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Thomas Eidsaa

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Posts posted by Thomas Eidsaa

  1. Thank you. That was indeed worthy YOWM! Praise Jesus!!! That was wonderful! God bless you!

    Wow.. That`s the best I`ve ever heard.

    I`ve written on soaking in a book of mine.

    While the term ‘soaking’ is a new way of referring to contemplative prayer, the Bible has much to say about spending intimate time communing with God. In the Twenty-Third Psalm, King David wrote of the shepherding heart of God who leads us into green pastures and restores our soul.

    There are many other Scriptures that refer to these intimate times with our Savior:

    Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2

    Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Psalm 4:4

    Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7

    Matthew 11:28-30

    Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

    Isaiah 40:31

    But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.

    Soaking in the presence of the Lord opens up the heart to Divine romance and intimacy. It allows the Lord to show His love to you and you to fall in love with Him. Much as a married couple find that their love and intimacy deepen as they spend more and more time together, so our love for the Lord grows through intimate times of fellowship with Him.

    But soaking prayer can also be childlike and playful, like going to visit your best friend and just ‘hanging out’ together.

    Soaking prayer is an exercise of resting in God. Jesus called this ‘abiding in Him’.

    This is my view on soaking.

    Now I will share some of my opinions on the matter of pentecostal trends.

    Negative trends imo:

    1. Happening-christianity: Where it`s a ¨thing¨, a ¨simple youth club¨, and more of a show/concert. Many seek sexual relationships.

    2. Success christianity. Monetary business that sell books, and video-sessions on mental therapy, philosophy, and sociology rather than taking up your cross, and following Him (to put it bluntly).

    3. Mercy-christianity with singular focus on Paulian bible-verses. Some far-out pentecostal Churches has become void of meaning if you can ¨do what you want.¨ Was Jesus sacrifice in vain???!! The gravity of sin is very real! I hope I can soon share my testimony of deliverance as to how important sacred life is.

    I am sorry to tell you; we experience alot of wicca, satanism, and Luciferianism in Norway. I know the methods of the devil very well. I intend to expose him, and would love to start this as a topic here on worthy one day. The problem with all-accepting super-mercy pentecostal soaking services is that: that spiritual experience you feel might not be from God! We`ve had problems at our prayer-house with disguised satanists, but we`ve managed to reed most of them out. Halleluja. Praise Jesus.

    If anyone want to debate, emphasize, or add to my opinion; please feel free. :)

    I`m sick today - cough -  at a non-denominational prayer-house seeking the Lord. Im on my way. Im not where you are yet Yowm. Gosh. I love, and admire pillars of faith such as you.



  2. Hi everyone! Does Christianity have essential deeds? No. We have salvation. While other religions grow out of deeds; never resting assured in your salvation; deeds in christianity grow out from deep personal relationship and conviction.

    We have f.i the 7 pillars of Islam.

    I`m a bit of a student myself, so I tried finding what the Bible says is essential. For; in Norway; we have 3 B`s. Bible, Bønn (prayer in english) , and Brødsbrytelse (Sacred Communion) .

    So to my astonishment; I found 7 deeds that all start with a B in norwegian. I considered this a miracle.

    I list those here.

    1. Bekjennelse/Confessing; the christian faith, or becoming christian, and confessing sins.

    2. Bønn/Prayer; for yourself, countries, loved ones etc facing Jerusalem 3 times a day. Your intimate life with God. Worship either through soaking, singing, praising God in nature, or art each day.

    3. Bibel/Bible. Read the Bible, and study the works, and secrets of God`s hand in creation.

    4. Bud/The commandments. Meditate on them, and keep them throughout the day; it helps us having God as our first priority, first love and focus.

    5. Brorsfelleskap/Fellowship. Attending church. Being with Christian friends. Bible study. Cell groups.

    6. Brødsbrytelse/The sacred communion.

    7. Befalingen/The Great Commision. Preach the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

    What do you think of this list? And if you liked it; is there something to add?

    Yours sincerely.


  3. 25 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    May I suggest that you take your ideas and place them beside scripture to see if they line up?  I can tell you that they do not.  If you want to discuss why I make such a claim, you will need to tell me where you are getting this from.  Is there somewhere in scripture that you believe points to all this?  Before I go on, I'd like to know on what basis you make such claims.

    The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. - Matthew 25:3

    He is coming like thief in the night. The foolish ones didn`t prepare for his coming. We should prepare for his coming, and save as many as possible!

  4. 3 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    Wow ... I don't know where to really start here, but I will try.

    What do you mean by: "I still think we should prepare for his coming building on solid rock; being John the Baptist`s" ... Are you telling us that the solid rock is John the Baptist?

    Then you state: "I believe he won`t come until the the Great Mission is complee, and his kingdom is set up" ... what Great Mission is that you speak of?  What kingdom are you talking about?

    You then claim: " He is already walking among us! Many have seen him physically!" ... who is He that you speak of?

    Thank you for asking. The solid rock is the confession of St.Peter. Being John the Baptist`s meaning preparing for His second coming. I think we should build society on the Bible; Jesus; the Solid Rock; preparing his Kingdom. The great comission to preach to all the nations; when that is complete; I truly believe Jesus will walk among us; for I know people who has seen Jesus physically.

  5. 1 minute ago, Yowm said:

    Thomas, that is not what I was asking. I asked," 

     Do you see it as fully God's Word or some of God's Word as well as other great writings of man?"

    I was asking about the Bible. Is it fully inspired by God and without error or do we need to look to other writings of man for revelation concerning things eternal?

    The reason I asked was because in your dream you threw in a lot of humanistic and metaphysical ideas as well as other specific literature.


    Thank you precising. That IS a tricky question. The Bible urges us to seek knowledge. And I believe the Bible is fully God`s word. I believe the Bible will always interpret itself by itself; but that knowledge awailable to the ones who wrote it can give us keys to understand it`s grandure. Amen?

  6. We are in this world, but not off this world. While I say a totalitarian etno-religious christian state doesn`t exist, and probably won`t until Our Lord arrives; I still think we should prepare for his coming building on solid rock; being John the Baptist`s. It`s not impossible! We should unite; just like Jesus prays for our unity! I believe he won`t come until the the Great Mission is complete, and his kingdom is set up. He is already walking among us! Many have seen him physically! That day IS coming! Be it 100 years, or 100.000 years; HIS kingdom is everlasting! And why should we not have self-sustaining, independent, christian, survivalism village societies of monastic life away from the post-modern, pagan ¨Babylon and Egypt¨? It would be cool if the youth re-emerged the tradition of monastries like they were in medieval times; although reformed, and lived differently from the world. I see this happening with movements like Ffald Y Brennin. I was there just one week ago! That`s what made me think up this post. Good night folks. It`s night time here. :) <3 U guys. Stay blessed! :)

  7. 23 minutes ago, Yowm said:

    The 144,000 have to do with saved Jews( 12,000 from each tribe) out of the Tribulation, not us.

    BTW, how do you view the Bible? Do you see it as fully God's Word or some of God's Word as well as other great writings of man?

    Hi Yowm. Yes that`s right. I personally feel called to save jews. We can discuss that more in another thread one day. Would be great. Thank you for asking. I see the word of God is absolutely divinely inspired and amazing; thank you GOD! :D Halleluja! You should check out Ivan Panin`s numerics in scripture; proof that it transcends time and dimension. Halleluja.

  8. 6 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:
    1 minute ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

    This was never JESUS IDEALS FOR THE CHURCH.   HE knew what was in men and man.   We were simply to preach the gospel till his return

    this you speak of ,  oh in part it will happen.  But woe unto these leaders and those who follow them.    This is nothing like the KINGDOM JESUS preached

    in fact on a smaller scale its been done before .     lets see what came out of those mindsets...............a one world christanity

    HMMM< oh yeah THE CRUSAIDES .  only this time it will be again and come against all who conformed not to this world peace utopian universal lie .

    History does repeat and IS REPEATING .   all this power in the hands of a few , always ends with much blood

    only this time This is one far stretching kingdom , so I expect the numbers will be so high that are killed out of all nations tribes etc

    that no man can count them.   PS , sounds like the GREAT TRIBULATOIN HOUR .    I want no part of this dream and you need to flee it too.

    ALL we need is CHRIST and all we need is the Simplicity of just preaching the gospel .  not this world peace lie.   MILITARY and POLICE

    yall are getting set up big time .   You need to flee this dream and return to the simple preaching OF CHRIST . 

    I understand your fear, but we are talking about the government of Jesus; or; we are simply dreaming. I think I outlined a biblical governmental form, but I understand your fears. What I fear is worldwide communism not right-wing liberal markets as we are discussing here. I believe the antichrist will be a great communist.

    Yes I understand your fear..! But don`t forget about Jesus, and the 144.000! We should group together. Unite!

  9. 1 hour ago, Butero said:

    My ideal would have Christianity as the only religion.  Abortion, homosexual activity, pornography, idolatry and witchcraft would be banned.  We would return to the traditional family with the working Father and stay at home Mother.  Feminism wouldn't exist.  The welfare state would be gone and churches and family would take care of the disabled.  Children would all be home schooled.  Clothing styles would resemble what they wore in the 1930s.  

    We would have respect for the military and law enforcement.  You would see Christian symbols everywhere.  The 10 commandments would be outside every courthouse and manger scenes would be present in public parks each Christmas season.  KJV Bible study would be a required curriculum to graduate from school and there would be no mention of things like evolution.  Patriotism and nationalism would be the norm.  

    We would be self sufficient.  Drilling and fracking would be encouraged.  We would have a free market economy with no minimum wage.  There would be no anti-discrimination laws.  A strong military would be the main purpose of the federal government.  There would be no liberals or progressives.  

    Yes! Fantastic! Absolutely! This gives me hope to read. Truly; this will some day be a reality. :) With proper schooling; the people are conscious about the afterlife effects of this life; which could even be done in scientific doctoral studies. One university to change the world. I agree with everything you say, but want to take it a little bit further. Imo; the state could be reduced to police and military. A theocracy elected by the church members by vote constitutes the parliament whom HIRE officials to constitute the government for periods extending 4 years. Do you agree? The reason why the power of government should be abolished completely; along with taxes; is so the corrupt system can never re-emerge. With everyone christian; ruled by morale and conduit; all disadvantaged people would be embraced by private social wellfare, hospitals, school etc. Yet I agree that taxes could be beneficial, but. It`s just the power-system Im afraid off. Huge wellfare fonds by the rich would provide for the poor in this theocracy; just as we give 10% to the church. Church nation. XD It would be like during the patriarchy of Israels judges. Would it be easier for the church to control private enterprises than a powerful socialist government? YES! The church-military would be ruling figure.

  10. Thank you for your replies. Please don`t ban me! I repent. Still; I think that an ecumenical, monastic movement cultivating soul and soil as primary focus in life; seeking God with all your heart; away from the world; is a way to strengthen Christianity. I will keep my societal opinions personal, and focus on the Bible. Draw us close to you oh God..

  11. Hello dear brothers! In Norway where I come from; there are many upset about the state. Many of us want to return to cultivating soil and soul; so I wrote about my dream society. You arrive at a peaceful, idyllic village hidden by clouds, and valleys in mid-Norway. It is autumn, and the generational trees planted 50 years ago make you feel you are moving into a geometric garden of Eden with all kinds of flowers. While you walk beneath the red leaves; you see pyramids, a water-facility-well, a revolutionary spirit-healing, and herbal ¨hospital¨, a school with all the knowledge in the world, a football-field, a science facility, a outdoors forum that looks like something from Rome, and new architecture of romantic artistic houses with painting you have never seen before. This is part of the global village reservatory project of Jesus. The people meeting you are of all races, yet greet you with norwegian cloathing; and preach a universal gospel. They tell of a harmonic natural way of living, working for your food, marrying your classmates with immeasurable romance, and teaching the children TRUE science and history. Cultivating soil and soul; focusing on the afterlife. It exists because the state is liberalistic, and allows private schools. But here they`ve taken it even further; into anarchist-theocracy. A church spires above the little fantasy-town where the village is governed by miracle-working saints, and humanistic heroes. In a smaller village like this one; the church functions both as social-welfare centre, judical institution, school, religious school, church and governance. Somewhere in the world is their headquarters. Their mission spread fast across the globe; giving ethnic people pride in their heritage. In the valley bordering this one; there is a Viking village, and then a muslim quarters; all agreeing on the enlightenment philosophy, human values, common morals, and their common heritage as_abrahamic_faiths. If you read the books of Yair Davidiy; you will discover all are children of Israel! The Bible even prophecies they will return, and that the world shall be one shortly after! The villagers tell you how they created a revolution renaissance of liberty, love, light, knowledge, art and success; introducing the New Age of worldwide peaceful co-existance. Equilibrium; for this world is too good to miss out. All the villagers agree that St.Thomas was right. ¨There is no other goal aside from Utopia, and socialist Utopia wasn`t the Christian trend.¨ Never has farming, and peaceful living been so easy. They feel like the pallet example of living in harmony with God, themselves and nature; as if in the garden of Eden. They hope it will last 1000 generations; and why not? The people are eager to take the knowledge from extensive doctoral proof of Christianity into the ¨World/Babylon/Egypt¨ for a new renaissance. They know they can stop the NWO. They are not yet at their goal, but the entire world loves them for their pro-activism for peace, love, and zero crime statistics. Over the globe; many christians have become inspired by their achievements to create cultural reservatories merging their individual nationalist culture with the global morale, and truths of Abrahamic faiths; thus creating a perfect globalist order of peaceful villages of all cultures as a mirror of God`s beauty of natural plurality; like the different trees make a forest beautiful..; not the hegemoni of the NWO Babylon! Huh! There has never been a theft, stabbing, or murder in any of these anarchistic societies, although there has been reports of wild sexual norsemen. We only accomplished our goals through love and light. Together these two make the law for all eternity. Love is akin to the word law, and means morale, respect, social kindness and care. Light means truth, enlightenment, spreading of knowledge, exchange of ideas, peace and order. Together; love and light create all visible life in the univserse. (except from deep-ocean volcanoes)

    (And God is of course the creator of light and love) Have a great day! :) Yours truly

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