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  1. God called me into Ministry in 2003. I saw two very clear visions on two consecutive days. The third day I was caught up in heaven and God showed me marvellous things. When I came out of this, God has been speaking to me audibly through the Holy Spirit. A lot of deep deep things have happened since 2003. He has told me that I am an end time Prophet and that He has separated me as a Remnant to Himself for the purpose of extending His Kingdom here on Earth. The other deep things He said to me are sealed. Now I have been praying for the people to stand with as God continues to reveal Himself to me. I need much prayer and meditation. One sure thing is that I am a Worshipper and an Intercessor used by God in a very unique way. I desire to stand with intercessors and prayer warriors who are building their faith daily. Yours in Kingdom Service Maria
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