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Posts posted by moon123


    3 minutes ago, Yowm said:

    I've requested they give you 'non believer' status, seeing you won't answer if you are a Muslim or Christian.

    You will not be posting here in the Inner Court. Non Believers post in the Outer Court with their questions.

    My answer is clear
    It is absurd to answer
    Because the question you ask
    It is not logical at all
    What you want to be my religion
    What motivates me to be here?
    If I were not a Christian?

  2. The idea of the question
    God appeared in the flesh
    God is his great size
    How can it expand in the small flesh?
    The flesh is its size for the earth atom
    The earth is also for atom space
    God is greater than space by reason
    How did God appear in this little body?
    That's my question
    My question to you?
    What is the spirit?
    Which is in your body
    Are you a body?
    Or the soul of the flesh dwelt
    From the greatest body or soul
    By logic the spirit is smaller than the body
    How can it widen in a body that is not smaller than it
    The truck can be driven by someone
    For it is smaller
    But how does the truck fit into a person's body?
    With the difference of analogy
    But an example
    The idea that how God can expand into the body of Jesus?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Yowm said:


    Yes, I'm asking if you are a Christian?

    Please give the Scripture reference where it says God expanded in a body. 

    He took on human flesh and human nature but where does it say He expanded?

    My friend gave you the reference of the gospel
    The idea
    Not that that is mentioned
    God is mentioned in the flesh
    But the subject
    Thinking has nothing to do with the book
    How did it expand?
    That's my question
    Incomprehensible and illogical
    this question
    If you ask a question to receive the charges?
    Are not you here for questions?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Yowm said:

    God became the God/man through the Virgin Birth?.

    If you are a Christian you should know that.

    Are you a Christian?

    (Epistle 1 Timothy 3:16) And by the great consensus is the great mystery of piety: God appeared in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, appeared to the angels, cherished among the nations, I believe in the world, raised in

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