sin" is not a correct use of terms . "Flesh  vs spirit" is  OR the moral law written on our hearts...

    If anything is hardwired in us ,it is the moral law which is written in our hearts. You cant get any more hard wired than that! 


    Blessings :) 

    Amen. Well said.

  4. 17 hours ago, Anonymous Aristotle said:

    That's true. There's also no sinners prayer. And there's no reference to Trinity, nor is there reference to purgatory in the Bible. 

    God made man in his image and likeness. Then men wrote the Bible and taught doctrine in their own image and likeness. Having nothing to do with God's word at all. 

    That's why Gods foresight told us in his word to not trust every spirit. But to discern with righteous judgment the truth. 

    Trinity is just another word for Godhead. I do see the Godhead in the Bible.

  5. 17 hours ago, OldSchool2 said:

    "... Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;
    who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
    born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, dead, and buried;
    the third day he rose from the dead;"

    Nothing about any of that found in the Bible?

    I never said those things weren't in the bible. What I said was the apostles creed was not written by the apostles as many erroneously believe. The early church believed in the Scriptures as their standard for Truth. They didn't need creeds, although there's certainly nothing wrong with creeds as long as they are scriptural.

  6. 20 hours ago, Pudgenik said:

    If you like doing what you want, and it is against God's teaching. I'm sure there will be all sorts of stories.

    Think of a child that steels. Parents ask where did you get this. If the child is not remorseful, lies upon lies

    I believe something is wrong with these people, but it's not caused by any sin they have committed and were punished for it. This was, and maybe still is, a Jewish belief as we see in the bible concerning the man born blind. It was asked of Jesus if he or his parents had sinned.

    Concerning gays, I have noticed their effeminate appearance and stance. This is not learned behavior. They almost all look this way. Many gay males are shorter in stature with higher voices. Just makes you wonder about genetics, etc.

    I once saw a TV interview with a gay catholic priest. He said he tried everything to get 'cured' or healed, but nothing worked.

    There is also a gay Episcopal priest on TV every week. he said he was born gay but refuses to live that lifestyle. It has never left him.

    What do we say about folks like this?

  7. 16 hours ago, Anonymous Aristotle said:

    That's true. There's also no sinners prayer. And there's no reference to Trinity, nor is there reference to purgatory in the Bible. 

    God made man in his image and likeness. Then men wrote the Bible and taught doctrine in their own image and likeness. Having nothing to do with God's word at all. 

    That's why Gods foresight told us in his word to not trust every spirit. But to discern with righteous judgment the truth. 

    delete. off topic

  8. 15 hours ago, Unfailing Presence said:

    Yes sir I am  .  Palmyra is the name of the place I believe .  My parents brought us children to the Pageant one summer . It takes place at night if memory serves 

    me . 

    Of course as a child I had no inkling of the religious significance of what was being presented . It was quite an elaborate production I do remember .

    Does it still take place do you know ?

    Yep, it's Palmyra and yes, they still do the Hill Cummorah Pageant every July for 2 0r 3 weekends. It's still attracting thousands all over the U.S. and other places. It's also a great place to witness to them.

  9. 17 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    Messianic Jews will be Raptured, most Jews will not be Raptured because they have been blinded until the "Time of the Gentiles be come in" (Church Age is over/Raptured). So most will reign with Christ a 1000 years, but you do understand that is temporal right? After the 1000 years this Earth goes away and all, Jews and Gentiles WILL LIVE IN HEAVEN.

    I can't tell you how many times I have heard a pastor or Bible teacher say there's no such things as Messianic Judaism. Either one is a Jew or a Christian. To mix in law keeping nullifies God's grace.

    The author of the book of Hebrews spends much time trying to convince these Hebrew believers in Christ who were still keeeping the law, to get off the fence and go all the way with Christ and leave Judaism behind.

    Have you ever spoken to a Jewish person? They are not looking for heaven, but for their Messiah to come to earth  and rule as their king in Jerusalem.

  10. 1 minute ago, Revelation Man said:

    There will be Jews that go to hell just like there will e Gentiles that go to hell, thus All Jews will not go to Heaven. This is proved by the parable of the Great gulf, where Jesus told they man he could not take a message to person in hell, also Jesus told the Pharisees they were of their father SATAN. Not everyone will be Resurrected in the First Resurrection, many/maybe most, will b resurrected a the Second Resurrection. So many Gentiles and Jews are going to hell, now as to what you believe I can not attest to that, I just know the facts. Without the Blood of Jesus covering your sins a person, Jew or Gentile, is going to hell. I don't make blundsers as per the scripture. I listen to the Holy Spirit.



    Jews do not have a heavenly kingdom. They are waiting for their King/Messiah to come and set up His earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.  This is the gospel of the kingdom which will be preached during the tribulation via the 144,000 Jewish males. The Jewish remnant during the Tribulation also have an earthly kingdom.

    You are correct in that only believing Jews go to heaven, because they are now Christians.

    No Jew gets a free ticket just because they are born Jewish. ALL must come to saving faith in Christ. There is only ONE plan of salvation for both Jew and Gentile.


  11. On 7/3/2017 at 9:21 PM, Unfailing Presence said:

    I grew up in the area where Joseph Smith discovered his private buried  discovery .

    This also being the land where the " Cardiff Giant " was discovered .

    Smith was greatly influenced as a child by the common practice of  traveling spiritualists of that day  who would months ahead of time bury some object of significance  in the ground in close proximity of a pre-chosen town , then appear in town proclaiming to have " visions "  of spirits who had visited the area , left 

    evidence of said visit , and revealed the location only to them , and then lead everyone to the spot of the buried objet to retrieve it .

    Thereby establishing their credibility . 

    Joseph Smith was even more secretive than this .

    This is exactly how it started .

    Never trust anything done in a corner .

    Are you referring to upstate New York? I live a short drive from the Joseph Smith farm and the 'sacred grove'. Every year the Mormons have their Hill Cummorah Pageant. It's a play they put on involving a cast of hundreds and people from all over come to watch it.

  12. 6 hours ago, Cobalt1959 said:

    No country can play King of the Hill forever.  History is replete with examples of powers that were at the top of the heap, at one time, but are no longer.  Babylon.  Greece.  Rome.  France.  Spain.  England.  Are any of these entities major world powers now?  No.

    America will fail at some point and be replaced as the dominate world power by China.  All countries follow the same three steps of life, just as humans do.  Growth, plateau, decay and death.  America reached it's plateau in the 1950's and it has been in decay since the late 60's. That decay was accelerated in the 90's, accelerated x2 in the 2000's and is now accelerated x2 in our current decade.  Although the Trump supporters have faith that Trump will somehow magically halt our decay and somehow reverse it, he will not and at best, he will only deliver a brief delaying action and that is only if he keeps every single campaign promise he made.  The only way to "Make America Great Again" is to be able to turn back the clock to an earlier time when the country still had sound morals and values, and that is not possible because that ship has already sailed.

    God's eternal purpose is to bless the world through Israel. Salvation is of the Jews.

    Billy Graham would always say that America will remain greatly blessed by God as long as she supports Israel. We did for the most part until Obama. Maybe it is too late but that's all part of God's plan. He alone is Israel's Protector.

  13. 33 minutes ago, Mishael said:

    Okay Nestorians belive in two separate personalities one divine one human not two people.

    I always thought it meant that Jesus was 2 separate persons. If he has 2 different personalities as you say, then was he schizophrenic? Did he have multiple personalty disorder? It just doesn't make any sense.

    I wouldn't follow a man who had to introduce a teaching/doctrine. Stick with the Holy Scriptures.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Davida said:

    God is Sovereign and in control HE raises up the Kingdoms & nations and HE brings low the same. Look at the US debt now... it would depend upon the economic capabilities and foreign policies in the future. God also might tie the US's hands not to be able to intervene. The focus is Israel and the City of Jerusalem.  

    I was thinking the same thing. It may be God's will that He alone is Israel's Protector. That she depend only on Him and return to their first love.

  15. Just now, Davida said:


    Why else would they not be there?  It is a little Geo-centric to think why aren't we mentioned in the BIBLE??  Lol!...when you think of it, people are too used to America being front and center in the World.  Many countries are not mentioned, it doesn't mean they won't exist they just are not the Focus of God's purposes in the end times imho .

    An America that isn't relevant is an America I don't and wouldn't recognize. Something major would have to happen first. America has always had the status of protecting defensive-less countries/people. Even when we were neutral under FDR, we eventually entered world war 2.

  16. 5 hours ago, Yowm said:

    Either the US will be greatly weakened or have  another Obama-like prez or both, but as for now it is strong enough and does have a M.E. presence.

    I wondered the same thing that perhaps America will be too battle weary.

  17. 3 hours ago, OldCoot said:


    That's Ok.  So many wild ideas floating around, it pays to stay on guard!

    I agree, but what did you mean when you wrote: "the Revelation passages are references to such things as Replacement Theology (the church has replaced Israel)." ?

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