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Max Purl

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Posts posted by Max Purl

  1. I like trying the suggestion why Christianity’s original source would make the only sense as where to find its real definition.  What did the movement’s founder really say about being worldly?  I would pose to the dime-a-dozens, ‘Even if he was just a character, if they’re not keeping his sayings, then you’re saying in order to be his followers, it was his teaching to not keep them.’  People don’t even know how much sense they don’t make.  Tell them wordsearch “hypocrites” in a Bible, maybe.  lol   

    People take comfort in conveniently missing the distinction of supposing Christians as hypocrites from all the professing Christians who are.  Most don’t think it’s important enough to care or they’re too lazy to do anything but go by just what people tell them to think.  So, it helps to keep in mind the roots of the problem, confusion and cluelessness, if trying to answer.  But we try because, if the Holy Spirit can get through to us, he can open eyes and save anyone whom he wants.  It’s up to him. 

    In the end though, even those who at some point are deemed disqualified as being the minds of people, God is appeasing by giving them what they wished, who are not taken to be with their creator, as in the sense of “welcoming,”[1] as these did not receive the love of the truth.  An interesting caveat to this is the word the KJV translates “convenient” in Romans 1: 28 means fitting or proper, as in this context would relay, ‘I come down to being unfit, exiting the proper order.’  The order of reality is whatever the Most-High, Yhovah Elohiym’s will says it is, for he is love.  1 Corinthians 13 is the Bible’s way of saying love is the only thing that is eternal in nature.  (agapè- love.  The King James missed it a little on this one.)    

    --Funny, the very first thing Yeshua said, when his disciples asked him the sign of his coming and the end of the age, had to do with your point: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Messiah, and they will deceive many.”  It’s a perfect way to put into words the depth of the deception, when you think about it.  For the longest time, I took this passage to mean many would come claiming to be him, but lately, I’ve realized that Jesus was referring to himself with the personal pronoun and simply meant that even many preaching he’s the Messiah would deceive many by their subsequent misportrayals of him. 

    It’s the old bait and switch.  Some say the cleverest thing the devil ever did was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.  That actually might be a close second though to the wholesale installation of glorified used-car salesmen and con artists operating under the name of Christian ministry for the express purpose of making the said truth appear a certain way, misdirecting and repulsing the many.  Enemy agents.  Satan’s @$$-puppets.  Call them what you will.  Duped dupers.  And they’ve been very effective.  The world doesn’t look this way by accident, I suggest.  The most insidious and tentacled version of this ploy or psyop became institutionalized starting around 300AD with the retooling of the enemy’s universal church, essentially presenting pagan Luciferian sun-god worship under the guise of Christianity.  And again, almost nobody cares or even notices.  Or, at least the ones who did were genocided out of existence…  --Just a coincidence, right?  I suspect the members among us and the people who hate them you reference are almost all products of this and myriad other misrepresentations of the message of the Kingdom into the worship of the creation in some form or another.

    Many are fooled—so many, in fact, it’s becoming painfully apparent that the elitist view of common-folk chattel being as gullible as a herd of cattle might not really be too far off.  Maybe we have this world because it’s what we deserve.  By default, it seems, the world does love the darkness.  Another barrier to keep in mind is we hate to admit we’ve been fooled.  Even for the few who have received the love of the Truth, having been fooled angers us.  But we all have our levels of being too trusting and misinformed in life.  I never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or Evolutionism, even as a child, but, it turns out it were the fairytale ones that had at least some basis of historicity.  The deception Jesus spoke of is spectacular.  And I have to admit they had me going on Copernicusian globular Heliocentrism for most my life.  

    All we can do then is plant seeds and hope some take.  There is an awakening happening right, now, and maybe having the problem’s framework in view would help us formulate effective approaches.  But, especially then, be prepared to shake the dust off your sandals and move on.   

    Once again, my reply is way long.  Hope I wasn’t too boring.  Love    


    [1] 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12

  2. On 4/18/2018 at 8:31 AM, pg4Him said:

    It really doesn't matter what we see in it or what we think it means. Eisegesis is never much more than an exercise in personal indulgence. The only reality is what the artist intended to say. If this artist has no particular message and wants to provoke us all to eisegesis, it means the artist is using the art as a social experiment.

    If someone is naturally critical or judgmental, they will "see" a hypocrite. If someone is naturally pragmatic, they will see flawed humanity colliding with the divine. If someone is naturally diplomatic, they will see transformation.

    This is a social experiment designed to "teach you something about yourself" depending on how you react.

    Love it!  This is really most insightful and the (unique) approach/perspective --quite enjoyable to come across.  Impressive.  I was really kind of stunned by reading it.  N i c e.     

    • Thanks 1
  3. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.  (Luke 23: 34)  If one can find scriptures that verify Yeshua is unchanging, that he is the truth, who tells the truth and that he is the judge, his famous words from the cross establish precedent (unchanging).  Many might quarrel with this, doubting he is really unchanging and feeling perhaps he didn’t realize what the words meant that he was saying.  Personally, I think he’s smart.  If I recall, there is a verse in Revelation that says he has a name nobody knows, which begs the question, does any of us really know even his (real) name?  There’s a lesson in humility, even for the most learned Bible scholar, the degree of latitude the Savior must afford himself in this Luke quote and elsewhere for the sake of accomplishing his will to save human beings.  There are several, rather large, layers of the answer to this question that go well beyond the scope of a comment reply in a forum such as this, but I think we can see that this pronouncement at least gives Jesus the complete discretional latitude to forgive and thus save whomever he chooses, as we all easily qualify for not knowing as a grounds for forgiveness, which he, himself set, especially when compared to complete (only) knowledge of the Eternal Lord’s.  But if that still leaves one a little sketchy, keep in mind that one of the things we do not know is how often he is there at a human’s last breath, telling him his name. 

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