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Everything posted by BeyondET

  1. Genesis 28:14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
  2. I don't know if there is, it would be like trying to look up your father's seed to determine rather you really came from your father in scripture. But you produce dust all the time. I haven't quite seen dust of the ground where is it located do you know? So I may see the dust.
  3. Show you what? That you produce rocks in your ears. Or that God netted
  4. Humans are walking ecosystems all on their own, hosting some 10,000 different species in and on the body.
  5. Do you know the properties of the dust of the ground? Because it's in you. So no God netted nothing, very well then if that's your point.
  6. I hope you did, though do you think God netted as well? Yes everything that constitutes dirt.
  7. Indeed that's what it appears to me as well. I didn't really connect with that idea until I read 2 Peter 3. That was a eye opener. Imo not only the earth was a wasteland but something happened in the heavens also. Can't have a present heavens unless something happened to the previous one. Thus the statement darkness was on the surface of the deep.
  8. Indeed the Monarch butterfly is a good example of God's design by designing that butterfly to pass on the smarts, memories of locations directions etc. They migrate from Canada to Mexico then back again over multiple generations.
  9. Adaptability is no doubt a process also of evolution. I'm not one who believes in evolution by chance or blind interaction, every step is of God's designed and He knows the outcomes. Most of the design is stored in stem cells, the building blocks of complex biological structures.
  10. Humans came from the dirt, everything that constitutes dirt. Rocks,clay,microorganisms, animals, water, salt etc. Everything that can be identified in dirt.
  11. Metamorphosis is a fast tracked type of evolution, caterpillar to a butterfly. The caterpillar is totally wiped out nothing but soup of raw DNA. Then a stem cell turns on that holds the blueprint of the butterfly for which the soup is reconstructed into the butterfly. Yes both animals are from the same material but they evolve from one species to another overnight practically.
  12. The wasteland is intriguing, the verse 6 below I've thought of it speaking of the flood and Noah. But verse 7 mentions the present heavens and earth which the flood of Noah's time I don't recall the heavens being a wasteland of sorts as well. But in Genesis there is darkness on the surface of the deep (dark heavens) and the (wasteland earth) covered in water for which the present earth was restored/formed out of water by water. Because these verses below doesn't seem to be talking about the flood in Noah's time. In Genesis verse 2 there's the water that the dryland appears (formed) after being separated from the (by) water above. 2 Peter 3 5 But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world of that time perished in the flood. 7 And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
  13. And you might want to look into what a breath is made of, it's not DNA.
  14. Though human and apes came from another ancestor, humans didn't evolve from apes.
  15. Your breath is separate from your organs so was Adam's.
  16. Moses wasn't aware of the modern scientific clock of 24 hours a day. They certainly didnt look at days as such, and the evening and morning Light was the hardest to figure out it was impossible for the People who were task with keeping time.
  17. Man showed up then God breathed into his nostrils ... BOOM ... Adam was already alive walking around before the breath was given, thus resided living soul. Like today breath and life when a human dies life within the body lives on for quite awhile, that life is clueless that the breath is gone. In the same way man was clueless of having a soul, until the breath was given. I think metamorphosis had a bigger role in creation rather than being mostly confined to the insect world as it is today.
  18. Yes human beings are categorized zoologically as members of the broader ape superfamily, but they are usually placed within their own subcategories because of the larger brain size, more advanced cognitive abilities etc. Humans and chimpanzees share 98% identical DNA, also fruit flys and Humans share 60% identical DNA along with a host of other similarities in other animals. But I don't think Humans directly evolve from apes and fruit flys but common ancestors in many categories not just primates it seems. Where was the fruit fly to have 60% identical DNA to humans.
  19. The days were not like the ones on earth. You've got to drop your understanding of time by using a mechanical clock. When Genesis was written the evening and morning was impossible to know when there is light but nothing to measure time with. I have no doubt they understood what that meant a unknown period of time.
  20. Fully mature trees are already grown. God grows trees He doesn't plant fully mature trees, without any pruning. Cows have calves so that's not a good example. Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
  21. But you want to act like they are included by assuming a day included those periods just like today and you can't go by the finished product earth which wasn't even formed and rotating nor a fixed sun in the beginning
  22. Possibly a weakening of the polar vortex.
  23. Time doesn't apply just to Genesis. Those lights are in the galaxy and others in the universe which everything physical resides in of coarse the universe is relevant you said it isnt I disagree.
  24. That's not what I meant. Darwin evolution is something I don’t subscribe to. I don't believe humans evolved from apes.
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