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Everything posted by Sparklediver

  1. Hey everyone! Just curious to see if anyone else has been through something similar and has some scripture or prayer ideas to help... I have friends but they aren’t really the “talking” type and I feel best when I am able to talk through everything. I am the type who likes to help and do things for those I care about and my friends are not really receptive to it. I am completely away from my family and my culture so I am just feeling very lonely. I feel like I have a lot of love to share with others and I would love to have someone to talk to about my day but my friends aren’t really that type so I am just feeling very lonely. I know that I am where God wants me to be and that these are the people God wants in my life but I just cannot kick the feeling lonely. I have a feeling that God has likely put me in this situation to focus on myself more (because I was in situations before where people took advantage of my giving nature) but I am really lost as far as how to feel whole when I feel so alone. Thanks for any advice :)
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