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Everything posted by BloodofJesus

  1. I strongly disagree with BK110 above that dreams don't have any deep meanings, and that interpreting them is a tricky thing , on the contrary, dreams have a significant importance in our day to day life, there are scriptures to prove this as well. Some Biblical facts about dreams; 1. A recurring dream is a serious warning/communication from God; As in the case of Pharaoh's two dreams ( Genesis 41), Joseph had two dreams talking about his destiny ( Genesis 37:5-10 ). Why does God give us recurring dreams ? Because God always confirms what He says to you one way or another 2. Dreams are often the first place the devil attacks a person (non believers dream too); 3. Dreams were and still are used as communication by God to man in addition to visions, revelations, prophecies etc; 4. Dreams can only be interpreted through the Holy Spirit, there is no guess work here, it is a gift; So if you don't understand a dream, ask Him to give you the interpretation. Ask and you shall receive. It's in your best interest to know. Notable dreams in the Bible; Jacobs dream of a ladder to heaven and Gods promise - Genesis 28:10-22 Pharaohs dream of 7 years of famine & plenty -Genesis 41 Nebuchadnezzar's dream - Daniel 2 Angel telling Joseph to marry Mary - Genesis 1:20 Joseph told to flee to Egypt - Matthew 2:13 Wise men told to use a new route - Mathew 2:12 Joseph told to return to Israel - Mathew 2:10 Paul instructed to go to Macedonia - Acts 16:9-15 One hindrance to dream interpretation is when the dreamer doesn't expound as much details as possible, so tylern please tell us your dream with more detail, including things such as your emotional state in the dream, the whole ambience of the dream etc God bless.
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