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Jesus Won't Let Go

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Everything posted by Jesus Won't Let Go

  1. Doubt. Fear. There were cold, brick walls all around. I couldn't get out and no one could get in. Completely alone. All alone in a tiny damp cell. I wanted out. I would pound at the wall, and cry out for Jesus to help me get out of there. I wanted to be with Jesus. If I could only get through the wall to Him. I wanted Him to pull me out of that damp little jail. Hour after hour I felt alone. I felt I had failed Jesus. And I couldn't find the door to freedom. Yet now... I'm beginning to realize that during every hour that I felt alone, Christ told me I wasn't. And every time I cried out for Jesus to help me get out to Him, He took my hand and told me He was there with me. Every tear I cried Jesus caught and put them in a bottle. I still struggle with the thought that Jesus really wants to hold me.... Yet on this journey I have realized just how caring and loving Jesus truly is.
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