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Posts posted by W O T L

  1. To Brothers and Sisters of Christ,

    I am troubled and saddened by the amount of hatred and judgment you have on fellow children of Christ. It makes me question if we are being led by the same Spirit of God. Are we bearing good fruit because of Christ? We are born in darkness and the only way to find the Light is through the grace of God. He calls us to repent and seek Him who is the way, the truth and the life. It is not good enough to say that I believe in Jesus Chist and that He died for my sins, and then continuing to live in sin. Faith isn't believing in a statement. Faith is a gift from God that continues to grow with our walk with Him. Our faith grows when our trust for Jesus also grows. And how does our trust for God grow? It grows when we see how much he has changed us through His Grace. We are able to see clear differences in our life before and after knowing Christ. Through His grace we are able to overcome sin. Our thoughts, desires are not motivated by the flesh, but of the Holy Spirit.

    Brothers and Sisters let us pray for each other to see the truth. 

    Holy Spirit come and burn our calloused hearts, and fill us with your spirit.


    May the Grace of God be with you.

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