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Everything posted by Cheleybean55

  1. I was saved shortly after being married. My husband was a pagan when we were married. After I was saved. He wanted to divorce because he said he promised himself he would never marry a Christian. I said no to that. And began reading my bible for the first time. I learned about pagans and quickly realised I did not want to be married to a pagan. After weeks of prayer and fasting God told me to tell him to renounce his pagan faith or I would leave. My husband did in fact renounce his pagan faith. Fast forward 8 years. We have done a whole lot of fighting and marriage counseling. It came to my attention in a recent session he has never gotten over renouncing his faith. He has yet to accept the Lord as his savior and he has also been diagnosed with adjustment disorder. I feel I am the head of the household spiritually and in all other aspects of responsibility. I just want to be with someone who I can live my life for Jesus. I feel I am missing out on a whole other life. My husband isnt just a non follower but he despises everything to do with Jesus. I want to be able to openly pray before dinner or read my bible without it being WWIII. I've read every scripture there is about marriage. Paul says to stay as u were when u were called. After 8 years I'm just exhausted and I just want to be happy. I have the joy of the spirit but I am not happy. I really dont know what to do. Please help. Any advice is appreciated. TIA
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