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  1. So, I have been struggling with this question for a long time now. I am a divorced man. Divorced prior to my relationship with God. I know that it says in the bible that ministers should be one woman men. That they should be above reproach, and not fall to sexual sin. I agree with this statment, but I feel like my sin's of the past were wiped away once I gave my life over to Christ and became new in the spirit, washed by the blood. I have felt an undeniable push in my life towards ministry, but I have been hesitant to pursue this "calling" due to my fear that I have broken the laws of God. Can I still pursue my calling in ministry, or not? The thing that comes to the forefront of my mind every time I contemplate this is Pauls ministry. A man known for his murder and persecution of christians; called literally by God into ministry. So yeah, thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
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