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Posts posted by Faith

  1. Okay guys, I'm adopted and to make matters worse, when I tryed to get my birth certificate, it came back unknown. I know my real fathers last name, and my real mothers last name, but that is all I know. but I can't get the information unless I go to court and try to get it, which is unlikely, that they well give it to me. I wish that I had tried to get it years ago, but I didn't. I know that I have at least half brothers and sisters out there. Any way I'm claiming all of you as my brothers and sisters. Besides my brothers and sisters in the Lord. You don't get any say in the matter. :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: God Bless, Faith p.s. YOU CAN BLAME BOB, FOR THIS!!! :il:

  2. Isaiah 40: 28-31 28} Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29} He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30} Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31} but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint! I have so many favorits, but if I had to name just one, it would be this one. God Bless, Faith :):):)

  3. I to am thankful for Worthy, and I thank God first for Worthy and then all of the wonderful people that make this board happen. I also thank all of the people that post here, you all are truely a blessing to me. I really need Worthy as my second home. God Bless you all, Faith :laugh:

  4. Dear ginakay Yes God is faithful and wonderful. With all that is going on today, all over the world, I am so glad, that I am a child of the Living God. Take care and God Bless, Faith :)

  5. Dear angels4u Thank you very much for your reply to me. And you are right, it's the inside that counts, what's in the heart. I used to wonder what I would look like, with frosted hair, I don't wonder any more! God Bless, Faith :)

  6. Dear All Grandpa is sixty-five, and I am sixty-four. My husband has had three major surgerys in the last four years, but thank you Jesus, he has come through them, great. The first one, four years ago was for an aneurysm. This one is really a praise report! The doctor that was going to do the surgery, we didn't want. The doctor that we then went to, for the surgery was not real happy about doing it, because of the fact we changed doctors. Where the aneurysm was, the doctor had to remove the intestines and stomach. After the surgery, the doctor came out and said that the surgery had gone remarkably well, but he would not be out of the woods, for a couple of days. We told him that a lot of prayers had gone up for him, and he told us, that he and his wife had also prayed. The next day at noon, they were wheeling him out of ICU to a regular room. When my husband and I went back for a check up, I told the doctor that he was supposed to do the surgery, the doctor said, "I know I was" The doctor has now gone with his family to Africa, to do the Lords work. I also have several physical problems. A plus on my side, besides Jesus, is I never grew up! lol Which is also good, as the last six years, we have been raising three of our grandchildren, all boys. Our prayer is, that Jesus well enable us, to be here, to raise our three grandchildren. Thank your Jesus. I also want the people on the boards here, and the moderators, to know what a blessing you are, to me! Thank You One And All, God Bless, Faith :D

  7. Dear santification, I still can't get registered on the forum, it won't except my Control picture:

    This control is designed to prevent the flooding by the register robots I copied it one under each one that was there, and it tells me that I didn't do it right. I tried to show you, by copeing it, but it won't let me paste it, to show you. I don't want to ask them, because I don't want to being attention to myself, right off the bat. I did read your posts, the last page that is. God Bless, Faith :laugh:

  8. Dear All, Another way to maybe reach some Mormons, with the truth, is a book that I copied below. From the Publisher

    Raised in the Mormon church, she dreamed of becoming a "heavenly queen." A personal account of one woman's Mormon heritage and her conversion to the Christian faith. Examines several important tenets of the Mormon faith.

    Customer Reviews

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    Guy, A reviewer, March 14, 2003,

    A clear look at the mormon church through the eyes of one raised in it.

    This book is a very easy read and filled with lots of mormon beliefs past and present. Thelma uses plenty of references to show the reader what commandments people like joseph smith and brigham young established in the mormon church. She shows where it is writen in the doctrines and covenents of the mormon church where brigham young stated that some sins could only be atoned by the shedding of that persons blood. She also gives her own life accounts of things that she saw happen while growing up in a mormon controlled town. I recommend this book to mormons and none mormons but especially mormons. Look for the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 14:6

    It is a really interesting book, she even gives you the book, page and paragraf, of where the Mormon can find this information for them selfs. And it is in the Mormons very owe books. I read it, when I came out of the Mormon religon, and I could hardly believe what I was reading, and that I had been a part of this religon! If you can get them to buy the book from the above book store, where I just got through buying it, (Amazon book store didn't have it ) they well see for them selves. God Bless You All, Faith :laugh:

  9. Dear Santification,

    But I will also pray, because I am suspicious there is some spiritual warfare going on here.

    I never thought of the above Duh! I well go back and try again. I don't want to e-mail them, because I don't want to bring attention to myself. Wish me luck! God Bless, Faith :)

  10. Dear sanctification, How in the world did you register on that Mormon site? They have that code you are supposed to enter, and I entered it just like they had it, and every time, I got that it didn't match? What do I need to do? Thank you and God Bless, Faith :exclaimation:

  11. Dear Jesusisgod2, Thank you for your come back. At the age that my husband and I were, and getting saved, we don't take lightly. Had either one of us died, we would have gone to hell. Jesus new that when our son died, that we would turn to Him, and He was there, with open arms! God Bless, Faith :t2:

  12. Dear Martin, By 1988 we had not been in a Mormon Church for over twenty years, but I still defended them and thought of my self as a Mormon. Had any one told me that the Mormon Church was a cult, I would have been really offended. In 1988 our son David died, I was forty eight at the time. And I liked your (what did the Lord do to bring us out) You hit it right on the head. It was nothing that we did, and every thing that the Lord did. We should have turned to the Mormon Church, but we new right off, that we didn't want the Mormon Church to have any thing to do with the service. We went to the Mountain Church, it was an Assembly Of God Church. The sunday after the service, at altar call I went for ward. As a child when we would be in the car, and I seen some one that was elderly, I would pray for them. But when I went for ward that Sunday morning, I told the Pastor that I wanted to know if there really was a God. We had always had a Bible, but it was like trying to read another language. He prayed with me, I got born again, and it was beautiful! I used to want to be born again, but I was already a Mormon. Little did I know that I needed to be born again. Now the Mormon's teach that you must be born again. They sure didn't teach that before. Then I found out what the Mormon teach and believe. Most of the stuff, I had never heard, such as lusifer, being the brother of Jesus, and on and on. Our whole family got saved, had our names removed from the Mormon Records, and God opened up His Word. But like I said before, we can not take any of the credit, it was Jesus all the way. God Bless, Faith :t2:

  13. Dear sanctification

    I just read your post, would you believe that I was raised a Mormon? I was even baptized for twenty-four dead people in the Mormon Temple, (the basement) and I sang once in the Mormon Tabernacle. I am going to stop here, in case you are checking to see if you got an answer. God Bless, Faith :hug:

  14. Dear Snowdoove I believe very much, that babies that die, go to heaven. They them selves, have done no wrong. I also believe that babies that have been aborted, and miscarriages also go to heaven. The reason that I believe this, is because, the minute that the sperm meets the egg, there is the start of life. At least this is what I believe. God Bless, Faith :laugh:

  15. Dear Calamity, Thank you so very much for sharing. Patsy and I have e-mailed off the board, and she is truly a beautiful person. I enjoy so much, reading Gary and Patsy's posts. I too have missed them. God Bless, SHALOM :hug:

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