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Needing Advice

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Everything posted by Needing Advice

  1. Recently a close friend of mine was really NASTY with me at Church, in front of other people. she really hurt me. this is like the third time this sort of thing has happened. she just blindsides me out of nowhere; it happens so suddenly that i am too shocked and astonished to even think of a comeback or defend myself. And the more shocked and wide-eyed that i looked at her, the more she kept on going!!! it was awful! even the people standing around just looked amazed… but were too incredulous to say anything. So now i just don't want to be around her anymore. i even moved from where i normally sit to as far from her as i can get away to avoid being hurt again. i still talk to her, i am still nice to her, but i just can't let my guard down, i can’t see myself hanging with her anymore. it’s like picking a snake up and getting bit. do you pick the snake up again? NO - you avoid it, is what my logic is telling me. Till this day, she has not apologized; (and has never apologized for the other times either, it’s like she doesn’t realize at times that she’s talking down to me like i’m the dirt on the bottom of her shoe.) She can get really mean like as in from zero to .2 seconds from nice to nasty mean! and then back to nice just as quickly, like it never happened. i know if i speak to her about it, she'll pound me with Scripture [about nothing shall offend thee] or freak out on me some more. She has such a judgmental and critical spirit, and comes off as being superior since she’s been Saved so long. i have spoken to her about little things in the past that she did that bothered me and she got offended and angry. She's a spiritual bully and really pushy at times; but everybody does not see this, as they don't know her like i do. Am i being unforgiving? Or doing the right thing by being non-confrontational? Tomorrow is Communion and i don’t want to take Communion unworthily, since the Bible says that any that take Communion unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body; for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep (1Cor. 11:27-30) So should i avoid communion? i don’t want to grieve The Holy Spirit and bring damnation upon myself; and i just don't want to be hurt by this woman again..... l still Love her, but is it wrong to "love her from a distance"? Any advice that you can give me would be appreciated. Thank You.
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